kensaundm31@Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:21 pm : Hi, I've done a re-creation of Morghul Keep in 3ds max. How can i get this glowing green concrete looking texture with the doom engine?
It's important that it looks like concrete/stone that is glowing rather than just glowing green substance.

wal@Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:50 pm : I’m no expert, but I’d use a green light rather than green textures. Looking at that picture, maybe give the textures a slight pale blue tinge.
BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:30 pm : I would do this with a simple add blend stage in the material.
kensaundm31@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:02 pm : could you give me some more detail in what to type in the material file, could I use an existing stone material change the colour in paintshop and just add a green glow, I've mostly been working in 3ds so I've forgotten what little I knew about material definitions. How to make it glow green with differing intensity.
Plus I would like to fade in the glow after the gargoyles activate.
BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:35 pm : kensaundm31 wrote:
could you give me some more detail in what to type in the material file, could I use an existing stone material change the colour in paintshop and just add a green glow, I've mostly been working in 3ds so I've forgotten what little I knew about material definitions. How to make it glow green with differing intensity.
Plus I would like to fade in the glow after the gargoyles activate.
Fading is the tricky part, but can be set up with triggers I think. I would use a combination of lights and texturing for this effect. First up the material stage:
material morghul_stone
diffusemap <relative path to your diffuse texture here>
specularmap <relative path to your specular texture here>
bumpmap <relative path to your local normal texture here>
// Blend add stage here
blend add
map <relative path to a light green tinted version of your texture here>
rgb 0.7 // add 70% of light, adjust this effect anywhere from 0 to 100 to your liking and brightness.
Remember: Added stages washout the bumpmap and specular effects so make sure to use it sparingly. That value of 0.7 is pretty high but maybe nescesary to achieve the effect you want. You'll have to play with that. For fading you will need to use material tables and something called the 'time' variable. Also remember that you need to make an extra texture in photoshop or another paintingprogram, the one which you will add in the added blend stage. This will be the self-lit stage. The artwork will decide for a large part the success of this effort I think. Setting up the materials is easy, but the texture artwork itself will have to be pretty darn neat to make it look that cool.

I remember in the making of, they said this effect took like 6 or 7 different effect layers to get right.
I suggest you go to, this links you directly to the materials section where all of this (tables and material stages) is explained in great detail. You should get more than enough info from there to set up the effects you want!

kensaundm31@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:44 pm : Thanks BloodRayne, very helpful info.
pbmax@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:30 pm : can anyone think of a similar material in doom3? you could always see how id made something look like it was glowing...
lowdragon@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:49 pm : Very nice idea that thing looked so awesome in the movie.

The lava metalfloor parts (models) most likely providing some hints - i would blend with a cubemap (env/sheen i guess) it wouldnt move much me thinks but would do the glow well.
hth, low
kensaundm31@Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:05 pm : Quote:
The lava metalfloor parts (models) most likely providing some hints - i would blend with a cubemap (env/sheen i guess) it wouldnt move much me thinks but would do the glow well.
Could you explain in more detail please because I'm not that well up on materials in doom. I've looked at hell\textures\cracked2lava and can understand how that works by fading into a cracked2lavafx. But I'm struggling to understand how to make the glow strong at the centre/bottom and having it fall-off with height.
off the top of my head I can't think of anything in-game that has this effect, I bet there's something though, I haven't played it for ages.
lowdragon@Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:53 pm : There are at least two metalfloor parts (models) which are glowing - like the brocken bridge in delta_labs4 iirc.
However, blending with a cubemap would work too imo, something like
qer_editorimage textures/blendconc/blendconc5.tga
bumpmap textures/blendconc/blendconc5_local.tga
diffusemap textures/blendconc/blendconc5.tga
specularmap textures/blendconc/blendconc5_s.tga
blend gl_zero, gl_one
scale 0.25, 0.25
map textures/sfx/bioscanbeam.tga
alphaTest 0.55
blend gl_src_alpha, gl_one
red 0.6
green 1
blue 0.6
cubeMap env/sheen
texgen reflect
The env/sheen cubemaps is horizontal though.

lowdragon@Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:27 am : However building such an cubemap is may be not a simple task, another option is to blend
decal textures - take a look into textures/sfx/bioscanbeam.

kensaundm31@Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 11:15 am : I had a look at a Brian Trepanning video of using vertex paint to have a blend between 2 different textures.
qer_editorimage textures\vertex\vertest_ed
blend diffusemap
map textures\vertex\grass_d.tga
blend diffusemap
map textures\vertex\rock_d.tga
So if I were to do it that way I'm thinking I could blend between the same 2 textures (one having a blueish tinge and one with a green glow) and in that way I think I could get the fall-off because vertex paint has natural fall-off intensity.
I'll have a look at that 'bioscan' thing though, because I still need to make it glow. The 'pentabase' material (glowing green pentagram) has a very cool green glow so, I'll have look at how that is done.
6th Venom@Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:38 am : To make a "good" vertex-paint blend you'll need many more vertexes (and so polygons) than just using "regulars" D3 material + an ADD/BLEND stage...
kensaundm31@Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 1:53 pm : I've done the add blend thing and used a light with a work-in-progress texture and just a brush and it looks ok I guess, but like BllodRayne said it's gonna depend a lot on the artwork.
So I want to try this cube map thing but don't they require 5 different textures. What textures should they be?
kensaundm31@Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:21 pm : Hi, I've done a re-creation of Morghul Keep in 3ds max. How can i get this glowing green concrete looking texture with the doom engine?
It's important that it looks like concrete/stone that is glowing rather than just glowing green substance.

wal@Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:50 pm : I’m no expert, but I’d use a green light rather than green textures. Looking at that picture, maybe give the textures a slight pale blue tinge.
BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:30 pm : I would do this with a simple add blend stage in the material.
kensaundm31@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:02 pm : could you give me some more detail in what to type in the material file, could I use an existing stone material change the colour in paintshop and just add a green glow, I've mostly been working in 3ds so I've forgotten what little I knew about material definitions. How to make it glow green with differing intensity.
Plus I would like to fade in the glow after the gargoyles activate.
BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:35 pm : kensaundm31 wrote:
could you give me some more detail in what to type in the material file, could I use an existing stone material change the colour in paintshop and just add a green glow, I've mostly been working in 3ds so I've forgotten what little I knew about material definitions. How to make it glow green with differing intensity.
Plus I would like to fade in the glow after the gargoyles activate.
Fading is the tricky part, but can be set up with triggers I think. I would use a combination of lights and texturing for this effect. First up the material stage:
material morghul_stone
diffusemap <relative path to your diffuse texture here>
specularmap <relative path to your specular texture here>
bumpmap <relative path to your local normal texture here>
// Blend add stage here
blend add
map <relative path to a light green tinted version of your texture here>
rgb 0.7 // add 70% of light, adjust this effect anywhere from 0 to 100 to your liking and brightness.
Remember: Added stages washout the bumpmap and specular effects so make sure to use it sparingly. That value of 0.7 is pretty high but maybe nescesary to achieve the effect you want. You'll have to play with that. For fading you will need to use material tables and something called the 'time' variable. Also remember that you need to make an extra texture in photoshop or another paintingprogram, the one which you will add in the added blend stage. This will be the self-lit stage. The artwork will decide for a large part the success of this effort I think. Setting up the materials is easy, but the texture artwork itself will have to be pretty darn neat to make it look that cool.

I remember in the making of, they said this effect took like 6 or 7 different effect layers to get right.
I suggest you go to, this links you directly to the materials section where all of this (tables and material stages) is explained in great detail. You should get more than enough info from there to set up the effects you want!

kensaundm31@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:44 pm : Thanks BloodRayne, very helpful info.
pbmax@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:30 pm : can anyone think of a similar material in doom3? you could always see how id made something look like it was glowing...
lowdragon@Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:49 pm : Very nice idea that thing looked so awesome in the movie.

The lava metalfloor parts (models) most likely providing some hints - i would blend with a cubemap (env/sheen i guess) it wouldnt move much me thinks but would do the glow well.
hth, low
kensaundm31@Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:05 pm : Quote:
The lava metalfloor parts (models) most likely providing some hints - i would blend with a cubemap (env/sheen i guess) it wouldnt move much me thinks but would do the glow well.
Could you explain in more detail please because I'm not that well up on materials in doom. I've looked at hell\textures\cracked2lava and can understand how that works by fading into a cracked2lavafx. But I'm struggling to understand how to make the glow strong at the centre/bottom and having it fall-off with height.
off the top of my head I can't think of anything in-game that has this effect, I bet there's something though, I haven't played it for ages.
lowdragon@Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:53 pm : There are at least two metalfloor parts (models) which are glowing - like the brocken bridge in delta_labs4 iirc.
However, blending with a cubemap would work too imo, something like
qer_editorimage textures/blendconc/blendconc5.tga
bumpmap textures/blendconc/blendconc5_local.tga
diffusemap textures/blendconc/blendconc5.tga
specularmap textures/blendconc/blendconc5_s.tga
blend gl_zero, gl_one
scale 0.25, 0.25
map textures/sfx/bioscanbeam.tga
alphaTest 0.55
blend gl_src_alpha, gl_one
red 0.6
green 1
blue 0.6
cubeMap env/sheen
texgen reflect
The env/sheen cubemaps is horizontal though.

lowdragon@Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:27 am : However building such an cubemap is may be not a simple task, another option is to blend
decal textures - take a look into textures/sfx/bioscanbeam.

kensaundm31@Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 11:15 am : I had a look at a Brian Trepanning video of using vertex paint to have a blend between 2 different textures.
qer_editorimage textures\vertex\vertest_ed
blend diffusemap
map textures\vertex\grass_d.tga
blend diffusemap
map textures\vertex\rock_d.tga
So if I were to do it that way I'm thinking I could blend between the same 2 textures (one having a blueish tinge and one with a green glow) and in that way I think I could get the fall-off because vertex paint has natural fall-off intensity.
I'll have a look at that 'bioscan' thing though, because I still need to make it glow. The 'pentabase' material (glowing green pentagram) has a very cool green glow so, I'll have look at how that is done.
6th Venom@Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:38 am : To make a "good" vertex-paint blend you'll need many more vertexes (and so polygons) than just using "regulars" D3 material + an ADD/BLEND stage...
kensaundm31@Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 1:53 pm : I've done the add blend thing and used a light with a work-in-progress texture and just a brush and it looks ok I guess, but like BllodRayne said it's gonna depend a lot on the artwork.
So I want to try this cube map thing but don't they require 5 different textures. What textures should they be?