ANDtheycame@Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:39 pm : I want to make a map with the zombie(s) from Doom3, is this possible?
Im trying to extract the zombie files and folders from Doom 3 to make a PK4 that i can use in a Quake Wars map, is the process as simple as useing the right file paths or will i need some code?
To be honest i havnt got a clue where to begin with this project, ive used the Q4 editor and built lots of maps so im no stranger there, any help.....
Booooooo! NO CSG SUBTRACT!!!!!!!! how am i gonna do my special effects now???? no clip just doesnt "cut it" there is a time and a place for that just like there is a time and place for subtract no rep for that blunder devs.
Tron@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:23 pm : No, there is never a time for CSG subtract. If it is a simple subtraction then it isn't needed, if it's a complicated subtraction then a CSG subtraction will produce a horrible mess.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:50 pm : I never use it, 99% of the time you have to reshape the brushes afterwards so they can be caulked correctly it's about the same process as just building from scratch.
ANDtheycame@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:47 pm : Ive made some brilliant effects with CSG sutract - like damage to structures that didnt create endless amounts of brushes, they were good uses of subtract not quick easy ways to build maps in 5 mins, and besides the question wasnt about CSG subtract, im sure veryone is entitles to their own opinion - not every artist uses a brush.
Kristus@Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:13 am : In the case of CSG subtract, it's not a matter of opinion. It's a fact.
Aboutthe Zombie, you can put it in there. But depending pon what you want to do with it, it may or may not require code. If you want it to be in QW like it was in Doom3, then you need to code. if you want to replace an existing character (like, say the aggressor) Then you will just have to replace the proper model.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:27 am : What an interesting point you make. It adds so much to this discussion.
LDAsh@Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:01 am : I don't get this thread actually, but about CSG subtract - I believe it's been a bit overdone as something mappers should fear and avoid, based on a couple of comments about how "it's not a great idea, can cause problems", but ask yourself why is it there in the first place? The "cause a mess" button? No, you _can_ use it, so long as you do a few simple things. First you should use a big grid, avoid unusual angles. Any Radiant (or brush editor) is supposed to work along 8x8 grid as (practically) the minimum, I've read even basing most brushes on a 16x16 grid has benefits over 8x8. So it makes sense that anything existing within less than 8 units would be considered "iffy" and you can't go CSGin' your name into a brush with 1-unit thick brushes in some cursive italics.
I believe all this has a lot more to do with vis calculations than anything though, in which case any finer brushes (CSG result or not) (especially in idTech4 titles) should be made func_static or something, because in the old days all of that could be "made detail" and excluded from vis calculations in BSP compile. Detailed, small and sparkly CSG subtractions on structural brushes would screw over even a simple boxmap. Also, it's a wise idea to select what you've carved up with CSG piece by piece manually, and export it as a prefab or something and "load" it back into your map. It's a bit of cleaning process in my experience, simply reloading manually selected stuff and leaving behind any "phantom brushes" that can cause issues.
So yeah, simple angles, big chunks of brushes, manual select export and reload, exclude from vis calculations = CSG operations aren't so evil after all. But that is just my opinion and personal experience.
mavrik65@Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:22 pm : So you want to take the zombies from doom3 and put them into quake wars enemy territory? ( if that is correct then i should know quite a bit about this topic, i am currently making a quake 4 mod called quake vs doom vs prey and i have already ported all the assets )
If you are well you won't be able to take the zombie models from doom3 because the models are in different formats. Unless you have an md5binary importer and an md5mesh exporter.
As for AI i don't know about the .def files or script because i find enemy territory a confusing game to mod, but i had to re-write all the .def files when porting assets in my quake 4 mod so the chances are that you'll have to re-write .def files for the zombies if you want them in the quake wars.
My advice would be to take a human marine, make him a new skin ( something zombie-ish, that's covered in blood ) then code the def and script files from scratch.
Chaaaaaaaalie@Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:14 am : How about importing a ETQW map into the Doom 3 Editor?
Kiltron@Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:36 am : Everyone is right actually............CSG Subtract is not good to use and is also good to use. Complicated (incorrect) uses of CSG Subtract will lead to map problems for certain. Good uses of CSG Subtract and the main reason it was created was to quicken the "level block out" or "room block out" process. It is OK to use CSG Subtract if you're working on the grid and need to punch out a hole in the wall/floor/ceiling to join rooms together as a basis for a hallway/doorway. Anything else, you really want to avoid using it.
Just keep in mind it is there for quick joining of rooms for the sake of speeding up the basics of laying out your map.
mavrik65@Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:54 pm : Chaaaaaaaalie wrote:
How about importing a ETQW map into the Doom 3 Editor?
Assuming that ETQW still uses .map files the you could load it up on the editor, but nothing would appear but boxes and clipping. Because the rest of the assets aren't in doom3. If you imported the models and textures from ETQW and then delete all the other entities that relies on ETQW's sdk code then you would have a map that would look pretty similar. There will be much more problems than that (including the fact that ETQW uses megatexture) but it might be possible.
ANDtheycame@Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:39 pm : I want to make a map with the zombie(s) from Doom3, is this possible?
Im trying to extract the zombie files and folders from Doom 3 to make a PK4 that i can use in a Quake Wars map, is the process as simple as useing the right file paths or will i need some code?
To be honest i havnt got a clue where to begin with this project, ive used the Q4 editor and built lots of maps so im no stranger there, any help.....
Booooooo! NO CSG SUBTRACT!!!!!!!! how am i gonna do my special effects now???? no clip just doesnt "cut it" there is a time and a place for that just like there is a time and place for subtract no rep for that blunder devs.
Tron@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:23 pm : No, there is never a time for CSG subtract. If it is a simple subtraction then it isn't needed, if it's a complicated subtraction then a CSG subtraction will produce a horrible mess.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:50 pm : I never use it, 99% of the time you have to reshape the brushes afterwards so they can be caulked correctly it's about the same process as just building from scratch.
ANDtheycame@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:47 pm : Ive made some brilliant effects with CSG sutract - like damage to structures that didnt create endless amounts of brushes, they were good uses of subtract not quick easy ways to build maps in 5 mins, and besides the question wasnt about CSG subtract, im sure veryone is entitles to their own opinion - not every artist uses a brush.
Kristus@Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:13 am : In the case of CSG subtract, it's not a matter of opinion. It's a fact.
Aboutthe Zombie, you can put it in there. But depending pon what you want to do with it, it may or may not require code. If you want it to be in QW like it was in Doom3, then you need to code. if you want to replace an existing character (like, say the aggressor) Then you will just have to replace the proper model.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:27 am : What an interesting point you make. It adds so much to this discussion.
LDAsh@Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:01 am : I don't get this thread actually, but about CSG subtract - I believe it's been a bit overdone as something mappers should fear and avoid, based on a couple of comments about how "it's not a great idea, can cause problems", but ask yourself why is it there in the first place? The "cause a mess" button? No, you _can_ use it, so long as you do a few simple things. First you should use a big grid, avoid unusual angles. Any Radiant (or brush editor) is supposed to work along 8x8 grid as (practically) the minimum, I've read even basing most brushes on a 16x16 grid has benefits over 8x8. So it makes sense that anything existing within less than 8 units would be considered "iffy" and you can't go CSGin' your name into a brush with 1-unit thick brushes in some cursive italics.
I believe all this has a lot more to do with vis calculations than anything though, in which case any finer brushes (CSG result or not) (especially in idTech4 titles) should be made func_static or something, because in the old days all of that could be "made detail" and excluded from vis calculations in BSP compile. Detailed, small and sparkly CSG subtractions on structural brushes would screw over even a simple boxmap. Also, it's a wise idea to select what you've carved up with CSG piece by piece manually, and export it as a prefab or something and "load" it back into your map. It's a bit of cleaning process in my experience, simply reloading manually selected stuff and leaving behind any "phantom brushes" that can cause issues.
So yeah, simple angles, big chunks of brushes, manual select export and reload, exclude from vis calculations = CSG operations aren't so evil after all. But that is just my opinion and personal experience.
mavrik65@Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:22 pm : So you want to take the zombies from doom3 and put them into quake wars enemy territory? ( if that is correct then i should know quite a bit about this topic, i am currently making a quake 4 mod called quake vs doom vs prey and i have already ported all the assets )
If you are well you won't be able to take the zombie models from doom3 because the models are in different formats. Unless you have an md5binary importer and an md5mesh exporter.
As for AI i don't know about the .def files or script because i find enemy territory a confusing game to mod, but i had to re-write all the .def files when porting assets in my quake 4 mod so the chances are that you'll have to re-write .def files for the zombies if you want them in the quake wars.
My advice would be to take a human marine, make him a new skin ( something zombie-ish, that's covered in blood ) then code the def and script files from scratch.
Chaaaaaaaalie@Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:14 am : How about importing a ETQW map into the Doom 3 Editor?
Kiltron@Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:36 am : Everyone is right actually............CSG Subtract is not good to use and is also good to use. Complicated (incorrect) uses of CSG Subtract will lead to map problems for certain. Good uses of CSG Subtract and the main reason it was created was to quicken the "level block out" or "room block out" process. It is OK to use CSG Subtract if you're working on the grid and need to punch out a hole in the wall/floor/ceiling to join rooms together as a basis for a hallway/doorway. Anything else, you really want to avoid using it.
Just keep in mind it is there for quick joining of rooms for the sake of speeding up the basics of laying out your map.
mavrik65@Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:54 pm : Chaaaaaaaalie wrote:
How about importing a ETQW map into the Doom 3 Editor?
Assuming that ETQW still uses .map files the you could load it up on the editor, but nothing would appear but boxes and clipping. Because the rest of the assets aren't in doom3. If you imported the models and textures from ETQW and then delete all the other entities that relies on ETQW's sdk code then you would have a map that would look pretty similar. There will be much more problems than that (including the fact that ETQW uses megatexture) but it might be possible.
ANDtheycame@Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:39 pm : I want to make a map with the zombie(s) from Doom3, is this possible?
Im trying to extract the zombie files and folders from Doom 3 to make a PK4 that i can use in a Quake Wars map, is the process as simple as useing the right file paths or will i need some code?
To be honest i havnt got a clue where to begin with this project, ive used the Q4 editor and built lots of maps so im no stranger there, any help.....
Booooooo! NO CSG SUBTRACT!!!!!!!! how am i gonna do my special effects now???? no clip just doesnt "cut it" there is a time and a place for that just like there is a time and place for subtract no rep for that blunder devs.
Tron@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:23 pm : No, there is never a time for CSG subtract. If it is a simple subtraction then it isn't needed, if it's a complicated subtraction then a CSG subtraction will produce a horrible mess.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:50 pm : I never use it, 99% of the time you have to reshape the brushes afterwards so they can be caulked correctly it's about the same process as just building from scratch.
ANDtheycame@Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:47 pm : Ive made some brilliant effects with CSG sutract - like damage to structures that didnt create endless amounts of brushes, they were good uses of subtract not quick easy ways to build maps in 5 mins, and besides the question wasnt about CSG subtract, im sure veryone is entitles to their own opinion - not every artist uses a brush.
Kristus@Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:13 am : In the case of CSG subtract, it's not a matter of opinion. It's a fact.
Aboutthe Zombie, you can put it in there. But depending pon what you want to do with it, it may or may not require code. If you want it to be in QW like it was in Doom3, then you need to code. if you want to replace an existing character (like, say the aggressor) Then you will just have to replace the proper model.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 7:27 am : What an interesting point you make. It adds so much to this discussion.
LDAsh@Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:01 am : I don't get this thread actually, but about CSG subtract - I believe it's been a bit overdone as something mappers should fear and avoid, based on a couple of comments about how "it's not a great idea, can cause problems", but ask yourself why is it there in the first place? The "cause a mess" button? No, you _can_ use it, so long as you do a few simple things. First you should use a big grid, avoid unusual angles. Any Radiant (or brush editor) is supposed to work along 8x8 grid as (practically) the minimum, I've read even basing most brushes on a 16x16 grid has benefits over 8x8. So it makes sense that anything existing within less than 8 units would be considered "iffy" and you can't go CSGin' your name into a brush with 1-unit thick brushes in some cursive italics.
I believe all this has a lot more to do with vis calculations than anything though, in which case any finer brushes (CSG result or not) (especially in idTech4 titles) should be made func_static or something, because in the old days all of that could be "made detail" and excluded from vis calculations in BSP compile. Detailed, small and sparkly CSG subtractions on structural brushes would screw over even a simple boxmap. Also, it's a wise idea to select what you've carved up with CSG piece by piece manually, and export it as a prefab or something and "load" it back into your map. It's a bit of cleaning process in my experience, simply reloading manually selected stuff and leaving behind any "phantom brushes" that can cause issues.
So yeah, simple angles, big chunks of brushes, manual select export and reload, exclude from vis calculations = CSG operations aren't so evil after all. But that is just my opinion and personal experience.
mavrik65@Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:22 pm : So you want to take the zombies from doom3 and put them into quake wars enemy territory? ( if that is correct then i should know quite a bit about this topic, i am currently making a quake 4 mod called quake vs doom vs prey and i have already ported all the assets )
If you are well you won't be able to take the zombie models from doom3 because the models are in different formats. Unless you have an md5binary importer and an md5mesh exporter.
As for AI i don't know about the .def files or script because i find enemy territory a confusing game to mod, but i had to re-write all the .def files when porting assets in my quake 4 mod so the chances are that you'll have to re-write .def files for the zombies if you want them in the quake wars.
My advice would be to take a human marine, make him a new skin ( something zombie-ish, that's covered in blood ) then code the def and script files from scratch.