Vladimir@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:28 pm : Just wonder is there any fully operational HDR bloom mod for ATi graphic cards?
I was recently get ATi 3870 and yesterday, after I was decided to bring back on my machine Doom 3 again, I was realized that I'm not capable to run not just even one variation of this Brillant Bloom mod with my current graphic card (and I have dozen of them) and many others won't work too (game patched with latest patch 1.3.1).. The strange thing is that even gloss shader won't work correctly and I remember that I was been able to run this shader previously with my old 9800 Radeon.
I'm not sure where is the problem, but I guess that main problem could be in latest drivers or perhaps these shaders and mods are supporting only older graphic cards.
So if anyone have additional info about my problem and related mods which are actually working correct with ATi just let me know!

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:15 pm : Bloom will work fine on an ATI, FMJ mod uses bloom. But I haven't tried any separate bloom-only mods since I had my 9600 (3850 now) so I'm not sure if it's your comp or not.
Vladimir@Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:59 pm : Ah, well then I'll try that FMJ mod...
Perhaps I'll catch where is the problem...?!
TRSGM@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:55 am : Tried DentonMod 2? That has a very decent implementation and I can't think why it wouldn't work on ATi cards. As I recall there were some driver issues with interaction programs, I wonder if this is a similar symptom of the same underlying problem?
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 4:58 am : TRSGM wrote:
Tried DentonMod 2? That has a very decent implementation and I can't think why it wouldn't work on ATi cards. As I recall there were some driver issues with interaction programs, I wonder if this is a similar symptom of the same underlying problem?
I don’t know what you consider by underlying problem, but I can tell you that I am not still capable to run the game decently with the bbmod 1.1 (or any older) applied, the same problems stands with 8.6 driver and with the latest 8.7 catalyst driver, but I believe that you all will be more helpful if you can see how this issue looks like. So here they are…shots from the game!

I have this manifestation, so as you can see here certain elements are doubled and my setting for the 16:10 (1680x1050) is totally fucked up! And there is no sign of bloom effect...

When I disable bloom effect the aspect ratio problem disappears but game still doesn’t run well! As a matter of fact, this looks to me as a kind of a shader problem!

Last shot was taken w/o any modification (I’m not counting additional texture pack since that is not important at all for this problem), so this means that the game runs fine (as we can see that from the picture), except in the case when the bbmod is applied. BTW, I was using the same settings in both cases. (The same autoexec file is applied - catalyst driver 8.7 settled on default, AA & AF application controlled).
I was made a fresh install of windows recently! Previously I had winXP with SP2, now I was installed SP3 and couple of additional direct x and other similar updates, so I’m pretty much sure that my system is fine and because of that I really don’t have any clue where the problem is? (Doom3 patched with the latest 1.3 patch)
So this is it… Hmm… But I'll check that DentonMod 2 as you suggesting....
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:18 pm : Well, I was checked dentons_enhanced_doom3_2.02 mod and with it, bloom effect at least works, however I have still that aspect ratio problem so that camera in the game, well… reminds me pretty much on fish eye effect!

And again same thing happens when I disable bloom effect. After I do that game runs fine…
It seems that problem is in some config file or specific command which simply doesn’t catch Ati graphics, but I’m not sure 100% is it that or something else. I remember that I had some odd manifestation with camera in Stalker too, but I was managed to resolve there problem by applying some old config file, but here that simply doesn’t work….
And yet I must notice that both of these games prefer more NVIDIA graphics, so I don’t know…
Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:34 pm : That is because ATI is pretty shitty at OpenGL.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:45 pm : where's a link to "bbmod 1.1"?
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 2:18 pm : Kristus wrote:
That is because ATI is pretty shitty at OpenGL.
Well thank you friend, but I already know that...

Actually my plan was been to buy NVIDIA 8800 GT but eventually I was both this card just because I found it very cheep, but not because I am Ati lover (because I’m not)!
But when I see all this now, kind a wish I hadn’t do that at all…

Did I mention my problem with certain shell styles for windows? I guess I wasn’t… Well lucky for me that I know to modify that stuff so I was been able to patch up those things… Ahh...
rebb@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:00 pm : Kristus wrote:
That is because ATI is pretty shitty at OpenGL.

*bites into the table*
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:21 pm : as far as I can tell, the issue is either you or the texture pak you're using. Bloom works fine for me, I have an ATI 3850: no issues, AMD quad core: no issues. No issues with widescreen AR or pixels dimensions. Bloom works as expected in FMJ & Brilliant bloom mod. Good framerates @ these settings (I can get slowdown if I set the bloom iterations to 50, but 20 doesn't drop FPS much).
no bloom:


no bloom:

bloom defaults:

bloom higher settings:

post how you're changing the AR/screen dimensions. That's the issue with that, bloom is something else. I have 8.5 drivers, haven't found a need to get a new version yet. You need to set the r_customheight to your screen height, r_customwidth to your screen width, r_aspectratio to to 0, 1 or 2 (1= 4:3, 1 = 16:9, 2 = 16:10, most WS monitors, NOT TV's), r_mode to -1 & then do a vid_restart.
should work just fine then.
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:28 pm : Well, I didn’t check that FMJ mod, but I’ll do that for sure…
I mean, perhaps it’ll work, since I’m heaving two different things in two different mods!
As for your question about part of code which I’m using, well here it is, but I doubt that you’ll find here something unusual…
seta com_allowconsole "1"
seta r_customHeight "1050"
seta r_customWidth "1680"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_aspectRatio "2"
seta g_fov "90"
/// And graphics setting is:
seta r_multiSamples "0"
seta image_downSizeLimit "256"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "256"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64"
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "0"
seta image_cacheMegs "128"
seta image_cacheMinK "16000"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_roundDown "0"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "0"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "8"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
Oh, and btw, I have intel dual core but not AMD chip set, so...
And trust me on this one, additional textures doesn't have anything at all with this problem...
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:17 pm : Well, I was checked FMJ mod a couple of minutes ago and it seems that it works fine... Yeah, finally...

Now I only need to figure why other bloom mods won’t work appropriate…
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:48 pm : Well, I was noticed one thing, however I’m not sure is this a kind of issue or it’s just a manner how this FMJ bloom effect works. So here are the shots…
bloom "on"

bloom "off"

It seems that I have a kind of misplaced bloom effect which isn’t something noticeable in this case except on letters and stuff like that… Beside, the transition between blur texture and regular 3D view is somehow too sharp so I don’t like much how this bloom effect is working…

That which I found on Dentonmod is looking the best, but still I didn’t find any reason why I’m heaving problems with aspect ratio when this mod is switched “on”….
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:12 am : I don't have quotes around anything in my autoexec.cfg file. Shouldn't matter though.
Double check & make sure your changes are being done in game. might not be catching.
Is it safe to assume you uninstalled the old vid drivers/fresh OS install after you popped in the new GPU?
Is this a fresh install of D3? Nothing in the base folder (no maps, etc)?
Vladimir@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:06 pm : I always check is it everything ok from the game (I mean on autoexec commands)... And it is, in my case...
Ah, before I install fresh OS (especially in the cases when I'm switching video cards) I usually format c partition, so it’s clean and it can’t be cleaner than that…

As for that question for Doom 3 installation, well… all my games I usually install on d. I see now that this Doom 3 I didn’t installed after my last OS installation, so I might do that. However I really doubt that this move will change anything, since if I remember correct I was do that twice on my previous windows and I had a same manifestation in a both cases and now also the same, but ok… I’ll do that so that I can eliminate that possibility… Also, when I already need to do that, well I'm thinking to make some tests, first with Doom3 1.0, then with 1.2 and 1.3 patched variation and then I’ll see what will happens…

The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:38 pm : I don't re-install my D3 with new OS installs eigther, in my base I just but some maps. You don't have a folder in your base that could be overriding something?
Vladimir@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:05 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
You don't have a folder in your base that could be overriding something?
First of all, I’d like to thank you for help and persistent assistance. It’s a rare custom these days…

Second, would be the answer to your question. Well, each mod I’m placing in separate folder to avoid that possibility… So it’s hard that something like that can happens, however for some mods I believe that is better to place them in original base folder with other regular Doom3 files… So it can be that solution for this problem is in that method… But as I said, I’ll make fresh installation (didn’t do that yet, since I was busy today) and then if that can’t handle my problem (and I really doubt that it will), I’ll try to place certain pk4 files directly in the base folder with the rest of other regular and see what will happen then…

(personal note: don't know what else I could try)...

Vladimir@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:28 pm : Just wonder is there any fully operational HDR bloom mod for ATi graphic cards?
I was recently get ATi 3870 and yesterday, after I was decided to bring back on my machine Doom 3 again, I was realized that I'm not capable to run not just even one variation of this Brillant Bloom mod with my current graphic card (and I have dozen of them) and many others won't work too (game patched with latest patch 1.3.1).. The strange thing is that even gloss shader won't work correctly and I remember that I was been able to run this shader previously with my old 9800 Radeon.
I'm not sure where is the problem, but I guess that main problem could be in latest drivers or perhaps these shaders and mods are supporting only older graphic cards.
So if anyone have additional info about my problem and related mods which are actually working correct with ATi just let me know!

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:15 pm : Bloom will work fine on an ATI, FMJ mod uses bloom. But I haven't tried any separate bloom-only mods since I had my 9600 (3850 now) so I'm not sure if it's your comp or not.
Vladimir@Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:59 pm : Ah, well then I'll try that FMJ mod...
Perhaps I'll catch where is the problem...?!
TRSGM@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:55 am : Tried DentonMod 2? That has a very decent implementation and I can't think why it wouldn't work on ATi cards. As I recall there were some driver issues with interaction programs, I wonder if this is a similar symptom of the same underlying problem?
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 4:58 am : TRSGM wrote:
Tried DentonMod 2? That has a very decent implementation and I can't think why it wouldn't work on ATi cards. As I recall there were some driver issues with interaction programs, I wonder if this is a similar symptom of the same underlying problem?
I don’t know what you consider by underlying problem, but I can tell you that I am not still capable to run the game decently with the bbmod 1.1 (or any older) applied, the same problems stands with 8.6 driver and with the latest 8.7 catalyst driver, but I believe that you all will be more helpful if you can see how this issue looks like. So here they are…shots from the game!

I have this manifestation, so as you can see here certain elements are doubled and my setting for the 16:10 (1680x1050) is totally fucked up! And there is no sign of bloom effect...

When I disable bloom effect the aspect ratio problem disappears but game still doesn’t run well! As a matter of fact, this looks to me as a kind of a shader problem!

Last shot was taken w/o any modification (I’m not counting additional texture pack since that is not important at all for this problem), so this means that the game runs fine (as we can see that from the picture), except in the case when the bbmod is applied. BTW, I was using the same settings in both cases. (The same autoexec file is applied - catalyst driver 8.7 settled on default, AA & AF application controlled).
I was made a fresh install of windows recently! Previously I had winXP with SP2, now I was installed SP3 and couple of additional direct x and other similar updates, so I’m pretty much sure that my system is fine and because of that I really don’t have any clue where the problem is? (Doom3 patched with the latest 1.3 patch)
So this is it… Hmm… But I'll check that DentonMod 2 as you suggesting....
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:18 pm : Well, I was checked dentons_enhanced_doom3_2.02 mod and with it, bloom effect at least works, however I have still that aspect ratio problem so that camera in the game, well… reminds me pretty much on fish eye effect!

And again same thing happens when I disable bloom effect. After I do that game runs fine…
It seems that problem is in some config file or specific command which simply doesn’t catch Ati graphics, but I’m not sure 100% is it that or something else. I remember that I had some odd manifestation with camera in Stalker too, but I was managed to resolve there problem by applying some old config file, but here that simply doesn’t work….
And yet I must notice that both of these games prefer more NVIDIA graphics, so I don’t know…
Kristus@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:34 pm : That is because ATI is pretty shitty at OpenGL.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:45 pm : where's a link to "bbmod 1.1"?
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 2:18 pm : Kristus wrote:
That is because ATI is pretty shitty at OpenGL.
Well thank you friend, but I already know that...

Actually my plan was been to buy NVIDIA 8800 GT but eventually I was both this card just because I found it very cheep, but not because I am Ati lover (because I’m not)!
But when I see all this now, kind a wish I hadn’t do that at all…

Did I mention my problem with certain shell styles for windows? I guess I wasn’t… Well lucky for me that I know to modify that stuff so I was been able to patch up those things… Ahh...
rebb@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:00 pm : Kristus wrote:
That is because ATI is pretty shitty at OpenGL.

*bites into the table*
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:21 pm : as far as I can tell, the issue is either you or the texture pak you're using. Bloom works fine for me, I have an ATI 3850: no issues, AMD quad core: no issues. No issues with widescreen AR or pixels dimensions. Bloom works as expected in FMJ & Brilliant bloom mod. Good framerates @ these settings (I can get slowdown if I set the bloom iterations to 50, but 20 doesn't drop FPS much).
no bloom:


no bloom:

bloom defaults:

bloom higher settings:

post how you're changing the AR/screen dimensions. That's the issue with that, bloom is something else. I have 8.5 drivers, haven't found a need to get a new version yet. You need to set the r_customheight to your screen height, r_customwidth to your screen width, r_aspectratio to to 0, 1 or 2 (1= 4:3, 1 = 16:9, 2 = 16:10, most WS monitors, NOT TV's), r_mode to -1 & then do a vid_restart.
should work just fine then.
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:28 pm : Well, I didn’t check that FMJ mod, but I’ll do that for sure…
I mean, perhaps it’ll work, since I’m heaving two different things in two different mods!
As for your question about part of code which I’m using, well here it is, but I doubt that you’ll find here something unusual…
seta com_allowconsole "1"
seta r_customHeight "1050"
seta r_customWidth "1680"
seta r_mode "-1"
seta r_aspectRatio "2"
seta g_fov "90"
/// And graphics setting is:
seta r_multiSamples "0"
seta image_downSizeLimit "256"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "256"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64"
seta image_downSizeBump "0"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "0"
seta image_useCache "0"
seta image_cacheMegs "128"
seta image_cacheMinK "16000"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "0"
seta image_useNormalCompression "0"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "0"
seta image_preload "1"
seta image_roundDown "0"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "0"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "8"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
Oh, and btw, I have intel dual core but not AMD chip set, so...
And trust me on this one, additional textures doesn't have anything at all with this problem...
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:17 pm : Well, I was checked FMJ mod a couple of minutes ago and it seems that it works fine... Yeah, finally...

Now I only need to figure why other bloom mods won’t work appropriate…
Vladimir@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:48 pm : Well, I was noticed one thing, however I’m not sure is this a kind of issue or it’s just a manner how this FMJ bloom effect works. So here are the shots…
bloom "on"

bloom "off"

It seems that I have a kind of misplaced bloom effect which isn’t something noticeable in this case except on letters and stuff like that… Beside, the transition between blur texture and regular 3D view is somehow too sharp so I don’t like much how this bloom effect is working…

That which I found on Dentonmod is looking the best, but still I didn’t find any reason why I’m heaving problems with aspect ratio when this mod is switched “on”….
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:12 am : I don't have quotes around anything in my autoexec.cfg file. Shouldn't matter though.
Double check & make sure your changes are being done in game. might not be catching.
Is it safe to assume you uninstalled the old vid drivers/fresh OS install after you popped in the new GPU?
Is this a fresh install of D3? Nothing in the base folder (no maps, etc)?
Vladimir@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:06 pm : I always check is it everything ok from the game (I mean on autoexec commands)... And it is, in my case...
Ah, before I install fresh OS (especially in the cases when I'm switching video cards) I usually format c partition, so it’s clean and it can’t be cleaner than that…

As for that question for Doom 3 installation, well… all my games I usually install on d. I see now that this Doom 3 I didn’t installed after my last OS installation, so I might do that. However I really doubt that this move will change anything, since if I remember correct I was do that twice on my previous windows and I had a same manifestation in a both cases and now also the same, but ok… I’ll do that so that I can eliminate that possibility… Also, when I already need to do that, well I'm thinking to make some tests, first with Doom3 1.0, then with 1.2 and 1.3 patched variation and then I’ll see what will happens…

The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:38 pm : I don't re-install my D3 with new OS installs eigther, in my base I just but some maps. You don't have a folder in your base that could be overriding something?
Vladimir@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:05 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
You don't have a folder in your base that could be overriding something?
First of all, I’d like to thank you for help and persistent assistance. It’s a rare custom these days…

Second, would be the answer to your question. Well, each mod I’m placing in separate folder to avoid that possibility… So it’s hard that something like that can happens, however for some mods I believe that is better to place them in original base folder with other regular Doom3 files… So it can be that solution for this problem is in that method… But as I said, I’ll make fresh installation (didn’t do that yet, since I was busy today) and then if that can’t handle my problem (and I really doubt that it will), I’ll try to place certain pk4 files directly in the base folder with the rest of other regular and see what will happen then…

(personal note: don't know what else I could try)...