If i stay in front of a closed transparent door there is a hole in the map at the top, left, right and bottom brushface of the func_door brush. I placed a visportal into the door.
Any idea how to fix that?
cause the hole gets bigger and bigger if you move the visportal somewhere else.
Since the door is transparent, there is no need for a visportal. Just delete it.
Well, he's not entirely off the mark. A visportal will scale off anything that isn't viewable through it's frame, even if it's open. But if you place it inside a door with a glass screen in it, it will close when the door closes, and that will lead to undesired effects. So, a big nono to put visportals in see through doors.
i also get that bug if the visportal is in front of the door for example 64 units.
If you haven't already, read
this and
this to get a better understanding what visportals do. This is just a guess as I don't know the geometry layout you are working with but you probably don't need a visportal at all where you are wanting to use it.