So I know I havent been active in the forums lately but I have been lurking and still tinkering around with ID Tech 4 stuff.
I recently bought ETQW for PC but I haven't experimented with making maps. Sadly ETQW seems like it's almost dead alrighty, but that's besides the point.
Dunno if this is the right forum to ask, but has anyone messed with trying to make GUIs similar to Doom 3 map GUIs in ETQW?
They disabled the crosshair to gui cursor code, so for vanilla etqw that's a no go.
Paveway wrote:
Sadly ETQW seems like it's almost dead alrighty, but that's besides the point.
Depends on what you mean, the comp scene is small, and the modding scene is as well. But the pubbing scene is pretty vivid it seems to me. There's always plenty of servers with players on if you want to play.
Kristus wrote:
Paveway wrote:
Sadly ETQW seems like it's almost dead alrighty, but that's besides the point.
Depends on what you mean, the comp scene is small, and the modding scene is as well. But the pubbing scene is pretty vivid it seems to me. There's always plenty of servers with players on if you want to play.
The community has actually grown a lot, and is still going. In the competition scene last season it was just us (fate), hk, ss, and a number of other big hitters, but that's it. This season we have a wealth of teams to match against, and not to mention the pub servers have filled up a lot. A few months ago only the first 2 or 3 servers were completely full, now you have the full page with no open slots.
The modding scene is just kicking off, with etqw pro having to keep up with the official game patches.
Maybe? heh.
In idPlayer::Think the call to UpdateFocus is commented out.
I enabled it for a quick test, but only tested with an existing gui (the transmit console in outskirts), while it didn't show the cursor it did the weapon down behavior and various beeps as I passed my crosshair back and forth across the gui.
Of course the wildcard is how long ago did splashdamage disable it, and did any later changes to the gui system break anything in that regard.
I'm not personally going to go any further on this, but a next step to take would be to build a test gui equivalent to something from d3 with mouseover hilights and buttons.
TinMan wrote:
Maybe? heh.
In idPlayer::Think the call to UpdateFocus is commented out.
I enabled it for a quick test, but only tested with an existing gui (the transmit console in outskirts), while it didn't show the cursor it did the weapon down behavior and various beeps as I passed my crosshair back and forth across the gui.
Of course the wildcard is how long ago did splashdamage disable it, and did any later changes to the gui system break anything in that regard.
I'm not personally going to go any further on this, but a next step to take would be to build a test gui equivalent to something from d3 with mouseover hilights and buttons.
Where is this idPlayer::Think?
BTW i'm quite new to the sene so i haven't got to grips with all the files and scripts

Pure_Whovian wrote:
Where is this idPlayer::Think?
BTW i'm quite new to the sene so i haven't got to grips with all the files and scripts

Yeah, there's is a formidable amount to look through heh.
It's in the game source, more specifically player.cpp
Naturally without knowing what reason you want this for, or what skills you have I can't really know if that's helping you