rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:07 am : I have to recommend this to anyone who has a copy of Quake sitting on the shelf collecting dust. It took me a while getting everything setup and installed on the Wii but oh man is it fun.
Granted, the mouse/keyboard combo is superior. It's just a new way to play an old classic. Have a look and see for yourself...
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:22 pm : Holy shit dude. I'm so doing this before my shoutcast tonight!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:27 pm : here's the inof on how I can get this working?

revility@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:30 pm : looks cool and something to do on the wii besides still playing RE4 because there are very few gun games for it that are worth playing. So how do you set up and install it and the homebrew channel?
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:41 pm : You need:
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii version)
- An SD card, at most 2GB in size.
- An SD card reader
- Some homebrew to load
For example, Quake 1 homebrew: text instructions: ... n-wii.htmlThe whole thing works by loading up a hacked savegame for Twilight Princess. This hacked savegame also has the "Homebrew" stuff in it. You load this savegame onto your SD card and run TLP. Once the game is loaded, you perform an action that causes a particular error... the hacked savegame has code in it (a very lengthy name for your horse) that will cause the game to error with a "stack smash." This error being thrown is used to start the Homebrew installation. Once you have Homebrew installed, it'll show up as a channel on your Wii and you can get rid of the hacked savegame.
You'll have to do this again if you want to upgrade Homebrew or your Wii updates with a firmware that breaks Homebrew, but other than that, Homebrew will show up just like any other Wii Channel and can be deleted the normal way, if needed.
Homebrew allows you to run emulators for older nintendo platforms or even execute other code and games... I believe I read something about simple java games working with homebrew now.
Of course, the important thing is the fact that we'll be able to play Quake 1 on the Wii with the WiiMote and all its glory!
That's the basic run-down. If you want more info: are also TONS of videos on youtube that document how to do this stuff. The best part about it is that you don't need to modify your Wii's hardware in any way so the risk to your system is fairly minimal.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:57 pm : so how long until all id games are ported to wii?

revility@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:08 pm : damn, I have the gamecube version of twilight princess

mavrik65@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:35 pm : wii's are great it's just the games are far too happy

. Man hunt was a decent game but it was banned twice for being too gory. I hope that home brew team will do a port of gears of war from pc to wii that would be so sweet!
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:09 pm : GOW on the Wii? That's already been done. hee.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:19 pm : Actually, one of the best games I've played in years that is just hands down fun is Mario Galaxy. The graphics aren't terribly amazing but the gameplay itself is fantastic. I have fun with every single encounter, the pace of the game is fast, the worlds are diverse, and the puzzles are very entertaining. After each "galaxy" I always sit back and notice myself thinking about how much fun it was to play.
Now, I'm a huge fan of ETQW... I think it's the most challenging and teamplay-oriented FPS I've ever played and I have a whole other kind of fun when I'm working with my teammates to attack or defend an objective....
But there's something about the Wii and its games that make the whole thing very cool and very fun. FPS's with the WiiMote are pretty wild, too.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:44 pm : Taking the hacking of the Wii further, check out what these dudes did w/ the Wii balance board...
They programmed it so you could literally "surf" Google Maps. then World of Warcraft..., imagine combining all of these types of things...
FPS shooting with the WiiMote. (already part of the native system)
FPS movement with the Wii's Balance Board. (see above video)
Mutli-touch interactions with either a hacked up IR bar or a homemade LED set (I'm sure someone will release a cheap product that is designed specifically for this soon enough) ( and
Virtual 3D headtracking and VR displays (
Johnny Lee has already managed to do VR headtracking and "shooting" with a 2nd WiiMote.
Add in the balance board and refine it a bit and I'm very excited to see what extremely interactive and immersive titles gamers and developers might put together some time down the road...
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:39 pm : I should point out that the latest version of the homebrew channel checks for updates. And since you are always prompted before a Wii system update, it's possible to hold out a few days until you know the homebrew channel is in the clear. This way you won't have to reinstall the channel if a system update would otherwise break it.
You also can do like I have and rent Twilight Princess ala GameFly or BlockBuster.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:54 pm : True dat. I'm happy to own TLP tho. Zelda rox my sox and slaps muh cox in a box.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:04 pm : Oh my god... Quake on the Wii is amazing! I played for hours before my shoutcast and immediately played some more as soon as I was done (the match lasted 3 freaking hours... amazing TGL championship match, though! If anyone here wants to see Enemy Territory Quake Wars at its finest, be sure to look for the Video On Demand we'll be releasing in a few days).
I also felt like a kid again with Super Mario Bros and Bionic Commando.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:35 pm : damn it! If only my TV wasn't broken!!

Do you need a zelda save that's from your wii or will any save do?
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:30 pm : You download the save file from the Homebrew site to your PC. Just do a search for Homebrew Channel or Twilight Hack and you'll land on a ton of wikis and FAQs.
The basic gist is that you run Zelda normally at least once so the Wii creates a save file. Next, you figure out what version of Zelda you have so you can copy the appropriate hacked save file to your SD card. You then copy the Homebrew Channel files onto your SD card as well.
Toss the SD card into your Wii, erase the normal Zelda save file and replace it with the hacked one from your SD card. Next, launch Zelda and load the hacked save game (U.S. gamers have to choose the hacked save that matches their DVD's serial #... only 2 choices so it's not that hard). After the lengthy Zelda intro, walk Link backwards or talk to the man in front of you to trigger the stack smash error, which then launches the installation of the Homebrew Channel. The Homebrew Channel install took less than 2 minutes on my Wii once the damn Zelda intro was done.
Again, there are tons of youtube videos that demonstrate this stuff step by step as well as thorough documentation and walkthroughs on the wikis posted above.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:07 am : I have to recommend this to anyone who has a copy of Quake sitting on the shelf collecting dust. It took me a while getting everything setup and installed on the Wii but oh man is it fun.
Granted, the mouse/keyboard combo is superior. It's just a new way to play an old classic. Have a look and see for yourself...
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:22 pm : Holy shit dude. I'm so doing this before my shoutcast tonight!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:27 pm : here's the inof on how I can get this working?

revility@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:30 pm : looks cool and something to do on the wii besides still playing RE4 because there are very few gun games for it that are worth playing. So how do you set up and install it and the homebrew channel?
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:41 pm : You need:
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii version)
- An SD card, at most 2GB in size.
- An SD card reader
- Some homebrew to load
For example, Quake 1 homebrew: text instructions: ... n-wii.htmlThe whole thing works by loading up a hacked savegame for Twilight Princess. This hacked savegame also has the "Homebrew" stuff in it. You load this savegame onto your SD card and run TLP. Once the game is loaded, you perform an action that causes a particular error... the hacked savegame has code in it (a very lengthy name for your horse) that will cause the game to error with a "stack smash." This error being thrown is used to start the Homebrew installation. Once you have Homebrew installed, it'll show up as a channel on your Wii and you can get rid of the hacked savegame.
You'll have to do this again if you want to upgrade Homebrew or your Wii updates with a firmware that breaks Homebrew, but other than that, Homebrew will show up just like any other Wii Channel and can be deleted the normal way, if needed.
Homebrew allows you to run emulators for older nintendo platforms or even execute other code and games... I believe I read something about simple java games working with homebrew now.
Of course, the important thing is the fact that we'll be able to play Quake 1 on the Wii with the WiiMote and all its glory!
That's the basic run-down. If you want more info: are also TONS of videos on youtube that document how to do this stuff. The best part about it is that you don't need to modify your Wii's hardware in any way so the risk to your system is fairly minimal.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:57 pm : so how long until all id games are ported to wii?

revility@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:08 pm : damn, I have the gamecube version of twilight princess

mavrik65@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:35 pm : wii's are great it's just the games are far too happy

. Man hunt was a decent game but it was banned twice for being too gory. I hope that home brew team will do a port of gears of war from pc to wii that would be so sweet!
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:09 pm : GOW on the Wii? That's already been done. hee.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:19 pm : Actually, one of the best games I've played in years that is just hands down fun is Mario Galaxy. The graphics aren't terribly amazing but the gameplay itself is fantastic. I have fun with every single encounter, the pace of the game is fast, the worlds are diverse, and the puzzles are very entertaining. After each "galaxy" I always sit back and notice myself thinking about how much fun it was to play.
Now, I'm a huge fan of ETQW... I think it's the most challenging and teamplay-oriented FPS I've ever played and I have a whole other kind of fun when I'm working with my teammates to attack or defend an objective....
But there's something about the Wii and its games that make the whole thing very cool and very fun. FPS's with the WiiMote are pretty wild, too.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:44 pm : Taking the hacking of the Wii further, check out what these dudes did w/ the Wii balance board...
They programmed it so you could literally "surf" Google Maps. then World of Warcraft..., imagine combining all of these types of things...
FPS shooting with the WiiMote. (already part of the native system)
FPS movement with the Wii's Balance Board. (see above video)
Mutli-touch interactions with either a hacked up IR bar or a homemade LED set (I'm sure someone will release a cheap product that is designed specifically for this soon enough) ( and
Virtual 3D headtracking and VR displays (
Johnny Lee has already managed to do VR headtracking and "shooting" with a 2nd WiiMote.
Add in the balance board and refine it a bit and I'm very excited to see what extremely interactive and immersive titles gamers and developers might put together some time down the road...
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:39 pm : I should point out that the latest version of the homebrew channel checks for updates. And since you are always prompted before a Wii system update, it's possible to hold out a few days until you know the homebrew channel is in the clear. This way you won't have to reinstall the channel if a system update would otherwise break it.
You also can do like I have and rent Twilight Princess ala GameFly or BlockBuster.
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:54 pm : True dat. I'm happy to own TLP tho. Zelda rox my sox and slaps muh cox in a box.
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:04 pm : Oh my god... Quake on the Wii is amazing! I played for hours before my shoutcast and immediately played some more as soon as I was done (the match lasted 3 freaking hours... amazing TGL championship match, though! If anyone here wants to see Enemy Territory Quake Wars at its finest, be sure to look for the Video On Demand we'll be releasing in a few days).
I also felt like a kid again with Super Mario Bros and Bionic Commando.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:35 pm : damn it! If only my TV wasn't broken!!

Do you need a zelda save that's from your wii or will any save do?
goliathvt@Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:30 pm : You download the save file from the Homebrew site to your PC. Just do a search for Homebrew Channel or Twilight Hack and you'll land on a ton of wikis and FAQs.
The basic gist is that you run Zelda normally at least once so the Wii creates a save file. Next, you figure out what version of Zelda you have so you can copy the appropriate hacked save file to your SD card. You then copy the Homebrew Channel files onto your SD card as well.
Toss the SD card into your Wii, erase the normal Zelda save file and replace it with the hacked one from your SD card. Next, launch Zelda and load the hacked save game (U.S. gamers have to choose the hacked save that matches their DVD's serial #... only 2 choices so it's not that hard). After the lengthy Zelda intro, walk Link backwards or talk to the man in front of you to trigger the stack smash error, which then launches the installation of the Homebrew Channel. The Homebrew Channel install took less than 2 minutes on my Wii once the damn Zelda intro was done.
Again, there are tons of youtube videos that demonstrate this stuff step by step as well as thorough documentation and walkthroughs on the wikis posted above.