Phobos@Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:56 pm : As evilartist recommended, we may as well start now. Doom 4 has crazy potential, being id's pioneer type franchise, it has about as much potential as Doom 3, if not more.
But we all know how doom 3 turned out, and the muted applause it received for it's technological advancements.
So what formula would work best for Doom 4? Survival/horror, Run'n'Gun, somewhere in between? Should it follow doom2, using id Tech 5, and be staged as Hell on Earth? Should it continue it's chapters on Mars? Should it embark on the original doom touch, and even go back to Phobos or Deimos? What can the game offer that is new and innovative - it's hard to be creative with so much having been done already. What can make the game fun?
Here's my personal list for now. I'll add to it and edit it and perhaps we could make a master list if some really good hopes/suggestions come up.
But for me personally off the top of my head:
1. Fun. The game needs to be fun; I don't want to have to discipline myself to play it. There has to be some system that never gets old, which preferably means no more running through identical dark hallways, specifically I'd like to see:
• Death animations. We've mastered a transition between articulated figures (ragdolls) and death animations, and id's a master, so make use of it. Lets see some amazing, varying, rewarding death animations combined with ragdolls.
• "Live" ragdolls. When a demon gets hit in doom3 it plays a "hurt" animation, at which point the demon will flinch, growl, or do some other action to show annoyance at being hit with lead pellets (or plasma bursts). I would like to be able to shoot something/someone's arm - see his/it's arm fly back, and then use that momentum to wind up and throw a fireball at my face. Basically once again combining radgoll physics with animations - to be able to blend seamlessly. One of the things I hate above all in modern games is un-seamless animation transitions (more obvious in quake wars for example. There simply is NO transition between the run and sprint animation: one frame you're running, the next you're sprinting. Simple as that).
• Environment interaction. Not with you as the character, but with them as the demons. For them to make full use of the environment not only as an AI, but via animations as well (such as the Crysis walk cycle. I forget where it was shown in some tech demo, but the character automatically adjusted his walk animation depending on if he was walking uphill or downhill; the animation was never aligned to an imaginary "horizontal plane" as it is with doom3, regardless of whether or not the ground is horizontal (which it is not more often than it is).). This is also obvious in stairs: stepping on stairs that literally "dont exist" or perhaps just "sliding down" because the feet really don't step on the stairs, the animation is actually just transitioning downwards because the ground level has changed. To see something climb on barrels, walk on stairs, seamlessly climb up pillars and poles to get a better shot - that would be nice.
2. Music. An actual soundtrack worth listening to. And not the ambient rpg or rts stuff, an actual soundtrack. I remember a Quake 4 mod team being able to change the music tempo/beat to be more upstart when in battle, and more quiet when no enemies were around (the mod name had Requiem in it, if I remember correctly?). A similar adaption via music for doom 4 would be a very nice treat for the fans.
3. SMOOTH PLAY. This is more of an engine issue, but as we were talking about "the flaw" in quake wars concerning technology, I'd really
hate to see this with id Tech 5. Improve the engine tick rate, record the animations at a higher framerate; it doesn't matter what it takes, just do it. Watching a 24fps animation while the rest of the game is running at 60 fps (or whatever it is) just takes away from the experience. It's also evident in d3/q4 multiplayer; especially in quake 4 multiplayer: no matter if you have forceambient on, because it will run even smoother, but it will make the jitteryness of the character animations even more obvious.
4. Unique and Creative Environments. Like doom 1. From different indoor phobos laboratories to computer rooms to outdoor moonish-lands, cliffs, indoor jungles (outdoor jungles too?), and hell. Hell is hell; you can do so much with it, why not push it to it's full potential as with the original doom episodes. Tracks through radioactive slime, lava, both outdoor and indoor, fire-fields (hell on earth offers huge potential for creative environments unto itself). The possibilities are endless. Lets see it done.
Not very specific for now, but I'll add more later. Lets here some wishes people

evilartist@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:13 am : Yes, thank you Phobos! I was contemplating whether I'd start the thread, but fortunately you took care of that already.

Phobos wrote:
So what formula would work best for Doom 4? Survival/horror, Run'n'Gun, somewhere in between? Should it follow doom2, using id Tech 5, and be staged as Hell on Earth? Should it continue it's chapters on Mars? Should it embark on the original doom touch, and even go back to Phobos or Deimos? What can the game offer that is new and innovative - it's hard to be creative with so much having been done already. What can make the game fun?
Somewhere in between. What Doom 3 lacked that I loved about old school Doom is the constant satisfaction of killing. Call me sadistic, but my favorite part when I first played Doom was watching that zombie fly back, splurting blood. In Doom 3, the zombie will just fall over dead. A few cheap decals fly out of him, but there's no signs of physical trauma (like chunks of flesh missing).
As for the "survival horror" part, Doom 1 was already scary without the need of a thick ambience. Sure, it's nice to have all the voice echos and machine rumbles, but the suspensful music as you head through a quiet, dimmed area kept me on my toes (not dark, but dimmed). Phobos has the right idea with music that will change depending on the mood. It's something I always wished Doom 3 would do (actually, I could've done that with simple map scripting, but I don't know how to compose music

Phobos wrote:
Death animations. We've mastered a transition between articulated figures (ragdolls) and death animations, and id's a master, so make use of it. Lets see some amazing, varying, rewarding death animations combined with ragdolls.
Again, YES! I remember how the Baron of Hell used to have his intenstines spill out of his abdomen as he fell backwards. Wouldn't it be great to the same thing, but instead a lot messier? Instead of falling backwards, the giant beast could fall forward and make a huge "SPLAT!" sound as a large blood decal would spread all over the floor and even on the low walls.
"Live" ragdolls sounds like a good idea, too!

More things I'd like to see in Doom 4:
The return of the other monsters. You know who I mean. Pain Elementals. Arachnatrons. Spiderdemon Mastermind. The Baron of Hell.
There's only one Cyberdemon. I never understood why the Pinky Demon had to have cybernetic legs, or why the Lost Skulls had jetpacks. They're demons. Arachnatrons and Revenants aside, why do the original Doom 1 demons need cybernetic enhancements? The pinky demon should just be a big, snarling brute with an intimidating roar.
No more trites. 'Nuff said.
Better or more satisfying weapons. That was something I loved more about Quake 4 than Doom 3. The Q4 weapon sound effects were cooler and they worked better at long-range (even the shotgun). I want a plasma rifle that shoots very quick and leaves a beautiful muzzle flash. Doom 3's sounded and looked like something you'd find at a toy store.
Cyberdemons as killable, common enemies. Remember how frequently you'd encounter a Cyberdemon in Doom II? Why can't we have that happen in No. 4? It could be about 2/3 the size of the one in Doom 3, and play that awesome animation where its entire body explodes, leaving only a pair of bloody leg stumps (which can become physics objects).
Doom 4 is capable of so much. Let's hope that the leads id hires think alike to this community, and maybe some of our wishes will come true.

Phobos@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:18 am : evilartist wrote:
Cyberdemons as killable, common enemies. Remember how frequently you'd encounter a Cyberdemon in Doom II? Why can't we have that happen in No. 4? It could be about 2/3 the size of the one in Doom 3, and play that awesome animation where its entire body explodes, leaving only a pair of bloody leg stumps (which can become physics objects).
Doom 4 is capable of so much. Let's hope that the leads id hires think alike to this community, and maybe some of our wishes will come true.

I can seriously just imagine encountering a cyberdemon in a large, open, earth landscape (perhaps the ruins of a huge city?) with a hellish sky. There is so much potential there it's amazing to even think about - and a cool cinematic intro would be neat too.
Dinky@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:30 am : Phobos wrote:
3. SMOOTH PLAY. This is more of an engine issue, but as we were talking about "the flaw" in quake wars concerning technology, I'd really hate to see this with id Tech 5. Improve the engine tick rate, record the animations at a higher framerate; it doesn't matter what it takes, just do it. Watching a 24fps animation while the rest of the game is running at 60 fps (or whatever it is) just takes away from the experience. It's also evident in d3/q4 multiplayer; especially in quake 4 multiplayer: no matter if you have forceambient on, because it will run even smoother, but it will make the jitteryness of the character animations even more obvious.
That Quake Wars decision was by Splash Damage. They figured that players wanted to see the exact spot that the hitboxes are in order to be most accurate (Paul Wedgewood said this in an interview somewhere...). This required to get rid of interpolation (because apparently interpolation is kind of misleading when it comes hitbox movement in animations). John Carmack mentioned in his 2007 speech that he disproved of this decision, and also stated that there really isn't any way to fix it and that he doesn't recommend hacking on top of it anymore than it already has been hacked on. I guess it's kind of a messy system SD put together.
And before you reply to my post, Friar, let me just say that hitboxes is pretty much the way to go. Making the guns "more accurate" doesn't necessarily do anything. Especially when you WANT them to scatter. There are games (including Doom 3) that got rid of hitboxes, and competitive gamers and casual gamers alike shared their dislike of the system over hitboxes (me included). It just doesn't work as well.
Sorry to point you out Friar, but I've been meaning to share my thoughts on that. I know you said something about hitboxes a couple of times before, but I never decided to reply... Probably because I was lazy or something...

Also... I didn't notice any choppiness in Quake 4... I don't think they used animation blending like they did in Doom 3, but the animations looked smoother in Quake 4 than they did in Quake Wars I think... (And when I say animation blending, I'm talking about the blend between two different animations, not interpolation.)
Phobos@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:47 am : Dinky wrote:
Also... I didn't notice any choppiness in Quake 4... I don't think they used animation blending like they did in Doom 3, but the animations looked smoother in Quake 4 than they did in Quake Wars I think... (And when I say animation blending, I'm talking about the blend between two different animations, not interpolation.)
I think the animations were nice, for example you could actually see someone switching weapons rather than just having a new weapon magically "appear" in their hands, but I was just talking about the actual frame-by-frame interpolation as a whole.
You can turn forceambient on, see everything in ultra-smooth play, at a very high framerate.
Bring 3 players on the screen and shoot a rocket at the ground between them with quad damage on, and they just "appear" on the opposite side of the room via concussion.
They move so fast that you don't actually "see" them fly through the air, they just appear. a few quick short frames later to have moved an extreme distance because of the blast. Hard to explain. Perhaps I should record a video of it.
LDAsh@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:24 am : Like I said in the other thread, I'm all for classic frags, no matter what the rating, no matter what the margin of market! I would hate to see Doom go soft in search of a wider audience, that would break my heart.
I'd really like to be able to blow an arm off, the thing keep comin'. Blow a foot off, the thing keep hobblin'. Blow a head off, the thing keep hobblin' around in circles after me, bleeding everywhere, gets lost and ends up tripping over some railing and into some lava for sizzles!
Weapon modding is also an idea I think could lend very well to Doom. We saw this with the Duct Tape-style mods of everyone wanting a flashlight on all their weapons. Unrealistic pigs, yet why not have a flashlight as some interchangable weapon-mod feature, along with scopes, silencers, glowy GUI ammo display (as in, player may not always want a glowing GUI on their weapons), etc. Choice and personalisation marks the games of the future, in my opinion.
Maybe more in the way of destructible environments. For some reason, maybe it was a rumour I read up on, I expected to see a lot of destructible environment and far more moveables/physics in Doom3. If you shoot a rocket at a wall, not only particles fluff out at you, but other things should happen. Wall gets more broken somehow (can be FX tricks, doesn't need to be "atomic"), lights go out (another thing I expected out of Doom3), moveables go flying everywhere. To be honest, the explosions in Doom3 felt really lifeless, the rocket launcher felt like something that makes enemies spring into the air with a fluffy particle effect. It lacked that intensity from the original DOOMs, despite those also being just sprites, it managed to capture an intensity and harmfulness for its time. Meaning a new rocket launcher for a new Doom should need to have far more attention paid to recapture that same feeling of harm, that this weapon is a killer, not a fluffy particle creator.
And finally, unlike the original DOOMs, I would like to play it and not be THE ONLY human left alive in the game. Doom3, in parts, was leading toward a more interesting experience where you race around a corner and instead of ghoulies, there's some petrified scientist panting at you. That was cool. Especially if it's going to be set on Earth, it would be great if you could pick up some co-op NPCs along the way, here and there, to help you fight. Maybe you need to protect them for a certain period so that they may help you fulfill "objectives" a little later. It doesn't sound like traditional DOOM but it's something I'd personally enjoy seeing, in any game really. To save some innocent people instead of just trying to single-handedly whipe out demons and zombies from hell. Show people that DOOM isn't all about killing monsters, you might help a little old granny across the road too!
BNA!@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:36 am : My points:
- no more imps spawning behind me whenever I pick up a health pack
- serious rebalancing of "imp enemies" in favour of non-melee enemies
- remember - letting something jump in your face every time you open a door doesn't necessarily gain you the Oscar of the best Thriller and Suspense movie - you can do better, we know it and you know it best.
- no more having to read pda's or listening to sound files every 3.25 minutes, this breaks the pace and you have to keep a log for the billion of key pads to open.
- much more physics interaction (ragdoll rather than burnaway, blended impact animations with ragdolls, build some walls out of bricks rather than a brush...)
- do not try to make it a cinematic experience unless you want to direct a movie, if you try to create a game than focus on gameplay mechanics, AI, Character design...
- don't remind me of my mortality with a stamina bar
- reloading is fine, eventually faster reloading is even "finer"
- introduce a human fraction collaborating and joining team with whatever enemy you decide to introduce, has worked in almost all movies and games. This adds welcome variety for players.
- think about replay value (first Deus Ex is a good example)
- if you aim for a teen rating, than stay clear of excessively displayed graphical violence, but keep the suspense and atmosphere up.
And please, do not make the console versions close platform - allow the subsequent addition of custom maps, mods...
Speaking of custom content, please do not think providing players with the tools and the SDK is a waste of time.
Dinky@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:36 am : Phobos wrote:
Dinky wrote:
Also... I didn't notice any choppiness in Quake 4... I don't think they used animation blending like they did in Doom 3, but the animations looked smoother in Quake 4 than they did in Quake Wars I think... (And when I say animation blending, I'm talking about the blend between two different animations, not interpolation.)
I think the animations were nice, for example you could actually see someone switching weapons rather than just having a new weapon magically "appear" in their hands, but I was just talking about the actual frame-by-frame interpolation as a whole.
You can turn forceambient on, see everything in ultra-smooth play, at a very high framerate.
Bring 3 players on the screen and shoot a rocket at the ground between them with quad damage on, and they just "appear" on the opposite side of the room via concussion.
They move so fast that you don't actually "see" them fly through the air, they just appear. a few quick short frames later to have moved an extreme distance because of the blast. Hard to explain. Perhaps I should record a video of it.
No, I know what you meant.
But I shot people with rockets all the time... They never just appeared on the other side of the room... And I played competitively with force ambient... Your description sounds like someone with a computer that runs at 2 fps or some serious lag online.
I never had any problems with animations in Q4. And I'm left a little puzzled about what you really mean...
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:57 am : For me? More of the same in a better graphics engine, I think that's all that I ask.

I love every aspect about Doom3 and thought it was pretty well balanced. The only thing I know I want to see returned is the editing capabilities. But I'm sure they will be there. Can't wait to make the Doom 4 Ultimate mod!

ViPr@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:20 am : BNA! wrote:
- if you aim for a teen rating, than stay clear of excessively displayed graphical violence, but keep the suspense and atmosphere up.
suspense only works as long as they don't print the age rating on the box or the disk or anywhere. once you know the game or movie is rated something less than no-holds-barred then it isn't suspenseful anymore.
Ww3@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:27 am : Fast gameplay. Storyline should not get in the way of run and gun.
Try something different. It's been really annoying seeing how blase Doom3 and Quake4 turned out. There's nothing in these games' singleplayer that I can recall as unique.
leifhv@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:42 am : -More varied environments; Like in RTCW and the HL2 series.
-More gameplay variation instead of the popup-monster & PDA gameplay of D3
-More light =)
-Take advantage of PC hardware ref
BNA!@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:43 am : ViPr wrote:
BNA! wrote:
- if you aim for a teen rating, than stay clear of excessively displayed graphical violence, but keep the suspense and atmosphere up.
suspense only works as long as they don't print the age rating on the box or the disk or anywhere. once you know the game or movie is rated something less than no-holds-barred then it isn't suspenseful anymore.
Judging a book by the cover has always been one of the best content evaluation approaches.
Let's cut the crap - I'm too old to care about kids who only feel attracted to M rated games. Good content always prevails over attention seeking violence or otherwise fabricated M ratings. If a person follows the stupid path to downgrade a potentially interesting experience front up by a rating not matching his or hers expectation, than this person deserves to get punished by wasting a whole life hunting for the most spectacular sub par low quality content.
asmodeus@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:03 am : - more enemies on screen at any one time
- the sdk and _all_ of its tools ported to every platform that it is feasible (WxWidgets would be nice for this)
ViPr@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:19 am : BNA! horror that is rated less than 18, sucks.
i'm guessing you don't want it to be a horror game because then you will miss out coz you are in germany. well that's not fair of you.
shaviro@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:21 am : Well. Making Doom3 a strict horror game was a mistake anyway. Doom1 and 2 were never only about horror.
ViPr@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:30 am : well action parts and horror parts would be good but they couldn't really do big action sections with lots of enemies in doom3 (like in the other dooms) because of technical limitations; the framerate would get too low if there were too many enemies probably.
shaviro@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:33 am : Yes horror parts are good. They just need to be that, parts, and not make up the whole game. ROE (the expansion pack) did a better job of introducing action parts and lots of monsters. Big ones too.
Hmm. I wonder if RAGE is nearing completion and Doom 4 will be the next main project for id, and not just a smaller, internal project. This way of overlap would ensure the best possible flow of work. Have a small team start up preproduction of the next game so it's ready whenever the previous game is done.
This could also mean Doom4 is Idtech 6. Probably not, but entertaining thoughts.
der_ton@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:53 am : ViPr wrote:
horror that is rated less than 18, sucks.
LOL. Go home kiddo.
It's been said by BNA but since this is a wishlist I'll just repeat the things I'd like see improved:
Imps in Doom3 were really really annoying and no fun in melee combat, the spawning of enemies was very overused, weapons felt kinda slow (firing rate and reload times), and movement was slow and immobile. The Quake1 feeling in terms of jumping and running is what I'd like to see again.
Phobos wrote:
3. SMOOTH PLAY. This is more of an engine issue, but as we were talking about "the flaw" in quake wars concerning technology, I'd really hate to see this with id Tech 5. Improve the engine tick rate, record the animations at a higher framerate; it doesn't matter what it takes, just do it. Watching a 24fps animation while the rest of the game is running at 60 fps (or whatever it is) just takes away from the experience. It's also evident in d3/q4 multiplayer; especially in quake 4 multiplayer: no matter if you have forceambient on, because it will run even smoother, but it will make the jitteryness of the character animations even more obvious.
D3/Q4 do not have character animation jitteryness, it must be your framerate or your network lag. The animations are recorded in 24 fps but are interpolated and I dare say nobody except maybe animation professionals can tell the difference between 60fps keyframe animation and 60fps animation interpolated from 24fps keyframes.
LDAsh@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:09 am : What are we saying about DOOM? DOOM is all about fighting the forces of Hell with big guns. The very idea of it is not for kids at all. How can you make a game about killing off things from Hell and make it some G-rated kid-friendly market-widening product? Especially in this modern age of games. That's a silly and disappointing approach. It's not attention seeking, it's about meeting up with your original intentions and serious portrayal or your ideas. The original DOOMs were sickeningly gory, disgustingly so, for its time. Maybe we've all grown forgetful of just how vile the original games really were, and don't lie, that was a big part of the appeal!
If you decide your game is going to be about "guns vs. demons & zombies" in any realistic sense, don't then say "but wholesome fun for the whole family", the two ideas do not go together. The old pitfall of pleasing no one in an attempt to please everyone. That approach is more attention-seeking than anything, I believe. Always make your stuff for the fans, and to hell with the public at large, I say.
It boils down to 1 simple equation = cause and effect. Shoot a zombie's head right off, and score a colourful Piñata pony for your garden? Just make a colourful Piñata game to begin with or don't bother. Cause and effect of "guns vs. hell" is not wholesome family entertainment right from the very premise, the cause of shotgun blast to rotting zombie flesh is an effect not suitable for the wider audience right from the very idea of it, so why try to push it that way?
I don't mean to disrespect anyone by saying this, but - maybe id Software should just make a new Commander Keen game instead of dragging DOOM further into the playground market, if that's their intention. Save Doom4 for a little later when the public at large may not be sooo politically correct and over-sensitive about the very essence of the idea of DOOM to begin with. I'd still be just as happy to play idtech5 Commander Keen because at least it could then meet its own intentions thoroughly without offending anyone. I would have greater respect for that.
I say all of this as a die-hard DOOM fan, to be sure.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:07 am : Doom on Earth will be perfect for co-op multiplayer because the rednecks can grab up their shotguns and rakes and go out demon hunting!
Maybe a pre-Doom 4 mod called "Doom 3.5: The First Wave" is in the cards. Have it set in Alabama...
Could work for an id pre-viz as well.
asmodeus@Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:27 am : lowdragon wrote:
Iam sure there will a lot of "more-advanced" rendering techniques already be standart the time d4 comes out but i mostly would like to see "effects" so that the [game]world appears more seamlessly. Like light/liquids/dust/hair/fur - surface/body interaction, physically "correct".
Those kind of realistic effects are possible without expanding the color-range into HDR, though, which is my point.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:35 pm : Lets stop wishing for D4 and actually try and mod it. A nice easter egg could be when you are on earth and you go to betrugers appartment and find many notes on a so called gate at such and such a place in such and such a city

mavrik65@Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 9:44 am : mod all that? people would end up dying from over working and your computer would slow down to about 2 fps. Although that pain animation to rag doll transition sound like an awesome idea. The only possible way you'd probably able to make it is if literally everyone on the forum was part of the mod team.
comiceman@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:43 pm : Hm.. what about a bit more world-demolishing?
Example running away from an hellknight and find a room with a lot of barrels and a locked door.
one grenade and woosh, a hole in the wall where you can run through.
Then you hear a loud noise, turn around and see the hellknight breaking through the door.
It would be awesome if you are not the uber-powered player but sometimes even have to avoid a specific monster till a specific place where you could actualy kill kom some how.
another point is the lack of survivors. i dont wand to have an whole squad, but in quak4 it's in my optinion somehow nicer, cause sometimes oyu get some guys with you, letting them talk some creazy stuff etc.
i dont know if its somehow useable, but the prey portals, and gravity fields were realy nice, same as some vehicles in quake wars. so it would be cool (in my opinion) having a bossroom with some gravity problems, or driving outside from station to station. and event a portal which "slides" trough an room and on the other side is an hell room

somehow changing dimensions ^^
even a walk through mars-city would be cool, resident-evil style. zombies, monster, crashed down buildings etc.

maybe combined with the vehicles to drive from buildign X to another
Cool modding tools should also be there

and at last, it would be nice if not everything looks so plastique. shiny metal etc is nice, but as example there has to be at least 1 plant somewhere. showing that the engine can something like plants etc too, not only static stuff with metal effects.
Ah.. this time its the last.. give the player a bit more choices. as example to make it possible to save some guys when you're fast enough, (they can die later maybe, maybe they go another way and concact is breaking off), making the player get the feeling hes also able to controll the environment a bit.
Phobos@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:19 pm : comiceman wrote:
i dont know if its somehow useable, but the prey portals, and gravity fields were realy nice, same as some vehicles in quake wars. so it would be cool (in my opinion) having a bossroom with some gravity problems,
This isn't prey.
Paveway@Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:29 pm : Phobos wrote:
comiceman wrote:
i dont know if its somehow useable, but the prey portals, and gravity fields were realy nice, same as some vehicles in quake wars. so it would be cool (in my opinion) having a bossroom with some gravity problems,
This isn't prey.
Modifyable gravity effects would be cool. Maybe not be used as much as in prey, but for some areas. Like if Doom 4 has places where you are in a spaceship or something and the ship loses artificial gravity. Also in regards to portals, yeah cool stuff, but I think they becoming gimicky now... I mean it would be cool for Doom 4 to be able to do it, but I wouldn't want it in the SP story unless they could really make it fit and not be like some cheesy gimmick.
I loved Doom 3 mainly for my own sandbox purposes. I didn't like the game really, I just liked all the neat little mapping features and GUI stuff. I wish iD would take the time to properly document all the features/editing tools and actually milk their engine for a while.
I mean I love that Carmack is really on the leading edge but it seems like tech 4 was over and done with so quickly. I kinda wish they would stick around with the engine and milk it for a while, like how Valve is doing with Half-life 2... but
I also wish id would have some depth to their games. Albeit a good old Quake 2 frag fest can be fun as hell, but I'm getting to the point where shiny graphics don't really impress me anymore.. storylines and cinema styles like Call of Duty 4 do.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:24 am : Paveway wrote:
I also wish id would have some depth to their games. Albeit a good old Quake 2 frag fest can be fun as hell, but I'm getting to the point where shiny graphics don't really impress me anymore.. storylines and cinema styles like Call of Duty 4 do.
Then most likely, none of their games will impress/interest you anymore. id Software is an arcade action focused company imo and to inject so much storyline and movie style stuff is not in the vein of what they do at all, they would lose their identity as a company. If you look for that stuff in an id Software game, you are sure to be disappointed. Of course, they are trying to add more story, which started with Doom3, and continuing on in RAGE, but it isn't going to be Call of Duty, nor should it be.
Multiplayer wise, no one does deathmatch better, and they are sticking to that. Also, isn't Call of Duty4 a counter-strike clone? I am surprised people aren't sick of that yet either.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:31 am : I think ID should let you choose between a Good Guy and a Bad Guy campaign. You can go to hell as the good guy or go to earth as the bad guy.
Bad Guy Weapons I'd love to see
1. Voodoo Doll
2. SoulCube 9000:D - You can possess an enemy and kill more enemies using his abilities or commit suicide
3. Limb Launcher - Collect body parts of fallen enemies and use it as ammo.
4. Touch of Death - Like the Voodoo doll use your hands to manipulate the integrity of an enemy, putty style
5. Double Meat Cleaver - Oh baby...slicing body parts for you launcher. I have a dirty mind

6. Teleporter Grenades for multiplayer could be used as surprise meat cleaver attacks on marines.
Multiplayer CTF classes could seriously rock too...
1. Berserker - Very fast meat cleaver and chainsaw zombie
2. Re-Animator - A twisted undead coroner that supplys limbs as health and body sew up for revive
3. Imp - Sneaking class like an alien wallwalking and pouncing

4. Executioner - A medievil style trapper that builds stoppers like guillotines
5. Betruger lol - Possession and faking death ragdoll style with a death message saying he dies would be cool
Lol I could go on for hours but they are just some things I'd love to see in Doom 4:D
evilartist@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:08 am : Douglas Quaid wrote:
1. Voodoo Doll...
...3. Limb Launcher ...
...4. Touch of Death ...
...5. Double Meat Cleaver - Oh baby...slicing body parts for you launcher. I have a dirty mind...
This isn't Postal! This is
Douglas Quaid wrote:
...Multiplayer CTF classes could seriously rock too...
This is not Call of Duty 4. This is
I'm not saying your ideas suck. They just seem out of place for this particular IP. I know I was pushing it a little by supporting "stalking AI", but this just makes me think "wtf?" Voodoo doll??? And the whole good guy/bad guy thing sounds like a role-playing game.
Phobos@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:12 am : evilartist wrote:
Douglas Quaid wrote:
1. Voodoo Doll...
...3. Limb Launcher ...
...4. Touch of Death ...
...5. Double Meat Cleaver - Oh baby...slicing body parts for you launcher. I have a dirty mind...
This isn't Postal! This is
Douglas Quaid wrote:
...Multiplayer CTF classes could seriously rock too...
This is not Call of Duty 4. This is
I'm not saying your ideas suck. They just seem out of place for this particular IP. I know I was pushing it a little by supporting "stalking AI", but this just makes me think "wtf?" Voodoo doll??? And the whole good guy/bad guy thing sounds like a role-playing game.
I dont think he was serious dear =)
Kristus@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:45 am : Douglas Quaid wrote:
Bad Guy Weapons I'd love to see
1. Voodoo Doll
2. SoulCube 9000:D - You can possess an enemy and kill more enemies using his abilities or commit suicide
3. Limb Launcher - Collect body parts of fallen enemies and use it as ammo.
4. Touch of Death - Like the Voodoo doll use your hands to manipulate the integrity of an enemy, putty style
5. Double Meat Cleaver - Oh baby...slicing body parts for you launcher. I have a dirty mind

6. Teleporter Grenades for multiplayer could be used as surprise meat cleaver attacks on marines.
I have that game, it's called

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:49 pm : Kristus wrote:
I have that game, it's called

I too was thinking it sounded like blood, which was one of my favorite games of the build engine and the first game I ever mapped for.
mavrik65@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:29 pm : Douglas Quaid wrote:
I think ID should let you choose between a Good Guy and a Bad Guy campaign.
you can do that in my quake vs doom vs prey mod!

you can be any race you chose.
Okay back to doom 4, Do you think that it should be like doom3 where the player is terrified to go into a darkened room because of zombie noises or do you think they should ditch the whole crapping your pants horror genre and go for an all guns blazing killing everything including your team mates genre? I personally like them both possibly the "all guns blazing" a little more. Bursting into a room full of bad guys and sending them tumbling over bits of furniture with out taking your finger of the trigger for a full 8 seconds has always been fun. But nowadays games concentrate to much on realism, you can barely poke your head over the roof of a car without it being instantly shot off.
dsm@Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:05 pm : For D4, I'd like Id to predominantly ignore what is "current" and popular in modern FPSs and instead look into the past at games of old. The original Doom did not become the phenomenon it was because Id did everything in accordance with what people thought was "in" back then.
Old games (that is 1970's-80's) are rich in ideas that have never been updated or incorporated into a modern game. I just thought of an idea that could work in a modern Wolfenstein-type game, because I'm quite sure I've seen something a la that in some old game I tried back in the 80's:
You can pick up keys that don't necessarily open "the door to freedom" (and allow you to progress), i.e. a wardrobe key that might contain a Nazi uniform that you can wear to become "invisible". But suppose the theft of a key will trigger an officer to spawn and arrive at his office that you just visited (and stole the key from), where he discovers his key missing. The Officer runs to the nearest alarm station and triggers the alarm.
All this because you stole a key.
Now this specific idea would obviously not fit in D3, since the enemies are soulless monsters with no real personality, but suppose there are other random acts the player can do that triggers unforseen events (good or bad). The idea of key cards that are >NOT< strictly needed to progress, but which could open doors/drawers to other niceties could certainly be applied to D4, and would make the world feel more real as well.
Which leads me to my next big wish; Id released a promo video for the next Wolfenstein game (a common thread in my post I see), in which they claimed the entire game would be just one level that the player can explore seamlessly. I don't know if they've actually managed to make this work flawlessly or not, but if they have, I sure would like the player to be able to explore the game world at their own convenience (no more from A to B gameplay - I don't mind it, but it's pretty darn old now), only blocking off certain few areas for later in the game (no fun if you encounter the final boss after just five minutes of play). And while we're on this subject, it'd be lovely if the player is given multiple missions that they can elect to complete in any order of the player's own choosing, instead of "Go here and do this, then go over there and do that".
Say, you're in a desert area and there's a power plant to the north, a military communications base to the east, a city to the west and a star port to the south. You get four missions that you can complete in whatever order you want to: Go to the comm base and call for help, or go to the city and save some people and look for surviving troops, or go to the power plant and reroute some power in the favour of human military units in need of power, or you can go south, infiltrate the star port, where there's a link to Hell that you need to shut down to remove them from the starbase to help some of the humans to evac to the stars (homage to Doom 2 plot).
Next up on channel dsm: I really hope the characters are more colourful and interesting. Instead of a typical Sarge barking orders at the player, have some more involving humans: an NPC the player has every reason to hate (he/she talks mean to the player at every turn, assigns the player shitty tasks, and is generally an asshole etc.), then have another NPC who really treats the player like a human being, friendly and chatty etc. and a third NPC whom you can either piss off or cheer up depending on how players treat this fellow.
D3 suffered from the annoying Non-talkative NPC Syndrome which means every time you walk up to an NPC and click on them they just say one of several variations on "I don't have time to talk with you". How about some actual INTERESTING people in there? Like somebody who tells you a bit about the game world you're in, a bit on the history of the UAC and the current state of affairs on Earth.
D3 did have a decent story (miles better than what Q2 gave us), but it did suffer a bit under "two-dimensional characters". Here's hoping that's improved in D4.
And finally, here's hoping the ending is a lot better than "Hell is ruined, now let's have fun rebuilding Earth!". And by that I mean that I hope the story ends on a somewhat dubious note. Like: "Humanity survived and we have braved the worst, but are we truly safe?" with an underlying hint that humanity may quite likely be in for more trouble to come. In fact, if Doom 4 is not the last full game in the franchise (not counting expansion packs as "full games"), it might as well end with things looking pretty darned grim.
ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:16 pm : dsm, I agree with most of your (long) post there. and to expand on the suggestion of multiple non linear objectives, I would like to see a cause and effect of choosing certain objectives over others, eg the player can't save npc's into two different places at once, so has to choose which is more important to his mission, the same could applied to weapon and equipment upgrades.
mavrik65@Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:00 pm : dsm wrote:
Instead of a typical Sarge barking orders at the player
I don't know I found Sarge funny
"took you're sweet time marine!" he's the type of character you almost expect to say "god dam commies" half way through his sentence.
KC Clark@Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:07 pm : How about changing the way the player reacts to different situations. For example: Lowered health = slower movement/reaction/targeting. I know if I was getting a beat-down I wouldn't be able to get up and run full speed.
Maybe some different enemy/player interactions. How zombies that you can blow the arms off of and keep on coming. Or that actually grab hold of you and and start chomping. Perhaps the imps could do the same. Jump on your back and nibble on your noggin.

But what ever id does I hope they get rid of the PDA system.
qwertz123@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:50 pm : i want to jump!
so it was the first paraphase of commanderkeen,,,,
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:45 am : -Less tech demons, I never though that the neo-tech demons of doom 3 made sense, I'd like to see pure flesh and blood demons, with the exception of the cyberdemon/mastermind.
-Heavier weapons, The pistol and shotgun almost felt like a pea shooter, I'd like an arsenal of weapons that have some beef to them.
-More unfair fights. I liked how in doom, you would battle an area full of 50 monsters.
-no flashlight, I never had a problem with the flashlight, but I think doom should be more action than going around dimly lit hallways waiting for someone to politely introduce themselves with satanic imagery appearing before hand.
-More hazardous environments, Crushing rooms, ways of killing the room full of enemies with a flip of an unstable fan blade switch.
- A giant boss with no possible way of killing him with weapons, ie. Lava Demon at end of quake episode 1.
-Puzzles, not go find this key code, but actual arrange these markings in a certain order to activate some hellish opening to the next area.
-at least one hot chick, no explanation.
-lone wolf, no higher head marine or commander telling you how to kick ass.
-multiple paths though the game, and possibly different endings. I'd like to see an ending where everyone dies... lol
-achievements, the only reason I've ever played a game multiple times was to get everything possible achieveable in a game, for example, Metal Gear Solid 4, I didn't stop playing until I finally got the big boss rank and everything unlocked.
-Coop, is a must, possibly with a slightly different story/ending. An idea being that the game starts out with 4 marines, 3 of them die, you play the remaining marine, or if 2 player coop, 2 survive, you play those two.. ect..
- multiplayer game mode call invasion, A large map where one side is a group of marine, and the other side is 100-1000 monsters barreling towards you. with the choice last man standing survival or respawning until the invasion is over.
-Takes place in Hellish enviroments, not close corridor computer labs.
If I repeated any, I lazily apologize for not reading 11 pages of others ideas.
Phobos@Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:56 pm : As evilartist recommended, we may as well start now. Doom 4 has crazy potential, being id's pioneer type franchise, it has about as much potential as Doom 3, if not more.
But we all know how doom 3 turned out, and the muted applause it received for it's technological advancements.
So what formula would work best for Doom 4? Survival/horror, Run'n'Gun, somewhere in between? Should it follow doom2, using id Tech 5, and be staged as Hell on Earth? Should it continue it's chapters on Mars? Should it embark on the original doom touch, and even go back to Phobos or Deimos? What can the game offer that is new and innovative - it's hard to be creative with so much having been done already. What can make the game fun?
Here's my personal list for now. I'll add to it and edit it and perhaps we could make a master list if some really good hopes/suggestions come up.
But for me personally off the top of my head:
1. Fun. The game needs to be fun; I don't want to have to discipline myself to play it. There has to be some system that never gets old, which preferably means no more running through identical dark hallways, specifically I'd like to see:
• Death animations. We've mastered a transition between articulated figures (ragdolls) and death animations, and id's a master, so make use of it. Lets see some amazing, varying, rewarding death animations combined with ragdolls.
• "Live" ragdolls. When a demon gets hit in doom3 it plays a "hurt" animation, at which point the demon will flinch, growl, or do some other action to show annoyance at being hit with lead pellets (or plasma bursts). I would like to be able to shoot something/someone's arm - see his/it's arm fly back, and then use that momentum to wind up and throw a fireball at my face. Basically once again combining radgoll physics with animations - to be able to blend seamlessly. One of the things I hate above all in modern games is un-seamless animation transitions (more obvious in quake wars for example. There simply is NO transition between the run and sprint animation: one frame you're running, the next you're sprinting. Simple as that).
• Environment interaction. Not with you as the character, but with them as the demons. For them to make full use of the environment not only as an AI, but via animations as well (such as the Crysis walk cycle. I forget where it was shown in some tech demo, but the character automatically adjusted his walk animation depending on if he was walking uphill or downhill; the animation was never aligned to an imaginary "horizontal plane" as it is with doom3, regardless of whether or not the ground is horizontal (which it is not more often than it is).). This is also obvious in stairs: stepping on stairs that literally "dont exist" or perhaps just "sliding down" because the feet really don't step on the stairs, the animation is actually just transitioning downwards because the ground level has changed. To see something climb on barrels, walk on stairs, seamlessly climb up pillars and poles to get a better shot - that would be nice.
2. Music. An actual soundtrack worth listening to. And not the ambient rpg or rts stuff, an actual soundtrack. I remember a Quake 4 mod team being able to change the music tempo/beat to be more upstart when in battle, and more quiet when no enemies were around (the mod name had Requiem in it, if I remember correctly?). A similar adaption via music for doom 4 would be a very nice treat for the fans.
3. SMOOTH PLAY. This is more of an engine issue, but as we were talking about "the flaw" in quake wars concerning technology, I'd really
hate to see this with id Tech 5. Improve the engine tick rate, record the animations at a higher framerate; it doesn't matter what it takes, just do it. Watching a 24fps animation while the rest of the game is running at 60 fps (or whatever it is) just takes away from the experience. It's also evident in d3/q4 multiplayer; especially in quake 4 multiplayer: no matter if you have forceambient on, because it will run even smoother, but it will make the jitteryness of the character animations even more obvious.
4. Unique and Creative Environments. Like doom 1. From different indoor phobos laboratories to computer rooms to outdoor moonish-lands, cliffs, indoor jungles (outdoor jungles too?), and hell. Hell is hell; you can do so much with it, why not push it to it's full potential as with the original doom episodes. Tracks through radioactive slime, lava, both outdoor and indoor, fire-fields (hell on earth offers huge potential for creative environments unto itself). The possibilities are endless. Lets see it done.
Not very specific for now, but I'll add more later. Lets here some wishes people

evilartist@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:13 am : Yes, thank you Phobos! I was contemplating whether I'd start the thread, but fortunately you took care of that already.

Phobos wrote:
So what formula would work best for Doom 4? Survival/horror, Run'n'Gun, somewhere in between? Should it follow doom2, using id Tech 5, and be staged as Hell on Earth? Should it continue it's chapters on Mars? Should it embark on the original doom touch, and even go back to Phobos or Deimos? What can the game offer that is new and innovative - it's hard to be creative with so much having been done already. What can make the game fun?
Somewhere in between. What Doom 3 lacked that I loved about old school Doom is the constant satisfaction of killing. Call me sadistic, but my favorite part when I first played Doom was watching that zombie fly back, splurting blood. In Doom 3, the zombie will just fall over dead. A few cheap decals fly out of him, but there's no signs of physical trauma (like chunks of flesh missing).
As for the "survival horror" part, Doom 1 was already scary without the need of a thick ambience. Sure, it's nice to have all the voice echos and machine rumbles, but the suspensful music as you head through a quiet, dimmed area kept me on my toes (not dark, but dimmed). Phobos has the right idea with music that will change depending on the mood. It's something I always wished Doom 3 would do (actually, I could've done that with simple map scripting, but I don't know how to compose music

Phobos wrote:
Death animations. We've mastered a transition between articulated figures (ragdolls) and death animations, and id's a master, so make use of it. Lets see some amazing, varying, rewarding death animations combined with ragdolls.
Again, YES! I remember how the Baron of Hell used to have his intenstines spill out of his abdomen as he fell backwards. Wouldn't it be great to the same thing, but instead a lot messier? Instead of falling backwards, the giant beast could fall forward and make a huge "SPLAT!" sound as a large blood decal would spread all over the floor and even on the low walls.
"Live" ragdolls sounds like a good idea, too!

More things I'd like to see in Doom 4:
The return of the other monsters. You know who I mean. Pain Elementals. Arachnatrons. Spiderdemon Mastermind. The Baron of Hell.
There's only one Cyberdemon. I never understood why the Pinky Demon had to have cybernetic legs, or why the Lost Skulls had jetpacks. They're demons. Arachnatrons and Revenants aside, why do the original Doom 1 demons need cybernetic enhancements? The pinky demon should just be a big, snarling brute with an intimidating roar.
No more trites. 'Nuff said.
Better or more satisfying weapons. That was something I loved more about Quake 4 than Doom 3. The Q4 weapon sound effects were cooler and they worked better at long-range (even the shotgun). I want a plasma rifle that shoots very quick and leaves a beautiful muzzle flash. Doom 3's sounded and looked like something you'd find at a toy store.
Cyberdemons as killable, common enemies. Remember how frequently you'd encounter a Cyberdemon in Doom II? Why can't we have that happen in No. 4? It could be about 2/3 the size of the one in Doom 3, and play that awesome animation where its entire body explodes, leaving only a pair of bloody leg stumps (which can become physics objects).
Doom 4 is capable of so much. Let's hope that the leads id hires think alike to this community, and maybe some of our wishes will come true.

Phobos@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:18 am : evilartist wrote:
Cyberdemons as killable, common enemies. Remember how frequently you'd encounter a Cyberdemon in Doom II? Why can't we have that happen in No. 4? It could be about 2/3 the size of the one in Doom 3, and play that awesome animation where its entire body explodes, leaving only a pair of bloody leg stumps (which can become physics objects).
Doom 4 is capable of so much. Let's hope that the leads id hires think alike to this community, and maybe some of our wishes will come true.

I can seriously just imagine encountering a cyberdemon in a large, open, earth landscape (perhaps the ruins of a huge city?) with a hellish sky. There is so much potential there it's amazing to even think about - and a cool cinematic intro would be neat too.
Dinky@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:30 am : Phobos wrote:
3. SMOOTH PLAY. This is more of an engine issue, but as we were talking about "the flaw" in quake wars concerning technology, I'd really hate to see this with id Tech 5. Improve the engine tick rate, record the animations at a higher framerate; it doesn't matter what it takes, just do it. Watching a 24fps animation while the rest of the game is running at 60 fps (or whatever it is) just takes away from the experience. It's also evident in d3/q4 multiplayer; especially in quake 4 multiplayer: no matter if you have forceambient on, because it will run even smoother, but it will make the jitteryness of the character animations even more obvious.
That Quake Wars decision was by Splash Damage. They figured that players wanted to see the exact spot that the hitboxes are in order to be most accurate (Paul Wedgewood said this in an interview somewhere...). This required to get rid of interpolation (because apparently interpolation is kind of misleading when it comes hitbox movement in animations). John Carmack mentioned in his 2007 speech that he disproved of this decision, and also stated that there really isn't any way to fix it and that he doesn't recommend hacking on top of it anymore than it already has been hacked on. I guess it's kind of a messy system SD put together.
And before you reply to my post, Friar, let me just say that hitboxes is pretty much the way to go. Making the guns "more accurate" doesn't necessarily do anything. Especially when you WANT them to scatter. There are games (including Doom 3) that got rid of hitboxes, and competitive gamers and casual gamers alike shared their dislike of the system over hitboxes (me included). It just doesn't work as well.
Sorry to point you out Friar, but I've been meaning to share my thoughts on that. I know you said something about hitboxes a couple of times before, but I never decided to reply... Probably because I was lazy or something...

Also... I didn't notice any choppiness in Quake 4... I don't think they used animation blending like they did in Doom 3, but the animations looked smoother in Quake 4 than they did in Quake Wars I think... (And when I say animation blending, I'm talking about the blend between two different animations, not interpolation.)
Phobos@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 5:47 am : Dinky wrote:
Also... I didn't notice any choppiness in Quake 4... I don't think they used animation blending like they did in Doom 3, but the animations looked smoother in Quake 4 than they did in Quake Wars I think... (And when I say animation blending, I'm talking about the blend between two different animations, not interpolation.)
I think the animations were nice, for example you could actually see someone switching weapons rather than just having a new weapon magically "appear" in their hands, but I was just talking about the actual frame-by-frame interpolation as a whole.
You can turn forceambient on, see everything in ultra-smooth play, at a very high framerate.
Bring 3 players on the screen and shoot a rocket at the ground between them with quad damage on, and they just "appear" on the opposite side of the room via concussion.
They move so fast that you don't actually "see" them fly through the air, they just appear. a few quick short frames later to have moved an extreme distance because of the blast. Hard to explain. Perhaps I should record a video of it.
LDAsh@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:24 am : Like I said in the other thread, I'm all for classic frags, no matter what the rating, no matter what the margin of market! I would hate to see Doom go soft in search of a wider audience, that would break my heart.
I'd really like to be able to blow an arm off, the thing keep comin'. Blow a foot off, the thing keep hobblin'. Blow a head off, the thing keep hobblin' around in circles after me, bleeding everywhere, gets lost and ends up tripping over some railing and into some lava for sizzles!
Weapon modding is also an idea I think could lend very well to Doom. We saw this with the Duct Tape-style mods of everyone wanting a flashlight on all their weapons. Unrealistic pigs, yet why not have a flashlight as some interchangable weapon-mod feature, along with scopes, silencers, glowy GUI ammo display (as in, player may not always want a glowing GUI on their weapons), etc. Choice and personalisation marks the games of the future, in my opinion.
Maybe more in the way of destructible environments. For some reason, maybe it was a rumour I read up on, I expected to see a lot of destructible environment and far more moveables/physics in Doom3. If you shoot a rocket at a wall, not only particles fluff out at you, but other things should happen. Wall gets more broken somehow (can be FX tricks, doesn't need to be "atomic"), lights go out (another thing I expected out of Doom3), moveables go flying everywhere. To be honest, the explosions in Doom3 felt really lifeless, the rocket launcher felt like something that makes enemies spring into the air with a fluffy particle effect. It lacked that intensity from the original DOOMs, despite those also being just sprites, it managed to capture an intensity and harmfulness for its time. Meaning a new rocket launcher for a new Doom should need to have far more attention paid to recapture that same feeling of harm, that this weapon is a killer, not a fluffy particle creator.
And finally, unlike the original DOOMs, I would like to play it and not be THE ONLY human left alive in the game. Doom3, in parts, was leading toward a more interesting experience where you race around a corner and instead of ghoulies, there's some petrified scientist panting at you. That was cool. Especially if it's going to be set on Earth, it would be great if you could pick up some co-op NPCs along the way, here and there, to help you fight. Maybe you need to protect them for a certain period so that they may help you fulfill "objectives" a little later. It doesn't sound like traditional DOOM but it's something I'd personally enjoy seeing, in any game really. To save some innocent people instead of just trying to single-handedly whipe out demons and zombies from hell. Show people that DOOM isn't all about killing monsters, you might help a little old granny across the road too!
BNA!@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:36 am : My points:
- no more imps spawning behind me whenever I pick up a health pack
- serious rebalancing of "imp enemies" in favour of non-melee enemies
- remember - letting something jump in your face every time you open a door doesn't necessarily gain you the Oscar of the best Thriller and Suspense movie - you can do better, we know it and you know it best.
- no more having to read pda's or listening to sound files every 3.25 minutes, this breaks the pace and you have to keep a log for the billion of key pads to open.
- much more physics interaction (ragdoll rather than burnaway, blended impact animations with ragdolls, build some walls out of bricks rather than a brush...)
- do not try to make it a cinematic experience unless you want to direct a movie, if you try to create a game than focus on gameplay mechanics, AI, Character design...
- don't remind me of my mortality with a stamina bar
- reloading is fine, eventually faster reloading is even "finer"
- introduce a human fraction collaborating and joining team with whatever enemy you decide to introduce, has worked in almost all movies and games. This adds welcome variety for players.
- think about replay value (first Deus Ex is a good example)
- if you aim for a teen rating, than stay clear of excessively displayed graphical violence, but keep the suspense and atmosphere up.
And please, do not make the console versions close platform - allow the subsequent addition of custom maps, mods...
Speaking of custom content, please do not think providing players with the tools and the SDK is a waste of time.
Dinky@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:36 am : Phobos wrote:
Dinky wrote:
Also... I didn't notice any choppiness in Quake 4... I don't think they used animation blending like they did in Doom 3, but the animations looked smoother in Quake 4 than they did in Quake Wars I think... (And when I say animation blending, I'm talking about the blend between two different animations, not interpolation.)
I think the animations were nice, for example you could actually see someone switching weapons rather than just having a new weapon magically "appear" in their hands, but I was just talking about the actual frame-by-frame interpolation as a whole.
You can turn forceambient on, see everything in ultra-smooth play, at a very high framerate.
Bring 3 players on the screen and shoot a rocket at the ground between them with quad damage on, and they just "appear" on the opposite side of the room via concussion.
They move so fast that you don't actually "see" them fly through the air, they just appear. a few quick short frames later to have moved an extreme distance because of the blast. Hard to explain. Perhaps I should record a video of it.
No, I know what you meant.
But I shot people with rockets all the time... They never just appeared on the other side of the room... And I played competitively with force ambient... Your description sounds like someone with a computer that runs at 2 fps or some serious lag online.
I never had any problems with animations in Q4. And I'm left a little puzzled about what you really mean...
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:57 am : For me? More of the same in a better graphics engine, I think that's all that I ask.

I love every aspect about Doom3 and thought it was pretty well balanced. The only thing I know I want to see returned is the editing capabilities. But I'm sure they will be there. Can't wait to make the Doom 4 Ultimate mod!

ViPr@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:20 am : BNA! wrote:
- if you aim for a teen rating, than stay clear of excessively displayed graphical violence, but keep the suspense and atmosphere up.
suspense only works as long as they don't print the age rating on the box or the disk or anywhere. once you know the game or movie is rated something less than no-holds-barred then it isn't suspenseful anymore.
Ww3@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:27 am : Fast gameplay. Storyline should not get in the way of run and gun.
Try something different. It's been really annoying seeing how blase Doom3 and Quake4 turned out. There's nothing in these games' singleplayer that I can recall as unique.
leifhv@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:42 am : -More varied environments; Like in RTCW and the HL2 series.
-More gameplay variation instead of the popup-monster & PDA gameplay of D3
-More light =)
-Take advantage of PC hardware ref
BNA!@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:43 am : ViPr wrote:
BNA! wrote:
- if you aim for a teen rating, than stay clear of excessively displayed graphical violence, but keep the suspense and atmosphere up.
suspense only works as long as they don't print the age rating on the box or the disk or anywhere. once you know the game or movie is rated something less than no-holds-barred then it isn't suspenseful anymore.
Judging a book by the cover has always been one of the best content evaluation approaches.
Let's cut the crap - I'm too old to care about kids who only feel attracted to M rated games. Good content always prevails over attention seeking violence or otherwise fabricated M ratings. If a person follows the stupid path to downgrade a potentially interesting experience front up by a rating not matching his or hers expectation, than this person deserves to get punished by wasting a whole life hunting for the most spectacular sub par low quality content.
asmodeus@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:03 am : - more enemies on screen at any one time
- the sdk and _all_ of its tools ported to every platform that it is feasible (WxWidgets would be nice for this)
ViPr@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:19 am : BNA! horror that is rated less than 18, sucks.
i'm guessing you don't want it to be a horror game because then you will miss out coz you are in germany. well that's not fair of you.
shaviro@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:21 am : Well. Making Doom3 a strict horror game was a mistake anyway. Doom1 and 2 were never only about horror.
ViPr@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:30 am : well action parts and horror parts would be good but they couldn't really do big action sections with lots of enemies in doom3 (like in the other dooms) because of technical limitations; the framerate would get too low if there were too many enemies probably.
shaviro@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:33 am : Yes horror parts are good. They just need to be that, parts, and not make up the whole game. ROE (the expansion pack) did a better job of introducing action parts and lots of monsters. Big ones too.
Hmm. I wonder if RAGE is nearing completion and Doom 4 will be the next main project for id, and not just a smaller, internal project. This way of overlap would ensure the best possible flow of work. Have a small team start up preproduction of the next game so it's ready whenever the previous game is done.
This could also mean Doom4 is Idtech 6. Probably not, but entertaining thoughts.
der_ton@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:53 am : ViPr wrote:
horror that is rated less than 18, sucks.
LOL. Go home kiddo.
It's been said by BNA but since this is a wishlist I'll just repeat the things I'd like see improved:
Imps in Doom3 were really really annoying and no fun in melee combat, the spawning of enemies was very overused, weapons felt kinda slow (firing rate and reload times), and movement was slow and immobile. The Quake1 feeling in terms of jumping and running is what I'd like to see again.
Phobos wrote:
3. SMOOTH PLAY. This is more of an engine issue, but as we were talking about "the flaw" in quake wars concerning technology, I'd really hate to see this with id Tech 5. Improve the engine tick rate, record the animations at a higher framerate; it doesn't matter what it takes, just do it. Watching a 24fps animation while the rest of the game is running at 60 fps (or whatever it is) just takes away from the experience. It's also evident in d3/q4 multiplayer; especially in quake 4 multiplayer: no matter if you have forceambient on, because it will run even smoother, but it will make the jitteryness of the character animations even more obvious.
D3/Q4 do not have character animation jitteryness, it must be your framerate or your network lag. The animations are recorded in 24 fps but are interpolated and I dare say nobody except maybe animation professionals can tell the difference between 60fps keyframe animation and 60fps animation interpolated from 24fps keyframes.
LDAsh@Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:09 am : What are we saying about DOOM? DOOM is all about fighting the forces of Hell with big guns. The very idea of it is not for kids at all. How can you make a game about killing off things from Hell and make it some G-rated kid-friendly market-widening product? Especially in this modern age of games. That's a silly and disappointing approach. It's not attention seeking, it's about meeting up with your original intentions and serious portrayal or your ideas. The original DOOMs were sickeningly gory, disgustingly so, for its time. Maybe we've all grown forgetful of just how vile the original games really were, and don't lie, that was a big part of the appeal!
If you decide your game is going to be about "guns vs. demons & zombies" in any realistic sense, don't then say "but wholesome fun for the whole family", the two ideas do not go together. The old pitfall of pleasing no one in an attempt to please everyone. That approach is more attention-seeking than anything, I believe. Always make your stuff for the fans, and to hell with the public at large, I say.
It boils down to 1 simple equation = cause and effect. Shoot a zombie's head right off, and score a colourful Piñata pony for your garden? Just make a colourful Piñata game to begin with or don't bother. Cause and effect of "guns vs. hell" is not wholesome family entertainment right from the very premise, the cause of shotgun blast to rotting zombie flesh is an effect not suitable for the wider audience right from the very idea of it, so why try to push it that way?
I don't mean to disrespect anyone by saying this, but - maybe id Software should just make a new Commander Keen game instead of dragging DOOM further into the playground market, if that's their intention. Save Doom4 for a little later when the public at large may not be sooo politically correct and over-sensitive about the very essence of the idea of DOOM to begin with. I'd still be just as happy to play idtech5 Commander Keen because at least it could then meet its own intentions thoroughly without offending anyone. I would have greater respect for that.
I say all of this as a die-hard DOOM fan, to be sure.
pbmax@Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:31 pm : the fact that imps & trites could not dynamically climb on walls really bothered me- it broke the immersion big time especially since you saw them do so during cut scenes and canned animations.
id mentioned that they want to broaden the AI capabilities in RAGE...
"For Rage, id software has Jonathan Wright working on the AI. van Waveren reports that Wright wants to push things forward from what the company has done in the past. That starts with more interesting combat styles, and “groups of AIs working together, flanking you, and doing all that kind of stuff.”
It’s always going to be a balance, says van Waveren. “You can always make the AI very intelligent. But that presents a problem. If you make the AI very intelligent, dynamic, and unpredictable, it becomes harder to test your game, and make sure the end user will actually get the experience you intended.”
Level designers want more control to lay things out as a script. “So you have to always find a middle ground on there,” says van Waveren of looking what will work for the final game. He talks about the possibilities of having a completely smart, dynamic system which will generate scenarios. The designers can tweak and choose the contingencies they like, and then they might be presented to players by the unpredictable system. With enough variety, scenarios can then be tested to make sure they work.
Another approach to AI is the one taken by Arkane Studios for their upcoming game The Crossing. In essence the singleplayer and multiplayer games are fused, and you get human AI as you play through your story experience.
“That’s actually something we’ve been toying with for Rage,” says Duffy. “We’ve considered allowing you to jump into other people’s games. We’re just not sure how the dynamics of that would work out.” ... mitstart=1
lowdragon@Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:44 pm : Very "smart" ai is hard to balance, they are at least allways cheating - if you tellem to aim well they will rail you across a whole level. An older UT suffered from that kind of issues - which was just annoying. One way could be to let the game continuously rate the players ability to take out enemy ai ( accuracy, health status etc. etc. ) and just send´em into doable situations (on the choosen hardness - level, equalized and added chain reaction which time-out e.g. call nearby demons, revamping and healing demons) ...
if one just let em crawl and jump around everywhere, the "one slot" quicksaving would break.
oh and cute, half naked, flamethrower-girls please - or just flamethrowers.

Darkr0nin@Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:47 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
One thing I do like about the suggestion however is predatory behavior. That should be incorporated into the AI and applicable to every enemy in the game.
If you did it right, level designers wouldn't need to build monster closets or teleport them in because the monsters themselves would treat the player like a lion treats prey. A true predator doesn't head straight at you unless it's confident it can take you down. They watch you from afar and look for opportunities to inch closer to you. Then they ambush you when you least expect it.
Imagine a scenario where you make eye contact with an imp in the distance. But instead of the imp immediately launching fireballs and making all kinds of racket, it stares at you for a moment and then retreats into the shadows.
It makes use of everything in the environment. It climbs pipes. It crawls on the ceiling. It takes cover behind objects. I crawls under the stairs. All the while making use of the shadows and obstructions to stay hidden from view. The only evidence that it's still in the room is the faint sound of it's claws as it scurries about.
It tries to position itself so it can attack from the side, rear, or drop down on you from above. And it only launches an attack when it succeeds to find a good position or if you expose it. Save the fireballs. Use them for when the player is trying to run away or to draw his attention elsewhere.
These guys need to sit down and watch a few animal specials on the Discovery channel.
Best. Idea. Ever. Imps would be 100% scarier.
I really wish some bigwigs at ID were reading this. There's some fantastic ideas bouncing around here.
Phobos@Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:52 pm : Maybe once the thread progresses a little bit more we can process it (get rid of the bickering) and widdle it down to something that we could potentially propose for id to read.
Darkr0nin@Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:58 pm : Phobos wrote:
Maybe once the thread progresses a little bit more we can process it (get rid of the bickering) and widdle it down to something that we could potentially propose for id to read.
I would like that. Most definitely.

john_doe2@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 3:12 am : AI improvement would indeed be awesome. The demons must act very animalistic like others have said. It would be cool to spy on demons from afar and watch them do things like pick over corpses, feast on flesh, fight with other demons or zombies, massacre poor humans, maybe even paint the walls with blood. It would explain who painted all those words like "death", "pain", "suffer" on the walls with blood if you saw an imp doing that.
The security and marine zombies should be different from the demons in that they should have a more human intelligence. They should communicate and coordinate and use squad tactics on you. I would imagine them to be kind of like the replicas from F.E.A.R. Of course, they should be more brutal and fearless. Things that you should see the security and marine zombies doing from afar are pursuing humans and gunning them down, fighting with demons or maybe other zombies, and possibly feasting on flesh.
ratty redemption@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 4:01 am : I really like these ai ideas guys, would certainly make the next doom game a lot more immersive

pbmax@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:09 pm : Darkr0nin wrote:
I really wish some bigwigs at ID were reading this. There's some fantastic ideas bouncing around here.
you can be sure someone at id is looking at this, but i'm sure most of these ideas have already been thought up by them as well.
aaa111@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:17 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
I don't think the Specter wouldn't be appreciated in a new game. People were complaining about not being able to see enemies as is without having to equip the flashlight. They'll raise holy hell if you start incorporating near invisible enemies.
One thing I do like about the suggestion however is predatory behavior. That should be incorporated into the AI and applicable to every enemy in the game.
If you did it right, level designers wouldn't need to build monster closets or teleport them in because the monsters themselves would treat the player like a lion treats prey. A true predator doesn't head straight at you unless it's confident it can take you down. They watch you from afar and look for opportunities to inch closer to you. Then they ambush you when you least expect it.
Imagine a scenario where you make eye contact with an imp in the distance. But instead of the imp immediately launching fireballs and making all kinds of racket, it stares at you for a moment and then retreats into the shadows.
It makes use of everything in the environment. It climbs pipes. It crawls on the ceiling. It takes cover behind objects. I crawls under the stairs. All the while making use of the shadows and obstructions to stay hidden from view. The only evidence that it's still in the room is the faint sound of it's claws as it scurries about.
It tries to position itself so it can attack from the side, rear, or drop down on you from above. And it only launches an attack when it succeeds to find a good position or if you expose it. Save the fireballs. Use them for when the player is trying to run away or to draw his attention elsewhere.
These guys need to sit down and watch a few animal specials on the Discovery channel.
Impressive idea.I want to see that too.
Gunman@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:27 pm : My two cents:
Gameplay related:
- Full co-op support
- Pretty much the AI improvements others have described, Doom4 needs a very smart AI.
- Alt-Fire on weapons (offers more possibilities for players and mod makers)
Graphics related:
- HDR Bloom implemented
- Brilliant Highlights implemented
- Parralax Mapping implemented
(and that the each of these three gfx options can be toggled on/off separately via the options menu)
ratty redemption@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:37 pm : gunman, I agree with all your wish list, especially the alt fire, its frustrating having to rely on sdk mods just to be able to play or mod alt fire.
john_doe2@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:46 pm : One cool idea I thought about is instead of having the Doomguy's face displayed on the HUD and changing according to your health, I thought it be cool if the Doomguy's character model would get bloodied up as your health decreased. You would be able to see blood and wounds on his arms and legs just from the first-person perspective, and if you looked in the mirror you would see his entire body all bloody and wounds everywhere. Along with that, your sight should get more obscure as your health gets lower. You should be able to hear the Doomguy's heart beat and have the screen flash red a little with every beat of the heart. He should hear him breathe heavily too since he's wounded and exhausted.
I just thought that would be cool thing to implement into Doom 4. It would definately add to the tension and immersiveness.
ratty redemption@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:20 pm : john_doe2, I agree if those were done well, especially as I don't play with the hud on most of the time or even the crosshair, as both break the immersion for me. but I couldn't put up with that double vision d3 shipped with so disabled it as soon as I found the cvar. that was a terrible effect imo, but your suggestions sound more subtle.
Phobos@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:25 am : Here's an idea.
Unite the FPS model and the 3rd person perspective model.
Im sick of playing doom 3 in the 3rd person, and seeing a crappy remix of the reload animation with a lower-detail model. Not to mention not being able to see my feet (serious pet peve there).
Or is this already done in etqw and im too blind to notice.
Darkr0nin@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:46 am : Phobos wrote:
Here's an idea.
Unite the FPS model and the 3rd person perspective model.
Im sick of playing doom 3 in the 3rd person, and seeing a crappy remix of the reload animation with a lower-detail model. Not to mention not being able to see my feet (serious pet peve there).
Or is this already done in etqw and im too blind to notice.
I don't know of many games other than Halo 2+ that let you look at your own feet. It's a good idea though.

Metal-Geo@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:12 am : john_doe2 wrote:
One cool idea I thought about is instead of having the Doomguy's face displayed on the HUD and changing according to your health, I thought it be cool if the Doomguy's character model would get bloodied up as your health decreased. You would be able to see blood and wounds on his arms and legs just from the first-person perspective, and if you looked in the mirror you would see his entire body all bloody and wounds everywhere. Along with that, your sight should get more obscure as your health gets lower. You should be able to hear the Doomguy's heart beat and have the screen flash red a little with every beat of the heart. He should hear him breathe heavily too since he's wounded and exhausted.
I just thought that would be cool thing to implement into Doom 4. It would definately add to the tension and immersiveness.
Couldn't agree more.
But next to that, I'd like to have a minimum to no HUD at all too. No unnecessary shapes and colors and such.
Or at least an option for this.
TelMarine@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:31 am : Gunman wrote:
My two cents:
Gameplay related:
- Full co-op support
- Pretty much the AI improvements others have described, Doom4 needs a very smart AI.
- Alt-Fire on weapons (offers more possibilities for players and mod makers)
Graphics related:
- HDR Bloom implemented
- Brilliant Highlights implemented
- Parralax Mapping implemented
(and that the each of these three gfx options can be toggled on/off separately via the options menu)
get your UT alt-fire crap outta my id games. Also how "smart" of enemies do we need? I think some of the mods pbmax did are a decent place to start.
Also, ditch reloading. I hate reloading in high action games and I was shocked when id added it to doom3. They were one of last hold-outs when reloading was added with this lame realism craze we are going through.
evilartist@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 5:06 am : john_doe2 wrote:
One cool idea I thought about is instead of having the Doomguy's face displayed on the HUD and changing according to your health, I thought it be cool if the Doomguy's character model would get bloodied up as your health decreased. You would be able to see blood and wounds on his arms and legs just from the first-person perspective, and if you looked in the mirror you would see his entire body all bloody and wounds everywhere. Along with that, your sight should get more obscure as your health gets lower. You should be able to hear the Doomguy's heart beat and have the screen flash red a little with every beat of the heart. He should hear him breathe heavily too since he's wounded and exhausted.
I just thought that would be cool thing to implement into Doom 4. It would definately add to the tension and immersiveness.
I was just thinking about that exact same idea the other day. Are you spying on my mind, john_doe2?

The difference with what I thought up though was that there would be no HUD altogether! You'd have to rely entirely on your body's reaction to the pain (everything you've described above, john) and your ammo would all be indicated on your weapon's GUI display, so there'd be no need for a HUD display.
To further argue the "no HUD" idea, think about how you can know when to reload your more traditional weapons that
don't have a GUI display, like a shotgun. If any of you have played Gears of War, chances are you've noticed when Marcus almost empties a clip, the gun will start making an "empty" clicking sound when only a few rounds remain. That would be a great way to know when it's almost time to reload projectile weapons (shotgun, handgun, machinegun). The hightech plasma and energy weapons can have their GUI displays (already done in Doom 3, obviously).
I know other games have tried the No HUD thing (just can't think of 'em off the top of my head). I just think it's a good idea when it's done right.
No HUD + Executed Correctly = More Immersive!
BNA!@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:53 am : evilartist wrote:
What are you saying, that JC owns more of the company than the other co-owners combined?
The last time they spoke about ownership allocation he owned a majority stake. Since then Adrian Carmack has left id as a co owner. How many of the other long term employees have become partner in the meantime I cannot tell.
But surely you don't need a 51% stake to issue out a veto. And I cannot imagine the company wants to let go one of its greatest assets. If they would oppose any plan so strongly, they would simply form their own company and licence the engine. Happened in the past and will happen in the future.
john_doe2@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:44 pm : evilartist wrote:
john_doe2 wrote:
One cool idea I thought about is instead of having the Doomguy's face displayed on the HUD and changing according to your health, I thought it be cool if the Doomguy's character model would get bloodied up as your health decreased. You would be able to see blood and wounds on his arms and legs just from the first-person perspective, and if you looked in the mirror you would see his entire body all bloody and wounds everywhere. Along with that, your sight should get more obscure as your health gets lower. You should be able to hear the Doomguy's heart beat and have the screen flash red a little with every beat of the heart. He should hear him breathe heavily too since he's wounded and exhausted.
I just thought that would be cool thing to implement into Doom 4. It would definately add to the tension and immersiveness.
I was just thinking about that exact same idea the other day. Are you spying on my mind, john_doe2?

The difference with what I thought up though was that there would be no HUD altogether! You'd have to rely entirely on your body's reaction to the pain (everything you've described above, john) and your ammo would all be indicated on your weapon's GUI display, so there'd be no need for a HUD display.
To further argue the "no HUD" idea, think about how you can know when to reload your more traditional weapons that
don't have a GUI display, like a shotgun. If any of you have played Gears of War, chances are you've noticed when Marcus almost empties a clip, the gun will start making an "empty" clicking sound when only a few rounds remain. That would be a great way to know when it's almost time to reload projectile weapons (shotgun, handgun, machinegun). The hightech plasma and energy weapons can have their GUI displays (already done in Doom 3, obviously).
I know other games have tried the No HUD thing (just can't think of 'em off the top of my head). I just think it's a good idea when it's done right.
No HUD + Executed Correctly = More Immersive!
Not sure about not displaying the ammo. That could get a little annoying to some players. I guess when ammo is low in some weapons like the machinegun, they could just use the beeping sound that's already present in Doom 3 to warn the the player that he's about to run out.
When I was talking about the Doomguy's character model changing according to his health and getting bloodied up, I wasn't really thinking about getting rid of the health display. I was thinking of how the devs could implement something similar to the Doomguy's face in Classic Doom. Something that would be kind of like a homage to that cool little aspect of Classic Doom.
Now that I think about it though, getting rid of the health display and making the player rely on the Doomguy's body, sight, and breath as a reference to how much health he has left really might be a cool idea. Definately would add to the tension and immersiveness for sure.
Oh, another thing that should happen when the Doomguy's health is really low in addition to the red flashes, hearing his heart beat and heavy breathing, is have trails of blood run down the screen. That would make the Doomguy seem really beat and on the verge of death.
evilartist@Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:14 am : john_doe2 wrote:
Oh, another thing that should happen when the Doomguy's health is really low in addition to the red flashes, hearing his heart beat and heavy breathing, is have trails of blood run down the screen. That would make the Doomguy seem really beat and on the verge of death.
Yeah, the "view blood" is a good idea, as long as it doesn't obstruct the player's view--the blood should be covering no more than 2-5% of the monitor (just thin streaks), and the blood should have an alpha channel so you can still see through it, like most HUDs in today's shooters.
The player should be dripping blood, leaving a trail behind him as he walks. Just turn around and look at the trail you've created. I'm not sure if all of this would be hardware doesn't sound that bad, but that's just based on my limited knowledge about game-making outside of level design.
TRSGM@Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:15 am : Darkr0nin wrote:
Phobos wrote:
Here's an idea.
Unite the FPS model and the 3rd person perspective model.
Im sick of playing doom 3 in the 3rd person, and seeing a crappy remix of the reload animation with a lower-detail model. Not to mention not being able to see my feet (serious pet peve there).
Or is this already done in etqw and im too blind to notice.
I don't know of many games other than Halo 2+ that let you look at your own feet. It's a good idea though.

F.E.A.R., Crysis, Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB, and a few other games I can't think of off the top of my head. Oblivion will have that pretty soon, and DentonMod 3 has a method kinda similar to how F.E.A.R. handles things. ... 051od2.jpgIt's pretty cool though

TelMarine wrote:
Gunman wrote:
My two cents:
Gameplay related:
- Full co-op support
- Pretty much the AI improvements others have described, Doom4 needs a very smart AI.
- Alt-Fire on weapons (offers more possibilities for players and mod makers)
Graphics related:
- HDR Bloom implemented
- Brilliant Highlights implemented
- Parralax Mapping implemented
(and that the each of these three gfx options can be toggled on/off separately via the options menu)
get your UT alt-fire crap outta my id games. Also how "smart" of enemies do we need? I think some of the mods pbmax did are a decent place to start.
Also, ditch reloading. I hate reloading in high action games and I was shocked when id added it to doom3. They were one of last hold-outs when reloading was added with this lame realism craze we are going through.
I disagree very, very strongly with your second point. And the first, but not as much.
The reload bit adds a lot more tension and a major skill element. How many times have you blasted away at someone in Halo 2/3 only to get nailed once you run out of ammo? Pick your shots, and you're rewarded. Don't and you're pretty fucked. Makes things more fun IMO.
john_doe2 wrote:
evilartist wrote:
john_doe2 wrote:
One cool idea I thought about is instead of having the Doomguy's face displayed on the HUD and changing according to your health, I thought it be cool if the Doomguy's character model would get bloodied up as your health decreased. You would be able to see blood and wounds on his arms and legs just from the first-person perspective, and if you looked in the mirror you would see his entire body all bloody and wounds everywhere. Along with that, your sight should get more obscure as your health gets lower. You should be able to hear the Doomguy's heart beat and have the screen flash red a little with every beat of the heart. He should hear him breathe heavily too since he's wounded and exhausted.
I just thought that would be cool thing to implement into Doom 4. It would definately add to the tension and immersiveness.
I was just thinking about that exact same idea the other day. Are you spying on my mind, john_doe2?

The difference with what I thought up though was that there would be no HUD altogether! You'd have to rely entirely on your body's reaction to the pain (everything you've described above, john) and your ammo would all be indicated on your weapon's GUI display, so there'd be no need for a HUD display.
To further argue the "no HUD" idea, think about how you can know when to reload your more traditional weapons that
don't have a GUI display, like a shotgun. If any of you have played Gears of War, chances are you've noticed when Marcus almost empties a clip, the gun will start making an "empty" clicking sound when only a few rounds remain. That would be a great way to know when it's almost time to reload projectile weapons (shotgun, handgun, machinegun). The hightech plasma and energy weapons can have their GUI displays (already done in Doom 3, obviously).
I know other games have tried the No HUD thing (just can't think of 'em off the top of my head). I just think it's a good idea when it's done right.
No HUD + Executed Correctly = More Immersive!
Not sure about not displaying the ammo. That could get a little annoying to some players. I guess when ammo is low in some weapons like the machinegun, they could just use the beeping sound that's already present in Doom 3 to warn the the player that he's about to run out.
When I was talking about the Doomguy's character model changing according to his health and getting bloodied up, I wasn't really thinking about getting rid of the health display. I was thinking of how the devs could implement something similar to the Doomguy's face in Classic Doom. Something that would be kind of like a homage to that cool little aspect of Classic Doom.
Now that I think about it though, getting rid of the health display and making the player rely on the Doomguy's body, sight, and breath as a reference to how much health he has left really might be a cool idea. Definately would add to the tension and immersiveness for sure.
Oh, another thing that should happen when the Doomguy's health is really low in addition to the red flashes, hearing his heart beat and heavy breathing, is have trails of blood run down the screen. That would make the Doomguy seem really beat and on the verge of death.
In regards to the removal of HUD idea, specifically the ammunition remaining, SEALs and the like have an interesting approach to the same problem. Instead of beeps or noises, they simply make the first round in a clip and about the last 5-ish tracer rounds. You have an indicator right off the bat that you either have a full clip or a near-empty one. This might be practical and perhaps even customizable.
evilartist wrote:
john_doe2 wrote:
Oh, another thing that should happen when the Doomguy's health is really low in addition to the red flashes, hearing his heart beat and heavy breathing, is have trails of blood run down the screen. That would make the Doomguy seem really beat and on the verge of death.
Yeah, the "view blood" is a good idea, as long as it doesn't obstruct the player's view--the blood should be covering no more than 2-5% of the monitor (just thin streaks), and the blood should have an alpha channel so you can still see through it, like most HUDs in today's shooters.
The player should be dripping blood, leaving a trail behind him as he walks. Just turn around and look at the trail you've created. I'm not sure if all of this would be hardware doesn't sound that bad, but that's just based on my limited knowledge about game-making outside of level design.
It wouldn't be really ridiculous. If you're clever with the use of decals I'd say trails would be possible.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 2:39 am : TRSGM wrote:
TelMarine wrote:
Gunman wrote:
My two cents:
Gameplay related:
- Full co-op support
- Pretty much the AI improvements others have described, Doom4 needs a very smart AI.
- Alt-Fire on weapons (offers more possibilities for players and mod makers)
Graphics related:
- HDR Bloom implemented
- Brilliant Highlights implemented
- Parralax Mapping implemented
(and that the each of these three gfx options can be toggled on/off separately via the options menu)
get your UT alt-fire crap outta my id games. Also how "smart" of enemies do we need? I think some of the mods pbmax did are a decent place to start.
Also, ditch reloading. I hate reloading in high action games and I was shocked when id added it to doom3. They were one of last hold-outs when reloading was added with this lame realism craze we are going through.
I disagree very, very strongly with your second point. And the first, but not as much.
The reload bit adds a lot more tension and a major skill element. How many times have you blasted away at someone in Halo 2/3 only to get nailed once you run out of ammo? Pick your shots, and you're rewarded. Don't and you're pretty fucked. Makes things more fun IMO.
This is not an attack on you, but have you played many id games before? I do not agree with the comparison to Halo, that game is ungodly slow and it feels like you are running in molasses, and jumping is super floaty and useless. Halo is more realistic type of game, Doom (and Quake) are not and they should stick to that imo. Doom was insanely fast when running, too fast because you could outrun rockets (although they could compensate by making them quake1 style fast). In these types of action games, you can worry about ammo sure, but reloading is just a pain in the ass. It should not be added at all in multiplayer if they decide to keep it for single player, ala Quake4. If you had that in multiplayer (especially in Quake), you would piss off a ton of people because your making the game something it isn't. The game is designed to be a fast paced game, the reloading slows stuff way down and encourages much more hiding. Oh and no locational damage for multiplayer at least, it does not belong (I don't think Doom3 did though, did it?)
Doom3 "bucked" this trend and was much slower in all aspects. I still liked the game, but the walking was way too slow and the jumping could have been improved (which you can by bumping pm_walkspeed up a bit to like 320). I even have a bind to set pm_walkspeed 220 which is the pm_runspeed value because stamina/holding shift (my bind for run) was getting irritating. When "Always Run" was added in Quake1, that should always be there (it was in Doom3 too, but only for multiplayer). Walking in multiplayer has its uses (no footstep sounds), but in single player what's the point? Put always run back in single player.
Also on smart AI, I'd say take note from some of pbmax's mods. Demons are not fucking SWAT teams that use uber tactics to kill you. Picking up barrels or other objects and throwing at you, sounds good. Destroying explodey barrels next to you? Alright. Crawling up walls and attacking from above? Sure. Flanking you and hiding behind walls and signaling to each other? That's kind of stupid for this game. The flanking could work in some degree, hell in Doom monsters already do that by accident if they are shoved in maze like environments. Yet the tactics/hide behind walls stuff imo does not belong in this game at all. Dodging yes, hiding/communicating no.
Phobos@Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:20 am : I severely both agree and disagree with you both.
TelMarine wrote:
I do not agree with the comparison to Halo, that game is ungodly slow and it feels like you are running in molasses, and jumping is super floaty and useless.
He had a point. I agree 100% and personally hate the entire halo franchise with a passion, but I know exactly what he was talking about.
There is a time in halo 1&2 which happens all too often, when you choose to just hold the trigger and run down an opponent with the AR or SMG. They made it so that you run out of ammo right before you're about to kill the guy, leaving him with the few fatal seconds of your reloading time in order to finish you off.
TelMarine wrote:
Halo is more realistic type of game, Doom (and Quake) are not and they should stick to that imo.
I gotta agree and disagree with that statement too. Halo is a joke when it comes to realism, and to a certain degree, so is doom, but not on the same level. I've never played a more realistic multiplayer than doom 3 tbh (minus the rocket jumping), but I think that's also the point you're trying to make. The combat essence in d3mp. It didn't work. Why? Because if you think about it (exactly what you said), reloading just doesn't belong. While it just added to the realism of doom 3, it wasn't "doom".
TelMarine wrote:
In these types of action games, you can worry about ammo sure, but reloading is just a pain in the ass. It should not be added at all in multiplayer if they decide to keep it for single player, ala Quake4. If you had that in multiplayer (especially in Quake), you would piss off a ton of people because your making the game something it isn't. The game is designed to be a fast paced game, the reloading slows stuff way down and encourages much more hiding. Oh and no locational damage for multiplayer at least, it does not belong (I don't think Doom3 did though, did it?)
Doom3 "bucked" this trend and was much slower in all aspects. I still liked the game, but the walking was way too slow and the jumping could have been improved (which you can by bumping pm_walkspeed up a bit to like 320). I even have a bind to set pm_walkspeed 220 which is the pm_runspeed value because stamina/holding shift (my bind for run) was getting irritating. When "Always Run" was added in Quake1, that should always be there (it was in Doom3 too, but only for multiplayer). Walking in multiplayer has its uses (no footstep sounds), but in single player what's the point? Put always run back in single player.
Also on smart AI, I'd say take note from some of pbmax's mods. Demons are not fucking SWAT teams that use uber tactics to kill you. Picking up barrels or other objects and throwing at you, sounds good. Destroying explodey barrels next to you? Alright. Crawling up walls and attacking from above? Sure. Flanking you and hiding behind walls and signaling to each other? That's kind of stupid for this game. The flanking could work in some degree, hell in Doom monsters already do that by accident if they are shoved in maze like environments. Yet the tactics/hide behind walls stuff imo does not belong in this game at all. Dodging yes, hiding/communicating no.
Pretty much agree with all of that wholeheartedly. Especially about the point of being able to outrun rockets; that was one of the best aspects of the original doom (the lightning fast paced gameplay).
I don't think i've ever seen a doom 1 style multiplayer done any other game other than doom up to this day. That would really be something else, quite amazing possibly.
TRSGM wrote: ... 051od2.jpg
It's pretty cool though

Hurry up and finish it then

TRSGM wrote:
In regards to the removal of HUD idea, specifically the ammunition remaining, SEALs and the like have an interesting approach to the same problem. Instead of beeps or noises, they simply make the first round in a clip and about the last 5-ish tracer rounds. You have an indicator right off the bat that you either have a full clip or a near-empty one. This might be practical and perhaps even customizable.
That kind of level of customization would be really neat. It would take away from the entire concept of needing a silly ammo bar, and would be realistic (and non realistic at the same time). What I mean: people tend to watch their ammo readings when they need to care about it. You wouldn't have anything to watch in doom 4 if you just had tracers instead of an ammo bar, so you would feel more free to just blaze away without worries of reloading or resupplying until you see the tracers. Something along those lines would be neat. Perhaps an indicator of how much more ammo you can carry would be nice though, so you don't go running around picking up shells forever.. or something.
evilartist@Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:50 am : TelMarine wrote:
The game is designed to be a fast paced game, the reloading slows stuff way down and encourages much more hiding.
You're right about Doom 3 being pretty slow-paced, but I don't think reloading slows down the action. And "hiding"?? Or do you mean "taking cover", which should be as natural to a shooter as firing a gun? You don't want to get shot dead, do you? There's no shooter where you won't take cover at some point. Even in Doom 1&2 I take cover whenever my shotgun or DB shotgun "reloads" so that monsters won't fire in my direction.
No reloading is a good idea in Multiplayer, but not in Singleplayer. I agree that it adds to the tension and strategy.
TelMarine wrote:
Also on smart AI, I'd say take note from some of pbmax's mods. Demons are not fucking SWAT teams that use uber tactics to kill you. Picking up barrels or other objects and throwing at you, sounds good. Destroying explodey barrels next to you? Alright. Crawling up walls and attacking from above? Sure. Flanking you and hiding behind walls and signaling to each other? That's kind of stupid for this game. The flanking could work in some degree, hell in Doom monsters already do that by accident if they are shoved in maze like environments. Yet the tactics/hide behind walls stuff imo does not belong in this game at all. Dodging yes, hiding/communicating no.
I forgot about the barrel-throwing mod. That's a pretty good idea for Doom 4.

I'm not quite sure who said here that the demons should behave like a squad, or use "tactics"; we've only suggested that they act more "predatory," stalking and finding key moments to strike at you, instead of charging out in front of your crosshair and running forward like idiots. Maybe zombies would be that stupid, but we're beyond the days where enemies should just come rushing up to the marine's gun barrel. I want to see fast-paced action, but I also want to see some decent intelligence.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 6:17 am : evilartist wrote:
TelMarine wrote:
The game is designed to be a fast paced game, the reloading slows stuff way down and encourages much more hiding.
You're right about Doom 3 being pretty slow-paced, but I don't think reloading slows down the action. And "hiding"?? Or do you mean "taking cover", which should be as natural to a shooter as firing a gun? You don't want to get shot dead, do you? There's no shooter where you won't take cover at some point. Even in Doom 1&2 I take cover whenever my shotgun or DB shotgun "reloads" so that monsters won't fire in my direction.
No reloading is a good idea in Multiplayer, but not in Singleplayer. I agree that it adds to the tension and strategy.
TelMarine wrote:
Also on smart AI, I'd say take note from some of pbmax's mods. Demons are not fucking SWAT teams that use uber tactics to kill you. Picking up barrels or other objects and throwing at you, sounds good. Destroying explodey barrels next to you? Alright. Crawling up walls and attacking from above? Sure. Flanking you and hiding behind walls and signaling to each other? That's kind of stupid for this game. The flanking could work in some degree, hell in Doom monsters already do that by accident if they are shoved in maze like environments. Yet the tactics/hide behind walls stuff imo does not belong in this game at all. Dodging yes, hiding/communicating no.
I forgot about the barrel-throwing mod. That's a pretty good idea for Doom 4.

I'm not quite sure who said here that the demons should behave like a squad, or use "tactics"; we've only suggested that they act more "predatory," stalking and finding key moments to strike at you, instead of charging out in front of your crosshair and running forward like idiots. Maybe zombies would be that stupid, but we're beyond the days where enemies should just come rushing up to the marine's gun barrel. I want to see fast-paced action, but I also want to see some decent intelligence.
let me clear up a couple things as I didn't convey it in text, but I was thinking it. RE: "hiding", I was referring to multiplayer and it is extremely annoying already in 1v1. The demon AI remark was me talking in general about comments made about Doom3's AI, not about what the thread proposed persay.
john_doe2@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 4:23 pm : Man, look at these blood effects for Project Origin in these screens: ... 55339.htmlNow that's what Doom 4 needs.
BNA!@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:19 pm : I certainly hope Doom4 will deliver better innovations rather than extended shock effects like distastefully displayed violence as linked above.
ratty redemption@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:20 pm : john_doe2, agreed, but at least sd aren't dev d4 otherwise we'd probably see no blood or gore and all adult content would be nerfed for the kids. imo d4 should be a mature game with content suitable for adults to enjoy.
LDAsh@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:35 pm :
aaa111@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:52 pm : BNA! wrote:
I certainly hope Doom4 will deliver better innovations rather than extended shock effects like distastefully displayed violence as linked above.
I hope that too.Moreover i think it will.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 7:46 pm : "extended shock effects like distastefully displayed violence" FTW!
One thing those animated GIFs make stand out for me is how the gaming culture has changed. At one time, having a developer's head on a stick like Romero's there meant something to a vast majority of the gamers. They would be like, "That's one of the guys that wrote the game" and gamers would be all like "Wow, cool!" Nowadays, unless that head was someone like John Carmack or Bill Gates, it wouldn't have the same "haha cool" factor. Looking at that GIF of Romero's staked head, it suddenly struck me that game programmers may never be L33T to gamers again. For me, this is officially the day the music died.

asmodeus@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:01 pm : Gunman wrote:
My two cents:
Gameplay related:
- Full co-op support
- Pretty much the AI improvements others have described, Doom4 needs a very smart AI.
- Alt-Fire on weapons (offers more possibilities for players and mod makers)
Graphics related:
- HDR Bloom implemented
- Brilliant Highlights implemented
- Parralax Mapping implemented
(and that the each of these three gfx options can be toggled on/off separately via the options menu)
I forget where, but Carmac has already said that he thinks HDR is a massive waste of time and that artists just need to produce better textures. I'm inclined to agree with that because most people can't tell the difference between a 16bpp image and a normal 8bpp image when they are static, let alone when rendered in real time. That said, I would like to see fbo bloom and better GLSL effects than what we've seen in current games because no one has even come close to showing us what that shading language is capable of.
john_doe2@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 9:59 pm : BNA! wrote:
I certainly hope Doom4 will deliver better innovations rather than extended shock effects like distastefully displayed violence as linked above.
That so-called "distatefully displayed violence" has been in every Doom game and has been a part of Doom ever since Doom was created. I don't see why you would reject to having such a thing in a game like Doom. Doom pretty much invented "distatefully displayed violence" in FPS games. It would be a totally asinine thing to have the blood and gore toned down in Doom 4.
However, the violence of course should not be the main focus of the game. The gameplay should. In the shot I linked to in my last post, I would have to admit that that amount of blood is a bit overkill. The guy being shot looks like he is spurting out fountains of blood. I was just more impressed with how realistic it looked.
Hostyle@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 10:20 pm : Those blood clouds were kinda tasteful in Project Origin video, its Doom that has distasteful violence imo.
Wobbo@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 10:35 pm : asmodeus wrote:
Gunman wrote:
I forget where, but Carmac has already said that he thinks HDR is a massive waste of time and that artists just need to produce better textures.
Are you sure? in his 2002 Keynote speech he described how he thought HDR should be done in an ideal situation and how he would try to add these features into his next technology.
Rage features several HDR-related post processing effects, as demonstrated in the tools video.
lowdragon@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:32 pm : With the HDRR thing, i believe, comes from a note about better displays (32bit colorrange or something).
Iam sure there will a lot of "more-advanced" rendering techniques already be standart the time d4 comes out but i mostly would like to see "effects" so that the [game]world appears more seamlessly. Like light/liquids/dust/hair/fur - surface/body interaction, physically "correct".
...but iam just an artist.

For the violance, i dont vote for too much or tasteless violance - i hope its more the terror and chaos which makes the player shiver. Scary stuff Vs. all hell breaks loose Vs. calculated risk and investigation.
[edit] Violance as in comic violance but
not a hyperrealistic gore-feast imho.
[ps]ratty redemption - the whole Hellraiser thing is not (just) about violance, its about people or the character of people.
ratty redemption@Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:57 pm : regarding the violence, if the game has menu options or cvars to toggle blood, gore, certain death animations etc then people can choose to display them or not, but to totally leave them out of this game wouldn't do the doom franchise any justice, and would spoil some of the immersion and enjoyment for those of us who do enjoy those elements in our games.
I used to be morally against games like gta because I perceived them to be little more then criminals harming or killing unarmed innocent people, and not some aspiring heroes battling monsters or rival well equipped soldiers, but the more I've learned about the gta franchise the more I've come to understand and respect those games.
saying that, I'm not interested in playing any of the gta games myself, so I don't just choose a game because it has mature content, but if these games were as socially damaging as I preciously believed, then there would be crime waves breaking out across the world when ever a new gta was released and apparently the statistics don't seem support that.
so I say give adults a choice, but please don't nerf doom like quake was nerfed.
edit: lowdragon, no disrespect intended but considering your sig is a quote from the hell raiser films I'm surprised you wouldn't want the games you play to be very gory.
chiapas@Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:17 am : evilartist wrote:
pbmax wrote:
Carmack: "I said no use button, damn it! If any one of you brings up the use button thing one more frickin' time, I'm leaving the company. Got that!?!"
Nailed that one big time!
To the uninformed: That was (and still is) Carmack's method of getting his way: threatening to leave the company. That's how Doom 3 was made to begin with. It's all in The Masters of Doom. After I read about all that drama in the id office, it just made me hate Carmack for all of his bullshit. I seriously hope the other owners fire him after Rage. If the toolset for idTech5 turns out as great as we've seen in the demo videos, I think they'll have all they need from Carmack. There are plenty of talented coders out there in the world who can pick up where he leaves off. I'm not joking about this either.
pbmax wrote:
i jest, but i remember carmack did not want a use button because then the player would run around and try to open every drawer, cabinet and what not.
Yeah, he wouldn't want the player to actually have more
involved gameplay, would he?

I've been looking through the Doom 3 SDK code lately and I think you under-estimate the amount of code Carmack has written. It's definitely true that w/o J.C. there'd be no id. Most the folks at id are like a support network built around this one brilliant guy. A guy who wrote >90% of Quake3. In Doom3 he wrote probably wrote more like 50-60%.
Although I totally disagree with him on the use-key thing. I am admittedly in love with the use key. It adds so much to immersiveness -- whether it's Deus-Ex or Oblivion, I love it love it. Make as much stuff in the world as you can interactive, and let there be a use key. please! especially the pointless stuff, like pop-machines and sink-faucets.
Many of the problems that id games up til now have refused to solve, such as advanced facial animations for instance, are because J.C. doesn't know how to approach the problem from an engineer standpoint. He prefers problems that are solvable, which usually involve geometry or rendering.
Other companies are going to continue to make advances in these areas, and win over gamers, id might lag behind.
chiapas@Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 6:45 am : Doom 3 is pretty great. It looks even better to me now than it did a few years ago. I think that they were indeed on the right track, but need to focus on improvement in a couple areas: They should add some effort to interactivity (use button). They should add in a system for interactive character dialog (so that you could actually sort of hold a conversation with ingame NPCs), multiple dialog paths.. and they should set the story-line on earth. Have a new main character, who is just a "regular guy", who happens to have a nice single-barreled shotgun. Oh, and they should revisit all of the weapon designs, looking more towards realism w/ very good sound & action. I don't think realism will retract from Doom; on the contrary, I just think that the current (idTech4 games) weapons are too far flung into the imaginary. They need a Colt-45 with a kick and accurate sound, similarly a machine gun like an AK-47 with a satisfying and realistic sound. At the top of the range they can stretch out their imaginations and so on, but the basic arms should be taken right from the firing range IMO.
The Doom 3 shotgun's spread path is too wide; you realize it immediately when playing the classic doom 3 mod where it's more directed; and the machine guns all stutter (ETQW included), which is just stupid. If its the future, they should have perfect Heckler&Koch action or better.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:07 am : Doom on Earth will be perfect for co-op multiplayer because the rednecks can grab up their shotguns and rakes and go out demon hunting!
Maybe a pre-Doom 4 mod called "Doom 3.5: The First Wave" is in the cards. Have it set in Alabama...
Could work for an id pre-viz as well.
asmodeus@Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:27 am : lowdragon wrote:
Iam sure there will a lot of "more-advanced" rendering techniques already be standart the time d4 comes out but i mostly would like to see "effects" so that the [game]world appears more seamlessly. Like light/liquids/dust/hair/fur - surface/body interaction, physically "correct".
Those kind of realistic effects are possible without expanding the color-range into HDR, though, which is my point.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:35 pm : Lets stop wishing for D4 and actually try and mod it. A nice easter egg could be when you are on earth and you go to betrugers appartment and find many notes on a so called gate at such and such a place in such and such a city

mavrik65@Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 9:44 am : mod all that? people would end up dying from over working and your computer would slow down to about 2 fps. Although that pain animation to rag doll transition sound like an awesome idea. The only possible way you'd probably able to make it is if literally everyone on the forum was part of the mod team.
comiceman@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:43 pm : Hm.. what about a bit more world-demolishing?
Example running away from an hellknight and find a room with a lot of barrels and a locked door.
one grenade and woosh, a hole in the wall where you can run through.
Then you hear a loud noise, turn around and see the hellknight breaking through the door.
It would be awesome if you are not the uber-powered player but sometimes even have to avoid a specific monster till a specific place where you could actualy kill kom some how.
another point is the lack of survivors. i dont wand to have an whole squad, but in quak4 it's in my optinion somehow nicer, cause sometimes oyu get some guys with you, letting them talk some creazy stuff etc.
i dont know if its somehow useable, but the prey portals, and gravity fields were realy nice, same as some vehicles in quake wars. so it would be cool (in my opinion) having a bossroom with some gravity problems, or driving outside from station to station. and event a portal which "slides" trough an room and on the other side is an hell room

somehow changing dimensions ^^
even a walk through mars-city would be cool, resident-evil style. zombies, monster, crashed down buildings etc.

maybe combined with the vehicles to drive from buildign X to another
Cool modding tools should also be there

and at last, it would be nice if not everything looks so plastique. shiny metal etc is nice, but as example there has to be at least 1 plant somewhere. showing that the engine can something like plants etc too, not only static stuff with metal effects.
Ah.. this time its the last.. give the player a bit more choices. as example to make it possible to save some guys when you're fast enough, (they can die later maybe, maybe they go another way and concact is breaking off), making the player get the feeling hes also able to controll the environment a bit.
Phobos@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:19 pm : comiceman wrote:
i dont know if its somehow useable, but the prey portals, and gravity fields were realy nice, same as some vehicles in quake wars. so it would be cool (in my opinion) having a bossroom with some gravity problems,
This isn't prey.
Paveway@Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:29 pm : Phobos wrote:
comiceman wrote:
i dont know if its somehow useable, but the prey portals, and gravity fields were realy nice, same as some vehicles in quake wars. so it would be cool (in my opinion) having a bossroom with some gravity problems,
This isn't prey.
Modifyable gravity effects would be cool. Maybe not be used as much as in prey, but for some areas. Like if Doom 4 has places where you are in a spaceship or something and the ship loses artificial gravity. Also in regards to portals, yeah cool stuff, but I think they becoming gimicky now... I mean it would be cool for Doom 4 to be able to do it, but I wouldn't want it in the SP story unless they could really make it fit and not be like some cheesy gimmick.
I loved Doom 3 mainly for my own sandbox purposes. I didn't like the game really, I just liked all the neat little mapping features and GUI stuff. I wish iD would take the time to properly document all the features/editing tools and actually milk their engine for a while.
I mean I love that Carmack is really on the leading edge but it seems like tech 4 was over and done with so quickly. I kinda wish they would stick around with the engine and milk it for a while, like how Valve is doing with Half-life 2... but
I also wish id would have some depth to their games. Albeit a good old Quake 2 frag fest can be fun as hell, but I'm getting to the point where shiny graphics don't really impress me anymore.. storylines and cinema styles like Call of Duty 4 do.
TelMarine@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:24 am : Paveway wrote:
I also wish id would have some depth to their games. Albeit a good old Quake 2 frag fest can be fun as hell, but I'm getting to the point where shiny graphics don't really impress me anymore.. storylines and cinema styles like Call of Duty 4 do.
Then most likely, none of their games will impress/interest you anymore. id Software is an arcade action focused company imo and to inject so much storyline and movie style stuff is not in the vein of what they do at all, they would lose their identity as a company. If you look for that stuff in an id Software game, you are sure to be disappointed. Of course, they are trying to add more story, which started with Doom3, and continuing on in RAGE, but it isn't going to be Call of Duty, nor should it be.
Multiplayer wise, no one does deathmatch better, and they are sticking to that. Also, isn't Call of Duty4 a counter-strike clone? I am surprised people aren't sick of that yet either.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:31 am : I think ID should let you choose between a Good Guy and a Bad Guy campaign. You can go to hell as the good guy or go to earth as the bad guy.
Bad Guy Weapons I'd love to see
1. Voodoo Doll
2. SoulCube 9000:D - You can possess an enemy and kill more enemies using his abilities or commit suicide
3. Limb Launcher - Collect body parts of fallen enemies and use it as ammo.
4. Touch of Death - Like the Voodoo doll use your hands to manipulate the integrity of an enemy, putty style
5. Double Meat Cleaver - Oh baby...slicing body parts for you launcher. I have a dirty mind

6. Teleporter Grenades for multiplayer could be used as surprise meat cleaver attacks on marines.
Multiplayer CTF classes could seriously rock too...
1. Berserker - Very fast meat cleaver and chainsaw zombie
2. Re-Animator - A twisted undead coroner that supplys limbs as health and body sew up for revive
3. Imp - Sneaking class like an alien wallwalking and pouncing

4. Executioner - A medievil style trapper that builds stoppers like guillotines
5. Betruger lol - Possession and faking death ragdoll style with a death message saying he dies would be cool
Lol I could go on for hours but they are just some things I'd love to see in Doom 4:D
evilartist@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:08 am : Douglas Quaid wrote:
1. Voodoo Doll...
...3. Limb Launcher ...
...4. Touch of Death ...
...5. Double Meat Cleaver - Oh baby...slicing body parts for you launcher. I have a dirty mind...
This isn't Postal! This is
Douglas Quaid wrote:
...Multiplayer CTF classes could seriously rock too...
This is not Call of Duty 4. This is
I'm not saying your ideas suck. They just seem out of place for this particular IP. I know I was pushing it a little by supporting "stalking AI", but this just makes me think "wtf?" Voodoo doll??? And the whole good guy/bad guy thing sounds like a role-playing game.
Phobos@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:12 am : evilartist wrote:
Douglas Quaid wrote:
1. Voodoo Doll...
...3. Limb Launcher ...
...4. Touch of Death ...
...5. Double Meat Cleaver - Oh baby...slicing body parts for you launcher. I have a dirty mind...
This isn't Postal! This is
Douglas Quaid wrote:
...Multiplayer CTF classes could seriously rock too...
This is not Call of Duty 4. This is
I'm not saying your ideas suck. They just seem out of place for this particular IP. I know I was pushing it a little by supporting "stalking AI", but this just makes me think "wtf?" Voodoo doll??? And the whole good guy/bad guy thing sounds like a role-playing game.
I dont think he was serious dear =)
Kristus@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:45 am : Douglas Quaid wrote:
Bad Guy Weapons I'd love to see
1. Voodoo Doll
2. SoulCube 9000:D - You can possess an enemy and kill more enemies using his abilities or commit suicide
3. Limb Launcher - Collect body parts of fallen enemies and use it as ammo.
4. Touch of Death - Like the Voodoo doll use your hands to manipulate the integrity of an enemy, putty style
5. Double Meat Cleaver - Oh baby...slicing body parts for you launcher. I have a dirty mind

6. Teleporter Grenades for multiplayer could be used as surprise meat cleaver attacks on marines.
I have that game, it's called

ratty redemption@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:49 pm : Kristus wrote:
I have that game, it's called

I too was thinking it sounded like blood, which was one of my favorite games of the build engine and the first game I ever mapped for.
mavrik65@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:29 pm : Douglas Quaid wrote:
I think ID should let you choose between a Good Guy and a Bad Guy campaign.
you can do that in my quake vs doom vs prey mod!

you can be any race you chose.
Okay back to doom 4, Do you think that it should be like doom3 where the player is terrified to go into a darkened room because of zombie noises or do you think they should ditch the whole crapping your pants horror genre and go for an all guns blazing killing everything including your team mates genre? I personally like them both possibly the "all guns blazing" a little more. Bursting into a room full of bad guys and sending them tumbling over bits of furniture with out taking your finger of the trigger for a full 8 seconds has always been fun. But nowadays games concentrate to much on realism, you can barely poke your head over the roof of a car without it being instantly shot off.
dsm@Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:05 pm : For D4, I'd like Id to predominantly ignore what is "current" and popular in modern FPSs and instead look into the past at games of old. The original Doom did not become the phenomenon it was because Id did everything in accordance with what people thought was "in" back then.
Old games (that is 1970's-80's) are rich in ideas that have never been updated or incorporated into a modern game. I just thought of an idea that could work in a modern Wolfenstein-type game, because I'm quite sure I've seen something a la that in some old game I tried back in the 80's:
You can pick up keys that don't necessarily open "the door to freedom" (and allow you to progress), i.e. a wardrobe key that might contain a Nazi uniform that you can wear to become "invisible". But suppose the theft of a key will trigger an officer to spawn and arrive at his office that you just visited (and stole the key from), where he discovers his key missing. The Officer runs to the nearest alarm station and triggers the alarm.
All this because you stole a key.
Now this specific idea would obviously not fit in D3, since the enemies are soulless monsters with no real personality, but suppose there are other random acts the player can do that triggers unforseen events (good or bad). The idea of key cards that are >NOT< strictly needed to progress, but which could open doors/drawers to other niceties could certainly be applied to D4, and would make the world feel more real as well.
Which leads me to my next big wish; Id released a promo video for the next Wolfenstein game (a common thread in my post I see), in which they claimed the entire game would be just one level that the player can explore seamlessly. I don't know if they've actually managed to make this work flawlessly or not, but if they have, I sure would like the player to be able to explore the game world at their own convenience (no more from A to B gameplay - I don't mind it, but it's pretty darn old now), only blocking off certain few areas for later in the game (no fun if you encounter the final boss after just five minutes of play). And while we're on this subject, it'd be lovely if the player is given multiple missions that they can elect to complete in any order of the player's own choosing, instead of "Go here and do this, then go over there and do that".
Say, you're in a desert area and there's a power plant to the north, a military communications base to the east, a city to the west and a star port to the south. You get four missions that you can complete in whatever order you want to: Go to the comm base and call for help, or go to the city and save some people and look for surviving troops, or go to the power plant and reroute some power in the favour of human military units in need of power, or you can go south, infiltrate the star port, where there's a link to Hell that you need to shut down to remove them from the starbase to help some of the humans to evac to the stars (homage to Doom 2 plot).
Next up on channel dsm: I really hope the characters are more colourful and interesting. Instead of a typical Sarge barking orders at the player, have some more involving humans: an NPC the player has every reason to hate (he/she talks mean to the player at every turn, assigns the player shitty tasks, and is generally an asshole etc.), then have another NPC who really treats the player like a human being, friendly and chatty etc. and a third NPC whom you can either piss off or cheer up depending on how players treat this fellow.
D3 suffered from the annoying Non-talkative NPC Syndrome which means every time you walk up to an NPC and click on them they just say one of several variations on "I don't have time to talk with you". How about some actual INTERESTING people in there? Like somebody who tells you a bit about the game world you're in, a bit on the history of the UAC and the current state of affairs on Earth.
D3 did have a decent story (miles better than what Q2 gave us), but it did suffer a bit under "two-dimensional characters". Here's hoping that's improved in D4.
And finally, here's hoping the ending is a lot better than "Hell is ruined, now let's have fun rebuilding Earth!". And by that I mean that I hope the story ends on a somewhat dubious note. Like: "Humanity survived and we have braved the worst, but are we truly safe?" with an underlying hint that humanity may quite likely be in for more trouble to come. In fact, if Doom 4 is not the last full game in the franchise (not counting expansion packs as "full games"), it might as well end with things looking pretty darned grim.
ratty redemption@Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:16 pm : dsm, I agree with most of your (long) post there. and to expand on the suggestion of multiple non linear objectives, I would like to see a cause and effect of choosing certain objectives over others, eg the player can't save npc's into two different places at once, so has to choose which is more important to his mission, the same could applied to weapon and equipment upgrades.
mavrik65@Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:00 pm : dsm wrote:
Instead of a typical Sarge barking orders at the player
I don't know I found Sarge funny
"took you're sweet time marine!" he's the type of character you almost expect to say "god dam commies" half way through his sentence.
KC Clark@Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:07 pm : How about changing the way the player reacts to different situations. For example: Lowered health = slower movement/reaction/targeting. I know if I was getting a beat-down I wouldn't be able to get up and run full speed.
Maybe some different enemy/player interactions. How zombies that you can blow the arms off of and keep on coming. Or that actually grab hold of you and and start chomping. Perhaps the imps could do the same. Jump on your back and nibble on your noggin.

But what ever id does I hope they get rid of the PDA system.
qwertz123@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:50 pm : i want to jump!
so it was the first paraphase of commanderkeen,,,,
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:45 am : -Less tech demons, I never though that the neo-tech demons of doom 3 made sense, I'd like to see pure flesh and blood demons, with the exception of the cyberdemon/mastermind.
-Heavier weapons, The pistol and shotgun almost felt like a pea shooter, I'd like an arsenal of weapons that have some beef to them.
-More unfair fights. I liked how in doom, you would battle an area full of 50 monsters.
-no flashlight, I never had a problem with the flashlight, but I think doom should be more action than going around dimly lit hallways waiting for someone to politely introduce themselves with satanic imagery appearing before hand.
-More hazardous environments, Crushing rooms, ways of killing the room full of enemies with a flip of an unstable fan blade switch.
- A giant boss with no possible way of killing him with weapons, ie. Lava Demon at end of quake episode 1.
-Puzzles, not go find this key code, but actual arrange these markings in a certain order to activate some hellish opening to the next area.
-at least one hot chick, no explanation.
-lone wolf, no higher head marine or commander telling you how to kick ass.
-multiple paths though the game, and possibly different endings. I'd like to see an ending where everyone dies... lol
-achievements, the only reason I've ever played a game multiple times was to get everything possible achieveable in a game, for example, Metal Gear Solid 4, I didn't stop playing until I finally got the big boss rank and everything unlocked.
-Coop, is a must, possibly with a slightly different story/ending. An idea being that the game starts out with 4 marines, 3 of them die, you play the remaining marine, or if 2 player coop, 2 survive, you play those two.. ect..
- multiplayer game mode call invasion, A large map where one side is a group of marine, and the other side is 100-1000 monsters barreling towards you. with the choice last man standing survival or respawning until the invasion is over.
-Takes place in Hellish enviroments, not close corridor computer labs.
If I repeated any, I lazily apologize for not reading 11 pages of others ideas.