elroacho@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:23 am : Hey,
It’s been awhile since I have visited these forums. The project I undertook was more than I bargained for. 3 years later and a famous quote comes to mind "Art is never finished, only abandoned". This is as close to done as I can get it by myself. I had to stop working on this for almost a year because my work got so intense. Now that I got some free time on my hands, I decided to tidy up and release this mod. I apologize for my absence, but sometimes it gets too depressing trying to figure out mine and everyone else’s problems (and believe me, I had some doozies).
I would appreciate some feedback on anything that I might have been overlooked. If nothing is found, I will release the final version shortly after. I’ll stick your name in the credits and try and return the favor

ELDOOM Mod for Doom 3 - 1.3 - Final Beta
The Doom 3 v1.3 patch is required to play.
Single player Doom 3 maps with lots of action.
A full story from beginning to end.
High quality portal skies.
Large custom quality maps.
Always run with no stamina (toggleable on/off).
Slightly modified weapons (toggleable on/off).
Classic nightmare mode (toggleable on/off).
New custom cinematics and animations.
Optional double barrel shotgun (requires RoE).
And much more... See README
ELDOOM 0.9 Zip:
eldoom_0.9.zip (97.2 MB) Compressed Archive
ELDOOM 0.9 Exe:
eldoom_0.9.exe (97.1 MB) Self-Extracting Archive
ELDOOM : High Quality Music:
eldoom_hq_music.zip (17.7 MB) Compressed Archive
ELDOOM 0.9 - 1.3.1 - Win32 DLL (if you have the 1.3.1 patch, you'll need this file):
game00_win32_1.3.1.zipELDOOM 0.9 - 1.3.1 - Linux DLL (if you have the 1.3.1 patch, you'll need this file):





Bo$bevok@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:19 pm : will it work with d3 patch 1.3.1?
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:04 pm :
bhenderson@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:09 pm : This looks interesting. I'll check it out. 3 years...wow!
elroacho@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:32 pm : Bo$bevok wrote:
will it work with d3 patch 1.3.1?
Man, there's another patch! I'll have to look into that, I've been out of the loop for awhile. I may have to compile a new dll for it to work with a new patch. Not sure yet.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:59 pm : Yes, you have to recompile it for the current version, it doesn´t work with 1.3.1 (just checked it).
Looks very promising, can´t wait to play this!
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:27 pm : Tnx elroacho, I'll give it a shot!

elroacho@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:34 pm : Updated:
Here is the DLL for Doom 3 : ELDOOM - 1.3.1 - Win32
Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:14 am : Thanks for the update patch, it´s working fine now.
I just played until the start of the second level, but I want to give you some feedback now and maybe more later after I finished playing the whole episode.
I really like the mod you included, it´s like a compilation of (almost) all the small but relevant gameplay enhancements I wish for (most important: the "always run" option! I always missed that in the original game). And the way you made those optional mods accessable through the menu is very neat and user friendly. Spot on!
I like the level design so far, the big gloomy hangar in the start is a great set. Nice subtle ambient sound as well.
Now some points I don´t liked. First thing is what I call the
unpredictable level exit. I don´t understand why mappers still do this, especially when id Software since Wolf3D showed a variety of ways how to solve this better. The bad thing about "invisible" level exits is that it pulls the player suddenly out of the game: one moment you are playing and exploring the world, next moment the screen freezes and you stare at a loading screen. Don´t forget that any player on the first playthrough doesn´t know that this is the exit, when it isn´t marked as such. Give the player a hint that that particluar door is the exit and not just another regular door, so they can decide freely when to exit (for example, I always like to explore the level some more and restock on health and ammo, before I exit). The way it´s done in the original Doom3 with ext GUIs works very well IMO. It´s clear, but still subtle, because the GUI is a plausible part of the environment.
Another small thing are the target_tips in the second level. Make sure you only use them in peaceful passages, because nobody will read a text message when he has to battle 2 hellknights at the same time

Another minor thing: objective popups feel more coherent when they come together with the according situation. So when the objective is to restart some generator, it´s good to actually see the shut off generator before the objective pops up, or to see a reason why exactly the shut-off generator is blocking your progression (non-working lift or whatever. I just played the very first room of level2, so I don´t know yet what it is).
elroacho@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:47 pm : Tetzlaff wrote:
Now some points I don´t liked. First thing is what I call the unpredictable level exit.
I see what you mean. I'll see what I can do.
Tetzlaff wrote:
Another small thing are the target_tips in the second level. Make sure you only use them in peaceful passages, because nobody will read a text message when he has to battle 2 hellknights at the same time

Again I see what you mean. Actually, the target_tip fires in the small room before the HK's. If you run through, you get the effect you mentioned. But that can be easily tweaked.
Tetzlaff wrote:
Another minor thing: objective popups feel more coherent when they come together with the according situation.
Hmm, I thought I did that. I'll have to dig into this one a little deeper.
Thanks Tetzlaff.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:51 pm : Played through the 2nd level and a big part of the 3rd level now. The outside area in level3 is really nice!
There are a couple of things that could need some polish:
-You should definitely fix the red/green lights on doorframes. When the door is just a regular door, you control the lights colour with ShaderParm7 on the model. If it´s a door which is locked, then unlocked later, you need to use the "buddy" option and type in the entity name of the door as buddy, so that lights change from red to green according to the door status (it´s explained in the editor).
-GUIs that are just eye candy should be set non-interactive (gui_noninteractive 1), or else they can get in the way in the middle of a fight.
-When you pick up a key or ACO card, the key icon isn´t displayed in the PDA (don´t know how to fix this because I didn´t do PDA scripting yet).
-When you get someones PDA and receive a message "security clearence updated", the new PDA just says "security clearence: general access" like any regular PDA (again, I don´t know how to fix).
elroacho wrote:
Tetzlaff wrote:
Another minor thing: objective popups feel more coherent when they come together with the according situation.
Hmm, I thought I did that. I'll have to dig into this one a little deeper.
My example wasn´t very clear, sorry. What I meant was, when you start level 2, and you still are in that small first room, you immediatly get the objective to fix the elevator, but you haven´t yet seen the elevator at that early point. How should the marine know that there is a non-working elevator somewhere ahead, when he hasn´t seen anything of the level yet? It would feel more logical if the objective pops up right after you reach the elevator the first time. But it´s just a minor point, probably many players don´t care.
I have to say I didn´t liked the gameplay in the second level too much. It was a bit too formulaic, most rooms had the same "lights out, monsters spawn in" routine. You could mix things a bit up by placing some idle monsters that attack when they see you (ambush 1) instead of triggering and spawning all the time (and turning the lights off with every spawn gets old quickly).
But I liked the boss fight in the teleporter room against Mancubus plus Lost Souls on those moving pillars, that was quite fun.
Weapon / ammo placement could be a bit more tactical, it´s practically overabundant.
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:00 pm : very good!!!

the double fight with the Cyberdemon , the encounter with betruger, the end against the time, fantastic!

elroacho@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:37 pm : Tetzlaff wrote:
-You should definitely fix the red/green lights on doorframes.
Sweet, I was pulling my hair out trying to fix this.
Tetzlaff wrote:
-GUIs that are just eye candy should be set non-interactive (gui_noninteractive 1), or else they can get in the way in the middle of a fight.
I know exactly what you mean, I didn't know about "gui_noninteractive 1"

Tetzlaff wrote:
-When you pick up a key or ACO card, the key icon isn´t displayed in the PDA (don´t know how to fix this because I didn´t do PDA scripting yet).
This might be tricky, but sounds doable. And I see what you mean about the objectives.
Tetzlaff wrote:
I have to say I didn´t liked the gameplay in the second level too much. It was a bit too formulaic, most rooms had the same "lights out, monsters spawn in" routine.
Ya, I will change some of those, the 2nd level was really the first map, that's why it has a "simple" style. This was brought up before - it's scary editing something that already works, just not the way you want - in case it breaks by changing it. Time to bite the bullet.
Thanks Tetzlaff
Hexen Terzo wrote:
very good!!!

the double fight with the Cyberdemon , the encounter with betruger, the end against the time, fantastic!

Bubba-E@Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:56 am : I don't know why, but I absolutely love this shot.
http://www.8888jobdone.com/eldoom/scree ... hot_01.jpgI like the choice of textures, the lighting, the skylight, everything. Great job man, on that part, and the whole mod.
*two thumbs up*
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:22 am : Wow, very impressive! Alot of work must have gone into this, all those cinematics and stuff... I love that.
Some criticism applies, most of it was already mentioned by Tetzlaff.
At some point in the map with the large outdoor portions I got killed and couldn't reload my savegame (I was at the start of the level after reloading, even though the screenshot of the savegame showed that I saved it somewhere else), so I switched on godmode and never turned it off. I kinda took the fun out of it for myself, sorry. And then the hell map seemed really difficult ("seemed" because having only played it in godmode I can't really judge that), especially the lethal trap with the spikes coming from both sides. I had to switch on noclip (after trying and dying several times first).
The level geometry sometimes lacked detail, but that didn't diminish the fun. Really impressive!
Did you do all those cinematics yourself? What tools did you use? How much work was it, compared to the rest of the mapping process?
elroacho@Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:09 am : Bubba-E wrote:
*two thumbs up*
der_ton wrote:
I got killed and couldn't reload my savegame
That's weird. What version where you using (1.3 or 1.3.1)? Did you change anything in the mod before this happened? I have changed a single line in a map script and it causes my savegame not to work - anything like that? I'll have to look into this.
der_ton wrote:
the hell map seemed really difficult...especially the lethal trap with the spikes coming from both sides
What difficulty did you have it on? Only a handful of people will make it through on nightmare. Hard is for the die hards. Medium is a steep step up from easy - a bit less than hard. Easy is for the casual gamer (similar to regular Doom 3 medium). There's stuff on easy that no other difficulty has. For instance, a walkway connecting two areas where on any other difficulty - the player has to jump for it. The spike trap hasn't been tweaked for difficulty, I wasn't sure if it needed it. So I'll probably slow them down per difficulty.
der_ton wrote:
The level geometry sometimes lacked detail, but that didn't diminish the fun
On the hell map or every map? Just wondering what areas in particular. Screenshot maybe?
der_ton wrote:
Did you do all those cinematics yourself? What tools did you use? How much work was it, compared to the rest of the mapping process?
I did all of the cinematics except for a few things here and there where I borrowed from the original game. All of the animations where done in 3dsmax 8/9 via your wonderful importer/exporter

. Hmm, about 1/4 I would say was spent on cinematics/animations - roughly 4 to 6 months on and off. Mind you this is the first time I've used 3dsmax or animated something.
I appreciate your info guys. I'm dying to wrap this project up. Thanks
striderdm1@Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:42 am : hey elroacho,
downloading now, i can fetch this over to Mac PPC Doom3 v1.3 today. I'll look up a good contact i have at another forum for Doom3 v1.3.1 (will support both Intel+PPC Macs). Already PM'd you and will start the compile shortly.. pls email me back.
cheers, Strider.
AppleCrypt Mods
web -
http://applecryptmods.co.uke-mail -
strider_applecrypt@yahoo.co.uke-mail -
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:45 am : cool, looks top, in download, thank you, OH BABY, very good, I love stumbling across nuggets of gold every once in a while

hellstorm27@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:05 am : I have mixed views on this mod. Having played through it, I can offer the following points:
Level 1: Good level design, reasonable base/tech architecture. However, I felt it suffered from overly repetitive gameplay, similar to the middle sections of the original Doom 3 singleplayer episode- namely too much recycling of the same monster spawn tactics, and a constant steady stream of monsters. I often felt that I was playing through a chore in order to get to the later, better levels.
Level 2: I thought this one was rather better- particularly good use of the air lock system, gameplay also less repetitive than in Level 1, though again a lot of recycling of the same monster spawn tactics.
Level 3: A very good implementation of Hell- I'd been hoping that someone would experiment with Planes of Oblivion-style traps in Doom 3. Much of the architecture is good, and again, at times reminiscent of Oblivion's hell. Gameplay also pretty good, though I felt there was a distinct lack of health in the second half of the level and I had to resort to God mode a few times. I also found some of the trap/monster combinations early in the level, e.g. repeatedly negotiating traps only to be killed by Lost Souls just before getting to the other side, more frustrating than fun. I think without those two niggles it would easily be the best "Hell" level that I've played for Doom 3 so far.
Level 4: Good all-round base/tech level (it's pretty innovative, but I won't include spoilers).
In conclusion, a mixed experience where each level was more enjoyable than the previous one. I think it definitely has potential to be up there with my favourite mods (In Hell, Classic Doom 3 and Quakemod), could just do with some touching up in parts especially variety early on. I chose "Hard" mode which was probably a mistake (I assumed it would be equivalent in difficulty to "Veteran" on Doom 3, which it isn't!)- if we get a 1.0 release I'll definitely play it on Medium the next time.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:05 am :
elroacho@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:23 am : Hey,
It’s been awhile since I have visited these forums. The project I undertook was more than I bargained for. 3 years later and a famous quote comes to mind "Art is never finished, only abandoned". This is as close to done as I can get it by myself. I had to stop working on this for almost a year because my work got so intense. Now that I got some free time on my hands, I decided to tidy up and release this mod. I apologize for my absence, but sometimes it gets too depressing trying to figure out mine and everyone else’s problems (and believe me, I had some doozies).
I would appreciate some feedback on anything that I might have been overlooked. If nothing is found, I will release the final version shortly after. I’ll stick your name in the credits and try and return the favor

ELDOOM Mod for Doom 3 - 1.3 - Final Beta
The Doom 3 v1.3 patch is required to play.
Single player Doom 3 maps with lots of action.
A full story from beginning to end.
High quality portal skies.
Large custom quality maps.
Always run with no stamina (toggleable on/off).
Slightly modified weapons (toggleable on/off).
Classic nightmare mode (toggleable on/off).
New custom cinematics and animations.
Optional double barrel shotgun (requires RoE).
And much more... See README
ELDOOM 0.9 Zip:
eldoom_0.9.zip (97.2 MB) Compressed Archive
ELDOOM 0.9 Exe:
eldoom_0.9.exe (97.1 MB) Self-Extracting Archive
ELDOOM : High Quality Music:
eldoom_hq_music.zip (17.7 MB) Compressed Archive
ELDOOM 0.9 - 1.3.1 - Win32 DLL (if you have the 1.3.1 patch, you'll need this file):
game00_win32_1.3.1.zipELDOOM 0.9 - 1.3.1 - Linux DLL (if you have the 1.3.1 patch, you'll need this file):





Bo$bevok@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:19 pm : will it work with d3 patch 1.3.1?
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:04 pm :
bhenderson@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:09 pm : This looks interesting. I'll check it out. 3 years...wow!
elroacho@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:32 pm : Bo$bevok wrote:
will it work with d3 patch 1.3.1?
Man, there's another patch! I'll have to look into that, I've been out of the loop for awhile. I may have to compile a new dll for it to work with a new patch. Not sure yet.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:59 pm : Yes, you have to recompile it for the current version, it doesn´t work with 1.3.1 (just checked it).
Looks very promising, can´t wait to play this!
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:27 pm : Tnx elroacho, I'll give it a shot!

elroacho@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:34 pm : Updated:
Here is the DLL for Doom 3 : ELDOOM - 1.3.1 - Win32
Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:14 am : Thanks for the update patch, it´s working fine now.
I just played until the start of the second level, but I want to give you some feedback now and maybe more later after I finished playing the whole episode.
I really like the mod you included, it´s like a compilation of (almost) all the small but relevant gameplay enhancements I wish for (most important: the "always run" option! I always missed that in the original game). And the way you made those optional mods accessable through the menu is very neat and user friendly. Spot on!
I like the level design so far, the big gloomy hangar in the start is a great set. Nice subtle ambient sound as well.
Now some points I don´t liked. First thing is what I call the
unpredictable level exit. I don´t understand why mappers still do this, especially when id Software since Wolf3D showed a variety of ways how to solve this better. The bad thing about "invisible" level exits is that it pulls the player suddenly out of the game: one moment you are playing and exploring the world, next moment the screen freezes and you stare at a loading screen. Don´t forget that any player on the first playthrough doesn´t know that this is the exit, when it isn´t marked as such. Give the player a hint that that particluar door is the exit and not just another regular door, so they can decide freely when to exit (for example, I always like to explore the level some more and restock on health and ammo, before I exit). The way it´s done in the original Doom3 with ext GUIs works very well IMO. It´s clear, but still subtle, because the GUI is a plausible part of the environment.
Another small thing are the target_tips in the second level. Make sure you only use them in peaceful passages, because nobody will read a text message when he has to battle 2 hellknights at the same time

Another minor thing: objective popups feel more coherent when they come together with the according situation. So when the objective is to restart some generator, it´s good to actually see the shut off generator before the objective pops up, or to see a reason why exactly the shut-off generator is blocking your progression (non-working lift or whatever. I just played the very first room of level2, so I don´t know yet what it is).
elroacho@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:47 pm : Tetzlaff wrote:
Now some points I don´t liked. First thing is what I call the unpredictable level exit.
I see what you mean. I'll see what I can do.
Tetzlaff wrote:
Another small thing are the target_tips in the second level. Make sure you only use them in peaceful passages, because nobody will read a text message when he has to battle 2 hellknights at the same time

Again I see what you mean. Actually, the target_tip fires in the small room before the HK's. If you run through, you get the effect you mentioned. But that can be easily tweaked.
Tetzlaff wrote:
Another minor thing: objective popups feel more coherent when they come together with the according situation.
Hmm, I thought I did that. I'll have to dig into this one a little deeper.
Thanks Tetzlaff.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:51 pm : Played through the 2nd level and a big part of the 3rd level now. The outside area in level3 is really nice!
There are a couple of things that could need some polish:
-You should definitely fix the red/green lights on doorframes. When the door is just a regular door, you control the lights colour with ShaderParm7 on the model. If it´s a door which is locked, then unlocked later, you need to use the "buddy" option and type in the entity name of the door as buddy, so that lights change from red to green according to the door status (it´s explained in the editor).
-GUIs that are just eye candy should be set non-interactive (gui_noninteractive 1), or else they can get in the way in the middle of a fight.
-When you pick up a key or ACO card, the key icon isn´t displayed in the PDA (don´t know how to fix this because I didn´t do PDA scripting yet).
-When you get someones PDA and receive a message "security clearence updated", the new PDA just says "security clearence: general access" like any regular PDA (again, I don´t know how to fix).
elroacho wrote:
Tetzlaff wrote:
Another minor thing: objective popups feel more coherent when they come together with the according situation.
Hmm, I thought I did that. I'll have to dig into this one a little deeper.
My example wasn´t very clear, sorry. What I meant was, when you start level 2, and you still are in that small first room, you immediatly get the objective to fix the elevator, but you haven´t yet seen the elevator at that early point. How should the marine know that there is a non-working elevator somewhere ahead, when he hasn´t seen anything of the level yet? It would feel more logical if the objective pops up right after you reach the elevator the first time. But it´s just a minor point, probably many players don´t care.
I have to say I didn´t liked the gameplay in the second level too much. It was a bit too formulaic, most rooms had the same "lights out, monsters spawn in" routine. You could mix things a bit up by placing some idle monsters that attack when they see you (ambush 1) instead of triggering and spawning all the time (and turning the lights off with every spawn gets old quickly).
But I liked the boss fight in the teleporter room against Mancubus plus Lost Souls on those moving pillars, that was quite fun.
Weapon / ammo placement could be a bit more tactical, it´s practically overabundant.
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:00 pm : very good!!!

the double fight with the Cyberdemon , the encounter with betruger, the end against the time, fantastic!

elroacho@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:37 pm : Tetzlaff wrote:
-You should definitely fix the red/green lights on doorframes.
Sweet, I was pulling my hair out trying to fix this.
Tetzlaff wrote:
-GUIs that are just eye candy should be set non-interactive (gui_noninteractive 1), or else they can get in the way in the middle of a fight.
I know exactly what you mean, I didn't know about "gui_noninteractive 1"

Tetzlaff wrote:
-When you pick up a key or ACO card, the key icon isn´t displayed in the PDA (don´t know how to fix this because I didn´t do PDA scripting yet).
This might be tricky, but sounds doable. And I see what you mean about the objectives.
Tetzlaff wrote:
I have to say I didn´t liked the gameplay in the second level too much. It was a bit too formulaic, most rooms had the same "lights out, monsters spawn in" routine.
Ya, I will change some of those, the 2nd level was really the first map, that's why it has a "simple" style. This was brought up before - it's scary editing something that already works, just not the way you want - in case it breaks by changing it. Time to bite the bullet.
Thanks Tetzlaff
Hexen Terzo wrote:
very good!!!

the double fight with the Cyberdemon , the encounter with betruger, the end against the time, fantastic!

Bubba-E@Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:56 am : I don't know why, but I absolutely love this shot.
http://www.8888jobdone.com/eldoom/scree ... hot_01.jpgI like the choice of textures, the lighting, the skylight, everything. Great job man, on that part, and the whole mod.
*two thumbs up*
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:22 am : Wow, very impressive! Alot of work must have gone into this, all those cinematics and stuff... I love that.
Some criticism applies, most of it was already mentioned by Tetzlaff.
At some point in the map with the large outdoor portions I got killed and couldn't reload my savegame (I was at the start of the level after reloading, even though the screenshot of the savegame showed that I saved it somewhere else), so I switched on godmode and never turned it off. I kinda took the fun out of it for myself, sorry. And then the hell map seemed really difficult ("seemed" because having only played it in godmode I can't really judge that), especially the lethal trap with the spikes coming from both sides. I had to switch on noclip (after trying and dying several times first).
The level geometry sometimes lacked detail, but that didn't diminish the fun. Really impressive!
Did you do all those cinematics yourself? What tools did you use? How much work was it, compared to the rest of the mapping process?
elroacho@Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:09 am : Bubba-E wrote:
*two thumbs up*
der_ton wrote:
I got killed and couldn't reload my savegame
That's weird. What version where you using (1.3 or 1.3.1)? Did you change anything in the mod before this happened? I have changed a single line in a map script and it causes my savegame not to work - anything like that? I'll have to look into this.
der_ton wrote:
the hell map seemed really difficult...especially the lethal trap with the spikes coming from both sides
What difficulty did you have it on? Only a handful of people will make it through on nightmare. Hard is for the die hards. Medium is a steep step up from easy - a bit less than hard. Easy is for the casual gamer (similar to regular Doom 3 medium). There's stuff on easy that no other difficulty has. For instance, a walkway connecting two areas where on any other difficulty - the player has to jump for it. The spike trap hasn't been tweaked for difficulty, I wasn't sure if it needed it. So I'll probably slow them down per difficulty.
der_ton wrote:
The level geometry sometimes lacked detail, but that didn't diminish the fun
On the hell map or every map? Just wondering what areas in particular. Screenshot maybe?
der_ton wrote:
Did you do all those cinematics yourself? What tools did you use? How much work was it, compared to the rest of the mapping process?
I did all of the cinematics except for a few things here and there where I borrowed from the original game. All of the animations where done in 3dsmax 8/9 via your wonderful importer/exporter

. Hmm, about 1/4 I would say was spent on cinematics/animations - roughly 4 to 6 months on and off. Mind you this is the first time I've used 3dsmax or animated something.
I appreciate your info guys. I'm dying to wrap this project up. Thanks
striderdm1@Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:42 am : hey elroacho,
downloading now, i can fetch this over to Mac PPC Doom3 v1.3 today. I'll look up a good contact i have at another forum for Doom3 v1.3.1 (will support both Intel+PPC Macs). Already PM'd you and will start the compile shortly.. pls email me back.
cheers, Strider.
AppleCrypt Mods
web -
http://applecryptmods.co.uke-mail -
strider_applecrypt@yahoo.co.uke-mail -
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:45 am : cool, looks top, in download, thank you, OH BABY, very good, I love stumbling across nuggets of gold every once in a while

hellstorm27@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:05 am : I have mixed views on this mod. Having played through it, I can offer the following points:
Level 1: Good level design, reasonable base/tech architecture. However, I felt it suffered from overly repetitive gameplay, similar to the middle sections of the original Doom 3 singleplayer episode- namely too much recycling of the same monster spawn tactics, and a constant steady stream of monsters. I often felt that I was playing through a chore in order to get to the later, better levels.
Level 2: I thought this one was rather better- particularly good use of the air lock system, gameplay also less repetitive than in Level 1, though again a lot of recycling of the same monster spawn tactics.
Level 3: A very good implementation of Hell- I'd been hoping that someone would experiment with Planes of Oblivion-style traps in Doom 3. Much of the architecture is good, and again, at times reminiscent of Oblivion's hell. Gameplay also pretty good, though I felt there was a distinct lack of health in the second half of the level and I had to resort to God mode a few times. I also found some of the trap/monster combinations early in the level, e.g. repeatedly negotiating traps only to be killed by Lost Souls just before getting to the other side, more frustrating than fun. I think without those two niggles it would easily be the best "Hell" level that I've played for Doom 3 so far.
Level 4: Good all-round base/tech level (it's pretty innovative, but I won't include spoilers).
In conclusion, a mixed experience where each level was more enjoyable than the previous one. I think it definitely has potential to be up there with my favourite mods (In Hell, Classic Doom 3 and Quakemod), could just do with some touching up in parts especially variety early on. I chose "Hard" mode which was probably a mistake (I assumed it would be equivalent in difficulty to "Veteran" on Doom 3, which it isn't!)- if we get a 1.0 release I'll definitely play it on Medium the next time.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:05 am :
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:07 am : Okay, from what I've played so far, all the other constructive criticisms previously stated apply, plus a new one.
It would make things more complete too if you include location info for the rooms in every map. That's the thing I think needs to be added. Just having it say "Unidentified" in all the rooms does not make sense.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:48 pm : The hell map puzzles are fresh 'n cool and the cinematics are nice but as im a sound extremest I noticed alot of distortion all over the place

Apart from that I really love this mod. The boss sequence when you throw the grenade at the vagary pipe I was LMAO nice work and then the neo style flying through the teleporter. Just another classic

Well done man!
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:44 pm : Douglas Quaid wrote:
The hell map puzzles are fresh 'n cool and the cinematics are nice but as im a sound extremest I noticed alot of distortion all over the place

Apart from that I really love this mod. The boss sequence when you throw the grenade at the vagary pipe I was LMAO nice work and then the neo style flying through the teleporter. Just another classic

Well done man!
Yeah, I did forget to include the positives! The cinematics were good, the outside section was fantastic! I played with 'slow oxygen' on, but I did like how you made the air canisters completely filling and had them strewn everywhere outside so those who wished to play without the 'slow oxygen' could still have fun out there.
Argoon@Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:12 pm : The link for the eldoom 1.3.1 patch seams to be down, does someone have a working link for me, i really would like to try this mod.
elroacho@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:23 am : Hey,
It’s been awhile since I have visited these forums. The project I undertook was more than I bargained for. 3 years later and a famous quote comes to mind "Art is never finished, only abandoned". This is as close to done as I can get it by myself. I had to stop working on this for almost a year because my work got so intense. Now that I got some free time on my hands, I decided to tidy up and release this mod. I apologize for my absence, but sometimes it gets too depressing trying to figure out mine and everyone else’s problems (and believe me, I had some doozies).
I would appreciate some feedback on anything that I might have been overlooked. If nothing is found, I will release the final version shortly after. I’ll stick your name in the credits and try and return the favor

ELDOOM Mod for Doom 3 - 1.3 - Final Beta
The Doom 3 v1.3 patch is required to play.
Single player Doom 3 maps with lots of action.
A full story from beginning to end.
High quality portal skies.
Large custom quality maps.
Always run with no stamina (toggleable on/off).
Slightly modified weapons (toggleable on/off).
Classic nightmare mode (toggleable on/off).
New custom cinematics and animations.
Optional double barrel shotgun (requires RoE).
And much more... See README
ELDOOM 0.9 Zip:
eldoom_0.9.zip (97.2 MB) Compressed Archive
ELDOOM 0.9 Exe:
eldoom_0.9.exe (97.1 MB) Self-Extracting Archive
ELDOOM : High Quality Music:
eldoom_hq_music.zip (17.7 MB) Compressed Archive
ELDOOM 0.9 - 1.3.1 - Win32 DLL (if you have the 1.3.1 patch, you'll need this file):
game00_win32_1.3.1.zipELDOOM 0.9 - 1.3.1 - Linux DLL (if you have the 1.3.1 patch, you'll need this file):





Bo$bevok@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:19 pm : will it work with d3 patch 1.3.1?
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:04 pm :
bhenderson@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:09 pm : This looks interesting. I'll check it out. 3 years...wow!
elroacho@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:32 pm : Bo$bevok wrote:
will it work with d3 patch 1.3.1?
Man, there's another patch! I'll have to look into that, I've been out of the loop for awhile. I may have to compile a new dll for it to work with a new patch. Not sure yet.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:59 pm : Yes, you have to recompile it for the current version, it doesn´t work with 1.3.1 (just checked it).
Looks very promising, can´t wait to play this!
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:27 pm : Tnx elroacho, I'll give it a shot!

elroacho@Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:34 pm : Updated:
Here is the DLL for Doom 3 : ELDOOM - 1.3.1 - Win32
Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:14 am : Thanks for the update patch, it´s working fine now.
I just played until the start of the second level, but I want to give you some feedback now and maybe more later after I finished playing the whole episode.
I really like the mod you included, it´s like a compilation of (almost) all the small but relevant gameplay enhancements I wish for (most important: the "always run" option! I always missed that in the original game). And the way you made those optional mods accessable through the menu is very neat and user friendly. Spot on!
I like the level design so far, the big gloomy hangar in the start is a great set. Nice subtle ambient sound as well.
Now some points I don´t liked. First thing is what I call the
unpredictable level exit. I don´t understand why mappers still do this, especially when id Software since Wolf3D showed a variety of ways how to solve this better. The bad thing about "invisible" level exits is that it pulls the player suddenly out of the game: one moment you are playing and exploring the world, next moment the screen freezes and you stare at a loading screen. Don´t forget that any player on the first playthrough doesn´t know that this is the exit, when it isn´t marked as such. Give the player a hint that that particluar door is the exit and not just another regular door, so they can decide freely when to exit (for example, I always like to explore the level some more and restock on health and ammo, before I exit). The way it´s done in the original Doom3 with ext GUIs works very well IMO. It´s clear, but still subtle, because the GUI is a plausible part of the environment.
Another small thing are the target_tips in the second level. Make sure you only use them in peaceful passages, because nobody will read a text message when he has to battle 2 hellknights at the same time

Another minor thing: objective popups feel more coherent when they come together with the according situation. So when the objective is to restart some generator, it´s good to actually see the shut off generator before the objective pops up, or to see a reason why exactly the shut-off generator is blocking your progression (non-working lift or whatever. I just played the very first room of level2, so I don´t know yet what it is).
elroacho@Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:47 pm : Tetzlaff wrote:
Now some points I don´t liked. First thing is what I call the unpredictable level exit.
I see what you mean. I'll see what I can do.
Tetzlaff wrote:
Another small thing are the target_tips in the second level. Make sure you only use them in peaceful passages, because nobody will read a text message when he has to battle 2 hellknights at the same time

Again I see what you mean. Actually, the target_tip fires in the small room before the HK's. If you run through, you get the effect you mentioned. But that can be easily tweaked.
Tetzlaff wrote:
Another minor thing: objective popups feel more coherent when they come together with the according situation.
Hmm, I thought I did that. I'll have to dig into this one a little deeper.
Thanks Tetzlaff.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:51 pm : Played through the 2nd level and a big part of the 3rd level now. The outside area in level3 is really nice!
There are a couple of things that could need some polish:
-You should definitely fix the red/green lights on doorframes. When the door is just a regular door, you control the lights colour with ShaderParm7 on the model. If it´s a door which is locked, then unlocked later, you need to use the "buddy" option and type in the entity name of the door as buddy, so that lights change from red to green according to the door status (it´s explained in the editor).
-GUIs that are just eye candy should be set non-interactive (gui_noninteractive 1), or else they can get in the way in the middle of a fight.
-When you pick up a key or ACO card, the key icon isn´t displayed in the PDA (don´t know how to fix this because I didn´t do PDA scripting yet).
-When you get someones PDA and receive a message "security clearence updated", the new PDA just says "security clearence: general access" like any regular PDA (again, I don´t know how to fix).
elroacho wrote:
Tetzlaff wrote:
Another minor thing: objective popups feel more coherent when they come together with the according situation.
Hmm, I thought I did that. I'll have to dig into this one a little deeper.
My example wasn´t very clear, sorry. What I meant was, when you start level 2, and you still are in that small first room, you immediatly get the objective to fix the elevator, but you haven´t yet seen the elevator at that early point. How should the marine know that there is a non-working elevator somewhere ahead, when he hasn´t seen anything of the level yet? It would feel more logical if the objective pops up right after you reach the elevator the first time. But it´s just a minor point, probably many players don´t care.
I have to say I didn´t liked the gameplay in the second level too much. It was a bit too formulaic, most rooms had the same "lights out, monsters spawn in" routine. You could mix things a bit up by placing some idle monsters that attack when they see you (ambush 1) instead of triggering and spawning all the time (and turning the lights off with every spawn gets old quickly).
But I liked the boss fight in the teleporter room against Mancubus plus Lost Souls on those moving pillars, that was quite fun.
Weapon / ammo placement could be a bit more tactical, it´s practically overabundant.
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:00 pm : very good!!!

the double fight with the Cyberdemon , the encounter with betruger, the end against the time, fantastic!

elroacho@Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:37 pm : Tetzlaff wrote:
-You should definitely fix the red/green lights on doorframes.
Sweet, I was pulling my hair out trying to fix this.
Tetzlaff wrote:
-GUIs that are just eye candy should be set non-interactive (gui_noninteractive 1), or else they can get in the way in the middle of a fight.
I know exactly what you mean, I didn't know about "gui_noninteractive 1"

Tetzlaff wrote:
-When you pick up a key or ACO card, the key icon isn´t displayed in the PDA (don´t know how to fix this because I didn´t do PDA scripting yet).
This might be tricky, but sounds doable. And I see what you mean about the objectives.
Tetzlaff wrote:
I have to say I didn´t liked the gameplay in the second level too much. It was a bit too formulaic, most rooms had the same "lights out, monsters spawn in" routine.
Ya, I will change some of those, the 2nd level was really the first map, that's why it has a "simple" style. This was brought up before - it's scary editing something that already works, just not the way you want - in case it breaks by changing it. Time to bite the bullet.
Thanks Tetzlaff
Hexen Terzo wrote:
very good!!!

the double fight with the Cyberdemon , the encounter with betruger, the end against the time, fantastic!

Bubba-E@Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:56 am : I don't know why, but I absolutely love this shot.
http://www.8888jobdone.com/eldoom/scree ... hot_01.jpgI like the choice of textures, the lighting, the skylight, everything. Great job man, on that part, and the whole mod.
*two thumbs up*
der_ton@Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:22 am : Wow, very impressive! Alot of work must have gone into this, all those cinematics and stuff... I love that.
Some criticism applies, most of it was already mentioned by Tetzlaff.
At some point in the map with the large outdoor portions I got killed and couldn't reload my savegame (I was at the start of the level after reloading, even though the screenshot of the savegame showed that I saved it somewhere else), so I switched on godmode and never turned it off. I kinda took the fun out of it for myself, sorry. And then the hell map seemed really difficult ("seemed" because having only played it in godmode I can't really judge that), especially the lethal trap with the spikes coming from both sides. I had to switch on noclip (after trying and dying several times first).
The level geometry sometimes lacked detail, but that didn't diminish the fun. Really impressive!
Did you do all those cinematics yourself? What tools did you use? How much work was it, compared to the rest of the mapping process?
elroacho@Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:09 am : Bubba-E wrote:
*two thumbs up*
der_ton wrote:
I got killed and couldn't reload my savegame
That's weird. What version where you using (1.3 or 1.3.1)? Did you change anything in the mod before this happened? I have changed a single line in a map script and it causes my savegame not to work - anything like that? I'll have to look into this.
der_ton wrote:
the hell map seemed really difficult...especially the lethal trap with the spikes coming from both sides
What difficulty did you have it on? Only a handful of people will make it through on nightmare. Hard is for the die hards. Medium is a steep step up from easy - a bit less than hard. Easy is for the casual gamer (similar to regular Doom 3 medium). There's stuff on easy that no other difficulty has. For instance, a walkway connecting two areas where on any other difficulty - the player has to jump for it. The spike trap hasn't been tweaked for difficulty, I wasn't sure if it needed it. So I'll probably slow them down per difficulty.
der_ton wrote:
The level geometry sometimes lacked detail, but that didn't diminish the fun
On the hell map or every map? Just wondering what areas in particular. Screenshot maybe?
der_ton wrote:
Did you do all those cinematics yourself? What tools did you use? How much work was it, compared to the rest of the mapping process?
I did all of the cinematics except for a few things here and there where I borrowed from the original game. All of the animations where done in 3dsmax 8/9 via your wonderful importer/exporter

. Hmm, about 1/4 I would say was spent on cinematics/animations - roughly 4 to 6 months on and off. Mind you this is the first time I've used 3dsmax or animated something.
I appreciate your info guys. I'm dying to wrap this project up. Thanks
striderdm1@Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:42 am : hey elroacho,
downloading now, i can fetch this over to Mac PPC Doom3 v1.3 today. I'll look up a good contact i have at another forum for Doom3 v1.3.1 (will support both Intel+PPC Macs). Already PM'd you and will start the compile shortly.. pls email me back.
cheers, Strider.
AppleCrypt Mods
web -
http://applecryptmods.co.uke-mail -
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Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:45 am : cool, looks top, in download, thank you, OH BABY, very good, I love stumbling across nuggets of gold every once in a while

hellstorm27@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:05 am : I have mixed views on this mod. Having played through it, I can offer the following points:
Level 1: Good level design, reasonable base/tech architecture. However, I felt it suffered from overly repetitive gameplay, similar to the middle sections of the original Doom 3 singleplayer episode- namely too much recycling of the same monster spawn tactics, and a constant steady stream of monsters. I often felt that I was playing through a chore in order to get to the later, better levels.
Level 2: I thought this one was rather better- particularly good use of the air lock system, gameplay also less repetitive than in Level 1, though again a lot of recycling of the same monster spawn tactics.
Level 3: A very good implementation of Hell- I'd been hoping that someone would experiment with Planes of Oblivion-style traps in Doom 3. Much of the architecture is good, and again, at times reminiscent of Oblivion's hell. Gameplay also pretty good, though I felt there was a distinct lack of health in the second half of the level and I had to resort to God mode a few times. I also found some of the trap/monster combinations early in the level, e.g. repeatedly negotiating traps only to be killed by Lost Souls just before getting to the other side, more frustrating than fun. I think without those two niggles it would easily be the best "Hell" level that I've played for Doom 3 so far.
Level 4: Good all-round base/tech level (it's pretty innovative, but I won't include spoilers).
In conclusion, a mixed experience where each level was more enjoyable than the previous one. I think it definitely has potential to be up there with my favourite mods (In Hell, Classic Doom 3 and Quakemod), could just do with some touching up in parts especially variety early on. I chose "Hard" mode which was probably a mistake (I assumed it would be equivalent in difficulty to "Veteran" on Doom 3, which it isn't!)- if we get a 1.0 release I'll definitely play it on Medium the next time.
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:05 am :
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:07 am : Okay, from what I've played so far, all the other constructive criticisms previously stated apply, plus a new one.
It would make things more complete too if you include location info for the rooms in every map. That's the thing I think needs to be added. Just having it say "Unidentified" in all the rooms does not make sense.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:48 pm : The hell map puzzles are fresh 'n cool and the cinematics are nice but as im a sound extremest I noticed alot of distortion all over the place

Apart from that I really love this mod. The boss sequence when you throw the grenade at the vagary pipe I was LMAO nice work and then the neo style flying through the teleporter. Just another classic

Well done man!
LinuxDoomer@Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:44 pm : Douglas Quaid wrote:
The hell map puzzles are fresh 'n cool and the cinematics are nice but as im a sound extremest I noticed alot of distortion all over the place

Apart from that I really love this mod. The boss sequence when you throw the grenade at the vagary pipe I was LMAO nice work and then the neo style flying through the teleporter. Just another classic

Well done man!
Yeah, I did forget to include the positives! The cinematics were good, the outside section was fantastic! I played with 'slow oxygen' on, but I did like how you made the air canisters completely filling and had them strewn everywhere outside so those who wished to play without the 'slow oxygen' could still have fun out there.
Argoon@Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:12 pm : The link for the eldoom 1.3.1 patch seams to be down, does someone have a working link for me, i really would like to try this mod.