ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:24 am : Hello Doom3 Community, my PC at House 1 had all my large projects that I put together for maybe 2 months could be vanished now from my burned up Hard Drive in the bad spots of the 'disc' inside of it. (I forgot the name) and I haven't had the time to import the projects from PC 1 to PC2 before that happened.
But if I rebuild/recover my work whats the best place to store important projects like Plan A and Plan B and C places?
I got a web server from a hosting company, but I don't want to fill my web server with large rar files that could be damaged at the end when I want them back and unable to recover them.
What do you guys use as a backup for your files?
I think FTP wouldn't be a bad idea for two PCs
BNA!@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:16 am : External hard disks have become dirt cheap even at large storage capacities (500GB). I'd recommend them to backup files.
Krollspell@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:06 am : I use external hard drives at work, and burn DVDs with workspaces, etc once a week.
Hostyle@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:55 am : I backup non mod stuff to DVD's and right now I am thinking of uploading my mods stuff to 4shared and using an USB stick. I have paranoid thoughts about loosing my stuff...
ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:03 pm : Hostyle wrote:
I backup non mod stuff to DVD's and right now I am thinking of uploading my mods stuff to 4shared and using an USB stick. I have paranoid thoughts about loosing my stuff...
Problem with that is that I have a dog and people that don't even know 1 thing about a USB Stick is, and like you I can loose things after a while especially so small...
@BNA! & Krollspell
I mite get it, though I mite have to wait for a bit though for it, idk.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:18 am : I have a 512 and 1 gig jump drive(s) for junk stuff mostly books and reading materials that I save, and I put the big stuff on dvd's or cd's depending which it fits on.
I save everything incase I lose my connection or something along those lines happens, I have DVD's full of modding tutorials and articles and 2 other DVD's full of Doom³ levels and mods, then I got my website, and picture backups, E-books, and WIP levels I might never finish.
It's always a good idea to back your stuff up to something hard that you keep yourself, I had mmhosting in Chicago for a site I built and maintained for a friend about 5 years ago and they supposedly had my site backed up and they lost the site and those supposed backups, everything. Luckily I had it all on a DVD, I just popped it in and FTP'd everything back the way it was in about 15 mins.
ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:24 am : Hello Doom3 Community, my PC at House 1 had all my large projects that I put together for maybe 2 months could be vanished now from my burned up Hard Drive in the bad spots of the 'disc' inside of it. (I forgot the name) and I haven't had the time to import the projects from PC 1 to PC2 before that happened.
But if I rebuild/recover my work whats the best place to store important projects like Plan A and Plan B and C places?
I got a web server from a hosting company, but I don't want to fill my web server with large rar files that could be damaged at the end when I want them back and unable to recover them.
What do you guys use as a backup for your files?
I think FTP wouldn't be a bad idea for two PCs
BNA!@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:16 am : External hard disks have become dirt cheap even at large storage capacities (500GB). I'd recommend them to backup files.
Krollspell@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:06 am : I use external hard drives at work, and burn DVDs with workspaces, etc once a week.
Hostyle@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:55 am : I backup non mod stuff to DVD's and right now I am thinking of uploading my mods stuff to 4shared and using an USB stick. I have paranoid thoughts about loosing my stuff...
ajm113@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:03 pm : Hostyle wrote:
I backup non mod stuff to DVD's and right now I am thinking of uploading my mods stuff to 4shared and using an USB stick. I have paranoid thoughts about loosing my stuff...
Problem with that is that I have a dog and people that don't even know 1 thing about a USB Stick is, and like you I can loose things after a while especially so small...
@BNA! & Krollspell
I mite get it, though I mite have to wait for a bit though for it, idk.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:18 am : I have a 512 and 1 gig jump drive(s) for junk stuff mostly books and reading materials that I save, and I put the big stuff on dvd's or cd's depending which it fits on.
I save everything incase I lose my connection or something along those lines happens, I have DVD's full of modding tutorials and articles and 2 other DVD's full of Doom³ levels and mods, then I got my website, and picture backups, E-books, and WIP levels I might never finish.
It's always a good idea to back your stuff up to something hard that you keep yourself, I had mmhosting in Chicago for a site I built and maintained for a friend about 5 years ago and they supposedly had my site backed up and they lost the site and those supposed backups, everything. Luckily I had it all on a DVD, I just popped it in and FTP'd everything back the way it was in about 15 mins.