Method@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:51 am : Hey,
This is a design test for a game studio that I did in about a week and a half. Very stressful work given the limited time.
Overall I feel like this is the best map I created from gameplay and visual point of view. I included lots of textures inside of the pak file for community use. Read the readme for more info.

Download the map
Feedback is welcome,
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:06 am : Looks beautiful! I like the screenshots very much - as if Quake3 arenas did age for ten years in real life and got revisited now.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:23 pm : Beatiful! Who needs Unreal Engine 3 anyways?

Currently I don´t have Quake4 installed, but I already want to thank you for the professional looking textures that come with your map.
evilartist@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:09 pm : Wow! That looks amazing, Method! Did you make all those textures in that same week and a half!? That's really damn fast!
Method@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:22 pm : Thanks guys.
evilartist: Just a clarification, the textures were made prior to the design test. Maybe I made 1 or 2 during, that's it. I've used them before over here: did a moss version of each texture in about a day or so.
pbmax@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:37 pm : Method wrote:
This is a design test for a game studio...
Threewave perhaps?
TelMarine@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:32 pm : pbmax wrote:
Method wrote:
This is a design test for a game studio...
Threewave perhaps?
actually if you read the readme it says he did it for id Software.
evilartist@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:34 pm : Method wrote:
Thanks guys.
evilartist: Just a clarification, the textures were made prior to the design test. Maybe I made 1 or 2 during, that's it. I've used them before over here: did a moss version of each texture in about a day or so.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that other level! Method, don't let those talents go to waste. Get a job in the industry...and I'm not saying just doing "design tests" for id Software.

Method@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:49 pm : Evilartist: Design Test is something a company gives you to see if you are worth hiring or not. In a way a test to see what a designer can do in limited and stressful time.
crappyatticus@Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:25 pm : As corny as it sounds your maps are kind of a super inspiration for us making maps that aren't centered around the 'everything is metal' theme. Great job, love the work.
pbmax@Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:32 pm : Method wrote:
Evilartist: Design Test is something a company gives you to see if you are worth hiring or not. In a way a test to see what a designer can do in limited and stressful time.
hey, good luck with that!
MBolus@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:07 am : Yeah, good luck Method.
evilartist@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:47 am : Method wrote:
Evilartist: Design Test is something a company gives you to see if you are worth hiring or not. In a way a test to see what a designer can do in limited and stressful time.
Hm...I wonder if I should look into that in the future. I lost my job recently, so it's not like I lack free time. By the way, was the last map you did also a design test?
Method@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:53 am : Thanks guys.
evilartist: Not my last map, no. It was simply a personal project.
Heh, well as far as I know it's a regular industry procedure. You apply for the job opening, then get a phone interview, then a design test, then on site intereview and hopefully a job after.
If you're looking for a job, it's the perfect time. I never seen so many good companies looking for people at the same time before. Check out Gamasutra's Job list:
pbmax@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:28 pm : i'd love to here more about your job application process with id Software- who you interviewed with, what they expected you to know, what thier offices were like, what does carmack smell like, etc...
but its probably better for you if you didn't say anything...
evilartist@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:25 pm : Method: Wow! That is a lot of openings! I really want to apply and show some screenshots, but none of my mapwork are actual complete, playable levels. I'm working on an awesome map right now, and I don't want to apply anywhere until I have a level in my portfolio people can actually play. Screenshots, I feel, are not enough.
How does the design test work? Do you simply make a highly detailed map with whatever textures? Does it have to be fully playable? How much time do you get? Does your current job get in the way?
Method@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:23 pm : pbmax: It all depends on what position you apply. So if you applied for a level design position you must fullfill the requirements in the job opening. Therefore I was expected to know gameplay mechanics, texturing, lighting, optimization, etc. I got to speak with Marty Stratton (Executive Producer), a very friendly guy. He's the same guy that organizes QuakeCon for us. Then later I had to do 1 on 1 chat with some of the leads. The offices are nice and I didn't get to see Carmack.
evilartist: Design tests have parameters, for example a futuristic combat arena. As far as I know most companies give only a week (plus a weekend). You don't have to fully finish the level, but must show that you understand gameplay. Having the time to put on visuals is definitely a plus. If it's a job for SP game then you are expected to make a fun SP, if it's a MP game then you're expected to make a fun MP map. Say if you're an environment artist you might get a concept art and expected to model and texture the scene. Again it depends on the company and position you apply.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:25 pm : I just got done trying it out, it's simply beautiful, one of the best looking Q4 maps I've seen. Good all around, lighting, texturing, performance, layout, nice job!
blushing_bride@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:04 pm : Method wrote:
pbmax: Therefore I was expected to know gameplay mechanics, texturing, lighting, optimization, etc.
ID must be a very odd company if they expect designers to do texturing and lighting? Other companies employ artists to do that!!!
evilartist@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:07 pm : blushing_bride wrote:
Method wrote:
pbmax: Therefore I was expected to know gameplay mechanics, texturing, lighting, optimization, etc.
ID must be a very odd company if they expect designers to do texturing and lighting? Other companies employ artists to do that!!!
From how I understand it (please, correct me if I'm wrong), smaller companies may require level designers to make textures or models if it's something small they need--something they can do on the fly by themselves. Aside from mapping, I do my own textures and models now. I hope that will be a plus to many developers.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:54 pm : let us know if you get the job, please.
Method@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:51 am : blushing_bride: Not odd at all. Evilartist is right, being able to speed the pipe line and let artist work on bigger things saves time and money. Even if artists are responsible for look of the levels in the end, it's always a big plus to show that you can fill other shoes, which makes your value higher to the company.
Zombie13@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:56 am : Awesome looking, my only gripe (and it's very picky - quality is uber high , so you have to be) is that the lighting is a little samey everywhere, but in one way it's not a bad thing, because the atmosphere and geometry are very well done along with the textures.
Good luck with id, they are a great bunch of guys and hugely talented

Horror@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:31 am : Beautiful work! I hope you get the job at id.
Gunman@Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:45 pm : Horror wrote:
Beautiful work! I hope you get the job at id.
Pretty much what Horror just said, I do also hope you get a job at id.
Best of Luck, Meth!

*thumbs up*
TelMarine@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:47 am : if there was any doubt:"A few things. =) First off, we've been keeping up with the posts in the various sandbox threads
and Method, who was recently hired as a Level Designer here at id, brought up some discussion about favorite Q3 maps which was a part of some of the feedback we were looking for. Once I saw that he had started that discussion, I let him handle that as he'll be very hands on in that area."
congrats method.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:58 am : Yeah much congratulations!
I'm so jealous.

6th Venom@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:48 am : Congratulation to you mr Meth.

killmachine@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:29 pm : i knew when i saw your first doom3 mp map "Station M" (or was it "Wrong Turn"?) that you will work for id software or any other big company thats involved with id powered games, soon ...
and now, couple of years later it became reality for you ...
i am very jealous but i am also very happy for you and i congratulate you!
keep it up, i am looking forward to see your work in id's future projects ...
ontopic: map looks just awsome ... it seems simple but also looks beautiful, guess thats why you got the job at id ... all your maps look kinda simple but everything just fits ... lightning, textures, geometry ... beautiful!

cant put it in better words coze my english lacks there but its just beautiful
mavrik65@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:11 pm : Quote:
. Aside from mapping, I do my own textures and models now.
and me... I do everything! (to an okay standard) but seriously
OH....MY....GOD! that is amazing, it's so artistic, it's so different. what was your inspiration? I must dissect this map and learn from it.
Method@Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:42 am : Sorry, I have been busy and haven't had the chance to visit D3World in a while. Thanks a lot for the good words guys.
mavrik65: It's an ok map. I learned so much in short time here at id, that I think most of my stuff is shit except this map, which is an ok for the time I was given. I agree with Killmachine all of my stuff was very simple.
The inspiration is lack of time. When you have only 10 days to make a level and especially for your number one choice company you tend to push. I decided to include things I liked in other shooters, such as vegetation in Unreal maps and misaligned planks of wood from HL. Then I applied it to Quake Universe and got the map's look.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:10 am : Well I have to say this is a very nice looking map. I really can breathe the arena's air. Good work!
mikebart@Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:30 am : Awesome work and congrats on the job

pbmax@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:54 pm : let us know if you get the job, please.
Method@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:51 am : blushing_bride: Not odd at all. Evilartist is right, being able to speed the pipe line and let artist work on bigger things saves time and money. Even if artists are responsible for look of the levels in the end, it's always a big plus to show that you can fill other shoes, which makes your value higher to the company.
Zombie13@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:56 am : Awesome looking, my only gripe (and it's very picky - quality is uber high , so you have to be) is that the lighting is a little samey everywhere, but in one way it's not a bad thing, because the atmosphere and geometry are very well done along with the textures.
Good luck with id, they are a great bunch of guys and hugely talented

Horror@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:31 am : Beautiful work! I hope you get the job at id.
Gunman@Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:45 pm : Horror wrote:
Beautiful work! I hope you get the job at id.
Pretty much what Horror just said, I do also hope you get a job at id.
Best of Luck, Meth!

*thumbs up*
TelMarine@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:47 am : if there was any doubt:"A few things. =) First off, we've been keeping up with the posts in the various sandbox threads
and Method, who was recently hired as a Level Designer here at id, brought up some discussion about favorite Q3 maps which was a part of some of the feedback we were looking for. Once I saw that he had started that discussion, I let him handle that as he'll be very hands on in that area."
congrats method.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:58 am : Yeah much congratulations!
I'm so jealous.

6th Venom@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:48 am : Congratulation to you mr Meth.

killmachine@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:29 pm : i knew when i saw your first doom3 mp map "Station M" (or was it "Wrong Turn"?) that you will work for id software or any other big company thats involved with id powered games, soon ...
and now, couple of years later it became reality for you ...
i am very jealous but i am also very happy for you and i congratulate you!
keep it up, i am looking forward to see your work in id's future projects ...
ontopic: map looks just awsome ... it seems simple but also looks beautiful, guess thats why you got the job at id ... all your maps look kinda simple but everything just fits ... lightning, textures, geometry ... beautiful!

cant put it in better words coze my english lacks there but its just beautiful
mavrik65@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:11 pm : Quote:
. Aside from mapping, I do my own textures and models now.
and me... I do everything! (to an okay standard) but seriously
OH....MY....GOD! that is amazing, it's so artistic, it's so different. what was your inspiration? I must dissect this map and learn from it.
Method@Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:42 am : Sorry, I have been busy and haven't had the chance to visit D3World in a while. Thanks a lot for the good words guys.
mavrik65: It's an ok map. I learned so much in short time here at id, that I think most of my stuff is shit except this map, which is an ok for the time I was given. I agree with Killmachine all of my stuff was very simple.
The inspiration is lack of time. When you have only 10 days to make a level and especially for your number one choice company you tend to push. I decided to include things I liked in other shooters, such as vegetation in Unreal maps and misaligned planks of wood from HL. Then I applied it to Quake Universe and got the map's look.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:10 am : Well I have to say this is a very nice looking map. I really can breathe the arena's air. Good work!
mikebart@Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:30 am : Awesome work and congrats on the job

Method@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:51 am : Hey,
This is a design test for a game studio that I did in about a week and a half. Very stressful work given the limited time.
Overall I feel like this is the best map I created from gameplay and visual point of view. I included lots of textures inside of the pak file for community use. Read the readme for more info.

Download the map
Feedback is welcome,
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:06 am : Looks beautiful! I like the screenshots very much - as if Quake3 arenas did age for ten years in real life and got revisited now.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:23 pm : Beatiful! Who needs Unreal Engine 3 anyways?

Currently I don´t have Quake4 installed, but I already want to thank you for the professional looking textures that come with your map.
evilartist@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:09 pm : Wow! That looks amazing, Method! Did you make all those textures in that same week and a half!? That's really damn fast!
Method@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:22 pm : Thanks guys.
evilartist: Just a clarification, the textures were made prior to the design test. Maybe I made 1 or 2 during, that's it. I've used them before over here: did a moss version of each texture in about a day or so.
pbmax@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:37 pm : Method wrote:
This is a design test for a game studio...
Threewave perhaps?
TelMarine@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:32 pm : pbmax wrote:
Method wrote:
This is a design test for a game studio...
Threewave perhaps?
actually if you read the readme it says he did it for id Software.
evilartist@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:34 pm : Method wrote:
Thanks guys.
evilartist: Just a clarification, the textures were made prior to the design test. Maybe I made 1 or 2 during, that's it. I've used them before over here: did a moss version of each texture in about a day or so.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that other level! Method, don't let those talents go to waste. Get a job in the industry...and I'm not saying just doing "design tests" for id Software.

Method@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:49 pm : Evilartist: Design Test is something a company gives you to see if you are worth hiring or not. In a way a test to see what a designer can do in limited and stressful time.
crappyatticus@Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:25 pm : As corny as it sounds your maps are kind of a super inspiration for us making maps that aren't centered around the 'everything is metal' theme. Great job, love the work.
pbmax@Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:32 pm : Method wrote:
Evilartist: Design Test is something a company gives you to see if you are worth hiring or not. In a way a test to see what a designer can do in limited and stressful time.
hey, good luck with that!
MBolus@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:07 am : Yeah, good luck Method.
evilartist@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:47 am : Method wrote:
Evilartist: Design Test is something a company gives you to see if you are worth hiring or not. In a way a test to see what a designer can do in limited and stressful time.
Hm...I wonder if I should look into that in the future. I lost my job recently, so it's not like I lack free time. By the way, was the last map you did also a design test?
Method@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:53 am : Thanks guys.
evilartist: Not my last map, no. It was simply a personal project.
Heh, well as far as I know it's a regular industry procedure. You apply for the job opening, then get a phone interview, then a design test, then on site intereview and hopefully a job after.
If you're looking for a job, it's the perfect time. I never seen so many good companies looking for people at the same time before. Check out Gamasutra's Job list:
pbmax@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:28 pm : i'd love to here more about your job application process with id Software- who you interviewed with, what they expected you to know, what thier offices were like, what does carmack smell like, etc...
but its probably better for you if you didn't say anything...
evilartist@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:25 pm : Method: Wow! That is a lot of openings! I really want to apply and show some screenshots, but none of my mapwork are actual complete, playable levels. I'm working on an awesome map right now, and I don't want to apply anywhere until I have a level in my portfolio people can actually play. Screenshots, I feel, are not enough.
How does the design test work? Do you simply make a highly detailed map with whatever textures? Does it have to be fully playable? How much time do you get? Does your current job get in the way?
Method@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:23 pm : pbmax: It all depends on what position you apply. So if you applied for a level design position you must fullfill the requirements in the job opening. Therefore I was expected to know gameplay mechanics, texturing, lighting, optimization, etc. I got to speak with Marty Stratton (Executive Producer), a very friendly guy. He's the same guy that organizes QuakeCon for us. Then later I had to do 1 on 1 chat with some of the leads. The offices are nice and I didn't get to see Carmack.
evilartist: Design tests have parameters, for example a futuristic combat arena. As far as I know most companies give only a week (plus a weekend). You don't have to fully finish the level, but must show that you understand gameplay. Having the time to put on visuals is definitely a plus. If it's a job for SP game then you are expected to make a fun SP, if it's a MP game then you're expected to make a fun MP map. Say if you're an environment artist you might get a concept art and expected to model and texture the scene. Again it depends on the company and position you apply.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:25 pm : I just got done trying it out, it's simply beautiful, one of the best looking Q4 maps I've seen. Good all around, lighting, texturing, performance, layout, nice job!
blushing_bride@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:04 pm : Method wrote:
pbmax: Therefore I was expected to know gameplay mechanics, texturing, lighting, optimization, etc.
ID must be a very odd company if they expect designers to do texturing and lighting? Other companies employ artists to do that!!!
evilartist@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:07 pm : blushing_bride wrote:
Method wrote:
pbmax: Therefore I was expected to know gameplay mechanics, texturing, lighting, optimization, etc.
ID must be a very odd company if they expect designers to do texturing and lighting? Other companies employ artists to do that!!!
From how I understand it (please, correct me if I'm wrong), smaller companies may require level designers to make textures or models if it's something small they need--something they can do on the fly by themselves. Aside from mapping, I do my own textures and models now. I hope that will be a plus to many developers.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:54 pm : let us know if you get the job, please.
Method@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:51 am : blushing_bride: Not odd at all. Evilartist is right, being able to speed the pipe line and let artist work on bigger things saves time and money. Even if artists are responsible for look of the levels in the end, it's always a big plus to show that you can fill other shoes, which makes your value higher to the company.
Zombie13@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:56 am : Awesome looking, my only gripe (and it's very picky - quality is uber high , so you have to be) is that the lighting is a little samey everywhere, but in one way it's not a bad thing, because the atmosphere and geometry are very well done along with the textures.
Good luck with id, they are a great bunch of guys and hugely talented

Horror@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:31 am : Beautiful work! I hope you get the job at id.
Gunman@Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:45 pm : Horror wrote:
Beautiful work! I hope you get the job at id.
Pretty much what Horror just said, I do also hope you get a job at id.
Best of Luck, Meth!

*thumbs up*
TelMarine@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:47 am : if there was any doubt:"A few things. =) First off, we've been keeping up with the posts in the various sandbox threads
and Method, who was recently hired as a Level Designer here at id, brought up some discussion about favorite Q3 maps which was a part of some of the feedback we were looking for. Once I saw that he had started that discussion, I let him handle that as he'll be very hands on in that area."
congrats method.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:58 am : Yeah much congratulations!
I'm so jealous.

6th Venom@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:48 am : Congratulation to you mr Meth.

killmachine@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:29 pm : i knew when i saw your first doom3 mp map "Station M" (or was it "Wrong Turn"?) that you will work for id software or any other big company thats involved with id powered games, soon ...
and now, couple of years later it became reality for you ...
i am very jealous but i am also very happy for you and i congratulate you!
keep it up, i am looking forward to see your work in id's future projects ...
ontopic: map looks just awsome ... it seems simple but also looks beautiful, guess thats why you got the job at id ... all your maps look kinda simple but everything just fits ... lightning, textures, geometry ... beautiful!

cant put it in better words coze my english lacks there but its just beautiful
mavrik65@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:11 pm : Quote:
. Aside from mapping, I do my own textures and models now.
and me... I do everything! (to an okay standard) but seriously
OH....MY....GOD! that is amazing, it's so artistic, it's so different. what was your inspiration? I must dissect this map and learn from it.
Method@Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:42 am : Sorry, I have been busy and haven't had the chance to visit D3World in a while. Thanks a lot for the good words guys.
mavrik65: It's an ok map. I learned so much in short time here at id, that I think most of my stuff is shit except this map, which is an ok for the time I was given. I agree with Killmachine all of my stuff was very simple.
The inspiration is lack of time. When you have only 10 days to make a level and especially for your number one choice company you tend to push. I decided to include things I liked in other shooters, such as vegetation in Unreal maps and misaligned planks of wood from HL. Then I applied it to Quake Universe and got the map's look.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:10 am : Well I have to say this is a very nice looking map. I really can breathe the arena's air. Good work!
mikebart@Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:30 am : Awesome work and congrats on the job

Method@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:51 am : Hey,
This is a design test for a game studio that I did in about a week and a half. Very stressful work given the limited time.
Overall I feel like this is the best map I created from gameplay and visual point of view. I included lots of textures inside of the pak file for community use. Read the readme for more info.

Download the map
Feedback is welcome,
BNA!@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:06 am : Looks beautiful! I like the screenshots very much - as if Quake3 arenas did age for ten years in real life and got revisited now.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:23 pm : Beatiful! Who needs Unreal Engine 3 anyways?

Currently I don´t have Quake4 installed, but I already want to thank you for the professional looking textures that come with your map.
evilartist@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:09 pm : Wow! That looks amazing, Method! Did you make all those textures in that same week and a half!? That's really damn fast!
Method@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:22 pm : Thanks guys.
evilartist: Just a clarification, the textures were made prior to the design test. Maybe I made 1 or 2 during, that's it. I've used them before over here: did a moss version of each texture in about a day or so.
pbmax@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:37 pm : Method wrote:
This is a design test for a game studio...
Threewave perhaps?
TelMarine@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:32 pm : pbmax wrote:
Method wrote:
This is a design test for a game studio...
Threewave perhaps?
actually if you read the readme it says he did it for id Software.
evilartist@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:34 pm : Method wrote:
Thanks guys.
evilartist: Just a clarification, the textures were made prior to the design test. Maybe I made 1 or 2 during, that's it. I've used them before over here: did a moss version of each texture in about a day or so.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that other level! Method, don't let those talents go to waste. Get a job in the industry...and I'm not saying just doing "design tests" for id Software.

Method@Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:49 pm : Evilartist: Design Test is something a company gives you to see if you are worth hiring or not. In a way a test to see what a designer can do in limited and stressful time.
crappyatticus@Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:25 pm : As corny as it sounds your maps are kind of a super inspiration for us making maps that aren't centered around the 'everything is metal' theme. Great job, love the work.
pbmax@Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:32 pm : Method wrote:
Evilartist: Design Test is something a company gives you to see if you are worth hiring or not. In a way a test to see what a designer can do in limited and stressful time.
hey, good luck with that!
MBolus@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:07 am : Yeah, good luck Method.
evilartist@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:47 am : Method wrote:
Evilartist: Design Test is something a company gives you to see if you are worth hiring or not. In a way a test to see what a designer can do in limited and stressful time.
Hm...I wonder if I should look into that in the future. I lost my job recently, so it's not like I lack free time. By the way, was the last map you did also a design test?
Method@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:53 am : Thanks guys.
evilartist: Not my last map, no. It was simply a personal project.
Heh, well as far as I know it's a regular industry procedure. You apply for the job opening, then get a phone interview, then a design test, then on site intereview and hopefully a job after.
If you're looking for a job, it's the perfect time. I never seen so many good companies looking for people at the same time before. Check out Gamasutra's Job list:
pbmax@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:28 pm : i'd love to here more about your job application process with id Software- who you interviewed with, what they expected you to know, what thier offices were like, what does carmack smell like, etc...
but its probably better for you if you didn't say anything...
evilartist@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 5:25 pm : Method: Wow! That is a lot of openings! I really want to apply and show some screenshots, but none of my mapwork are actual complete, playable levels. I'm working on an awesome map right now, and I don't want to apply anywhere until I have a level in my portfolio people can actually play. Screenshots, I feel, are not enough.
How does the design test work? Do you simply make a highly detailed map with whatever textures? Does it have to be fully playable? How much time do you get? Does your current job get in the way?
Method@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:23 pm : pbmax: It all depends on what position you apply. So if you applied for a level design position you must fullfill the requirements in the job opening. Therefore I was expected to know gameplay mechanics, texturing, lighting, optimization, etc. I got to speak with Marty Stratton (Executive Producer), a very friendly guy. He's the same guy that organizes QuakeCon for us. Then later I had to do 1 on 1 chat with some of the leads. The offices are nice and I didn't get to see Carmack.
evilartist: Design tests have parameters, for example a futuristic combat arena. As far as I know most companies give only a week (plus a weekend). You don't have to fully finish the level, but must show that you understand gameplay. Having the time to put on visuals is definitely a plus. If it's a job for SP game then you are expected to make a fun SP, if it's a MP game then you're expected to make a fun MP map. Say if you're an environment artist you might get a concept art and expected to model and texture the scene. Again it depends on the company and position you apply.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:25 pm : I just got done trying it out, it's simply beautiful, one of the best looking Q4 maps I've seen. Good all around, lighting, texturing, performance, layout, nice job!
blushing_bride@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:04 pm : Method wrote:
pbmax: Therefore I was expected to know gameplay mechanics, texturing, lighting, optimization, etc.
ID must be a very odd company if they expect designers to do texturing and lighting? Other companies employ artists to do that!!!
evilartist@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:07 pm : blushing_bride wrote:
Method wrote:
pbmax: Therefore I was expected to know gameplay mechanics, texturing, lighting, optimization, etc.
ID must be a very odd company if they expect designers to do texturing and lighting? Other companies employ artists to do that!!!
From how I understand it (please, correct me if I'm wrong), smaller companies may require level designers to make textures or models if it's something small they need--something they can do on the fly by themselves. Aside from mapping, I do my own textures and models now. I hope that will be a plus to many developers.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:54 pm : let us know if you get the job, please.
Method@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:51 am : blushing_bride: Not odd at all. Evilartist is right, being able to speed the pipe line and let artist work on bigger things saves time and money. Even if artists are responsible for look of the levels in the end, it's always a big plus to show that you can fill other shoes, which makes your value higher to the company.
Zombie13@Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:56 am : Awesome looking, my only gripe (and it's very picky - quality is uber high , so you have to be) is that the lighting is a little samey everywhere, but in one way it's not a bad thing, because the atmosphere and geometry are very well done along with the textures.
Good luck with id, they are a great bunch of guys and hugely talented

Horror@Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:31 am : Beautiful work! I hope you get the job at id.
Gunman@Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:45 pm : Horror wrote:
Beautiful work! I hope you get the job at id.
Pretty much what Horror just said, I do also hope you get a job at id.
Best of Luck, Meth!

*thumbs up*
TelMarine@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:47 am : if there was any doubt:"A few things. =) First off, we've been keeping up with the posts in the various sandbox threads
and Method, who was recently hired as a Level Designer here at id, brought up some discussion about favorite Q3 maps which was a part of some of the feedback we were looking for. Once I saw that he had started that discussion, I let him handle that as he'll be very hands on in that area."
congrats method.
Dinky@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:58 am : Yeah much congratulations!
I'm so jealous.

6th Venom@Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:48 am : Congratulation to you mr Meth.

killmachine@Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:29 pm : i knew when i saw your first doom3 mp map "Station M" (or was it "Wrong Turn"?) that you will work for id software or any other big company thats involved with id powered games, soon ...
and now, couple of years later it became reality for you ...
i am very jealous but i am also very happy for you and i congratulate you!
keep it up, i am looking forward to see your work in id's future projects ...
ontopic: map looks just awsome ... it seems simple but also looks beautiful, guess thats why you got the job at id ... all your maps look kinda simple but everything just fits ... lightning, textures, geometry ... beautiful!

cant put it in better words coze my english lacks there but its just beautiful
mavrik65@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:11 pm : Quote:
. Aside from mapping, I do my own textures and models now.
and me... I do everything! (to an okay standard) but seriously
OH....MY....GOD! that is amazing, it's so artistic, it's so different. what was your inspiration? I must dissect this map and learn from it.
Method@Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:42 am : Sorry, I have been busy and haven't had the chance to visit D3World in a while. Thanks a lot for the good words guys.
mavrik65: It's an ok map. I learned so much in short time here at id, that I think most of my stuff is shit except this map, which is an ok for the time I was given. I agree with Killmachine all of my stuff was very simple.
The inspiration is lack of time. When you have only 10 days to make a level and especially for your number one choice company you tend to push. I decided to include things I liked in other shooters, such as vegetation in Unreal maps and misaligned planks of wood from HL. Then I applied it to Quake Universe and got the map's look.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:10 am : Well I have to say this is a very nice looking map. I really can breathe the arena's air. Good work!
mikebart@Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:30 am : Awesome work and congrats on the job