Super Happy Cow@Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:32 am : Does anyone know if it's possible at all to get shading to be uniform throughout an entire model despite wherever there might be seams?
I've had to make a few characters that are naked and it's very difficult unwrapping them properly when I have to worry about where the shading will look ridiculous. Any suggestions, aside from clothing?
6th Venom@Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:09 pm : Good normalmaps do the trick.
kat@Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:01 am : Super Happy Cow wrote:
Does anyone know if it's possible at all to get shading to be uniform throughout an entire model despite wherever there might be seams?
I've had to make a few characters that are naked and it's very difficult unwrapping them properly when I have to worry about where the shading will look ridiculous. Any suggestions, aside from clothing?
Half the trick is hiding the seams where they won't be readily seen and then using that material paremeter (forget what it's called now) that forces 'smoothing' over normal maps seams.
It's practically impossible to get rid of seams so the best way is often to hide or disguise them.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:24 pm : Is the parameter unsmoothedtangents?
I never quite understood that even after reading the iddevnet entry and screwing around with it in ET:QW a ton.
kat@Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:48 am : Yes that's the one, it forces the engine to render the normals slightly differently iirc so it minimises 'seams' on a mesh.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:32 am : Does anyone know if it's possible at all to get shading to be uniform throughout an entire model despite wherever there might be seams?
I've had to make a few characters that are naked and it's very difficult unwrapping them properly when I have to worry about where the shading will look ridiculous. Any suggestions, aside from clothing?
6th Venom@Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:09 pm : Good normalmaps do the trick.
kat@Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:01 am : Super Happy Cow wrote:
Does anyone know if it's possible at all to get shading to be uniform throughout an entire model despite wherever there might be seams?
I've had to make a few characters that are naked and it's very difficult unwrapping them properly when I have to worry about where the shading will look ridiculous. Any suggestions, aside from clothing?
Half the trick is hiding the seams where they won't be readily seen and then using that material paremeter (forget what it's called now) that forces 'smoothing' over normal maps seams.
It's practically impossible to get rid of seams so the best way is often to hide or disguise them.
Super Happy Cow@Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:24 pm : Is the parameter unsmoothedtangents?
I never quite understood that even after reading the iddevnet entry and screwing around with it in ET:QW a ton.
kat@Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:48 am : Yes that's the one, it forces the engine to render the normals slightly differently iirc so it minimises 'seams' on a mesh.