Horror@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:30 am : It has taken me a few months but it's finally finished. Serengrove is a tudor themed map with lots of custom models, textures, animation, sounds and nasty surprises. I don't want to give too much away, so I'll leave it at that for now. Good luck!

http://files.filefront.com/serengrovera ... einfo.html
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:05 pm : In download!!!

edit: sorry i have insert wrong smile lol

Bo$bevok@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:03 pm : talking deer heads

anyway, nice map - lots of detail. good work
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:23 pm : very very good map!!!

only problem,the map is not optimized , with my x1900xtx and core duo 6700@3200mhz at 1024x768 i have problem of fluidity., 20 fps

but this is a good map!!

Bo$bevok@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:40 pm : hexen terzo has a point. this is the first doom 3 map in a while where my fps has dropped quite drasticly
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:17 pm : What is a tudor?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:22 pm : CrimsonHead wrote:
What is a tudor?
It's the architectural style of the late Gothic blending into Renaissance (~ 1480 to 1600) during the regency of the house Tudor in England.
Why write when linking is possible:
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:38 pm : Ah, I see said the blind man, Thanks.
Horror@Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:52 am : Thanks for the feedback so far. Yes, Serengrove is quite greedy for a Doom 3 map, so my apologies to anyone with a modest machine. I developed the map on an Inspiron 1520 with a 2.2ghz Duo CPU, 256mb DDR2 GeForce 8600m GT, and 3gb DDR2 RAM. It runs ok on it but not superb - around 20-30fps (15 at its worst). It is hard to be resourceful when making a big open map though, especially when you want to go all out in almost every facet of it. Many of the visportals in the map are constantly open, due to so much of the map being visible from many different areas (technically you could look out of the window in one building and into the window of another in a different district). I would like to go back some time and correct a few things after I've had a break from it, and the fps will definately be something for me to look at.
Edit: If anyone has any suggestions that could dramatically increase the framerate without taking too much from the visuals - I'm all ears

Dinky@Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:27 am : I love the map, very well done. I have a pretty beefy machine and the map runs overall, pretty smooth, but it does have some significant and moderate framerate drops in a few places, which I assumed it would, but even some places like corridors with no windows had framerate drops (like the first hallway you enter, with the mirror). I just assumed it was because of visportals, and the fact that the map is so broad. Still, very well done and I love the map, pretty creepy too

Spyguy12@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:20 am : Awesome map, The Inn had me jumping many times, good detail , was pretty fun

CrimsonHead@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:38 am : Horror wrote:
If anyone has any suggestions that could dramatically increase the framerate without taking too much from the visuals - I'm all ears

Don't get angry at me if you already know or have tried any of my suggestions, I'm just trying to be helpful by listing whatever I can think of that might help with the performance.
Play around with the VisPortals, sometimes if they are'nt used correctly or in the right place they can give horrible performance, try them in different places to see where you get the best framerate. In the large open areas if you have any giant brushes try splitting them up into groups of smaller brushes so you don't have as many lights hitting the same surface. Play around with the lighting, try not to have too many overlapping lights, especially really big ones with a lot of smaller ones inside their volume. I know it looks like crap with smaller lights in bigger rooms because you get those pitch black areas, but if you use parallel lighting for outdoors you tend to get better results and it looks softer and fills up those darkened corners. I don;t know if you've seen this before but I found some really helpful lighting tips here:
http://www.katsbits.com/htm/tutorials.h ... _tutorialsAlso, you could try decreasing the resolution on some of your custom textures, not so much where they look like crap, but I'm sure you can find a middle ground where they still look decent and are'nt hard on the video memory. Make sure you have'nt missed any caulking anywhere. that's just about all I can think of there, I hope it helps.
Aside from the map not running well on my machine I really liked it though, it looks good, the ambience and mood of it really kicks ass. I liked the talking deer heads that was creepy and cool at the same time, it reminded me of the Evil Dead II. I'm keeping it on my HD, Hopefully someday when I get a better machine... or hopefully some of the suggestions I gave or somebody else can help you get it optimised further, whichever happens first. Either way it's an excellent contribution, and even though it was slightly laggy on my rig I still had a hell of a lot of fun with it, thank you!

Horror@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:54 pm : You've raised some good points there CrimsonHead and that lighting tutorial is actually quite a good read too. You're also the first poster to link my deer head gag to Evil Dead II, nicely done

I love Evil Dead.
Here is a quick clip I found on YouTube for anyone who hasn't seen the movie
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylaNxwqsyFoSpyguy12, Dinky - glad I could creep you guys out a bit!

Thanks for sharing the links over at the futuregamer site too Hexen. Google is slowly starting to dig up some more search results for Serengrove!
Arno@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:22 pm : I liked this map a lot, especially because of the attention to detail put into it.
Overall good atmosphere, good objectives, good pace and good architecture.

der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:41 pm : I enjoyed this map, too! The framerate issues were there but couldn't spoil the fun/scare, hehe.
The story bits with the introduction and talking deerheads were a nice touch and well written!
Horror@Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:44 pm : Thanks guys, I'm glad you had some fun with it and enjoyed the atmosphere and overall playability.
...and a special thanks to you der_ton, I wager my map wouldn't have been half as interesting as it is now without your md5 exporter!
extraven@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:21 pm : Quote:
The story bits with the introduction and talking deerheads were a nice touch and well written!
Great stuff m8, i enjoyed it very much

wal@Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:16 am : Good map and nice atmoshere. Reminds me of shamblers castle. Think it's the colour pallet and the levers. Didn't slow as much as I thought is going to. Why cant you kill the horse, or at least make it bleed. Does that make me a bad person. Nah
CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:33 am : lol I tried that too.
striderdm1@Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:18 pm : Played this and I think it's superb. Atmospheric and so eerie it hurts! Make more!

Horror@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:30 am : It has taken me a few months but it's finally finished. Serengrove is a tudor themed map with lots of custom models, textures, animation, sounds and nasty surprises. I don't want to give too much away, so I'll leave it at that for now. Good luck!

http://files.filefront.com/serengrovera ... einfo.html
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:05 pm : In download!!!

edit: sorry i have insert wrong smile lol

Bo$bevok@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:03 pm : talking deer heads

anyway, nice map - lots of detail. good work
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:23 pm : very very good map!!!

only problem,the map is not optimized , with my x1900xtx and core duo 6700@3200mhz at 1024x768 i have problem of fluidity., 20 fps

but this is a good map!!

Bo$bevok@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:40 pm : hexen terzo has a point. this is the first doom 3 map in a while where my fps has dropped quite drasticly
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:17 pm : What is a tudor?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:22 pm : CrimsonHead wrote:
What is a tudor?
It's the architectural style of the late Gothic blending into Renaissance (~ 1480 to 1600) during the regency of the house Tudor in England.
Why write when linking is possible:
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:38 pm : Ah, I see said the blind man, Thanks.
Horror@Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:52 am : Thanks for the feedback so far. Yes, Serengrove is quite greedy for a Doom 3 map, so my apologies to anyone with a modest machine. I developed the map on an Inspiron 1520 with a 2.2ghz Duo CPU, 256mb DDR2 GeForce 8600m GT, and 3gb DDR2 RAM. It runs ok on it but not superb - around 20-30fps (15 at its worst). It is hard to be resourceful when making a big open map though, especially when you want to go all out in almost every facet of it. Many of the visportals in the map are constantly open, due to so much of the map being visible from many different areas (technically you could look out of the window in one building and into the window of another in a different district). I would like to go back some time and correct a few things after I've had a break from it, and the fps will definately be something for me to look at.
Edit: If anyone has any suggestions that could dramatically increase the framerate without taking too much from the visuals - I'm all ears

Dinky@Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:27 am : I love the map, very well done. I have a pretty beefy machine and the map runs overall, pretty smooth, but it does have some significant and moderate framerate drops in a few places, which I assumed it would, but even some places like corridors with no windows had framerate drops (like the first hallway you enter, with the mirror). I just assumed it was because of visportals, and the fact that the map is so broad. Still, very well done and I love the map, pretty creepy too

Spyguy12@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:20 am : Awesome map, The Inn had me jumping many times, good detail , was pretty fun

CrimsonHead@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:38 am : Horror wrote:
If anyone has any suggestions that could dramatically increase the framerate without taking too much from the visuals - I'm all ears

Don't get angry at me if you already know or have tried any of my suggestions, I'm just trying to be helpful by listing whatever I can think of that might help with the performance.
Play around with the VisPortals, sometimes if they are'nt used correctly or in the right place they can give horrible performance, try them in different places to see where you get the best framerate. In the large open areas if you have any giant brushes try splitting them up into groups of smaller brushes so you don't have as many lights hitting the same surface. Play around with the lighting, try not to have too many overlapping lights, especially really big ones with a lot of smaller ones inside their volume. I know it looks like crap with smaller lights in bigger rooms because you get those pitch black areas, but if you use parallel lighting for outdoors you tend to get better results and it looks softer and fills up those darkened corners. I don;t know if you've seen this before but I found some really helpful lighting tips here:
http://www.katsbits.com/htm/tutorials.h ... _tutorialsAlso, you could try decreasing the resolution on some of your custom textures, not so much where they look like crap, but I'm sure you can find a middle ground where they still look decent and are'nt hard on the video memory. Make sure you have'nt missed any caulking anywhere. that's just about all I can think of there, I hope it helps.
Aside from the map not running well on my machine I really liked it though, it looks good, the ambience and mood of it really kicks ass. I liked the talking deer heads that was creepy and cool at the same time, it reminded me of the Evil Dead II. I'm keeping it on my HD, Hopefully someday when I get a better machine... or hopefully some of the suggestions I gave or somebody else can help you get it optimised further, whichever happens first. Either way it's an excellent contribution, and even though it was slightly laggy on my rig I still had a hell of a lot of fun with it, thank you!

Horror@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:54 pm : You've raised some good points there CrimsonHead and that lighting tutorial is actually quite a good read too. You're also the first poster to link my deer head gag to Evil Dead II, nicely done

I love Evil Dead.
Here is a quick clip I found on YouTube for anyone who hasn't seen the movie
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylaNxwqsyFoSpyguy12, Dinky - glad I could creep you guys out a bit!

Thanks for sharing the links over at the futuregamer site too Hexen. Google is slowly starting to dig up some more search results for Serengrove!
Arno@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:22 pm : I liked this map a lot, especially because of the attention to detail put into it.
Overall good atmosphere, good objectives, good pace and good architecture.

der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:41 pm : I enjoyed this map, too! The framerate issues were there but couldn't spoil the fun/scare, hehe.
The story bits with the introduction and talking deerheads were a nice touch and well written!
Horror@Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:44 pm : Thanks guys, I'm glad you had some fun with it and enjoyed the atmosphere and overall playability.
...and a special thanks to you der_ton, I wager my map wouldn't have been half as interesting as it is now without your md5 exporter!
extraven@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:21 pm : Quote:
The story bits with the introduction and talking deerheads were a nice touch and well written!
Great stuff m8, i enjoyed it very much

wal@Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:16 am : Good map and nice atmoshere. Reminds me of shamblers castle. Think it's the colour pallet and the levers. Didn't slow as much as I thought is going to. Why cant you kill the horse, or at least make it bleed. Does that make me a bad person. Nah
CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:33 am : lol I tried that too.
striderdm1@Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:18 pm : Played this and I think it's superb. Atmospheric and so eerie it hurts! Make more!

TelMarine@Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:28 am : just finished this, excellent work man.
oh and try and get this posted on d3files.com, many more will download it.
Horror@Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:10 pm : Cheers guys! I appreciate the feedback.
I've sent an email off to d3files too, so hopefully they get it up in a few days. The map has already been downloaded about 200 times from filefront and map-factory combined, which I'm very happy with.
Sorry you can't shoot the horse, but he is just a triggered md5 prop afterall

Xezr@Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:10 pm : This map has been added to my 'Favorite Maps' folder

Nice to see a new theme for a change, level design was very nice.
I love the atmospere and I jumped out of my chair quite a few times during play.
The talking deer was a nice touch too, scared the hell out of me the first time. "Hm. Nice custom prop... Gaaah!"
Reminded me of Evil Dead

If you ever get the time I urge you to create an SP-adventure out of that map I saw in the scary Inn, because you've definitely got the talent for it

dsm@Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:43 pm : This gotta be one of the best custom-made Doom 3 sp maps I've tried, too bad that my experience was severely hampered by flickering graphical glitches showing up rather frequently (I have the same problem with RoE, so it's not so much the map's own fault - possibly due to the map's high requirements I'd say); annoying flickering tends to foul up my aim. I need to get me a new graphics driver when I can get bothered, but rest assured, this map I'm keeping for later play - it must've been the first time I've been shocked and scared as much as this. Thanks for making it. [Betruger]
Now make more or I shall send your soul to Hell for everrrr![/Betruger]

Wish I could offer some suggestions for frame rate drops, but I'm pretty new to D3 mapping (and mapping in general), so I'll just wish you good luck.
slayer2k8@Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:48 am : I have read the forums here since doom 3 came out, but never posted.
I dl’ed this and would like to say thanks for making something different.
Because the same old hell/hallway shooter doom gets old.
The chainsaw play was fun and I love evil dead trilogy.
Please make more

Horror@Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:41 am : I would actually like to turn this project into a 3 part map pack, but time is always an issue. Since I'm trying to battle my way into game development, I have to turn my attention to mastering and producing some good work for the Unreal engine. I would certainly love to get back to this project soon though. Once life gets itself in order

dead_man_walking@Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:56 pm : Dude, this map is so friggen nice, awesome work man, 10/10.
jizaboz@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:47 pm : Argh the link to this is down, and I would like to try it. Does anyone still have it to upload somewhere?
eVolution@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:52 am : jizaboz wrote:
Argh the link to this is down, and I would like to try it. Does anyone still have it to upload somewhere?
Here you go!
Horror@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:30 am : It has taken me a few months but it's finally finished. Serengrove is a tudor themed map with lots of custom models, textures, animation, sounds and nasty surprises. I don't want to give too much away, so I'll leave it at that for now. Good luck!

http://files.filefront.com/serengrovera ... einfo.html
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:05 pm : In download!!!

edit: sorry i have insert wrong smile lol

Bo$bevok@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:03 pm : talking deer heads

anyway, nice map - lots of detail. good work
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:23 pm : very very good map!!!

only problem,the map is not optimized , with my x1900xtx and core duo 6700@3200mhz at 1024x768 i have problem of fluidity., 20 fps

but this is a good map!!

Bo$bevok@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:40 pm : hexen terzo has a point. this is the first doom 3 map in a while where my fps has dropped quite drasticly
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:17 pm : What is a tudor?
BNA!@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:22 pm : CrimsonHead wrote:
What is a tudor?
It's the architectural style of the late Gothic blending into Renaissance (~ 1480 to 1600) during the regency of the house Tudor in England.
Why write when linking is possible:
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:38 pm : Ah, I see said the blind man, Thanks.
Horror@Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:52 am : Thanks for the feedback so far. Yes, Serengrove is quite greedy for a Doom 3 map, so my apologies to anyone with a modest machine. I developed the map on an Inspiron 1520 with a 2.2ghz Duo CPU, 256mb DDR2 GeForce 8600m GT, and 3gb DDR2 RAM. It runs ok on it but not superb - around 20-30fps (15 at its worst). It is hard to be resourceful when making a big open map though, especially when you want to go all out in almost every facet of it. Many of the visportals in the map are constantly open, due to so much of the map being visible from many different areas (technically you could look out of the window in one building and into the window of another in a different district). I would like to go back some time and correct a few things after I've had a break from it, and the fps will definately be something for me to look at.
Edit: If anyone has any suggestions that could dramatically increase the framerate without taking too much from the visuals - I'm all ears

Dinky@Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:27 am : I love the map, very well done. I have a pretty beefy machine and the map runs overall, pretty smooth, but it does have some significant and moderate framerate drops in a few places, which I assumed it would, but even some places like corridors with no windows had framerate drops (like the first hallway you enter, with the mirror). I just assumed it was because of visportals, and the fact that the map is so broad. Still, very well done and I love the map, pretty creepy too

Spyguy12@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:20 am : Awesome map, The Inn had me jumping many times, good detail , was pretty fun

CrimsonHead@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:38 am : Horror wrote:
If anyone has any suggestions that could dramatically increase the framerate without taking too much from the visuals - I'm all ears

Don't get angry at me if you already know or have tried any of my suggestions, I'm just trying to be helpful by listing whatever I can think of that might help with the performance.
Play around with the VisPortals, sometimes if they are'nt used correctly or in the right place they can give horrible performance, try them in different places to see where you get the best framerate. In the large open areas if you have any giant brushes try splitting them up into groups of smaller brushes so you don't have as many lights hitting the same surface. Play around with the lighting, try not to have too many overlapping lights, especially really big ones with a lot of smaller ones inside their volume. I know it looks like crap with smaller lights in bigger rooms because you get those pitch black areas, but if you use parallel lighting for outdoors you tend to get better results and it looks softer and fills up those darkened corners. I don;t know if you've seen this before but I found some really helpful lighting tips here:
http://www.katsbits.com/htm/tutorials.h ... _tutorialsAlso, you could try decreasing the resolution on some of your custom textures, not so much where they look like crap, but I'm sure you can find a middle ground where they still look decent and are'nt hard on the video memory. Make sure you have'nt missed any caulking anywhere. that's just about all I can think of there, I hope it helps.
Aside from the map not running well on my machine I really liked it though, it looks good, the ambience and mood of it really kicks ass. I liked the talking deer heads that was creepy and cool at the same time, it reminded me of the Evil Dead II. I'm keeping it on my HD, Hopefully someday when I get a better machine... or hopefully some of the suggestions I gave or somebody else can help you get it optimised further, whichever happens first. Either way it's an excellent contribution, and even though it was slightly laggy on my rig I still had a hell of a lot of fun with it, thank you!

Horror@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:54 pm : You've raised some good points there CrimsonHead and that lighting tutorial is actually quite a good read too. You're also the first poster to link my deer head gag to Evil Dead II, nicely done

I love Evil Dead.
Here is a quick clip I found on YouTube for anyone who hasn't seen the movie
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylaNxwqsyFoSpyguy12, Dinky - glad I could creep you guys out a bit!

Thanks for sharing the links over at the futuregamer site too Hexen. Google is slowly starting to dig up some more search results for Serengrove!
Arno@Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:22 pm : I liked this map a lot, especially because of the attention to detail put into it.
Overall good atmosphere, good objectives, good pace and good architecture.

der_ton@Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:41 pm : I enjoyed this map, too! The framerate issues were there but couldn't spoil the fun/scare, hehe.
The story bits with the introduction and talking deerheads were a nice touch and well written!
Horror@Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:44 pm : Thanks guys, I'm glad you had some fun with it and enjoyed the atmosphere and overall playability.
...and a special thanks to you der_ton, I wager my map wouldn't have been half as interesting as it is now without your md5 exporter!
extraven@Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:21 pm : Quote:
The story bits with the introduction and talking deerheads were a nice touch and well written!
Great stuff m8, i enjoyed it very much

wal@Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:16 am : Good map and nice atmoshere. Reminds me of shamblers castle. Think it's the colour pallet and the levers. Didn't slow as much as I thought is going to. Why cant you kill the horse, or at least make it bleed. Does that make me a bad person. Nah
CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:33 am : lol I tried that too.
striderdm1@Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:18 pm : Played this and I think it's superb. Atmospheric and so eerie it hurts! Make more!

TelMarine@Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:28 am : just finished this, excellent work man.
oh and try and get this posted on d3files.com, many more will download it.
Horror@Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:10 pm : Cheers guys! I appreciate the feedback.
I've sent an email off to d3files too, so hopefully they get it up in a few days. The map has already been downloaded about 200 times from filefront and map-factory combined, which I'm very happy with.
Sorry you can't shoot the horse, but he is just a triggered md5 prop afterall

Xezr@Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:10 pm : This map has been added to my 'Favorite Maps' folder

Nice to see a new theme for a change, level design was very nice.
I love the atmospere and I jumped out of my chair quite a few times during play.
The talking deer was a nice touch too, scared the hell out of me the first time. "Hm. Nice custom prop... Gaaah!"
Reminded me of Evil Dead

If you ever get the time I urge you to create an SP-adventure out of that map I saw in the scary Inn, because you've definitely got the talent for it

dsm@Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:43 pm : This gotta be one of the best custom-made Doom 3 sp maps I've tried, too bad that my experience was severely hampered by flickering graphical glitches showing up rather frequently (I have the same problem with RoE, so it's not so much the map's own fault - possibly due to the map's high requirements I'd say); annoying flickering tends to foul up my aim. I need to get me a new graphics driver when I can get bothered, but rest assured, this map I'm keeping for later play - it must've been the first time I've been shocked and scared as much as this. Thanks for making it. [Betruger]
Now make more or I shall send your soul to Hell for everrrr![/Betruger]

Wish I could offer some suggestions for frame rate drops, but I'm pretty new to D3 mapping (and mapping in general), so I'll just wish you good luck.
slayer2k8@Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:48 am : I have read the forums here since doom 3 came out, but never posted.
I dl’ed this and would like to say thanks for making something different.
Because the same old hell/hallway shooter doom gets old.
The chainsaw play was fun and I love evil dead trilogy.
Please make more

Horror@Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:41 am : I would actually like to turn this project into a 3 part map pack, but time is always an issue. Since I'm trying to battle my way into game development, I have to turn my attention to mastering and producing some good work for the Unreal engine. I would certainly love to get back to this project soon though. Once life gets itself in order

dead_man_walking@Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:56 pm : Dude, this map is so friggen nice, awesome work man, 10/10.
jizaboz@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:47 pm : Argh the link to this is down, and I would like to try it. Does anyone still have it to upload somewhere?
eVolution@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:52 am : jizaboz wrote:
Argh the link to this is down, and I would like to try it. Does anyone still have it to upload somewhere?
Here you go!