Skul@Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:35 pm : Well, here it is. At long last,
Death Rebellion is finished!

Nine maps of DOOM 3 goodness, plus something extra just for the hell of it. Along with this campaign, you'll also get
Death Rebellion... for the original DOOM!
Yeah, I re-
re-made the maps for the original DOOM. They look and play a bit better than the ones I made years ago, but the basic idea is there.
Here are the screenshots. Now, I've only taken screenshots of a few maps, the rest you'll have to see as you play. Also, I don't want to fill this post with a hundered links, so I'm linking to albums:
DOOM 3 versionDOOM 1 versionMap 7 is very different in play style between the two versions, just so you know. This is due to certain 'limitations' in DOOM 3.
Now, you're probably all thinking "Shut up, you boring git and just give the link to the maps."
Here it is:
FileFront -- Death Rebellion full version (43.84 MB)
Planet DOOM linkFeedback, comments and money welcome.
UPDATE: The trailer has finally been made... three months later...
Anyway, enjoy!
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:50 am : In Download!!!!

soon news here
6th Venom@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:01 am :
Skul wrote:
Feedback, comments and money welcome.

Skul@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:03 am : Hexen Terzo wrote:
Thanks, Hex.
6th Venom wrote:
Skul wrote:
Feedback, comments and money welcome.

And this smiley means...?
6th Venom@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:12 am : just for "money welcome", i found this funny.
Skul@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:40 am : Oh, right.
Well, any comments? Or feedback? *Presses luck* ...Or money?
And I was going to put together a trailer of sorts (showing the Classic DOOM version, then the DOOM 3 version), but for some reason, Fraps doesn't want to work with my DOOM 3.
striderdm1@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:15 pm : looks brilliant, i'm downloading now. Thank you

Skul@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:18 am : Thank
you, for downloading it.
Please tell me what you thought of both versions (if you played both) and if I succeeded in scaring you at certain points in the DOOM 3 version.

striderdm1@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:38 am : i finally got some time to play it yesterday. Loved it! That imp crawling out from the floor made me jump!
It was a great episode that started easy and worked it's way up, harder and harder. Perhaps a bit more ammo about the place?
Anyhow, played through. Loved it overall...then i got my ass kicked on the last map! Damn! lol
Great work - make more

only got time to play the d3 release
Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:51 pm : I remember playing a beta version of your level pack. Have you changed a lot since then?
Bo$bevok@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:22 pm : i only played the doom 3 version so here it goes :
well firstly i'd say that the levels are overly short but since there are 9 of them i guess that can be forgiven.

the levels need some more detail just to be that little bit nicer looking. there were alot of rooms where it was a cube filled with 1 or 2 models and it just felt a bit unfinished. i can see that your mapping skills seemed to improve as it went on.
i actually really enjoyed the gameplay.... there were some nice elements like the imp coming out the floor and wall panels falling off which were really cool. I also liked the area where you just spawned in about 12 imps, it was pretty fun. This is also the first time i've had to punch an hk to death.
you have alot of potential if you just put a little more time into the detail of some of the maps - not that i can talk, i haven't released anything yet.
overall i really enjoyed it but it just felt like there needed to be some more work done.
Skul@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:36 pm : striderdm1 wrote:
i finally got some time to play it yesterday. Loved it! That imp crawling out from the floor made me jump!
It was a great episode that started easy and worked it's way up, harder and harder. Perhaps a bit more ammo about the place?
Hmmm. I thought I'd put enough ammo around. Were you running out of shells in Map 2? If so, there's a big stock of shells to the left of the yellow keycard locked door. You should also find a massive amount of ammo in Map 4 if you find the blue keycard.
striderdm1 wrote:
Anyhow, played through. Loved it overall...then i got my ass kicked on the last map! Damn! lol
Map 8 can vary in difficulty. If you play on Easy, you'll have infinite stamina, on Medium, there'll be an adrenaline booster on the left and right of the map, behind the pillars and on Hard... well, you'll have to use your stamina wisely.
By the way, did you find the secret level? If so, how was it?
striderdm1 wrote:
Great work - make more

Well, if you insist...

Tetzlaff wrote:
I remember playing a beta version of your level pack. Have you changed a lot since then?
Yes, I have. I've grown an extra finger and... oh, you mean map-wise... well, yes. Map 1 has had a few extra decorative pillars, Map 4 has had a couple of tweaks in monster placement and terms of cover in the cell block and Map 5 now has the entrance to the secret level.
Stay on your toes for a couple of extra things, as well.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:56 pm : Skul wrote:
Tetzlaff wrote:
... Have you changed a lot since then?
Yes, I have. I've grown an extra finger and... oh, you mean map-wise... well, yes.
LOL is my German influenced way of building sentences a bit mistakable? Is "have you changed a lot of things since then" more correct? Just so I can improve my language a little bit.

Well, then I ´ll have to try the final version of your level pack. Feedback later.
wal@Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:13 am : There's nothing wrong with your English

It's just a play on words

Skul@Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:27 am : Tetzlaff wrote:
LOL is my German influenced way of building sentences a bit mistakable?
Heh, no. That's just a bit of my sarcastic humour coming through.
Tetzlaff wrote:
Is "have you changed a lot of things since then" more correct? Just so I can improve my language a little bit.

Either way is acceptable. I knew what the question was asking from the previous sentence.
If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have known you were German. To be honest, you're better at written English than most English-speaking people!

Tetzlaff wrote:
Well, then I ´ll have to try the final version of your level pack. Feedback later.
I'll be looking forward to it. I can't improve if I'm not told what I can improve
on. Well, besides map architecture, of course. I already know that's needs work, but I can really only get better at that with practice. I just hope I got the gameplay down alright.
afullo@Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:28 pm :
afullo@Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:08 pm :
Skul@Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:08 am : Thanks for that, afullo!

afullo@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:27 pm : Skul wrote:
Thanks for that, afullo!

Oh, you are welcome!

poompoom500@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:10 pm : 
To skul,
I was just browsing through the myriad posts on your map update and I am curious yellow about this Death Rebellion! I need to check it out. And that "growing an extra finger" - must be an odd experience

. Anyways, Tetlaz is kind of a guidepost for me. Whatever he says, I tend to heed. I definitely am going to check Death Rebellion for myself.

Skul@Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:35 pm : Well, here it is. At long last,
Death Rebellion is finished!

Nine maps of DOOM 3 goodness, plus something extra just for the hell of it. Along with this campaign, you'll also get
Death Rebellion... for the original DOOM!
Yeah, I re-
re-made the maps for the original DOOM. They look and play a bit better than the ones I made years ago, but the basic idea is there.
Here are the screenshots. Now, I've only taken screenshots of a few maps, the rest you'll have to see as you play. Also, I don't want to fill this post with a hundered links, so I'm linking to albums:
DOOM 3 versionDOOM 1 versionMap 7 is very different in play style between the two versions, just so you know. This is due to certain 'limitations' in DOOM 3.
Now, you're probably all thinking "Shut up, you boring git and just give the link to the maps."
Here it is:
FileFront -- Death Rebellion full version (43.84 MB)
Planet DOOM linkFeedback, comments and money welcome.
UPDATE: The trailer has finally been made... three months later...
Anyway, enjoy!
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:50 am : In Download!!!!

soon news here
6th Venom@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:01 am :
Skul wrote:
Feedback, comments and money welcome.

Skul@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:03 am : Hexen Terzo wrote:
Thanks, Hex.
6th Venom wrote:
Skul wrote:
Feedback, comments and money welcome.

And this smiley means...?
6th Venom@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:12 am : just for "money welcome", i found this funny.
Skul@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:40 am : Oh, right.
Well, any comments? Or feedback? *Presses luck* ...Or money?
And I was going to put together a trailer of sorts (showing the Classic DOOM version, then the DOOM 3 version), but for some reason, Fraps doesn't want to work with my DOOM 3.
striderdm1@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:15 pm : looks brilliant, i'm downloading now. Thank you

Skul@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:18 am : Thank
you, for downloading it.
Please tell me what you thought of both versions (if you played both) and if I succeeded in scaring you at certain points in the DOOM 3 version.

striderdm1@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:38 am : i finally got some time to play it yesterday. Loved it! That imp crawling out from the floor made me jump!
It was a great episode that started easy and worked it's way up, harder and harder. Perhaps a bit more ammo about the place?
Anyhow, played through. Loved it overall...then i got my ass kicked on the last map! Damn! lol
Great work - make more

only got time to play the d3 release
Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:51 pm : I remember playing a beta version of your level pack. Have you changed a lot since then?
Bo$bevok@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:22 pm : i only played the doom 3 version so here it goes :
well firstly i'd say that the levels are overly short but since there are 9 of them i guess that can be forgiven.

the levels need some more detail just to be that little bit nicer looking. there were alot of rooms where it was a cube filled with 1 or 2 models and it just felt a bit unfinished. i can see that your mapping skills seemed to improve as it went on.
i actually really enjoyed the gameplay.... there were some nice elements like the imp coming out the floor and wall panels falling off which were really cool. I also liked the area where you just spawned in about 12 imps, it was pretty fun. This is also the first time i've had to punch an hk to death.
you have alot of potential if you just put a little more time into the detail of some of the maps - not that i can talk, i haven't released anything yet.
overall i really enjoyed it but it just felt like there needed to be some more work done.
Skul@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:36 pm : striderdm1 wrote:
i finally got some time to play it yesterday. Loved it! That imp crawling out from the floor made me jump!
It was a great episode that started easy and worked it's way up, harder and harder. Perhaps a bit more ammo about the place?
Hmmm. I thought I'd put enough ammo around. Were you running out of shells in Map 2? If so, there's a big stock of shells to the left of the yellow keycard locked door. You should also find a massive amount of ammo in Map 4 if you find the blue keycard.
striderdm1 wrote:
Anyhow, played through. Loved it overall...then i got my ass kicked on the last map! Damn! lol
Map 8 can vary in difficulty. If you play on Easy, you'll have infinite stamina, on Medium, there'll be an adrenaline booster on the left and right of the map, behind the pillars and on Hard... well, you'll have to use your stamina wisely.
By the way, did you find the secret level? If so, how was it?
striderdm1 wrote:
Great work - make more

Well, if you insist...

Tetzlaff wrote:
I remember playing a beta version of your level pack. Have you changed a lot since then?
Yes, I have. I've grown an extra finger and... oh, you mean map-wise... well, yes. Map 1 has had a few extra decorative pillars, Map 4 has had a couple of tweaks in monster placement and terms of cover in the cell block and Map 5 now has the entrance to the secret level.
Stay on your toes for a couple of extra things, as well.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:56 pm : Skul wrote:
Tetzlaff wrote:
... Have you changed a lot since then?
Yes, I have. I've grown an extra finger and... oh, you mean map-wise... well, yes.
LOL is my German influenced way of building sentences a bit mistakable? Is "have you changed a lot of things since then" more correct? Just so I can improve my language a little bit.

Well, then I ´ll have to try the final version of your level pack. Feedback later.
wal@Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:13 am : There's nothing wrong with your English

It's just a play on words

Skul@Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:27 am : Tetzlaff wrote:
LOL is my German influenced way of building sentences a bit mistakable?
Heh, no. That's just a bit of my sarcastic humour coming through.
Tetzlaff wrote:
Is "have you changed a lot of things since then" more correct? Just so I can improve my language a little bit.

Either way is acceptable. I knew what the question was asking from the previous sentence.
If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have known you were German. To be honest, you're better at written English than most English-speaking people!

Tetzlaff wrote:
Well, then I ´ll have to try the final version of your level pack. Feedback later.
I'll be looking forward to it. I can't improve if I'm not told what I can improve
on. Well, besides map architecture, of course. I already know that's needs work, but I can really only get better at that with practice. I just hope I got the gameplay down alright.
afullo@Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:28 pm :
afullo@Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:08 pm :
Skul@Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:08 am : Thanks for that, afullo!

afullo@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:27 pm : Skul wrote:
Thanks for that, afullo!

Oh, you are welcome!

poompoom500@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:10 pm : 
To skul,
I was just browsing through the myriad posts on your map update and I am curious yellow about this Death Rebellion! I need to check it out. And that "growing an extra finger" - must be an odd experience

. Anyways, Tetlaz is kind of a guidepost for me. Whatever he says, I tend to heed. I definitely am going to check Death Rebellion for myself.

Skul@Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:35 am : Sorry to bump this, but as it turns out, there are a couple of problems, like GUIs not showing up and the credits not playing. If anyone had this problem, they should have said.
Anyway, the update's links are on the first post.
Plus, I've given a couple of maps some subtle changes for better gameplay. Hopefully, the Hellknight you have to fistfight won't sometimes accidentally kill itself in the fire.

Plus the secret level's entrance is a little more obvious.
All right, then. Later!
Skul@Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:35 pm : Well, here it is. At long last,
Death Rebellion is finished!

Nine maps of DOOM 3 goodness, plus something extra just for the hell of it. Along with this campaign, you'll also get
Death Rebellion... for the original DOOM!
Yeah, I re-
re-made the maps for the original DOOM. They look and play a bit better than the ones I made years ago, but the basic idea is there.
Here are the screenshots. Now, I've only taken screenshots of a few maps, the rest you'll have to see as you play. Also, I don't want to fill this post with a hundered links, so I'm linking to albums:
DOOM 3 versionDOOM 1 versionMap 7 is very different in play style between the two versions, just so you know. This is due to certain 'limitations' in DOOM 3.
Now, you're probably all thinking "Shut up, you boring git and just give the link to the maps."
Here it is:
FileFront -- Death Rebellion full version (43.84 MB)
Planet DOOM linkFeedback, comments and money welcome.
UPDATE: The trailer has finally been made... three months later...
Anyway, enjoy!
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:50 am : In Download!!!!

soon news here
6th Venom@Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:01 am :
Skul wrote:
Feedback, comments and money welcome.

Skul@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:03 am : Hexen Terzo wrote:
Thanks, Hex.
6th Venom wrote:
Skul wrote:
Feedback, comments and money welcome.

And this smiley means...?
6th Venom@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:12 am : just for "money welcome", i found this funny.
Skul@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:40 am : Oh, right.
Well, any comments? Or feedback? *Presses luck* ...Or money?
And I was going to put together a trailer of sorts (showing the Classic DOOM version, then the DOOM 3 version), but for some reason, Fraps doesn't want to work with my DOOM 3.
striderdm1@Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:15 pm : looks brilliant, i'm downloading now. Thank you

Skul@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:18 am : Thank
you, for downloading it.
Please tell me what you thought of both versions (if you played both) and if I succeeded in scaring you at certain points in the DOOM 3 version.

striderdm1@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:38 am : i finally got some time to play it yesterday. Loved it! That imp crawling out from the floor made me jump!
It was a great episode that started easy and worked it's way up, harder and harder. Perhaps a bit more ammo about the place?
Anyhow, played through. Loved it overall...then i got my ass kicked on the last map! Damn! lol
Great work - make more

only got time to play the d3 release
Tetzlaff@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 5:51 pm : I remember playing a beta version of your level pack. Have you changed a lot since then?
Bo$bevok@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:22 pm : i only played the doom 3 version so here it goes :
well firstly i'd say that the levels are overly short but since there are 9 of them i guess that can be forgiven.

the levels need some more detail just to be that little bit nicer looking. there were alot of rooms where it was a cube filled with 1 or 2 models and it just felt a bit unfinished. i can see that your mapping skills seemed to improve as it went on.
i actually really enjoyed the gameplay.... there were some nice elements like the imp coming out the floor and wall panels falling off which were really cool. I also liked the area where you just spawned in about 12 imps, it was pretty fun. This is also the first time i've had to punch an hk to death.
you have alot of potential if you just put a little more time into the detail of some of the maps - not that i can talk, i haven't released anything yet.
overall i really enjoyed it but it just felt like there needed to be some more work done.
Skul@Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:36 pm : striderdm1 wrote:
i finally got some time to play it yesterday. Loved it! That imp crawling out from the floor made me jump!
It was a great episode that started easy and worked it's way up, harder and harder. Perhaps a bit more ammo about the place?
Hmmm. I thought I'd put enough ammo around. Were you running out of shells in Map 2? If so, there's a big stock of shells to the left of the yellow keycard locked door. You should also find a massive amount of ammo in Map 4 if you find the blue keycard.
striderdm1 wrote:
Anyhow, played through. Loved it overall...then i got my ass kicked on the last map! Damn! lol
Map 8 can vary in difficulty. If you play on Easy, you'll have infinite stamina, on Medium, there'll be an adrenaline booster on the left and right of the map, behind the pillars and on Hard... well, you'll have to use your stamina wisely.
By the way, did you find the secret level? If so, how was it?
striderdm1 wrote:
Great work - make more

Well, if you insist...

Tetzlaff wrote:
I remember playing a beta version of your level pack. Have you changed a lot since then?
Yes, I have. I've grown an extra finger and... oh, you mean map-wise... well, yes. Map 1 has had a few extra decorative pillars, Map 4 has had a couple of tweaks in monster placement and terms of cover in the cell block and Map 5 now has the entrance to the secret level.
Stay on your toes for a couple of extra things, as well.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:56 pm : Skul wrote:
Tetzlaff wrote:
... Have you changed a lot since then?
Yes, I have. I've grown an extra finger and... oh, you mean map-wise... well, yes.
LOL is my German influenced way of building sentences a bit mistakable? Is "have you changed a lot of things since then" more correct? Just so I can improve my language a little bit.

Well, then I ´ll have to try the final version of your level pack. Feedback later.
wal@Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:13 am : There's nothing wrong with your English

It's just a play on words

Skul@Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:27 am : Tetzlaff wrote:
LOL is my German influenced way of building sentences a bit mistakable?
Heh, no. That's just a bit of my sarcastic humour coming through.
Tetzlaff wrote:
Is "have you changed a lot of things since then" more correct? Just so I can improve my language a little bit.

Either way is acceptable. I knew what the question was asking from the previous sentence.
If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have known you were German. To be honest, you're better at written English than most English-speaking people!

Tetzlaff wrote:
Well, then I ´ll have to try the final version of your level pack. Feedback later.
I'll be looking forward to it. I can't improve if I'm not told what I can improve
on. Well, besides map architecture, of course. I already know that's needs work, but I can really only get better at that with practice. I just hope I got the gameplay down alright.
afullo@Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:28 pm :
afullo@Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:08 pm :
Skul@Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:08 am : Thanks for that, afullo!

afullo@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:27 pm : Skul wrote:
Thanks for that, afullo!

Oh, you are welcome!

poompoom500@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:10 pm : 
To skul,
I was just browsing through the myriad posts on your map update and I am curious yellow about this Death Rebellion! I need to check it out. And that "growing an extra finger" - must be an odd experience

. Anyways, Tetlaz is kind of a guidepost for me. Whatever he says, I tend to heed. I definitely am going to check Death Rebellion for myself.

Skul@Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:35 am : Sorry to bump this, but as it turns out, there are a couple of problems, like GUIs not showing up and the credits not playing. If anyone had this problem, they should have said.
Anyway, the update's links are on the first post.
Plus, I've given a couple of maps some subtle changes for better gameplay. Hopefully, the Hellknight you have to fistfight won't sometimes accidentally kill itself in the fire.

Plus the secret level's entrance is a little more obvious.
All right, then. Later!