BNA!@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:14 pm : I'm sure you've read it all around - Microsoft has withdrawn their bid for Yahoo.
To give you a rare insight into the ever scary D3W capital market portfolio weighting, specifically tech stocks with web affiliation:
Google 80%
Microsoft 20%
Yahoo 0% (has never been higher)
My prediction for Monday is Google and MS up, Yahoo quotes do not need to get predicted.
In terms of all web related business I expect Google to have finally won. They have been a behemoth before, but the two smaller competitors having spent a lot of time and money to scratch their eyes out and ripp their ears off favourably measure the seeing against the blind. Since any bang on the MS nose is always an opportunity for Apple, I'd suggest to take a look at them too. They are already in bed with Google on the iPhone, so I sense a notably but not threatening disturbance in the MSforce.
As for Yahoo I wouldn't want to put myself into the CEOs seat now. Stockholders will likely go fury tomorrow and bury the place under lawsuits.
Phobos@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:40 pm : I can just hear the chants now
*down with microsoft!*
It's only a matter of time I think. With Apple's success with the i(product), and with people straying away from Microsoft OS's more and more, it won't be long until Microsoft looses whatever edge it had in the market from the 90s. I wouldn't be expecting any monopoly of sorts by 2010, but perhaps something along the lines of the big players cashing in and putting the technology industry under new management. As far as Yahoo goes, I never bothered to look into them to begin with.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:52 pm : They dropped the ball with Vista and DX10, and how they screwed up openGL for Windows, you should never make an OS with higher sys. reqs. and more resource hoggy than most PC games.
iceheart@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:30 pm : CrimsonHead wrote:
...and how they screwed up openGL for Windows, you should never make an OS with higher sys. reqs. and more resource hoggy than most PC games.
Of course, none of this is actually true.
BNA!@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:20 pm : What a surprise - it has turned into a negative MS thread!
The actual problem of MS is their past products have been so good and the current products do not offer any real advantage over the old line. In case of Vista it is certainly a disadvantage to have it in the product line, especially in the large and growing business-laptop market.
Other than that MS Office is the standard and you have to know the standard to land a decently paid job in a firm. There is more to a successful software company than a good product or a suboptimal current product line - it is compatibility, installed user base and ensured support longevity. According to the *nix user base Linux and free applications have taken over the market ten years ago. Still I do not see any signs of that anywhere.
As far as Apple is concerned, their recent success beyond iSomething, especially their laptops, can largely get attributed to two key features: Apple BootCamp to install windows in dual boot and the shift to a x86 architecture. Finally a user / company can switch to nonproprietary (in their terms) Apple hardware without loosing all their costly software licenses.
I do not see MS going down anytime soon, but I see Google and Apple going somewhere in the next few years.
To get you a little bit more interested in saving for retirement, the D3W tech stock portfolio is roughly weighted based on acquisition cost:
Apple: 60,28%
Google: 30,43%
By today with gains (24,24%) it looks like:
Apple: 64,87%
MS: 7,04%
Google: 28,08%
Sort of representative how the Yahoo fight was costly for MS. I'm interested to see how Mr. Market and Mrs. Analyst responds to the news on Monday.
Dinky@Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 1:01 am : "Vista" really isn't anything different than what "Windows Me" was really... (I don't mean they're the same OS, I mean the result has seemed to be pretty similar.)
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:02 am : I feel for yahoo. IMHO, they surpass google in everything they do: their search seems to turn up more relevant results, yahoo mail is the most superior e-mail out there in everything (best layout, easiest to use, looks neatest, supports stronger password's, supports all legal characters in e-mail).
Google imho was a "right time right place" company. There after the bubble burst. IMHO, their products are lack-luster, but just like much now a days it's more hype vs practicality. IE google mail (gmail). I have one. I don't use it. I don't like it. It's no where near as functional as yahoo mail is (don't get me started on hot mail). But gmail is "the thing" because they had the initial "we're only letting X people try!". Google took free data on the world & put their stamp all over it & copyrighted it (google earth. NASA has their own with has all the images in the public domain). Most counties on the USA have even more info then Google Earth does on their respective lands but people don't bother with that. Google search on websites is horrible. I CAN'T STAND the google search here @ d3w. It always returns useless results. The board search is much better. They whore out their add service so much there's websites I avoid because if I move the mouse in the wrong area adds start popping up. Gamespy is less intrusive with their adds, and they're pretty intrusive.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 11:59 am : +1 Happy Friar, I hate when people say google is better in terms of functions :\
BNA!@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:14 pm : I'm sure you've read it all around - Microsoft has withdrawn their bid for Yahoo.
To give you a rare insight into the ever scary D3W capital market portfolio weighting, specifically tech stocks with web affiliation:
Google 80%
Microsoft 20%
Yahoo 0% (has never been higher)
My prediction for Monday is Google and MS up, Yahoo quotes do not need to get predicted.
In terms of all web related business I expect Google to have finally won. They have been a behemoth before, but the two smaller competitors having spent a lot of time and money to scratch their eyes out and ripp their ears off favourably measure the seeing against the blind. Since any bang on the MS nose is always an opportunity for Apple, I'd suggest to take a look at them too. They are already in bed with Google on the iPhone, so I sense a notably but not threatening disturbance in the MSforce.
As for Yahoo I wouldn't want to put myself into the CEOs seat now. Stockholders will likely go fury tomorrow and bury the place under lawsuits.
Phobos@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:40 pm : I can just hear the chants now
*down with microsoft!*
It's only a matter of time I think. With Apple's success with the i(product), and with people straying away from Microsoft OS's more and more, it won't be long until Microsoft looses whatever edge it had in the market from the 90s. I wouldn't be expecting any monopoly of sorts by 2010, but perhaps something along the lines of the big players cashing in and putting the technology industry under new management. As far as Yahoo goes, I never bothered to look into them to begin with.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:52 pm : They dropped the ball with Vista and DX10, and how they screwed up openGL for Windows, you should never make an OS with higher sys. reqs. and more resource hoggy than most PC games.
iceheart@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:30 pm : CrimsonHead wrote:
...and how they screwed up openGL for Windows, you should never make an OS with higher sys. reqs. and more resource hoggy than most PC games.
Of course, none of this is actually true.
BNA!@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:20 pm : What a surprise - it has turned into a negative MS thread!
The actual problem of MS is their past products have been so good and the current products do not offer any real advantage over the old line. In case of Vista it is certainly a disadvantage to have it in the product line, especially in the large and growing business-laptop market.
Other than that MS Office is the standard and you have to know the standard to land a decently paid job in a firm. There is more to a successful software company than a good product or a suboptimal current product line - it is compatibility, installed user base and ensured support longevity. According to the *nix user base Linux and free applications have taken over the market ten years ago. Still I do not see any signs of that anywhere.
As far as Apple is concerned, their recent success beyond iSomething, especially their laptops, can largely get attributed to two key features: Apple BootCamp to install windows in dual boot and the shift to a x86 architecture. Finally a user / company can switch to nonproprietary (in their terms) Apple hardware without loosing all their costly software licenses.
I do not see MS going down anytime soon, but I see Google and Apple going somewhere in the next few years.
To get you a little bit more interested in saving for retirement, the D3W tech stock portfolio is roughly weighted based on acquisition cost:
Apple: 60,28%
Google: 30,43%
By today with gains (24,24%) it looks like:
Apple: 64,87%
MS: 7,04%
Google: 28,08%
Sort of representative how the Yahoo fight was costly for MS. I'm interested to see how Mr. Market and Mrs. Analyst responds to the news on Monday.
Dinky@Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 1:01 am : "Vista" really isn't anything different than what "Windows Me" was really... (I don't mean they're the same OS, I mean the result has seemed to be pretty similar.)
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:02 am : I feel for yahoo. IMHO, they surpass google in everything they do: their search seems to turn up more relevant results, yahoo mail is the most superior e-mail out there in everything (best layout, easiest to use, looks neatest, supports stronger password's, supports all legal characters in e-mail).
Google imho was a "right time right place" company. There after the bubble burst. IMHO, their products are lack-luster, but just like much now a days it's more hype vs practicality. IE google mail (gmail). I have one. I don't use it. I don't like it. It's no where near as functional as yahoo mail is (don't get me started on hot mail). But gmail is "the thing" because they had the initial "we're only letting X people try!". Google took free data on the world & put their stamp all over it & copyrighted it (google earth. NASA has their own with has all the images in the public domain). Most counties on the USA have even more info then Google Earth does on their respective lands but people don't bother with that. Google search on websites is horrible. I CAN'T STAND the google search here @ d3w. It always returns useless results. The board search is much better. They whore out their add service so much there's websites I avoid because if I move the mouse in the wrong area adds start popping up. Gamespy is less intrusive with their adds, and they're pretty intrusive.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 11:59 am : +1 Happy Friar, I hate when people say google is better in terms of functions :\
BNA!@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:14 pm : I'm sure you've read it all around - Microsoft has withdrawn their bid for Yahoo.
To give you a rare insight into the ever scary D3W capital market portfolio weighting, specifically tech stocks with web affiliation:
Google 80%
Microsoft 20%
Yahoo 0% (has never been higher)
My prediction for Monday is Google and MS up, Yahoo quotes do not need to get predicted.
In terms of all web related business I expect Google to have finally won. They have been a behemoth before, but the two smaller competitors having spent a lot of time and money to scratch their eyes out and ripp their ears off favourably measure the seeing against the blind. Since any bang on the MS nose is always an opportunity for Apple, I'd suggest to take a look at them too. They are already in bed with Google on the iPhone, so I sense a notably but not threatening disturbance in the MSforce.
As for Yahoo I wouldn't want to put myself into the CEOs seat now. Stockholders will likely go fury tomorrow and bury the place under lawsuits.
Phobos@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:40 pm : I can just hear the chants now
*down with microsoft!*
It's only a matter of time I think. With Apple's success with the i(product), and with people straying away from Microsoft OS's more and more, it won't be long until Microsoft looses whatever edge it had in the market from the 90s. I wouldn't be expecting any monopoly of sorts by 2010, but perhaps something along the lines of the big players cashing in and putting the technology industry under new management. As far as Yahoo goes, I never bothered to look into them to begin with.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:52 pm : They dropped the ball with Vista and DX10, and how they screwed up openGL for Windows, you should never make an OS with higher sys. reqs. and more resource hoggy than most PC games.
iceheart@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:30 pm : CrimsonHead wrote:
...and how they screwed up openGL for Windows, you should never make an OS with higher sys. reqs. and more resource hoggy than most PC games.
Of course, none of this is actually true.
BNA!@Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:20 pm : What a surprise - it has turned into a negative MS thread!
The actual problem of MS is their past products have been so good and the current products do not offer any real advantage over the old line. In case of Vista it is certainly a disadvantage to have it in the product line, especially in the large and growing business-laptop market.
Other than that MS Office is the standard and you have to know the standard to land a decently paid job in a firm. There is more to a successful software company than a good product or a suboptimal current product line - it is compatibility, installed user base and ensured support longevity. According to the *nix user base Linux and free applications have taken over the market ten years ago. Still I do not see any signs of that anywhere.
As far as Apple is concerned, their recent success beyond iSomething, especially their laptops, can largely get attributed to two key features: Apple BootCamp to install windows in dual boot and the shift to a x86 architecture. Finally a user / company can switch to nonproprietary (in their terms) Apple hardware without loosing all their costly software licenses.
I do not see MS going down anytime soon, but I see Google and Apple going somewhere in the next few years.
To get you a little bit more interested in saving for retirement, the D3W tech stock portfolio is roughly weighted based on acquisition cost:
Apple: 60,28%
Google: 30,43%
By today with gains (24,24%) it looks like:
Apple: 64,87%
MS: 7,04%
Google: 28,08%
Sort of representative how the Yahoo fight was costly for MS. I'm interested to see how Mr. Market and Mrs. Analyst responds to the news on Monday.
Dinky@Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 1:01 am : "Vista" really isn't anything different than what "Windows Me" was really... (I don't mean they're the same OS, I mean the result has seemed to be pretty similar.)
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:02 am : I feel for yahoo. IMHO, they surpass google in everything they do: their search seems to turn up more relevant results, yahoo mail is the most superior e-mail out there in everything (best layout, easiest to use, looks neatest, supports stronger password's, supports all legal characters in e-mail).
Google imho was a "right time right place" company. There after the bubble burst. IMHO, their products are lack-luster, but just like much now a days it's more hype vs practicality. IE google mail (gmail). I have one. I don't use it. I don't like it. It's no where near as functional as yahoo mail is (don't get me started on hot mail). But gmail is "the thing" because they had the initial "we're only letting X people try!". Google took free data on the world & put their stamp all over it & copyrighted it (google earth. NASA has their own with has all the images in the public domain). Most counties on the USA have even more info then Google Earth does on their respective lands but people don't bother with that. Google search on websites is horrible. I CAN'T STAND the google search here @ d3w. It always returns useless results. The board search is much better. They whore out their add service so much there's websites I avoid because if I move the mouse in the wrong area adds start popping up. Gamespy is less intrusive with their adds, and they're pretty intrusive.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 11:59 am : +1 Happy Friar, I hate when people say google is better in terms of functions :\