_shank@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:58 am : Just saw this on Kotaku
http://kotaku.com/5013638/first-duke-nu ... play-videoBtw...the game i was working on
http://www.ageofconan.com/ is out now and if anyone is playing it (eu servers) ...let me know.
I should also take this time to thank Berni for this forum

TelMarine@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:37 am : it looks good, like Duke3D
aaa111@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:26 am : what is duke.............
duke nukem..
duke nukem......
oh God i remember now,its duke nukem forever.
Hope my grand grand grand children will able to play it at 2090.
shaviro@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:37 am : Wow. That looks almost exactly like Duke3d

Kristian Joensen@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:08 pm : Here are some quotes by George Broussard regarding this footage with some comments/questions for context. First one is before the release of the footage but is included because it seems to confirm a certain feature:
That crate can't be in game. Too low res and no ambient occlusion.
The rest are after the release of and about the footage:
I hope this isn't Doom 3 (indoors and dark).
It's not. This was a snippet from one level inside hoover dam, for a few mins. there are large outdoor environments, too, and tons of stuff not seen here. I wasn't even sure they were going to show game footage as the original deal was to just film jason playing the game, and a reaction. They cut in a few scenese here and there. Much much more to see and come.
We only let jason play a small section of one level. rest assured there are large ooutdoor open areas and much much more to come. this is but a small taste.
You're looking at it from a scientific angle, only analyzing a few seconds of gameplay. Most people look at it as confirmation that the game they want to play is alive, breathing, and coming...
There is so much more to show, it's silly. And it still won't be enough for lots of people, and that's ok.
Never fear, there are bright, daylight levels, as well. I'd say all times of day and mood are represented at some point. There is a mixture of corridor crawls, and larger more open areas (indoor and out).
Any voice in there was added by HD Films and isn't in game.
That EDF supply crate is one of the worst crates in the history of crates. But otherwise... /throws confetti!
Been replaced for quite a while now. That footage is 6 months old and lots of things are updated or tweaked/different now.
oh yeah, the points thing that pops up definitly needs to go
Programmer art and temp, which is why footage was never really intended to be shown, and why we're not quite doing "official" releases of in game stuff. It's in progress but about to have another polish pass.
We do polish passes on things all the time. It just depends what the focus is. Some people are polishing and others are building new things, and it all changes all the time. There are times when we lock down for 3-4 weeks and virtually everyone works on polish as a core goal, too.
so does this video count as "stay tuned" material?
Not really. It was kind of random.
The particle effects in this video are about 6 months old and most of the combat fx have been replaced by now with new hotness.
TelMarine@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:13 pm : how sad is it that game designers have to go out of their way to say "big outdoor/sunny/brightly lit areas". Just..unbelievable. Go outside if you want to bask in the sun.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:27 pm : @_shank: What did you do on "Age of Conan"?
Giant Monsters + Conan = WIN (imo)
_shank@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:14 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
@_shank: What did you do on "Age of Conan"?
Giant Monsters + Conan = WIN (imo)
Level design...for 1-20, 20-40, 60-80 level ranges...few Raid Dungeons.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:22 pm : shaviro wrote:
Wow. That looks almost exactly like Duke3d

I just saw the footage & 100% agree. it's like Duke3d, but all new. Like a REAL seuqel & not something that has nothing to do with the previous besides a character name.
I'd say that's how it's not doom 3.

I hope they release it soon. looks really really nice & unless it's a joke & a mod in Prey, i'd assume they're on the "almost ready!" part of the game.

Hostyle@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:32 pm : The game footage reminds me of Alpha Prime, Doom3 and Prey abit. Which is not a good sign.
TelMarine wrote:
how sad is it that game designers have to go out of their way to say "big outdoor/sunny/brightly lit areas". Just..unbelievable. Go outside if you want to bask in the sun.
lol post of the century.
Argoon@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:47 pm : What in that footage reminds of Prey or Doom3? Just because it uses normal mapping and a similar shadow tech? By the way What the looks have to do with the game play and why is it a bad Thing??
To the ones that don't know, DNF uses a heavily modified version of the UnrealEngine 2.
Is strange you guys saying this when you are members of a ID Tech4 fan forum.
Now about the footage, to me it looks as any other game that uses normal mapping and real time shadows but with better ambient lighting, about the game play, we only have a small part so i can't really say much about it only that some of the Duke cool stuff is in there like the shrink ray the mighty boot the 3 barrel gun the pipe bomb and a new thing to Duke, now we can see its full body

. Oh and don't forget BIG and MEAN pig cops.

(let them come)
What i saw that i didn't like was the almost total lack of gore what is a sacrilege for a DN game, but they already said this are 6 months old footage and that many things have changed and been added since them.
Arklon@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:06 pm : Argoon wrote:
To the ones that don't know, DNF uses a heavily modified version of the UnrealEngine 2.
I remember reading somewhere they switched to UE3. Not sure, though.
Argoon@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:32 pm : Arklon wrote:
Argoon wrote:
To the ones that don't know, DNF uses a heavily modified version of the UnrealEngine 2.
I remember reading somewhere they switched to UE3. Not sure, though.
No they didn't it is still UE2 but they made a totally new nextgen render system (among other things) for the engine, as features is concerned this new render is as capable as the UE3 engine one.
Kristian Joensen@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:11 pm : Argoon is correct:
Seriously, though. What version of the Unreal Engine is DNF going to be using? Unreal Engine 2.5 or 3.0?
Neither. We broke off many moons ago. About all we use from Unreal now is the editor, networking and Unreal Script.
- George Broussard, November 16nd, 2005.
I think we split off around Unreal 2 level tech and wrote our own rendering, and a lot of other things.
- George Broussard, February 15nd, 2005.
If you already support 2.0 then 3.0 is easy to support. It's nice that 3.0 is here to develop on, but most developers aren't even using 2.0 at the moment, so the 3.0 stuff is likely here too early.
DNF has a full HLSL pipe and we can pretty much support any rendering mode or feature that cards can do.
- George Broussard, May
12th, 2004.
We've completely gutted and written our own AI system, rendering, particles, skeletal animation and more so it won't look/feel like an Unreal game at all I don't think
- George Broussard, January 7nd, 2004.
No reason to freeze, as we have time to trickle in features until the game ships. But it's complete enough now that we could ship with no excuses and be happy.
But just like in Duke 3D, when that engine was done, we still added small features like slopes and went back and retrofit the levels. We will still add things to the engine, as we can, where they make sense, and most importantly - where they won't delay us. We will add things if they are cool and don't impact things, but we will not add features that will cause big delays or mass reworking of exisiting content.
- George Broussard, January 17nd, 2004.
Don't worry. When I say tech complete, I mean we could ship if all the content were done.
It's fairly easy to add and update shaders and we do so all the time.
The graphics guys are ahead and always have time to add in bells and whistles.
Many things like per pixel blur, depth of field etc, have zero impact on game content and drop in, in a few days.
- George Broussard, March 30th, 2006.
Dinky@Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:23 am : Arklon wrote:
Argoon wrote:
To the ones that don't know, DNF uses a heavily modified version of the UnrealEngine 2.
I remember reading somewhere they switched to UE3. Not sure, though.
I heard the same thing. But I remember I heard it from Journalists like IGN or something - and those guys are usually wrong 90% of the time about the technology in games, so I took it with a grain of salt, like I do everything whenever they mention the technology behind the games, or for that matter, most subjects completely. Like for example, the mix up with id software and other company's to leave the ESA, it seemed like all those so-called "Reasons" these developers left were completely made up by the media.
Journalists are bad source for tech info, definitely.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:41 pm : I saw the footage and it was nice and all, but frankly, I'm very tired of the, "Oh, we could ship and be happy" (note the dates on those quotes) on the one hand, and the "our masterpiece needs more polish--no wait, let's rip apart the entire game and start over again--let's adopt a 'when it's done' attitude!" on the other...
11 years and counting... it's time to put up or shut up, in my opinion.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:18 pm : i'd say it's annoying too, but 99% of all game companies say that too.

6th Venom@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:22 pm : Yeah but they release their games in 2-4 years max!
It's told that after DNF 3drealms will start a ShadowWarrior's sequel that will be released in... let's count... 2020!

The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:10 pm : 6th Venom wrote:
Yeah but they release their games in 2-4 years max!
Half Life 2 & TF2 are examples of not being released anywhere near when they said they're ready to go.

Kristian Joensen@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:57 pm : goliathvt wrote:
I saw the footage and it was nice and all, but frankly, I'm very tired of the, "Oh, we could ship and be happy" (note the dates on those quotes) on the one hand, and the "our masterpiece needs more polish--no wait, let's rip apart the entire game and start over again--let's adopt a 'when it's done' attitude!" on the other...
11 years and counting... it's time to put up or shut up, in my opinion.
In the quote you are talking about he said that could ship and be happy if all the content was done, but it wasn't that is the thing. He was only talking about the status of the engine, their technology always being in a state of constant flux and them being unable to finish the engine has been one of the main reasons for the long development time, that issue has been completely fixed since late 2002/early 2003 when the last restart took place. The new renderer was done in November 2002 and there have been no engine switches or restarts since then.
HL2 took like 6 years to make, so if this version of DNF is to take as long then that puts us into 2009. The "When it's done" attitude is far superior to giving out release dates you can't keep. But remember WID is a PR stance to take regarding release dates and it is not really connected to scheduling as such(As a matter of fact they recently hired Brian Hook as Producer, responsible for amongst other things
scheduling). You can use WID as a tagline to the press and still have fairly strict internal deadlines and from the Dallas Business Journal interview with Scott Miller it seems that there is a strong internal push to release this game this year or early next year. Polish is certainly far from throwing everything out and restarting the game so there really is no "let's rip apart the entire game and start over" attitude any longer and there hasn't been since 2002.
"11 years and counting... it's time to put up or shut up, in my opinion"
This is their exact attitude to hype/media, they could have shown the game in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 or 2006 and they didn't. They didn't show ANYTHING at all from the current version of the game until 2007 when they showed two 200x150 thumbnails for job ads and a small 1 minute teaser trailer at the VERY VERY end of the year. Since they ditched the 1998-2001 version of the game they have always maintained that they are against hyping games too early and that has been one of the biggest mistakes they have done. They have been pretty adamant about wanting to start the hype train
approximately 6 months - 1 year from release and their actions have been virtually 100% consistent with that stance.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:33 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
I didn't start that, he did.

I was just saying that I am (and I'm sure most gamers out there) are much more excited to see a screenshot of DN4E vs anything from id. Id went from a company that had a lot of excitement & vision in their early days to a company that goes by sales since Q3A. Yeah, sales make $$ but there's already enough companies that put out boring stuff to make $$. many of them do it really really well, but, honestly, those games are a dime a dozen. I'd rather see Doom 4 continue after Doom 2 with the same graphics & gameplay vs following Doom 3 with the same boring scripted sequences & predictable story elements/situations as every other game out there. Duke hopefully doesn't do any of that & tries new things.
The only thing I would be excited to see from ID atm would be Doom 4 and a new Quake. Rage doesn't seem to interest me much, but I'll probably get it.
I am excited for DNF, just finished Duke Nukem 3D on the 360, what a great game.
_shank@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:58 am : Just saw this on Kotaku
http://kotaku.com/5013638/first-duke-nu ... play-videoBtw...the game i was working on
http://www.ageofconan.com/ is out now and if anyone is playing it (eu servers) ...let me know.
I should also take this time to thank Berni for this forum

TelMarine@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:37 am : it looks good, like Duke3D
aaa111@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:26 am : what is duke.............
duke nukem..
duke nukem......
oh God i remember now,its duke nukem forever.
Hope my grand grand grand children will able to play it at 2090.
shaviro@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:37 am : Wow. That looks almost exactly like Duke3d

Kristian Joensen@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:08 pm : Here are some quotes by George Broussard regarding this footage with some comments/questions for context. First one is before the release of the footage but is included because it seems to confirm a certain feature:
That crate can't be in game. Too low res and no ambient occlusion.
The rest are after the release of and about the footage:
I hope this isn't Doom 3 (indoors and dark).
It's not. This was a snippet from one level inside hoover dam, for a few mins. there are large outdoor environments, too, and tons of stuff not seen here. I wasn't even sure they were going to show game footage as the original deal was to just film jason playing the game, and a reaction. They cut in a few scenese here and there. Much much more to see and come.
We only let jason play a small section of one level. rest assured there are large ooutdoor open areas and much much more to come. this is but a small taste.
You're looking at it from a scientific angle, only analyzing a few seconds of gameplay. Most people look at it as confirmation that the game they want to play is alive, breathing, and coming...
There is so much more to show, it's silly. And it still won't be enough for lots of people, and that's ok.
Never fear, there are bright, daylight levels, as well. I'd say all times of day and mood are represented at some point. There is a mixture of corridor crawls, and larger more open areas (indoor and out).
Any voice in there was added by HD Films and isn't in game.
That EDF supply crate is one of the worst crates in the history of crates. But otherwise... /throws confetti!
Been replaced for quite a while now. That footage is 6 months old and lots of things are updated or tweaked/different now.
oh yeah, the points thing that pops up definitly needs to go
Programmer art and temp, which is why footage was never really intended to be shown, and why we're not quite doing "official" releases of in game stuff. It's in progress but about to have another polish pass.
We do polish passes on things all the time. It just depends what the focus is. Some people are polishing and others are building new things, and it all changes all the time. There are times when we lock down for 3-4 weeks and virtually everyone works on polish as a core goal, too.
so does this video count as "stay tuned" material?
Not really. It was kind of random.
The particle effects in this video are about 6 months old and most of the combat fx have been replaced by now with new hotness.
TelMarine@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:13 pm : how sad is it that game designers have to go out of their way to say "big outdoor/sunny/brightly lit areas". Just..unbelievable. Go outside if you want to bask in the sun.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:27 pm : @_shank: What did you do on "Age of Conan"?
Giant Monsters + Conan = WIN (imo)
_shank@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:14 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
@_shank: What did you do on "Age of Conan"?
Giant Monsters + Conan = WIN (imo)
Level design...for 1-20, 20-40, 60-80 level ranges...few Raid Dungeons.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:22 pm : shaviro wrote:
Wow. That looks almost exactly like Duke3d

I just saw the footage & 100% agree. it's like Duke3d, but all new. Like a REAL seuqel & not something that has nothing to do with the previous besides a character name.
I'd say that's how it's not doom 3.

I hope they release it soon. looks really really nice & unless it's a joke & a mod in Prey, i'd assume they're on the "almost ready!" part of the game.

Hostyle@Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:32 pm : The game footage reminds me of Alpha Prime, Doom3 and Prey abit. Which is not a good sign.
TelMarine wrote:
how sad is it that game designers have to go out of their way to say "big outdoor/sunny/brightly lit areas". Just..unbelievable. Go outside if you want to bask in the sun.
lol post of the century.
Argoon@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:47 pm : What in that footage reminds of Prey or Doom3? Just because it uses normal mapping and a similar shadow tech? By the way What the looks have to do with the game play and why is it a bad Thing??
To the ones that don't know, DNF uses a heavily modified version of the UnrealEngine 2.
Is strange you guys saying this when you are members of a ID Tech4 fan forum.
Now about the footage, to me it looks as any other game that uses normal mapping and real time shadows but with better ambient lighting, about the game play, we only have a small part so i can't really say much about it only that some of the Duke cool stuff is in there like the shrink ray the mighty boot the 3 barrel gun the pipe bomb and a new thing to Duke, now we can see its full body

. Oh and don't forget BIG and MEAN pig cops.

(let them come)
What i saw that i didn't like was the almost total lack of gore what is a sacrilege for a DN game, but they already said this are 6 months old footage and that many things have changed and been added since them.
Arklon@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:06 pm : Argoon wrote:
To the ones that don't know, DNF uses a heavily modified version of the UnrealEngine 2.
I remember reading somewhere they switched to UE3. Not sure, though.
Argoon@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:32 pm : Arklon wrote:
Argoon wrote:
To the ones that don't know, DNF uses a heavily modified version of the UnrealEngine 2.
I remember reading somewhere they switched to UE3. Not sure, though.
No they didn't it is still UE2 but they made a totally new nextgen render system (among other things) for the engine, as features is concerned this new render is as capable as the UE3 engine one.
Kristian Joensen@Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:11 pm : Argoon is correct:
Seriously, though. What version of the Unreal Engine is DNF going to be using? Unreal Engine 2.5 or 3.0?
Neither. We broke off many moons ago. About all we use from Unreal now is the editor, networking and Unreal Script.
- George Broussard, November 16nd, 2005.
I think we split off around Unreal 2 level tech and wrote our own rendering, and a lot of other things.
- George Broussard, February 15nd, 2005.
If you already support 2.0 then 3.0 is easy to support. It's nice that 3.0 is here to develop on, but most developers aren't even using 2.0 at the moment, so the 3.0 stuff is likely here too early.
DNF has a full HLSL pipe and we can pretty much support any rendering mode or feature that cards can do.
- George Broussard, May
12th, 2004.
We've completely gutted and written our own AI system, rendering, particles, skeletal animation and more so it won't look/feel like an Unreal game at all I don't think
- George Broussard, January 7nd, 2004.
No reason to freeze, as we have time to trickle in features until the game ships. But it's complete enough now that we could ship with no excuses and be happy.
But just like in Duke 3D, when that engine was done, we still added small features like slopes and went back and retrofit the levels. We will still add things to the engine, as we can, where they make sense, and most importantly - where they won't delay us. We will add things if they are cool and don't impact things, but we will not add features that will cause big delays or mass reworking of exisiting content.
- George Broussard, January 17nd, 2004.
Don't worry. When I say tech complete, I mean we could ship if all the content were done.
It's fairly easy to add and update shaders and we do so all the time.
The graphics guys are ahead and always have time to add in bells and whistles.
Many things like per pixel blur, depth of field etc, have zero impact on game content and drop in, in a few days.
- George Broussard, March 30th, 2006.
Dinky@Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:23 am : Arklon wrote:
Argoon wrote:
To the ones that don't know, DNF uses a heavily modified version of the UnrealEngine 2.
I remember reading somewhere they switched to UE3. Not sure, though.
I heard the same thing. But I remember I heard it from Journalists like IGN or something - and those guys are usually wrong 90% of the time about the technology in games, so I took it with a grain of salt, like I do everything whenever they mention the technology behind the games, or for that matter, most subjects completely. Like for example, the mix up with id software and other company's to leave the ESA, it seemed like all those so-called "Reasons" these developers left were completely made up by the media.
Journalists are bad source for tech info, definitely.
goliathvt@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:41 pm : I saw the footage and it was nice and all, but frankly, I'm very tired of the, "Oh, we could ship and be happy" (note the dates on those quotes) on the one hand, and the "our masterpiece needs more polish--no wait, let's rip apart the entire game and start over again--let's adopt a 'when it's done' attitude!" on the other...
11 years and counting... it's time to put up or shut up, in my opinion.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:18 pm : i'd say it's annoying too, but 99% of all game companies say that too.

6th Venom@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:22 pm : Yeah but they release their games in 2-4 years max!
It's told that after DNF 3drealms will start a ShadowWarrior's sequel that will be released in... let's count... 2020!

The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:10 pm : 6th Venom wrote:
Yeah but they release their games in 2-4 years max!
Half Life 2 & TF2 are examples of not being released anywhere near when they said they're ready to go.

Kristian Joensen@Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:57 pm : goliathvt wrote:
I saw the footage and it was nice and all, but frankly, I'm very tired of the, "Oh, we could ship and be happy" (note the dates on those quotes) on the one hand, and the "our masterpiece needs more polish--no wait, let's rip apart the entire game and start over again--let's adopt a 'when it's done' attitude!" on the other...
11 years and counting... it's time to put up or shut up, in my opinion.
In the quote you are talking about he said that could ship and be happy if all the content was done, but it wasn't that is the thing. He was only talking about the status of the engine, their technology always being in a state of constant flux and them being unable to finish the engine has been one of the main reasons for the long development time, that issue has been completely fixed since late 2002/early 2003 when the last restart took place. The new renderer was done in November 2002 and there have been no engine switches or restarts since then.
HL2 took like 6 years to make, so if this version of DNF is to take as long then that puts us into 2009. The "When it's done" attitude is far superior to giving out release dates you can't keep. But remember WID is a PR stance to take regarding release dates and it is not really connected to scheduling as such(As a matter of fact they recently hired Brian Hook as Producer, responsible for amongst other things
scheduling). You can use WID as a tagline to the press and still have fairly strict internal deadlines and from the Dallas Business Journal interview with Scott Miller it seems that there is a strong internal push to release this game this year or early next year. Polish is certainly far from throwing everything out and restarting the game so there really is no "let's rip apart the entire game and start over" attitude any longer and there hasn't been since 2002.
"11 years and counting... it's time to put up or shut up, in my opinion"
This is their exact attitude to hype/media, they could have shown the game in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 or 2006 and they didn't. They didn't show ANYTHING at all from the current version of the game until 2007 when they showed two 200x150 thumbnails for job ads and a small 1 minute teaser trailer at the VERY VERY end of the year. Since they ditched the 1998-2001 version of the game they have always maintained that they are against hyping games too early and that has been one of the biggest mistakes they have done. They have been pretty adamant about wanting to start the hype train
approximately 6 months - 1 year from release and their actions have been virtually 100% consistent with that stance.
aaa111@Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:54 am : 6th Venom wrote:
Yeah but they release their games in 2-4 years max!
It's told that after DNF 3drealms will start a ShadowWarrior's sequel that will be released in... let's count... 2020!

Shadowarrior in 2020.
Huh,that would be DNF release date.
Deadite4@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:51 pm : I didn't see it posted here yet, but 2 new hi res screens were released for DNF
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:51 pm : Wow Duke still lives

It the only fps that I'm waiting for (other than Rage

Hostyle@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:04 pm : Gfx looks outdated and low quality, but I'm waiting to see the strippers, heck I'm waiting to see the strippers in GTA4[PC] also. High-def-pussy-gaming lol.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:13 pm : nice! Doesn't look dated to me, looks great!

but let's not forget id won't do a game that takes more then ~2-3 years after Doom 3.

goliathvt@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:14 pm : Please keep repeating that every chance you get Friar. It's relevant.

Over a decade of development resulting in screenshots of an unfinished game versus developing, releasing, patching and partnering with other companies on at least 6 AAA titles in the same amount of time.... Yah.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:47 pm : goliathvt wrote:
Over a decade of development resulting in screenshots of an unfinished game versus developing, releasing, patching and partnering with other companies on at least 6 AAA titles in the same amount of time.... Yah.
I'm not making excuses for anyone, but just like id, 3d is using their own $$ to do this. Id said ~2 years per game after D3. They're @ year 4 (going on 5) now. That's 2x longer then expected. id did the same thing 3d did with their new game: scrapped all the old stuff & started new.
but I'm more excited to see a new duke nukem then anything id has announced. At lease since Doom 3 (that counds q4, et:qw, d4, rage & quake live)
Kristus@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:54 pm : Friar, yeah. But they scrapped it all to take it into a new direction. Not because they took too long to produce it that it got outdated.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:46 am : how do we know that? Nobody who can say anything knows what id's old project actuatly was. The few people I know can't say.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:53 am : I know some people who can say what the project was, and if id "Little Bitches" Software cared about their fan base, they would quit pandering to the sick desires of John "Choke "em Out" Carmack and get on this damned forum and give us a bloody bit of insight.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:25 pm : lol?
lowdragon@Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:32 pm : Indeed

We can still just guess - i too would like to have more info/images of the prototypes (basically) they do have some kind of coolness factor just like "what if or could had been". I had the pleasure to watch four or five prototypes (videos) of released titles but imho the real game was allways better. The "mother brain" things (Octobrain) are looking quit good -> greasy = win.

Gabrobot@Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:41 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
how do we know that?
Because they said so? I mean we could spin crazy conspiracy theories, but their description of their next game right after Doom 3 came out was that it'd be another dark horror corridor shooter which is exactly in line with the game "Darkness" that they later talked about after Rage was announced. I'd say it's pretty obvious they had a major shift in design focus. The only other option is a big conspiracy where they knew they'd be restarting their project so they intentionally mis-described it way back in 2004/5.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:03 am : not trying to get in to conspiracy theory's (if you want one: hollendstead claims that PC hardware industry promotes piracy by putting out the best hardware & making people want new games that use it. id makes those games. If they know they'll get pirated & loose $$ why not make an old tech game???

I'm just saying that there's no reason to believe that 3d realms didn't do what they did for a VERY good reason. We assume id did.
goliathvt@Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:50 pm : id has also produced more than some video footage and low-res screenshots in the last decade.

I guess I'm just skeptical any time I see anything about DNF because it's just been far too long and had far too many revisions to hold my interest. That, and I'm far less interested in getting my hands on polygonal boobs these days when the real things are available to me now and are far more fun.

Kiltron@Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:34 am : I'm looking forward to the new DNF game no matter how long they take to make it. I'll play many other games in the meantime just like 3DRealms does themselves as well. When it is finally done, I'll be at the store with cash in hand to pick up my copy and will enjoy it I'm sure no doubt. They're making it fun, they're making it fully interactive and they're making it right. They should take all the time they want to make a game that is great and not half assed.
You think you're automatically gonna have money to pay a stripper at the club? Hellz no.....you're gonna have to earn it if you want the show or some information!

The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:30 am : goliathvt wrote:
id has also produced more than some video footage and low-res screenshots in the last decade.

Only 2 games: quake 3 & doom 3. I think 3d realms has dev'ed ~the same (not counting produced, just dev'ed).
That, and I'm far less interested in getting my hands on polygonal boobs these days when the real things are available to me now and are far more fun.

That's one of the last things I think of when I think of duke. I think of shrink ray, big guns, attitude, pig cops..... Boobies is WAY down the list!

Destroyer_of_Senses@Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:50 am : and a shit load of awesome ass explosions.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:49 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
goliathvt wrote:
id has also produced more than some video footage and low-res screenshots in the last decade.

Only 2 games: quake 3 & doom 3. I think 3d realms has dev'ed ~the same (not counting produced, just dev'ed).
In the last decade id software came up this row of titles:
Q3A, Q3TA, D3 - first hand development
RTCW, D3ROE, SoF, Prey, Q4, ETQW, Array of Q3 powered games, Array of Q2 powered games - provider of technology / franchise / production assistance
3d realms had their share of games out, but DNF still is a disaster. They're aiming for the ultimate game, but technology will outrun them each time they come closer, so they switch engines and start over again.
Also I didn't know we have to have a discussion on who puts out more games in a decade - none of these points de- or increases the value of either company. There is nothing to defend about 3drealms. If they come up with a cool game I'll sing their praises, if not I'll be disappointed - just as with any other product.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 1:49 pm : I didn't start that, he did.

I was just saying that I am (and I'm sure most gamers out there) are much more excited to see a screenshot of DN4E vs anything from id. Id went from a company that had a lot of excitement & vision in their early days to a company that goes by sales since Q3A. Yeah, sales make $$ but there's already enough companies that put out boring stuff to make $$. many of them do it really really well, but, honestly, those games are a dime a dozen. I'd rather see Doom 4 continue after Doom 2 with the same graphics & gameplay vs following Doom 3 with the same boring scripted sequences & predictable story elements/situations as every other game out there. Duke hopefully doesn't do any of that & tries new things.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:33 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
I didn't start that, he did.

I was just saying that I am (and I'm sure most gamers out there) are much more excited to see a screenshot of DN4E vs anything from id. Id went from a company that had a lot of excitement & vision in their early days to a company that goes by sales since Q3A. Yeah, sales make $$ but there's already enough companies that put out boring stuff to make $$. many of them do it really really well, but, honestly, those games are a dime a dozen. I'd rather see Doom 4 continue after Doom 2 with the same graphics & gameplay vs following Doom 3 with the same boring scripted sequences & predictable story elements/situations as every other game out there. Duke hopefully doesn't do any of that & tries new things.
The only thing I would be excited to see from ID atm would be Doom 4 and a new Quake. Rage doesn't seem to interest me much, but I'll probably get it.
I am excited for DNF, just finished Duke Nukem 3D on the 360, what a great game.