You play as Mitchell Wayde, a subject of Corptech institute, subsided effects of prototype R-15, declared clean.
August 17th 2015, Corptech Institute of the Australian government commenced experimenting with natural cellular regrowth structures known as R-15 (Reconstruction 1 5)......
October 2nd 2015, The discover of substances affect with extracted hormones was a great success......
November 26th 2015, Unstable long term side affects on most living subjects ...
January 7th 2016, Corptech Institute immediate lockdown after unknown disturbances and discontinuation by state authority's for the study of R-15
January 9th 2016, Outbreak of substance, blood spread and hostile. Slow moving but uncontainable.
You awake in an abandoned house as your's has allready been infested with those freaks, day 2 of your struggle for survival. Windows boarded and still some work left to keep yourself safe. You can either wait it out for a resistance that might not happen or you can take your loaded pistol and give peace to the small town of Fetcher.....
Some early screens:

This is just the start of the map, detailing is still in progress. Hope for some feedback !
Sounds pretty good. Good intro and the 3rd screenie looks tip top. So when do you expect a release or are you just starting out? Either way, good work sofar. Keep it up

Im just starting out, so no initial release date has been decided. But I do Hope to complete all the mapping and detailing by the end of this year.
wal wrote:
Nother non-tech level.

Yep, i'm with you about the fact that it's sad that so many showcase/tech/demo levels are not playable... so beautifull ones are just "screenshots" for the rest of their life...

Im going to try my hardest to get this map to you guy's and not just leave them as screen shots. With Year 12 study, part-time work etc, its going to be tough.
Final_Light wrote:
Im going to try my hardest to get this map to you guy's and not just leave them as screen shots. With Year 12 study, part-time work etc, its going to be tough.
You might want to go hard with it now and get the thing done by July/August so that you're don't have to drop it to concentrate on HSC. If need be, drop the scope of the project so you can release something before you run out of time, then once you get home from schoolies, pick it back up and start part2.
IMHO: Take your time. If you have to stop for a while then you could release a beta or just wait till it's done. That's better than releasing something you know could have been better. If you know you gunna have to stop for a while then just make sure individual things are complete. It's a nightmare when you leave something half done, even after a couple of days I've found it hard to remember exactly where I was and what I planned to do next.
Reminds me of Half-Life 2