Xezr@Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:04 pm : It is on! I have awaited this moment for all my life!
Blizzard just dropped the bomb!
http://eu.blizzard.com/diablo3/index.xmlComments anyone?
Bittoman@Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:19 pm : I watched the video, it looks pretty interesting. I love the HL2 style physics and destructible world. Other than that it looks like the same old Diablo 1/2.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:48 pm : shouldn't change what people liked about the first two!

rebb@Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:08 pm : Very nice ! Blizzard is certainly putting all those dollar bills to good use !
At this rate, i bet they will announce World of StarCraft at the next WorldWide Invitational

Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:31 am : bought-ed!

The physics look amazing and I like the gameplay changes mentioned so far (less reliance on potions, more skills accessible from the hud, etc.)
ViPr@Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:41 pm : i want to see if someone here can guess what i said about it.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:20 am : I will hasten a guess that ViPr said, "I bet Brian Trepanier (aka Mr. Awesome) will buy a copy the day it is released!"
If he did say this, he is correct. (The same can be said for the Doom and Postal series games.)
I hope no hardware upgrades will be required.

stabinbac@Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:56 am : ViPr wrote:
i want to see if someone here can guess what i said about it.
1 part mild approval
1 part decent criticism
5 parts mind bogglingly retarded criticism
Mix into incoherent rambling and voila!
Irritated me!
Either that or you're agreeing with me that this needs far more goatse.cx references!
6th Venom@Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:23 am : Never finished Diablo 1 & 2, but played a few in lan... it look like i'll play this one more seriously as it roxxx!

KoRnScythe@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:43 pm : Huh-huh! Woah! I need to add constructive criticism to this newfound knowledge that blasted a hole right in my skull! Took some papers and that cute little Hula Doll with it. Gee Willakers, huh? Heh.
Ten some years later, in a dark world, with evil, and heroes. That one world, one place out there with that one person who saw the forthcoming of that one return of that one person. Slash! Pow pow! Bang! Clunk! Take that, dude! H-woh, crap! We're under attack, East zombies inbound! Time to get prehistoric on their [Beep!]es! Darth Vader? Run!
Diablo 3. Heaven will need a bigger gate. And chairs, too.
So, time for the criticism.
See, it's about thi-- SHUT UP! I'm trying to write a post! -- It's about this thing where God, actually known as Blizzard, decided that- Yes! Grab me one, too.
So, time for the other criticism.
Why is it needed? How does one improve upon the already legendary Diablo 2? How does one quickly cook up a story after the seemingly ended story of the said Diablo 2? "Take it to a whole new level in these 3D interactive environments! Slay demons like never before! Also, as a bonus feature, we changed the quickbar and gameplay to allow you to play with only a mouse! Even though the latter was already available in previous titles. We just wanted it to feel sexier. Amazing! Revolutionary!" -Blizzard
Where does God draw the line?
Witch Doctors? I'm sick of them! They're the most boring and uncreative class in any game out there. "Tired of Fire Walls? Tired of killing zombies with Fire Walls? Today, we bring you... Zombie Wall! Press Up, Up, Triangle, R1, R2, L1, L2 to summon a zombie wall at your location to do massive damage to all monsters running into it with our revolutionary A.I.! Monsters charge at you to eat you alive! Maybe even your brains... Or WORSE! Jumping Jehosaphats! I'm leaving this company!" - Former Blizzard Employee
When will the world stop spinning?
Return to Tristram for the second time! (Unless you do Tristram runs in Diablo 2 for massive early level experience!) Make that... New Tristram! Dun-dooble-dee-doo-deh! This time, you get to venture into the cathedral, again. Fully remodeled but based off of the first, too. Even despite the fact that there were no survivors in Tristram or anywhere nearby, unless demons couldn't venture across rivers or climb three foot stone walls and simply teleported to their scripted locations. View the Director's Blog for more information. "As if they wouldn't have learned the first time it fell! Hah-hah!" - Director, AKA Blizzard - HAHAHAHA-HAHA AHAHA! HAHAHA! Oh, what a ham! He cracks me up!
Why the step backwards in environmental design?
"In our fully advanced and revisioned world that's unique and unlike anything you've ever seen or played in before many times in your life, you'll get to see amazing locations and feats of our extraordinary world, such as small rivers, large chasms of endless pit-y-da-foolness with bridges that allow you access over them, ruins, stone feet without the rest of the statue, said stone feet ontop of bridges to imply that some genius designers out there decided to stick a statue ontop of the bridge. Full view from beneath the mini-ski--JESUS GOD!" - Former Blizzard Level Designer
You see, Blizzard is taking a large step backwards, now that I think of it. What made Diablo 2 so special wasn't the lightsabres ("no "pun" definition exists in my head, so I don't know why this is here. I quit my job." -Former par--.. parenth.. I quit my job, too. -Former quote-writer) or the stones of some person. Heh-heh. Hah-hah-hah. HHHAHAHAHA! But, it was the s--.
Let me try that again.
Alright, see, Diablo 3 is all-around unnecessary. At best, it makes die-hard fans violently EXPLODE! Which, in turn, kills them and removes die-hard fans. But, I don't see the point in remaking a storyline that ended peacefully unless it's simply to revive the franchise and give people a piece of more and bring it up to date with the current graphics. That, or Blizzard wants more money. Or the president.
On a less positive note, they hyped up a game that's going to die out very quickly the way Starcraft 2 did. "I bring you... STARCRAFT 2! Next year, Christmas-time or later." - Assassinated Blizzard Announcer - New Quote-Writer. (is how I do this?" - New pa)
dsm@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:32 pm : KoRnScythe wrote:
[insert retarded, braindead fanboy criticism (if you could call such mindless rants 'criticism') here]
Every single of your comments reeks of "stupid". There I said it.
Why is Diablo III needed? I'll give you a few clues, since it's obvious that you're living under a rock, or that you simply don't know how to deploy your small grey cells (aka "using your brain").
1. Diablo II's story was never resolved. LoD ended with a dubious "The barriers that protect the world against otherworldly forces are no more, noes! What will happen to us now!? etc. etc." Obviously, that question needs to be answered. Besides even if the Prime Evils are gone and accounted for, there are still
two Lesser Evils unaccounted for. Some of us would like to see what these guys are like.
2. You may not realize it, but there are actually people out there who like Diablo 1 better than 2, or at least some, who feel that Diablo 2 needed more Diablo 1 in it. Go right ahead and prove your incompetence and unworthiness as a member of society further by deriding these people as "stupid", "emos", "whores", "not-true-fans" or whatever pathetic little Neanderthal insults you can conjure up, but they're out there all the same, and like it or not, they have a say in this matter too, so deal.
Diablo III is no doubt including the best of the two, while getting rid of some of the nuisances of both (shuffling inventory items around because you just got a huge, eight-slot big item that you need to fit in with your other goodies, having to manage a gazillion potions).
3. Revisiting Tristram? Sound interesting, especially if they can do it
right this time and actualy expand on this place and its own little history. I'd love to see a re-imagined, much purtier version of the Tristram dungeons, because Diablo 1 was hugely limited in what it could show us, and Diablo 2's Tristram was somehow much more boring to look at. Oh and did it ever occur to your rotting zombie brain that people might actually have
moved to Tristram since the disaster quitened down?
4. So, you don't like Witch Docs eh? Well that's tough shit my dear li'l baby boy, because there are obviously people out there who do and Blizzard obviously wants to make these people happy, rather than catering to only the narrowminded fanboys like you. At least there's quite a few people out there (judging by various posts on various forums) who actually thinks said Witch Doc is "awesome", "cool" and other such positive adjectives.
5. There are still myriads of subtle ways to make the patented Diablo gameplay cooler. They don't have to reinvent the wheel to do it either. All they need to do to make it 'better' is to improve the combat animations (and they look heaps better than in either of its predecessors as far as I can tell) and make the monster death/pain sounds meatier and more "oomph"-inducing. And ignoring the addition of interactive environment that can be used against the enemies (and not just be destroyed for the sake of breaking barriers) is downright idiotic. Sure, stuff like that is done in other games out there, but I haven't seen it in a Diablo clone yet.
There's probably heaps more, but I'll leave it this. I have better things to do than venting my rage on puny tards with oversized egos (and having to bother innocent bystanders in the process - hey, war is Hell).
I apologize to everyone else about the primitive tone of this post, but I've just dragged myself out of a nasty depression caused by various Neanderthals and I am not in the mood to show mercy towards people with an obvious "oversized ego, can't-be-bothered-with-what-others-think" problem.
KoRnScythe@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:16 pm : Heh-heh! HEHEH! HE-HAH-HAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! HUH! HAHAHAHA HAH HAH!
Oh, and did I tell you that I actually support and am looking forward to Diablo 3 and that you made a fool of yourself by stooping down to the bottom level of the internet ontop of completely missing the point and misusing the term "fanboy"? The ultimate run-on. Rated PG-13, in theaters July 3rd.
See, I can dissect my post for you.
I'm a pretty below average instrument that's above the average line of being an average food item that's below the average digestive system that just so happens to be above average in the toilet, so I'll be kind as to not throw insults your way, aside from indirectly backfiring everything you posted with an atomic bomb strapped to it.
But, seeing as I'm out of time and I'm about to go looney, again, I'll make it short.
See? I'm a midget, now.
wal@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:34 pm : 
Repeat after me. Too much acid makes me think like a stupid person.
KoRnScythe@Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:37 am : If it's any consolation, my dear alien species, I haven't smashed the soul stone of this thread.
I want my Albino-looking Necromancer back in Diablo 3, packed with his dark attitude and very grim mood. Hopefully the almost-World-of-Warcraft inspired scenery/color/theme doesn't kill that, either. He was the typical hero-that-almost-wasn't, and he seemed like the most dramatic. The Druid held this outcast and uninteresting nature that simply didn't feel right, the Assassin seemed more like an Angelina Jolie than a martial artist that she was intended to be, though the Paladin was actually a very good portrayal of a Holy character with a pinch of fanatacism. The sorceress felt like there was nothing there at all, while the Amazon seemed to fit her wild nature just right, and finally, the Barbarian was simply a boring character. Which is what lead to a little disappointment with the first classes presented to us.
(Personal opinion alert! Please don't call the King of Irony in here to call me names.)
There's just something about massive, bulging Hulk muscles and a frenzy of dual-wielding chainsaw massacres flailing uncontrollably in every which direction that doesn't appeal to me. Feels more like a child-like fantasy than an actual living character, which is what worries me more about their concentration on the story versus the gameplay. And you can't convince me that it wasn't the story that made Diablo 1/2 special. As straightforward and simple as they were, they were more interesting than a majority of game stories out there, which often consist of--... Well, come to think of it, the stories for every game are almost the same. Goals/objectives, rather, but it's the way they're presented in the story that counts, and the impact they have on the player/game universe.
But, my looney senses are tingling, so I'll leave the thread to wither and rot or rise back from the dead. Either way, it's going to stink like irony forever.
wal@Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:02 pm : Wow. That was nearly coherent

Xezr@Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:04 pm : It is on! I have awaited this moment for all my life!
Blizzard just dropped the bomb!
http://eu.blizzard.com/diablo3/index.xmlComments anyone?
Bittoman@Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:19 pm : I watched the video, it looks pretty interesting. I love the HL2 style physics and destructible world. Other than that it looks like the same old Diablo 1/2.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:48 pm : shouldn't change what people liked about the first two!

rebb@Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:08 pm : Very nice ! Blizzard is certainly putting all those dollar bills to good use !
At this rate, i bet they will announce World of StarCraft at the next WorldWide Invitational

Mordenkainen@Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:31 am : bought-ed!

The physics look amazing and I like the gameplay changes mentioned so far (less reliance on potions, more skills accessible from the hud, etc.)
ViPr@Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:41 pm : i want to see if someone here can guess what i said about it.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:20 am : I will hasten a guess that ViPr said, "I bet Brian Trepanier (aka Mr. Awesome) will buy a copy the day it is released!"
If he did say this, he is correct. (The same can be said for the Doom and Postal series games.)
I hope no hardware upgrades will be required.

stabinbac@Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:56 am : ViPr wrote:
i want to see if someone here can guess what i said about it.
1 part mild approval
1 part decent criticism
5 parts mind bogglingly retarded criticism
Mix into incoherent rambling and voila!
Irritated me!
Either that or you're agreeing with me that this needs far more goatse.cx references!
6th Venom@Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:23 am : Never finished Diablo 1 & 2, but played a few in lan... it look like i'll play this one more seriously as it roxxx!

KoRnScythe@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:43 pm : Huh-huh! Woah! I need to add constructive criticism to this newfound knowledge that blasted a hole right in my skull! Took some papers and that cute little Hula Doll with it. Gee Willakers, huh? Heh.
Ten some years later, in a dark world, with evil, and heroes. That one world, one place out there with that one person who saw the forthcoming of that one return of that one person. Slash! Pow pow! Bang! Clunk! Take that, dude! H-woh, crap! We're under attack, East zombies inbound! Time to get prehistoric on their [Beep!]es! Darth Vader? Run!
Diablo 3. Heaven will need a bigger gate. And chairs, too.
So, time for the criticism.
See, it's about thi-- SHUT UP! I'm trying to write a post! -- It's about this thing where God, actually known as Blizzard, decided that- Yes! Grab me one, too.
So, time for the other criticism.
Why is it needed? How does one improve upon the already legendary Diablo 2? How does one quickly cook up a story after the seemingly ended story of the said Diablo 2? "Take it to a whole new level in these 3D interactive environments! Slay demons like never before! Also, as a bonus feature, we changed the quickbar and gameplay to allow you to play with only a mouse! Even though the latter was already available in previous titles. We just wanted it to feel sexier. Amazing! Revolutionary!" -Blizzard
Where does God draw the line?
Witch Doctors? I'm sick of them! They're the most boring and uncreative class in any game out there. "Tired of Fire Walls? Tired of killing zombies with Fire Walls? Today, we bring you... Zombie Wall! Press Up, Up, Triangle, R1, R2, L1, L2 to summon a zombie wall at your location to do massive damage to all monsters running into it with our revolutionary A.I.! Monsters charge at you to eat you alive! Maybe even your brains... Or WORSE! Jumping Jehosaphats! I'm leaving this company!" - Former Blizzard Employee
When will the world stop spinning?
Return to Tristram for the second time! (Unless you do Tristram runs in Diablo 2 for massive early level experience!) Make that... New Tristram! Dun-dooble-dee-doo-deh! This time, you get to venture into the cathedral, again. Fully remodeled but based off of the first, too. Even despite the fact that there were no survivors in Tristram or anywhere nearby, unless demons couldn't venture across rivers or climb three foot stone walls and simply teleported to their scripted locations. View the Director's Blog for more information. "As if they wouldn't have learned the first time it fell! Hah-hah!" - Director, AKA Blizzard - HAHAHAHA-HAHA AHAHA! HAHAHA! Oh, what a ham! He cracks me up!
Why the step backwards in environmental design?
"In our fully advanced and revisioned world that's unique and unlike anything you've ever seen or played in before many times in your life, you'll get to see amazing locations and feats of our extraordinary world, such as small rivers, large chasms of endless pit-y-da-foolness with bridges that allow you access over them, ruins, stone feet without the rest of the statue, said stone feet ontop of bridges to imply that some genius designers out there decided to stick a statue ontop of the bridge. Full view from beneath the mini-ski--JESUS GOD!" - Former Blizzard Level Designer
You see, Blizzard is taking a large step backwards, now that I think of it. What made Diablo 2 so special wasn't the lightsabres ("no "pun" definition exists in my head, so I don't know why this is here. I quit my job." -Former par--.. parenth.. I quit my job, too. -Former quote-writer) or the stones of some person. Heh-heh. Hah-hah-hah. HHHAHAHAHA! But, it was the s--.
Let me try that again.
Alright, see, Diablo 3 is all-around unnecessary. At best, it makes die-hard fans violently EXPLODE! Which, in turn, kills them and removes die-hard fans. But, I don't see the point in remaking a storyline that ended peacefully unless it's simply to revive the franchise and give people a piece of more and bring it up to date with the current graphics. That, or Blizzard wants more money. Or the president.
On a less positive note, they hyped up a game that's going to die out very quickly the way Starcraft 2 did. "I bring you... STARCRAFT 2! Next year, Christmas-time or later." - Assassinated Blizzard Announcer - New Quote-Writer. (is how I do this?" - New pa)
dsm@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:32 pm : KoRnScythe wrote:
[insert retarded, braindead fanboy criticism (if you could call such mindless rants 'criticism') here]
Every single of your comments reeks of "stupid". There I said it.
Why is Diablo III needed? I'll give you a few clues, since it's obvious that you're living under a rock, or that you simply don't know how to deploy your small grey cells (aka "using your brain").
1. Diablo II's story was never resolved. LoD ended with a dubious "The barriers that protect the world against otherworldly forces are no more, noes! What will happen to us now!? etc. etc." Obviously, that question needs to be answered. Besides even if the Prime Evils are gone and accounted for, there are still
two Lesser Evils unaccounted for. Some of us would like to see what these guys are like.
2. You may not realize it, but there are actually people out there who like Diablo 1 better than 2, or at least some, who feel that Diablo 2 needed more Diablo 1 in it. Go right ahead and prove your incompetence and unworthiness as a member of society further by deriding these people as "stupid", "emos", "whores", "not-true-fans" or whatever pathetic little Neanderthal insults you can conjure up, but they're out there all the same, and like it or not, they have a say in this matter too, so deal.
Diablo III is no doubt including the best of the two, while getting rid of some of the nuisances of both (shuffling inventory items around because you just got a huge, eight-slot big item that you need to fit in with your other goodies, having to manage a gazillion potions).
3. Revisiting Tristram? Sound interesting, especially if they can do it
right this time and actualy expand on this place and its own little history. I'd love to see a re-imagined, much purtier version of the Tristram dungeons, because Diablo 1 was hugely limited in what it could show us, and Diablo 2's Tristram was somehow much more boring to look at. Oh and did it ever occur to your rotting zombie brain that people might actually have
moved to Tristram since the disaster quitened down?
4. So, you don't like Witch Docs eh? Well that's tough shit my dear li'l baby boy, because there are obviously people out there who do and Blizzard obviously wants to make these people happy, rather than catering to only the narrowminded fanboys like you. At least there's quite a few people out there (judging by various posts on various forums) who actually thinks said Witch Doc is "awesome", "cool" and other such positive adjectives.
5. There are still myriads of subtle ways to make the patented Diablo gameplay cooler. They don't have to reinvent the wheel to do it either. All they need to do to make it 'better' is to improve the combat animations (and they look heaps better than in either of its predecessors as far as I can tell) and make the monster death/pain sounds meatier and more "oomph"-inducing. And ignoring the addition of interactive environment that can be used against the enemies (and not just be destroyed for the sake of breaking barriers) is downright idiotic. Sure, stuff like that is done in other games out there, but I haven't seen it in a Diablo clone yet.
There's probably heaps more, but I'll leave it this. I have better things to do than venting my rage on puny tards with oversized egos (and having to bother innocent bystanders in the process - hey, war is Hell).
I apologize to everyone else about the primitive tone of this post, but I've just dragged myself out of a nasty depression caused by various Neanderthals and I am not in the mood to show mercy towards people with an obvious "oversized ego, can't-be-bothered-with-what-others-think" problem.
KoRnScythe@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:16 pm : Heh-heh! HEHEH! HE-HAH-HAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! HUH! HAHAHAHA HAH HAH!
Oh, and did I tell you that I actually support and am looking forward to Diablo 3 and that you made a fool of yourself by stooping down to the bottom level of the internet ontop of completely missing the point and misusing the term "fanboy"? The ultimate run-on. Rated PG-13, in theaters July 3rd.
See, I can dissect my post for you.
I'm a pretty below average instrument that's above the average line of being an average food item that's below the average digestive system that just so happens to be above average in the toilet, so I'll be kind as to not throw insults your way, aside from indirectly backfiring everything you posted with an atomic bomb strapped to it.
But, seeing as I'm out of time and I'm about to go looney, again, I'll make it short.
See? I'm a midget, now.
wal@Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:34 pm : 
Repeat after me. Too much acid makes me think like a stupid person.
KoRnScythe@Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:37 am : If it's any consolation, my dear alien species, I haven't smashed the soul stone of this thread.
I want my Albino-looking Necromancer back in Diablo 3, packed with his dark attitude and very grim mood. Hopefully the almost-World-of-Warcraft inspired scenery/color/theme doesn't kill that, either. He was the typical hero-that-almost-wasn't, and he seemed like the most dramatic. The Druid held this outcast and uninteresting nature that simply didn't feel right, the Assassin seemed more like an Angelina Jolie than a martial artist that she was intended to be, though the Paladin was actually a very good portrayal of a Holy character with a pinch of fanatacism. The sorceress felt like there was nothing there at all, while the Amazon seemed to fit her wild nature just right, and finally, the Barbarian was simply a boring character. Which is what lead to a little disappointment with the first classes presented to us.
(Personal opinion alert! Please don't call the King of Irony in here to call me names.)
There's just something about massive, bulging Hulk muscles and a frenzy of dual-wielding chainsaw massacres flailing uncontrollably in every which direction that doesn't appeal to me. Feels more like a child-like fantasy than an actual living character, which is what worries me more about their concentration on the story versus the gameplay. And you can't convince me that it wasn't the story that made Diablo 1/2 special. As straightforward and simple as they were, they were more interesting than a majority of game stories out there, which often consist of--... Well, come to think of it, the stories for every game are almost the same. Goals/objectives, rather, but it's the way they're presented in the story that counts, and the impact they have on the player/game universe.
But, my looney senses are tingling, so I'll leave the thread to wither and rot or rise back from the dead. Either way, it's going to stink like irony forever.
wal@Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:02 pm : Wow. That was nearly coherent