calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 am : 
The long awaited Last Man Standing Co-op 4.0 is released! This is the final official version of the mod though there has been some talk of others taking the reins. Here is our feature list:
* Windows (including the steam version), Mac and Linux Compatible
* Over ten new LMS SP Coop easter eggs to find!
* New Map TS_HellPentagram.
* Now features over 80 maps tweaked for Cooperative play!
* Upgraded to the heavily optimized 1.3.1 Classic Doom for Doom 3 Maps
* Heavily Improved New Supermaggot skin! Also new menu and wrench icons.
* Portals added so players don't get left behind on train maps.
* Spawns have been significantly tweaked to reduce or eliminate telefragging.
* Training Simulation maps (TS_) have been updated and fixed.
* Numerous SP Coop tweaks and fixes to optimize your gaming experience.
* Please visit
here to see the full list of LMS features from our nearly four years of development!
* If you need any help please see our
Frequently Asked QuestionsLast Man Standing 4.0 DownloadIf you are interested in our future projects please be sure to check
http://PlatinumArts.Net which is the official business page. That site will be updated soon including a list of all of the countries I've seen LMS played in. Additionally, under the link
AUDIO GOODIES you'll find various past LMS interviews, funny clips, and other random media including some very nice words about LMS from TTimo who is a coder for ID Software. Keep checking our sites because there is more LMS media to come as well including a trailer and possibly a map pack. Be sure to keep up on Platinum Arts Sandbox at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net which will most likely the engine that powers our future projects including the possible LMS standalone and/or LMS fantasy Standalone.
I want to give the LMS community a big thanks for your continued interest and commitment to our mod. It has been a real pleasure to meet so many of you great people and it has meant a lot to me. 3.0 was supposed to be the final release but you wanted more so we gave you more

I hope you enjoy the new goodies. Take care and stop in and keep and touch.
http://lms.d3files.comCheck out our
business page Sign up for our
newsletter Come and talk to us on
IRC Visit our
Moddb Page Our
MySpace PageFree Game Making Tool
Platinum Arts Sandbox
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 am : weren't you guys working with Torque for a standalone game back when version 3.0 was released? What happened to that?
BTW, I got this downloaded. Hoping to have a get together soon with some planetdoom players.

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 am : Yes, good memory! During that time I checked out other engines and I think that I found an engine that is better suited to what I'm looking for, and that is Platinum Arts Sandbox aka the Cube 2 engine. I'm always up for ideas and suggestions but I think Cube 2 will do well for us. Hope you have fun with those planetdoom players

Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

Take care.
PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

Phobos@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:13 am : Awesome.. downloading now!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am : calimer wrote:
Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

pappy said he's get a D3 server up & running so some co-op can be done but it hasn't surfaced yet.

PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

on filefront? You chainsaw_code? that grenade is pretty damn cool. I (at first) set the knock to a high negative # & made a blackhole grenade instead. This the hhg was more fun. (didn't rule out the blackhole idea though). I personally like the shotty I made. Has more of an action movie feel.
EDIT: my memory doesn't need to be THAT bad... you have a forum to that torque game in your LMS forums.

calimer@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:16 am : I played your Last Stand mod. I don't remember your changes to the shotgun and chainsaw, maybe I should check it again. What was your idea for the blackhole grenade? That sounds pretty awesome, especially if can actually pull monsters into it. Take care and also thanks for supporting our mod so much and for always leaving such nice comments, it is really nice to see

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 am : 
The long awaited Last Man Standing Co-op 4.0 is released! This is the final official version of the mod though there has been some talk of others taking the reins. Here is our feature list:
* Windows (including the steam version), Mac and Linux Compatible
* Over ten new LMS SP Coop easter eggs to find!
* New Map TS_HellPentagram.
* Now features over 80 maps tweaked for Cooperative play!
* Upgraded to the heavily optimized 1.3.1 Classic Doom for Doom 3 Maps
* Heavily Improved New Supermaggot skin! Also new menu and wrench icons.
* Portals added so players don't get left behind on train maps.
* Spawns have been significantly tweaked to reduce or eliminate telefragging.
* Training Simulation maps (TS_) have been updated and fixed.
* Numerous SP Coop tweaks and fixes to optimize your gaming experience.
* Please visit
here to see the full list of LMS features from our nearly four years of development!
* If you need any help please see our
Frequently Asked QuestionsLast Man Standing 4.0 DownloadIf you are interested in our future projects please be sure to check
http://PlatinumArts.Net which is the official business page. That site will be updated soon including a list of all of the countries I've seen LMS played in. Additionally, under the link
AUDIO GOODIES you'll find various past LMS interviews, funny clips, and other random media including some very nice words about LMS from TTimo who is a coder for ID Software. Keep checking our sites because there is more LMS media to come as well including a trailer and possibly a map pack. Be sure to keep up on Platinum Arts Sandbox at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net which will most likely the engine that powers our future projects including the possible LMS standalone and/or LMS fantasy Standalone.
I want to give the LMS community a big thanks for your continued interest and commitment to our mod. It has been a real pleasure to meet so many of you great people and it has meant a lot to me. 3.0 was supposed to be the final release but you wanted more so we gave you more

I hope you enjoy the new goodies. Take care and stop in and keep and touch.
http://lms.d3files.comCheck out our
business page Sign up for our
newsletter Come and talk to us on
IRC Visit our
Moddb Page Our
MySpace PageFree Game Making Tool
Platinum Arts Sandbox
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 am : weren't you guys working with Torque for a standalone game back when version 3.0 was released? What happened to that?
BTW, I got this downloaded. Hoping to have a get together soon with some planetdoom players.

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 am : Yes, good memory! During that time I checked out other engines and I think that I found an engine that is better suited to what I'm looking for, and that is Platinum Arts Sandbox aka the Cube 2 engine. I'm always up for ideas and suggestions but I think Cube 2 will do well for us. Hope you have fun with those planetdoom players

Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

Take care.
PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

Phobos@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:13 am : Awesome.. downloading now!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am : calimer wrote:
Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

pappy said he's get a D3 server up & running so some co-op can be done but it hasn't surfaced yet.

PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

on filefront? You chainsaw_code? that grenade is pretty damn cool. I (at first) set the knock to a high negative # & made a blackhole grenade instead. This the hhg was more fun. (didn't rule out the blackhole idea though). I personally like the shotty I made. Has more of an action movie feel.
EDIT: my memory doesn't need to be THAT bad... you have a forum to that torque game in your LMS forums.

calimer@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:16 am : I played your Last Stand mod. I don't remember your changes to the shotgun and chainsaw, maybe I should check it again. What was your idea for the blackhole grenade? That sounds pretty awesome, especially if can actually pull monsters into it. Take care and also thanks for supporting our mod so much and for always leaving such nice comments, it is really nice to see

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 am : 
The long awaited Last Man Standing Co-op 4.0 is released! This is the final official version of the mod though there has been some talk of others taking the reins. Here is our feature list:
* Windows (including the steam version), Mac and Linux Compatible
* Over ten new LMS SP Coop easter eggs to find!
* New Map TS_HellPentagram.
* Now features over 80 maps tweaked for Cooperative play!
* Upgraded to the heavily optimized 1.3.1 Classic Doom for Doom 3 Maps
* Heavily Improved New Supermaggot skin! Also new menu and wrench icons.
* Portals added so players don't get left behind on train maps.
* Spawns have been significantly tweaked to reduce or eliminate telefragging.
* Training Simulation maps (TS_) have been updated and fixed.
* Numerous SP Coop tweaks and fixes to optimize your gaming experience.
* Please visit
here to see the full list of LMS features from our nearly four years of development!
* If you need any help please see our
Frequently Asked QuestionsLast Man Standing 4.0 DownloadIf you are interested in our future projects please be sure to check
http://PlatinumArts.Net which is the official business page. That site will be updated soon including a list of all of the countries I've seen LMS played in. Additionally, under the link
AUDIO GOODIES you'll find various past LMS interviews, funny clips, and other random media including some very nice words about LMS from TTimo who is a coder for ID Software. Keep checking our sites because there is more LMS media to come as well including a trailer and possibly a map pack. Be sure to keep up on Platinum Arts Sandbox at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net which will most likely the engine that powers our future projects including the possible LMS standalone and/or LMS fantasy Standalone.
I want to give the LMS community a big thanks for your continued interest and commitment to our mod. It has been a real pleasure to meet so many of you great people and it has meant a lot to me. 3.0 was supposed to be the final release but you wanted more so we gave you more

I hope you enjoy the new goodies. Take care and stop in and keep and touch.
http://lms.d3files.comCheck out our
business page Sign up for our
newsletter Come and talk to us on
IRC Visit our
Moddb Page Our
MySpace PageFree Game Making Tool
Platinum Arts Sandbox
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 am : weren't you guys working with Torque for a standalone game back when version 3.0 was released? What happened to that?
BTW, I got this downloaded. Hoping to have a get together soon with some planetdoom players.

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 am : Yes, good memory! During that time I checked out other engines and I think that I found an engine that is better suited to what I'm looking for, and that is Platinum Arts Sandbox aka the Cube 2 engine. I'm always up for ideas and suggestions but I think Cube 2 will do well for us. Hope you have fun with those planetdoom players

Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

Take care.
PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

Phobos@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:13 am : Awesome.. downloading now!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am : calimer wrote:
Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

pappy said he's get a D3 server up & running so some co-op can be done but it hasn't surfaced yet.

PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

on filefront? You chainsaw_code? that grenade is pretty damn cool. I (at first) set the knock to a high negative # & made a blackhole grenade instead. This the hhg was more fun. (didn't rule out the blackhole idea though). I personally like the shotty I made. Has more of an action movie feel.
EDIT: my memory doesn't need to be THAT bad... you have a forum to that torque game in your LMS forums.

calimer@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:16 am : I played your Last Stand mod. I don't remember your changes to the shotgun and chainsaw, maybe I should check it again. What was your idea for the blackhole grenade? That sounds pretty awesome, especially if can actually pull monsters into it. Take care and also thanks for supporting our mod so much and for always leaving such nice comments, it is really nice to see

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 am : 
The long awaited Last Man Standing Co-op 4.0 is released! This is the final official version of the mod though there has been some talk of others taking the reins. Here is our feature list:
* Windows (including the steam version), Mac and Linux Compatible
* Over ten new LMS SP Coop easter eggs to find!
* New Map TS_HellPentagram.
* Now features over 80 maps tweaked for Cooperative play!
* Upgraded to the heavily optimized 1.3.1 Classic Doom for Doom 3 Maps
* Heavily Improved New Supermaggot skin! Also new menu and wrench icons.
* Portals added so players don't get left behind on train maps.
* Spawns have been significantly tweaked to reduce or eliminate telefragging.
* Training Simulation maps (TS_) have been updated and fixed.
* Numerous SP Coop tweaks and fixes to optimize your gaming experience.
* Please visit
here to see the full list of LMS features from our nearly four years of development!
* If you need any help please see our
Frequently Asked QuestionsLast Man Standing 4.0 DownloadIf you are interested in our future projects please be sure to check
http://PlatinumArts.Net which is the official business page. That site will be updated soon including a list of all of the countries I've seen LMS played in. Additionally, under the link
AUDIO GOODIES you'll find various past LMS interviews, funny clips, and other random media including some very nice words about LMS from TTimo who is a coder for ID Software. Keep checking our sites because there is more LMS media to come as well including a trailer and possibly a map pack. Be sure to keep up on Platinum Arts Sandbox at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net which will most likely the engine that powers our future projects including the possible LMS standalone and/or LMS fantasy Standalone.
I want to give the LMS community a big thanks for your continued interest and commitment to our mod. It has been a real pleasure to meet so many of you great people and it has meant a lot to me. 3.0 was supposed to be the final release but you wanted more so we gave you more

I hope you enjoy the new goodies. Take care and stop in and keep and touch.
http://lms.d3files.comCheck out our
business page Sign up for our
newsletter Come and talk to us on
IRC Visit our
Moddb Page Our
MySpace PageFree Game Making Tool
Platinum Arts Sandbox
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 am : weren't you guys working with Torque for a standalone game back when version 3.0 was released? What happened to that?
BTW, I got this downloaded. Hoping to have a get together soon with some planetdoom players.

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 am : Yes, good memory! During that time I checked out other engines and I think that I found an engine that is better suited to what I'm looking for, and that is Platinum Arts Sandbox aka the Cube 2 engine. I'm always up for ideas and suggestions but I think Cube 2 will do well for us. Hope you have fun with those planetdoom players

Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

Take care.
PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

Phobos@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:13 am : Awesome.. downloading now!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am : calimer wrote:
Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

pappy said he's get a D3 server up & running so some co-op can be done but it hasn't surfaced yet.

PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

on filefront? You chainsaw_code? that grenade is pretty damn cool. I (at first) set the knock to a high negative # & made a blackhole grenade instead. This the hhg was more fun. (didn't rule out the blackhole idea though). I personally like the shotty I made. Has more of an action movie feel.
EDIT: my memory doesn't need to be THAT bad... you have a forum to that torque game in your LMS forums.

calimer@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:16 am : I played your Last Stand mod. I don't remember your changes to the shotgun and chainsaw, maybe I should check it again. What was your idea for the blackhole grenade? That sounds pretty awesome, especially if can actually pull monsters into it. Take care and also thanks for supporting our mod so much and for always leaving such nice comments, it is really nice to see

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 am : 
The long awaited Last Man Standing Co-op 4.0 is released! This is the final official version of the mod though there has been some talk of others taking the reins. Here is our feature list:
* Windows (including the steam version), Mac and Linux Compatible
* Over ten new LMS SP Coop easter eggs to find!
* New Map TS_HellPentagram.
* Now features over 80 maps tweaked for Cooperative play!
* Upgraded to the heavily optimized 1.3.1 Classic Doom for Doom 3 Maps
* Heavily Improved New Supermaggot skin! Also new menu and wrench icons.
* Portals added so players don't get left behind on train maps.
* Spawns have been significantly tweaked to reduce or eliminate telefragging.
* Training Simulation maps (TS_) have been updated and fixed.
* Numerous SP Coop tweaks and fixes to optimize your gaming experience.
* Please visit
here to see the full list of LMS features from our nearly four years of development!
* If you need any help please see our
Frequently Asked QuestionsLast Man Standing 4.0 DownloadIf you are interested in our future projects please be sure to check
http://PlatinumArts.Net which is the official business page. That site will be updated soon including a list of all of the countries I've seen LMS played in. Additionally, under the link
AUDIO GOODIES you'll find various past LMS interviews, funny clips, and other random media including some very nice words about LMS from TTimo who is a coder for ID Software. Keep checking our sites because there is more LMS media to come as well including a trailer and possibly a map pack. Be sure to keep up on Platinum Arts Sandbox at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net which will most likely the engine that powers our future projects including the possible LMS standalone and/or LMS fantasy Standalone.
I want to give the LMS community a big thanks for your continued interest and commitment to our mod. It has been a real pleasure to meet so many of you great people and it has meant a lot to me. 3.0 was supposed to be the final release but you wanted more so we gave you more

I hope you enjoy the new goodies. Take care and stop in and keep and touch.
http://lms.d3files.comCheck out our
business page Sign up for our
newsletter Come and talk to us on
IRC Visit our
Moddb Page Our
MySpace PageFree Game Making Tool
Platinum Arts Sandbox
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 am : weren't you guys working with Torque for a standalone game back when version 3.0 was released? What happened to that?
BTW, I got this downloaded. Hoping to have a get together soon with some planetdoom players.

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 am : Yes, good memory! During that time I checked out other engines and I think that I found an engine that is better suited to what I'm looking for, and that is Platinum Arts Sandbox aka the Cube 2 engine. I'm always up for ideas and suggestions but I think Cube 2 will do well for us. Hope you have fun with those planetdoom players

Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

Take care.
PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

Phobos@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:13 am : Awesome.. downloading now!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am : calimer wrote:
Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

pappy said he's get a D3 server up & running so some co-op can be done but it hasn't surfaced yet.

PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

on filefront? You chainsaw_code? that grenade is pretty damn cool. I (at first) set the knock to a high negative # & made a blackhole grenade instead. This the hhg was more fun. (didn't rule out the blackhole idea though). I personally like the shotty I made. Has more of an action movie feel.
EDIT: my memory doesn't need to be THAT bad... you have a forum to that torque game in your LMS forums.

calimer@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:16 am : I played your Last Stand mod. I don't remember your changes to the shotgun and chainsaw, maybe I should check it again. What was your idea for the blackhole grenade? That sounds pretty awesome, especially if can actually pull monsters into it. Take care and also thanks for supporting our mod so much and for always leaving such nice comments, it is really nice to see

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 am : 
The long awaited Last Man Standing Co-op 4.0 is released! This is the final official version of the mod though there has been some talk of others taking the reins. Here is our feature list:
* Windows (including the steam version), Mac and Linux Compatible
* Over ten new LMS SP Coop easter eggs to find!
* New Map TS_HellPentagram.
* Now features over 80 maps tweaked for Cooperative play!
* Upgraded to the heavily optimized 1.3.1 Classic Doom for Doom 3 Maps
* Heavily Improved New Supermaggot skin! Also new menu and wrench icons.
* Portals added so players don't get left behind on train maps.
* Spawns have been significantly tweaked to reduce or eliminate telefragging.
* Training Simulation maps (TS_) have been updated and fixed.
* Numerous SP Coop tweaks and fixes to optimize your gaming experience.
* Please visit
here to see the full list of LMS features from our nearly four years of development!
* If you need any help please see our
Frequently Asked QuestionsLast Man Standing 4.0 DownloadIf you are interested in our future projects please be sure to check
http://PlatinumArts.Net which is the official business page. That site will be updated soon including a list of all of the countries I've seen LMS played in. Additionally, under the link
AUDIO GOODIES you'll find various past LMS interviews, funny clips, and other random media including some very nice words about LMS from TTimo who is a coder for ID Software. Keep checking our sites because there is more LMS media to come as well including a trailer and possibly a map pack. Be sure to keep up on Platinum Arts Sandbox at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net which will most likely the engine that powers our future projects including the possible LMS standalone and/or LMS fantasy Standalone.
I want to give the LMS community a big thanks for your continued interest and commitment to our mod. It has been a real pleasure to meet so many of you great people and it has meant a lot to me. 3.0 was supposed to be the final release but you wanted more so we gave you more

I hope you enjoy the new goodies. Take care and stop in and keep and touch.
http://lms.d3files.comCheck out our
business page Sign up for our
newsletter Come and talk to us on
IRC Visit our
Moddb Page Our
MySpace PageFree Game Making Tool
Platinum Arts Sandbox
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 am : weren't you guys working with Torque for a standalone game back when version 3.0 was released? What happened to that?
BTW, I got this downloaded. Hoping to have a get together soon with some planetdoom players.

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 am : Yes, good memory! During that time I checked out other engines and I think that I found an engine that is better suited to what I'm looking for, and that is Platinum Arts Sandbox aka the Cube 2 engine. I'm always up for ideas and suggestions but I think Cube 2 will do well for us. Hope you have fun with those planetdoom players

Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

Take care.
PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

Phobos@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:13 am : Awesome.. downloading now!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am : calimer wrote:
Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

pappy said he's get a D3 server up & running so some co-op can be done but it hasn't surfaced yet.

PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

on filefront? You chainsaw_code? that grenade is pretty damn cool. I (at first) set the knock to a high negative # & made a blackhole grenade instead. This the hhg was more fun. (didn't rule out the blackhole idea though). I personally like the shotty I made. Has more of an action movie feel.
EDIT: my memory doesn't need to be THAT bad... you have a forum to that torque game in your LMS forums.

calimer@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:16 am : I played your Last Stand mod. I don't remember your changes to the shotgun and chainsaw, maybe I should check it again. What was your idea for the blackhole grenade? That sounds pretty awesome, especially if can actually pull monsters into it. Take care and also thanks for supporting our mod so much and for always leaving such nice comments, it is really nice to see

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 am : 
The long awaited Last Man Standing Co-op 4.0 is released! This is the final official version of the mod though there has been some talk of others taking the reins. Here is our feature list:
* Windows (including the steam version), Mac and Linux Compatible
* Over ten new LMS SP Coop easter eggs to find!
* New Map TS_HellPentagram.
* Now features over 80 maps tweaked for Cooperative play!
* Upgraded to the heavily optimized 1.3.1 Classic Doom for Doom 3 Maps
* Heavily Improved New Supermaggot skin! Also new menu and wrench icons.
* Portals added so players don't get left behind on train maps.
* Spawns have been significantly tweaked to reduce or eliminate telefragging.
* Training Simulation maps (TS_) have been updated and fixed.
* Numerous SP Coop tweaks and fixes to optimize your gaming experience.
* Please visit
here to see the full list of LMS features from our nearly four years of development!
* If you need any help please see our
Frequently Asked QuestionsLast Man Standing 4.0 DownloadIf you are interested in our future projects please be sure to check
http://PlatinumArts.Net which is the official business page. That site will be updated soon including a list of all of the countries I've seen LMS played in. Additionally, under the link
AUDIO GOODIES you'll find various past LMS interviews, funny clips, and other random media including some very nice words about LMS from TTimo who is a coder for ID Software. Keep checking our sites because there is more LMS media to come as well including a trailer and possibly a map pack. Be sure to keep up on Platinum Arts Sandbox at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net which will most likely the engine that powers our future projects including the possible LMS standalone and/or LMS fantasy Standalone.
I want to give the LMS community a big thanks for your continued interest and commitment to our mod. It has been a real pleasure to meet so many of you great people and it has meant a lot to me. 3.0 was supposed to be the final release but you wanted more so we gave you more

I hope you enjoy the new goodies. Take care and stop in and keep and touch.
http://lms.d3files.comCheck out our
business page Sign up for our
newsletter Come and talk to us on
IRC Visit our
Moddb Page Our
MySpace PageFree Game Making Tool
Platinum Arts Sandbox
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 am : weren't you guys working with Torque for a standalone game back when version 3.0 was released? What happened to that?
BTW, I got this downloaded. Hoping to have a get together soon with some planetdoom players.

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 am : Yes, good memory! During that time I checked out other engines and I think that I found an engine that is better suited to what I'm looking for, and that is Platinum Arts Sandbox aka the Cube 2 engine. I'm always up for ideas and suggestions but I think Cube 2 will do well for us. Hope you have fun with those planetdoom players

Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

Take care.
PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

Phobos@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:13 am : Awesome.. downloading now!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am : calimer wrote:
Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

pappy said he's get a D3 server up & running so some co-op can be done but it hasn't surfaced yet.

PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

on filefront? You chainsaw_code? that grenade is pretty damn cool. I (at first) set the knock to a high negative # & made a blackhole grenade instead. This the hhg was more fun. (didn't rule out the blackhole idea though). I personally like the shotty I made. Has more of an action movie feel.
EDIT: my memory doesn't need to be THAT bad... you have a forum to that torque game in your LMS forums.

calimer@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:16 am : I played your Last Stand mod. I don't remember your changes to the shotgun and chainsaw, maybe I should check it again. What was your idea for the blackhole grenade? That sounds pretty awesome, especially if can actually pull monsters into it. Take care and also thanks for supporting our mod so much and for always leaving such nice comments, it is really nice to see

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 am : 
The long awaited Last Man Standing Co-op 4.0 is released! This is the final official version of the mod though there has been some talk of others taking the reins. Here is our feature list:
* Windows (including the steam version), Mac and Linux Compatible
* Over ten new LMS SP Coop easter eggs to find!
* New Map TS_HellPentagram.
* Now features over 80 maps tweaked for Cooperative play!
* Upgraded to the heavily optimized 1.3.1 Classic Doom for Doom 3 Maps
* Heavily Improved New Supermaggot skin! Also new menu and wrench icons.
* Portals added so players don't get left behind on train maps.
* Spawns have been significantly tweaked to reduce or eliminate telefragging.
* Training Simulation maps (TS_) have been updated and fixed.
* Numerous SP Coop tweaks and fixes to optimize your gaming experience.
* Please visit
here to see the full list of LMS features from our nearly four years of development!
* If you need any help please see our
Frequently Asked QuestionsLast Man Standing 4.0 DownloadIf you are interested in our future projects please be sure to check
http://PlatinumArts.Net which is the official business page. That site will be updated soon including a list of all of the countries I've seen LMS played in. Additionally, under the link
AUDIO GOODIES you'll find various past LMS interviews, funny clips, and other random media including some very nice words about LMS from TTimo who is a coder for ID Software. Keep checking our sites because there is more LMS media to come as well including a trailer and possibly a map pack. Be sure to keep up on Platinum Arts Sandbox at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net which will most likely the engine that powers our future projects including the possible LMS standalone and/or LMS fantasy Standalone.
I want to give the LMS community a big thanks for your continued interest and commitment to our mod. It has been a real pleasure to meet so many of you great people and it has meant a lot to me. 3.0 was supposed to be the final release but you wanted more so we gave you more

I hope you enjoy the new goodies. Take care and stop in and keep and touch.
http://lms.d3files.comCheck out our
business page Sign up for our
newsletter Come and talk to us on
IRC Visit our
Moddb Page Our
MySpace PageFree Game Making Tool
Platinum Arts Sandbox
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 am : weren't you guys working with Torque for a standalone game back when version 3.0 was released? What happened to that?
BTW, I got this downloaded. Hoping to have a get together soon with some planetdoom players.

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 am : Yes, good memory! During that time I checked out other engines and I think that I found an engine that is better suited to what I'm looking for, and that is Platinum Arts Sandbox aka the Cube 2 engine. I'm always up for ideas and suggestions but I think Cube 2 will do well for us. Hope you have fun with those planetdoom players

Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

Take care.
PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

Phobos@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:13 am : Awesome.. downloading now!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am : calimer wrote:
Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

pappy said he's get a D3 server up & running so some co-op can be done but it hasn't surfaced yet.

PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

on filefront? You chainsaw_code? that grenade is pretty damn cool. I (at first) set the knock to a high negative # & made a blackhole grenade instead. This the hhg was more fun. (didn't rule out the blackhole idea though). I personally like the shotty I made. Has more of an action movie feel.
EDIT: my memory doesn't need to be THAT bad... you have a forum to that torque game in your LMS forums.

calimer@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:16 am : I played your Last Stand mod. I don't remember your changes to the shotgun and chainsaw, maybe I should check it again. What was your idea for the blackhole grenade? That sounds pretty awesome, especially if can actually pull monsters into it. Take care and also thanks for supporting our mod so much and for always leaving such nice comments, it is really nice to see

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:39 am : 
The long awaited Last Man Standing Co-op 4.0 is released! This is the final official version of the mod though there has been some talk of others taking the reins. Here is our feature list:
* Windows (including the steam version), Mac and Linux Compatible
* Over ten new LMS SP Coop easter eggs to find!
* New Map TS_HellPentagram.
* Now features over 80 maps tweaked for Cooperative play!
* Upgraded to the heavily optimized 1.3.1 Classic Doom for Doom 3 Maps
* Heavily Improved New Supermaggot skin! Also new menu and wrench icons.
* Portals added so players don't get left behind on train maps.
* Spawns have been significantly tweaked to reduce or eliminate telefragging.
* Training Simulation maps (TS_) have been updated and fixed.
* Numerous SP Coop tweaks and fixes to optimize your gaming experience.
* Please visit
here to see the full list of LMS features from our nearly four years of development!
* If you need any help please see our
Frequently Asked QuestionsLast Man Standing 4.0 DownloadIf you are interested in our future projects please be sure to check
http://PlatinumArts.Net which is the official business page. That site will be updated soon including a list of all of the countries I've seen LMS played in. Additionally, under the link
AUDIO GOODIES you'll find various past LMS interviews, funny clips, and other random media including some very nice words about LMS from TTimo who is a coder for ID Software. Keep checking our sites because there is more LMS media to come as well including a trailer and possibly a map pack. Be sure to keep up on Platinum Arts Sandbox at
http://Kids.PlatinumArts.Net which will most likely the engine that powers our future projects including the possible LMS standalone and/or LMS fantasy Standalone.
I want to give the LMS community a big thanks for your continued interest and commitment to our mod. It has been a real pleasure to meet so many of you great people and it has meant a lot to me. 3.0 was supposed to be the final release but you wanted more so we gave you more

I hope you enjoy the new goodies. Take care and stop in and keep and touch.
http://lms.d3files.comCheck out our
business page Sign up for our
newsletter Come and talk to us on
IRC Visit our
Moddb Page Our
MySpace PageFree Game Making Tool
Platinum Arts Sandbox
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 am : weren't you guys working with Torque for a standalone game back when version 3.0 was released? What happened to that?
BTW, I got this downloaded. Hoping to have a get together soon with some planetdoom players.

calimer@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 am : Yes, good memory! During that time I checked out other engines and I think that I found an engine that is better suited to what I'm looking for, and that is Platinum Arts Sandbox aka the Cube 2 engine. I'm always up for ideas and suggestions but I think Cube 2 will do well for us. Hope you have fun with those planetdoom players

Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

Take care.
PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

Phobos@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:13 am : Awesome.. downloading now!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am : calimer wrote:
Maybe game with pappy-r sometime, he is raving about it in our IRC, come join us sometime

pappy said he's get a D3 server up & running so some co-op can be done but it hasn't surfaced yet.

PS Did you ever see my comments about your map? I love that holy handgrenade

on filefront? You chainsaw_code? that grenade is pretty damn cool. I (at first) set the knock to a high negative # & made a blackhole grenade instead. This the hhg was more fun. (didn't rule out the blackhole idea though). I personally like the shotty I made. Has more of an action movie feel.
EDIT: my memory doesn't need to be THAT bad... you have a forum to that torque game in your LMS forums.

calimer@Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:16 am : I played your Last Stand mod. I don't remember your changes to the shotgun and chainsaw, maybe I should check it again. What was your idea for the blackhole grenade? That sounds pretty awesome, especially if can actually pull monsters into it. Take care and also thanks for supporting our mod so much and for always leaving such nice comments, it is really nice to see
