Fadex3@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:14 pm : hey ive been on the forums for a while but i never post or anything and i just registered but they've really been a good source of help, im currently on a project of doing a total conversion to quake 4, im having trouble with an ASE and textures, i exported my model with two separate parts, one is a bus stop model and one is the glass in it, i exported correctly so that the ase references the texture for the stop and the texture for the glass, the problem is, im positive i have my mtr code setup right but it wont even load the model in the editor it just shows up as a red dot does ANYONE KNOW HOW TO DO THIS?! Reference two textures with ONE ase?? im using maya btw
parsonsbear@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:11 pm : The ASE support in doom3 is a lie. Well, not really, but it's the #1 cause of frustration for modelers new to D3. Do a search for ase 'black model', you'll see. Just convert your model to lwo, it's much less of a pain in the long run. There's the other gotchas, like forgetting to triangulate, or exporting so tiny you can't see it too, so cover your bases.
I've never tried using it, but this seems like it could work for you- still outputs .ase but it's written specifically for maya->d3/q4 etc.
Fadex3@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:22 pm : thanks for the reply, naa the model is the right size i can get it to load and such w/o the glass for the bus stop, but once the glass is in there it doesnt wanna work, my project leader says it's possible but we cant completely figure it out and he's really too busy to take a look, ill check into the other stuff, if you come across anything lemme know i would really appreciate it
lowdragon@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:50 pm : .ase are simple text files with a reference to a texture (your shader path) for each object in the model iirc. I had it with ase and lwo since q3a terrain and while my exporters somehow, allways messing with my UV coords in the lwo`s - ase just works better for me.
dont know how to describe it better - kat (katsbits.com) made a lot with ase models and q4.
hth, low
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:44 am : for .ase models if your going to use different images it works best with one texture and one .ase file, sorry no mutlti tex references it all has to be one and one, UV mapping comes in handy here....

best luck with it.
lowdragon@Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:11 am : I know that the readme of "md3toase" was stating one texture each surface - however i also mean i road something about virtual[!] and physical texture(uv) split, hence the like to kats website. :d
parsonsbear@Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:16 am : the link to the script above alleges multiple shader assignments per UV, haven't tried it though.
mavrik65@Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:41 pm : i use milkshape 3d for map objects and it works fine, the material paths are easily edited and you can scale your object so it doesn't appear tiny. It doesn't export to .ase but it exports to .lwo.
Fadex3@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:14 pm : hey ive been on the forums for a while but i never post or anything and i just registered but they've really been a good source of help, im currently on a project of doing a total conversion to quake 4, im having trouble with an ASE and textures, i exported my model with two separate parts, one is a bus stop model and one is the glass in it, i exported correctly so that the ase references the texture for the stop and the texture for the glass, the problem is, im positive i have my mtr code setup right but it wont even load the model in the editor it just shows up as a red dot does ANYONE KNOW HOW TO DO THIS?! Reference two textures with ONE ase?? im using maya btw
parsonsbear@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:11 pm : The ASE support in doom3 is a lie. Well, not really, but it's the #1 cause of frustration for modelers new to D3. Do a search for ase 'black model', you'll see. Just convert your model to lwo, it's much less of a pain in the long run. There's the other gotchas, like forgetting to triangulate, or exporting so tiny you can't see it too, so cover your bases.
I've never tried using it, but this seems like it could work for you- still outputs .ase but it's written specifically for maya->d3/q4 etc.
Fadex3@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:22 pm : thanks for the reply, naa the model is the right size i can get it to load and such w/o the glass for the bus stop, but once the glass is in there it doesnt wanna work, my project leader says it's possible but we cant completely figure it out and he's really too busy to take a look, ill check into the other stuff, if you come across anything lemme know i would really appreciate it
lowdragon@Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:50 pm : .ase are simple text files with a reference to a texture (your shader path) for each object in the model iirc. I had it with ase and lwo since q3a terrain and while my exporters somehow, allways messing with my UV coords in the lwo`s - ase just works better for me.
dont know how to describe it better - kat (katsbits.com) made a lot with ase models and q4.
hth, low
bladeghost@Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:44 am : for .ase models if your going to use different images it works best with one texture and one .ase file, sorry no mutlti tex references it all has to be one and one, UV mapping comes in handy here....

best luck with it.
lowdragon@Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:11 am : I know that the readme of "md3toase" was stating one texture each surface - however i also mean i road something about virtual[!] and physical texture(uv) split, hence the like to kats website. :d
parsonsbear@Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:16 am : the link to the script above alleges multiple shader assignments per UV, haven't tried it though.
mavrik65@Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:41 pm : i use milkshape 3d for map objects and it works fine, the material paths are easily edited and you can scale your object so it doesn't appear tiny. It doesn't export to .ase but it exports to .lwo.