6th Venom@Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:28 pm : Hi, i've tried to host a UT3 server using
DynDNS, it's supposed to help me to bypass my netgear router and allow to host games, web sites, etc.
Basicly i just created an acount, installed the DynDNS client updater, and then told my router the Dynamic DNS url (mydomain.dynDNS.org), plus password etc.
I also opened the 80 port on the router as i read on some tutos.
...but friends still can't join my game.
So, does anyone is familiar with things like this?
(...and could help a little please)
iceheart@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:41 am : First off: DynDNS is a service that helps you overcome the problems inherent in having a dynamic IP address, it doesn't automaticaly help people connect to you in any other way (they can still connect to your current external IP, whatever it is, but if it changes, everyone needs to be told, dyndns eliminates that step). As for the ports, a completely unconfirmed google search tells me UT3 uses the ports 7777, 7778, 7787, 6500, 13000, 27900 and the range 49152-65535, so forward them all to the internal ip of the computer running the server and try again.
Port 80 is for http (web) servers, so it's unlikely to be related.
6th Venom@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:25 am : Thanks for reply Iceheart!
I already knew about UT3 ports, and opened these.
The fact is that UT3 is only able to deal with some sort of switches (don't remember the technology name), and eve after opening the right ports on my switch+win firewall, UT3 still tell me to open the ports and/or to make my own ip adress DMZ... what i did for testing purposes... but still cannot be reach by friends...
I read a post about using DynDNS as a possible way to avoid the problem on the epic forum... but no chance with it.
It's not really a big pain in the a*s, because we often play at 4 players on a private host of one of my friends, but it still a shame to not be able to configure a switch properly over the net...
Anyway, thanks for your help!

6th Venom@Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:28 pm : Hi, i've tried to host a UT3 server using
DynDNS, it's supposed to help me to bypass my netgear router and allow to host games, web sites, etc.
Basicly i just created an acount, installed the DynDNS client updater, and then told my router the Dynamic DNS url (mydomain.dynDNS.org), plus password etc.
I also opened the 80 port on the router as i read on some tutos.
...but friends still can't join my game.
So, does anyone is familiar with things like this?
(...and could help a little please)
iceheart@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:41 am : First off: DynDNS is a service that helps you overcome the problems inherent in having a dynamic IP address, it doesn't automaticaly help people connect to you in any other way (they can still connect to your current external IP, whatever it is, but if it changes, everyone needs to be told, dyndns eliminates that step). As for the ports, a completely unconfirmed google search tells me UT3 uses the ports 7777, 7778, 7787, 6500, 13000, 27900 and the range 49152-65535, so forward them all to the internal ip of the computer running the server and try again.
Port 80 is for http (web) servers, so it's unlikely to be related.
6th Venom@Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:25 am : Thanks for reply Iceheart!
I already knew about UT3 ports, and opened these.
The fact is that UT3 is only able to deal with some sort of switches (don't remember the technology name), and eve after opening the right ports on my switch+win firewall, UT3 still tell me to open the ports and/or to make my own ip adress DMZ... what i did for testing purposes... but still cannot be reach by friends...
I read a post about using DynDNS as a possible way to avoid the problem on the epic forum... but no chance with it.
It's not really a big pain in the a*s, because we often play at 4 players on a private host of one of my friends, but it still a shame to not be able to configure a switch properly over the net...
Anyway, thanks for your help!