evaki7@Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:52 am : hi guys !!!!!! Could someone tell me how to pass this damn level 6 at deathball ...? I just can't get this ASCII thing....!!!
Doomguy87@Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:15 pm : ?
BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:36 pm : You can skip level six by holding the following key combination pressed: qucndsj_8739
Make sure you press all of those at the same time and keep them pressed for 45 seconds otherwise it will reset your score!
KoRnScythe@Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:22 pm : 5Edit:][
In defense of your extremely possible method of beating the ever terrible level six of something I haven't a CLUE in Hell about, I'm going to build myself a rig that allows me to spawn extra fingers from each hand to be able to press all that at once without snapping bones or tearing skin. Afterall, I'm an engineer, and I know where these springs and bolts go, and what the little needle means on the guage. Flippin' Flapjacks! Steam is overloading! Woh, woh, woh woh woh! WOH! Thar' she blows! Darn it.
Level six is an incredible example of the latest technology in difficulty, and is a milestone to beat that shows up on your records forever. Even in Heaven, Hell, and then Neverland Ranch since not even Satanimo Lucifrox himself can bear the singlemost explosively atomic success in human history.
Imagine the cross between Super Turbo Nipple Twister III from Doom and a full, flabby-yet-musculine obese male's chest nipples full of hair and grotesque grease that smells just as beautiful as it sounds (Huh huh!), and then you've got the Space Time Re-Run-uam. "I've already seen this episode, damn it!" You know what? You--... You know what? I quit! "You can't quit!" Just did! *Slams the door on the way out, which just so happens to have been a portal to Davy Jo--... Will Turner's Locker. Jesus God! What's next? *Pause* *
And there you have it.
Also, the correct sequence (rather, the cheatcode to life) is Left, Left, Right, Up, Down, X, Triangle, R1, R1, R2, R1, Left, Left, R2, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Phoenix, Right, Giant-Black-Female-Buttocks, L2, L2, Left, R1. Press it quickly while spinning around infront of a mirror chanting "Bloody Mary!" and WHAM! You just beat level six.
Then level seven comes. See you in the next thread!
[EDIT:] I yltappe od nto nkow hwo ot splel.
[2Edit ]: Watch my six!
[Dit E3:] Video Games are boring.
[I'm not done yet:] Edit
Doomguy87@Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:24 pm : wtf r u guys talking about...level 6...deathball...ASCII???

qwertz123@Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:22 pm : ur future.
"Also, the correct sequence (rather, the cheatcode to life) is Left, Left, Right, Up, Down, X, Triangle, R1, R1, R2, R1, Left, Left, R2, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Phoenix, Right, Giant-Black-Female-Buttocks, L2, L2, Left, R1. Press it quickly while spinning around infront of a mirror chanting "Bloody Mary!" and WHAM! You just beat level six."
sometimes a simple LOL does more justice than any word...
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:20 pm : wtf is this bullshit!!!?
lowdragon@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:59 pm : uberprivileged zombie witchhunt graveyard shift .... sign
here to join ...
the darksite.
KoRnScythe@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:07 pm : Doomguy87 wrote:
wtf is this bullshit!!!?
Cons-Piracy, Conspiccilarial, Compirates, coopiratation, conspiracy.
But, evaki7 posted with this question as his very, very, very first post. He came here out of the blue - Unaware of these evil depths... to ask a question. Or did he? Maybe it was a spy on the inside trying to mask his identity to find out answers for his faction. Hitmen? No. This is HBO. Full of Turner Classic Pornos.
See? evaki7 has a number in his name.
So does doomguy87! See the spiral?
evaki7, doomguy87.
evaki - doomguy = 666
23!? 2 x 3 = 666 Holy CRAP!
doomguy87 is Satan?
Beware, for on this side of the ship, we collect pocket lint.
lowdragon@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:40 pm : infact i dont care from whoever`s should people are singing - however (some) people showing just up to gather opinions ... mind you the evil word "troll".

evaki7@Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:52 am : hi guys !!!!!! Could someone tell me how to pass this damn level 6 at deathball ...? I just can't get this ASCII thing....!!!
Doomguy87@Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:15 pm : ?
BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:36 pm : You can skip level six by holding the following key combination pressed: qucndsj_8739
Make sure you press all of those at the same time and keep them pressed for 45 seconds otherwise it will reset your score!
KoRnScythe@Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:22 pm : 5Edit:][
In defense of your extremely possible method of beating the ever terrible level six of something I haven't a CLUE in Hell about, I'm going to build myself a rig that allows me to spawn extra fingers from each hand to be able to press all that at once without snapping bones or tearing skin. Afterall, I'm an engineer, and I know where these springs and bolts go, and what the little needle means on the guage. Flippin' Flapjacks! Steam is overloading! Woh, woh, woh woh woh! WOH! Thar' she blows! Darn it.
Level six is an incredible example of the latest technology in difficulty, and is a milestone to beat that shows up on your records forever. Even in Heaven, Hell, and then Neverland Ranch since not even Satanimo Lucifrox himself can bear the singlemost explosively atomic success in human history.
Imagine the cross between Super Turbo Nipple Twister III from Doom and a full, flabby-yet-musculine obese male's chest nipples full of hair and grotesque grease that smells just as beautiful as it sounds (Huh huh!), and then you've got the Space Time Re-Run-uam. "I've already seen this episode, damn it!" You know what? You--... You know what? I quit! "You can't quit!" Just did! *Slams the door on the way out, which just so happens to have been a portal to Davy Jo--... Will Turner's Locker. Jesus God! What's next? *Pause* *
And there you have it.
Also, the correct sequence (rather, the cheatcode to life) is Left, Left, Right, Up, Down, X, Triangle, R1, R1, R2, R1, Left, Left, R2, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Phoenix, Right, Giant-Black-Female-Buttocks, L2, L2, Left, R1. Press it quickly while spinning around infront of a mirror chanting "Bloody Mary!" and WHAM! You just beat level six.
Then level seven comes. See you in the next thread!
[EDIT:] I yltappe od nto nkow hwo ot splel.
[2Edit ]: Watch my six!
[Dit E3:] Video Games are boring.
[I'm not done yet:] Edit
Doomguy87@Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:24 pm : wtf r u guys talking about...level 6...deathball...ASCII???

qwertz123@Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:22 pm : ur future.
"Also, the correct sequence (rather, the cheatcode to life) is Left, Left, Right, Up, Down, X, Triangle, R1, R1, R2, R1, Left, Left, R2, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Phoenix, Right, Giant-Black-Female-Buttocks, L2, L2, Left, R1. Press it quickly while spinning around infront of a mirror chanting "Bloody Mary!" and WHAM! You just beat level six."
sometimes a simple LOL does more justice than any word...
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:20 pm : wtf is this bullshit!!!?
lowdragon@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:59 pm : uberprivileged zombie witchhunt graveyard shift .... sign
here to join ...
the darksite.
KoRnScythe@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:07 pm : Doomguy87 wrote:
wtf is this bullshit!!!?
Cons-Piracy, Conspiccilarial, Compirates, coopiratation, conspiracy.
But, evaki7 posted with this question as his very, very, very first post. He came here out of the blue - Unaware of these evil depths... to ask a question. Or did he? Maybe it was a spy on the inside trying to mask his identity to find out answers for his faction. Hitmen? No. This is HBO. Full of Turner Classic Pornos.
See? evaki7 has a number in his name.
So does doomguy87! See the spiral?
evaki7, doomguy87.
evaki - doomguy = 666
23!? 2 x 3 = 666 Holy CRAP!
doomguy87 is Satan?
Beware, for on this side of the ship, we collect pocket lint.
lowdragon@Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:40 pm : infact i dont care from whoever`s should people are singing - however (some) people showing just up to gather opinions ... mind you the evil word "troll".