ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:16 am : So anyone played/playing it?
Putting aside the plot,story and visual style, the gameplay itself is not to bad, enjoying toying with the weapons and AI so far the AI is near blind and dose not how to use grenades, the weapons are nice the control layout is a bit annoying tho...
still compiling rants and raves will give it a though rewive /zippy article later ... ?id=571074and if you are wondering what a zippy article is, be wary for wut you ask for.... haz been warned

BTW anyone know how to tweak this thing to run better?
I really am starting to hate Ue3 games and the incoherent lines of config commands in the inis....
BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:43 am : It's not for sale here in NL. The couple of stores that I went by told me it was 'such a flop' that they didn't want to risk putting it up on the shelves. I tried it out... 'at a friends place uh huh'.. and it crashed after 2 minutes of game play, so I decided not to buy it from an on-line store.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:09 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
It's not for sale here in NL. The couple of stores that I went by told me it was 'such a flop' that they didn't want to risk putting it up on the shelves. I tried it out... 'at a friends place uh huh'.. and it crashed after 2 minutes of game play, so I decided not to buy it from an on-line store.
I borrowed it from a friend and quickly "removed" the protections on it, its been pretty stable for me with the odd crash now and then Bioshock was much more buggy for me then again it and UT3 are sensitive to DX/driver issues.
I might love some of the weapons designs the AI is a bit wonky tho, the story/plot is beyond stupid,haze is worse but this is about as good as Alpha prime or any other mediocre shooter.
Right now I want to say its a 5 if they put in the ability to carry bodies for removal,a better stealth mechanic than knife/bow = stealth(yes the submachine gun with a silencer is that good,even more accurate than the pistol 0-o),let you carry more than 3 grenades.......
this game is crying to be finished from a gameplay perspective
First off it needs crouch=stealth all but for the most clunkiest weapons
2nd moving bodies would be fcking great
3rdmake the AI just alil more sentive to sight and sound, since stealth mode makes the character hard to "see" half the time.
Quick save/load is broken it resets the scripted enemy events and you sometimes have them popping up out of nowhere.
So I am playing turok with this layout
WASD normal movement
q and e as 3 and 4
jump is space
f is action
r is reload (altho now that I think about it so can middle mouse button)
I have a nice lil 5 button scroll mouse
Attack right mouse R button and ]
Attack left mouse L button and [
Left wheel scroll knife
Right wheel scroll bow
Mouse button 4 mimics [+shift
Mouse button 5 mimics ]+shift
(yes instant alt fire and grenade buttons)
can't change shift(...easily....)...would rather it be space and jump be something else..juming is not as imporant as the weapons/grenade toggle button
Also would rather have the aim mode button combined with action, I really hate it eating up that valuable alt fire on the fly button.
would love a full config for this game aim has tis own key, alt fire has its own key, shift/alt fire mode is changeable....
Bioshock had only a lil bit more polish put on it, the PC port is more broken than the Turok PC port as well.
If they did anything right its the Knife, with so many targets and the way being damaged slows you down it all clicks, the weapons more or less work well but move to the AI things start diminishing past level design is basic akin to quake 4,story and dialog is a snore, I mean 1-4 had better story......
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:10 pm : SO I am hours into this thing and I am somewhat amused, the story and characters might be a loss but the level design is becoming alil above average, AI still has quirks but nothing really bad other than weak/scant grenade use, so far the weapons are balanced to fun altho the pistol are smaller FP model wise than they should be and the thing is 30% less powerful/accurate than it should be...the sub machine gun is more accurate.
I dunno but this is more enjoyable than Cryisis and Bioshock 0-o god I think i going

Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:37 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
I dunno but this is more enjoyable than Cryisis and Bioshock 0-o god I think i going

Nah, no way it can be better than Bioshock. Well, at least, as far as the storyline is concerned.

I dunno, I guess this new Turok doesn't really impress me all that much. The trailers and the gameplay previews are supposed to make you want to buy the game, but that seemed to fail epically for me. It doesn't really seem like anything new, just another shooter. I still prefer the Turok for the N64 if I can ever get my hands on one again.
It definitely looks like more fun than Haze though.

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:41 pm : Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
I dunno but this is more enjoyable than Cryisis and Bioshock 0-o god I think i going

Nah, no way it can be better than Bioshock. Well, at least, as far as the storyline is concerned.

I dunno, I guess this new Turok doesn't really impress me all that much. The trailers and the gameplay previews are supposed to make you want to buy the game, but that seemed to fail epically for me. It doesn't really seem like anything new, just another shooter. I still prefer the Turok for the N64 if I can ever get my hands on one again.
It definitely looks like more fun than Haze though.

To mwe bioshock is a raped for mainstream Systemshock its just crappy and the story is far more fractured I give it a 6 for that and the PC port being broken if it was done better ornot so broken it could easily be a 7 no way in hell it could be a 8 or more.
I am more surprised with Turok than impressed if more detail and polish was put into gameplay,weapons and control then I would have been impressed but as it is managing to stay knee deep in the modern FPS quagmire, BS is waist deep in it I really hate the stuff they did in it but I can see the good designs...bearly... LOL
Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:13 pm : I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:25 pm : Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
Iota@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:22 pm : Does it have a map editor or any modding tools?
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:44 pm : Iota wrote:
Does it have a map editor or any modding tools?
No neither are focused on the PC thus no moding tools because they are cheap bastards, would kill to mod BS and would love to mod Turok...ooooo would love to rebalance the pistol :X.
I would pay for the mod kit 20-30$ if it was offered I understand devs are hurried but theres lil foresight in the industry anymore can't do this wont do that....uhg..... I don't even think money is an issue anymore they just spam out titles for a publisher so they pub can stay in biz dollingout money to the devs to make more crap.....
Darkr0nin@Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:30 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
The biggest problem I had with BioShock was some of the weapons. The most glaring example would be the tommy gun. The recoil makes it practically useless even when burst firing until you upgrade it with recoil reduction. Not to mention the photograph based missions felt a bit too much like a grind. It ran slow, but this is no fault of the game, my computer has some pretty dated hardware. Other than that I quite enjoyed it. Modding it would be amazing.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:36 am : Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
The biggest problem I had with BioShock was some of the weapons. The most glaring example would be the tommy gun. The recoil makes it practically useless even when burst firing until you upgrade it with recoil reduction. Not to mention the photograph based missions felt a bit too much like a grind. It ran slow, but this is no fault of the game, my computer has some pretty dated hardware. Other than that I quite enjoyed it.
I can run it on full *huggles my 400$ 8800GTS*
I found issues with all the weapons, small details(frezze water,invisi walls,how eletricfiying water works qurkily) the death/money setup is stupid and makes the Big dad,rosie,brother battles TO EASY.
The AI is also deaf...that was the last straw.... that just drove me crazy that with the PC issues I had enough of "sewer land"...... even turok AI is brighter...sure it dose not have the heal/splash scripts...but at least it can hear... ><
(switching back and forth from stealth mode to lead along soldiers....hehehehehe)
Darkr0nin@Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:52 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
The biggest problem I had with BioShock was some of the weapons. The most glaring example would be the tommy gun. The recoil makes it practically useless even when burst firing until you upgrade it with recoil reduction. Not to mention the photograph based missions felt a bit too much like a grind. It ran slow, but this is no fault of the game, my computer has some pretty dated hardware. Other than that I quite enjoyed it.
I can run it on full *huggles my 400$ 8800GTS*
I can too, it's just horrifically choppy. ;D My guess is I get about 30FPS on the highest settings.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:12 pm : Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
The biggest problem I had with BioShock was some of the weapons. The most glaring example would be the tommy gun. The recoil makes it practically useless even when burst firing until you upgrade it with recoil reduction. Not to mention the photograph based missions felt a bit too much like a grind. It ran slow, but this is no fault of the game, my computer has some pretty dated hardware. Other than that I quite enjoyed it.
I can run it on full *huggles my 400$ 8800GTS*
I can too, it's just horrifically choppy. ;D My guess is I get about 30FPS on the highest settings.
the only thing thats choppy is the streaming data issue(textures take awhile to load up sometimes).
uhg well it finally happened Turok fell into the boreing weapon/repetitivity of other modern FPS, I got the remaining 4 weapons..uhg it needs 2 or 3 upgraded weapons (bow, pistol, shotgun) to get out of boreing redundancy mode.....the tek arrows make me cry..... Turok EVO is better than this 0-o
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:16 am : So anyone played/playing it?
Putting aside the plot,story and visual style, the gameplay itself is not to bad, enjoying toying with the weapons and AI so far the AI is near blind and dose not how to use grenades, the weapons are nice the control layout is a bit annoying tho...
still compiling rants and raves will give it a though rewive /zippy article later ... ?id=571074and if you are wondering what a zippy article is, be wary for wut you ask for.... haz been warned

BTW anyone know how to tweak this thing to run better?
I really am starting to hate Ue3 games and the incoherent lines of config commands in the inis....
BloodRayne@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:43 am : It's not for sale here in NL. The couple of stores that I went by told me it was 'such a flop' that they didn't want to risk putting it up on the shelves. I tried it out... 'at a friends place uh huh'.. and it crashed after 2 minutes of game play, so I decided not to buy it from an on-line store.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:09 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
It's not for sale here in NL. The couple of stores that I went by told me it was 'such a flop' that they didn't want to risk putting it up on the shelves. I tried it out... 'at a friends place uh huh'.. and it crashed after 2 minutes of game play, so I decided not to buy it from an on-line store.
I borrowed it from a friend and quickly "removed" the protections on it, its been pretty stable for me with the odd crash now and then Bioshock was much more buggy for me then again it and UT3 are sensitive to DX/driver issues.
I might love some of the weapons designs the AI is a bit wonky tho, the story/plot is beyond stupid,haze is worse but this is about as good as Alpha prime or any other mediocre shooter.
Right now I want to say its a 5 if they put in the ability to carry bodies for removal,a better stealth mechanic than knife/bow = stealth(yes the submachine gun with a silencer is that good,even more accurate than the pistol 0-o),let you carry more than 3 grenades.......
this game is crying to be finished from a gameplay perspective
First off it needs crouch=stealth all but for the most clunkiest weapons
2nd moving bodies would be fcking great
3rdmake the AI just alil more sentive to sight and sound, since stealth mode makes the character hard to "see" half the time.
Quick save/load is broken it resets the scripted enemy events and you sometimes have them popping up out of nowhere.
So I am playing turok with this layout
WASD normal movement
q and e as 3 and 4
jump is space
f is action
r is reload (altho now that I think about it so can middle mouse button)
I have a nice lil 5 button scroll mouse
Attack right mouse R button and ]
Attack left mouse L button and [
Left wheel scroll knife
Right wheel scroll bow
Mouse button 4 mimics [+shift
Mouse button 5 mimics ]+shift
(yes instant alt fire and grenade buttons)
can't change shift(...easily....)...would rather it be space and jump be something else..juming is not as imporant as the weapons/grenade toggle button
Also would rather have the aim mode button combined with action, I really hate it eating up that valuable alt fire on the fly button.
would love a full config for this game aim has tis own key, alt fire has its own key, shift/alt fire mode is changeable....
Bioshock had only a lil bit more polish put on it, the PC port is more broken than the Turok PC port as well.
If they did anything right its the Knife, with so many targets and the way being damaged slows you down it all clicks, the weapons more or less work well but move to the AI things start diminishing past level design is basic akin to quake 4,story and dialog is a snore, I mean 1-4 had better story......
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:10 pm : SO I am hours into this thing and I am somewhat amused, the story and characters might be a loss but the level design is becoming alil above average, AI still has quirks but nothing really bad other than weak/scant grenade use, so far the weapons are balanced to fun altho the pistol are smaller FP model wise than they should be and the thing is 30% less powerful/accurate than it should be...the sub machine gun is more accurate.
I dunno but this is more enjoyable than Cryisis and Bioshock 0-o god I think i going

Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:37 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
I dunno but this is more enjoyable than Cryisis and Bioshock 0-o god I think i going

Nah, no way it can be better than Bioshock. Well, at least, as far as the storyline is concerned.

I dunno, I guess this new Turok doesn't really impress me all that much. The trailers and the gameplay previews are supposed to make you want to buy the game, but that seemed to fail epically for me. It doesn't really seem like anything new, just another shooter. I still prefer the Turok for the N64 if I can ever get my hands on one again.
It definitely looks like more fun than Haze though.

ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:41 pm : Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
I dunno but this is more enjoyable than Cryisis and Bioshock 0-o god I think i going

Nah, no way it can be better than Bioshock. Well, at least, as far as the storyline is concerned.

I dunno, I guess this new Turok doesn't really impress me all that much. The trailers and the gameplay previews are supposed to make you want to buy the game, but that seemed to fail epically for me. It doesn't really seem like anything new, just another shooter. I still prefer the Turok for the N64 if I can ever get my hands on one again.
It definitely looks like more fun than Haze though.

To mwe bioshock is a raped for mainstream Systemshock its just crappy and the story is far more fractured I give it a 6 for that and the PC port being broken if it was done better ornot so broken it could easily be a 7 no way in hell it could be a 8 or more.
I am more surprised with Turok than impressed if more detail and polish was put into gameplay,weapons and control then I would have been impressed but as it is managing to stay knee deep in the modern FPS quagmire, BS is waist deep in it I really hate the stuff they did in it but I can see the good designs...bearly... LOL
Darkr0nin@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:13 pm : I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:25 pm : Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
Iota@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:22 pm : Does it have a map editor or any modding tools?
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:44 pm : Iota wrote:
Does it have a map editor or any modding tools?
No neither are focused on the PC thus no moding tools because they are cheap bastards, would kill to mod BS and would love to mod Turok...ooooo would love to rebalance the pistol :X.
I would pay for the mod kit 20-30$ if it was offered I understand devs are hurried but theres lil foresight in the industry anymore can't do this wont do that....uhg..... I don't even think money is an issue anymore they just spam out titles for a publisher so they pub can stay in biz dollingout money to the devs to make more crap.....
Darkr0nin@Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:30 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
The biggest problem I had with BioShock was some of the weapons. The most glaring example would be the tommy gun. The recoil makes it practically useless even when burst firing until you upgrade it with recoil reduction. Not to mention the photograph based missions felt a bit too much like a grind. It ran slow, but this is no fault of the game, my computer has some pretty dated hardware. Other than that I quite enjoyed it. Modding it would be amazing.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:36 am : Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
The biggest problem I had with BioShock was some of the weapons. The most glaring example would be the tommy gun. The recoil makes it practically useless even when burst firing until you upgrade it with recoil reduction. Not to mention the photograph based missions felt a bit too much like a grind. It ran slow, but this is no fault of the game, my computer has some pretty dated hardware. Other than that I quite enjoyed it.
I can run it on full *huggles my 400$ 8800GTS*
I found issues with all the weapons, small details(frezze water,invisi walls,how eletricfiying water works qurkily) the death/money setup is stupid and makes the Big dad,rosie,brother battles TO EASY.
The AI is also deaf...that was the last straw.... that just drove me crazy that with the PC issues I had enough of "sewer land"...... even turok AI is brighter...sure it dose not have the heal/splash scripts...but at least it can hear... ><
(switching back and forth from stealth mode to lead along soldiers....hehehehehe)
Darkr0nin@Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:52 am : ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
The biggest problem I had with BioShock was some of the weapons. The most glaring example would be the tommy gun. The recoil makes it practically useless even when burst firing until you upgrade it with recoil reduction. Not to mention the photograph based missions felt a bit too much like a grind. It ran slow, but this is no fault of the game, my computer has some pretty dated hardware. Other than that I quite enjoyed it.
I can run it on full *huggles my 400$ 8800GTS*
I can too, it's just horrifically choppy. ;D My guess is I get about 30FPS on the highest settings.
ZippyDSMlee@Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:12 pm : Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
ZippyDSMlee wrote:
Darkr0nin wrote:
I also throughly enjoyed SS2, for different reasons. SHODAN is easily the greatest AI villain I've seen so far.
I loved SS2 even if it was HARD
I could not throughly enjoy BS it was just unbalanced and to underdeved... putting off finishing it till they release another patch for the PC version...
The biggest problem I had with BioShock was some of the weapons. The most glaring example would be the tommy gun. The recoil makes it practically useless even when burst firing until you upgrade it with recoil reduction. Not to mention the photograph based missions felt a bit too much like a grind. It ran slow, but this is no fault of the game, my computer has some pretty dated hardware. Other than that I quite enjoyed it.
I can run it on full *huggles my 400$ 8800GTS*
I can too, it's just horrifically choppy. ;D My guess is I get about 30FPS on the highest settings.
the only thing thats choppy is the streaming data issue(textures take awhile to load up sometimes).
uhg well it finally happened Turok fell into the boreing weapon/repetitivity of other modern FPS, I got the remaining 4 weapons..uhg it needs 2 or 3 upgraded weapons (bow, pistol, shotgun) to get out of boreing redundancy mode.....the tek arrows make me cry..... Turok EVO is better than this 0-o