Gripper666@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:22 pm : hi, ive finally worked out how to import a model into doom3 that has a single texture but my problem is how can i import a single model with multiple textures? everytime i try it only shows up with a single texture in the editor & game, is there anything special i should be doing or does it work on the same principle as the single texture method?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:53 pm : It's possible to use multiple material shaders on a single model. The models that come with the game prove as much.
However, what changes you need to make in order to be successful is dependant on your workflow. What model format are you working with, LWO, ASE, MD5? What's your toolset? What import/export utilites are you using?
Gripper666@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:12 am : well i downloaded some free models that are .3ds format from a free website & i load them into 3ds max 9 & after adding textures & adding a multires & uv map i export them to an .ase file, then i open the exported model in notepad & make afew changes to the texture paths so the doom editor can find them.
this method works fine if i use just 1 texture but if i add more they never show up, im pretty new to using 3d modelling programs so im kinda lost at the moment.
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:25 am : For ASE objects you must keep 1 texture by object (no multimaterials) BUT you can export severals objects into only one model/ASE with the "export selected' command.

gavavva@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:46 am : Erm, no its not impossible... Its pretty damn easy?
Just set up different surfaces is your model file that point to different textures...? I've been doing it for years. I think its something like 16 max surfaces in a model file.
EDIT: Wow, bit early in the morning for me... I could of sworn everybody said it was impossible then lol.
Doomguy87@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:44 am : when u adjust the path name in ur .ASE does the bitmap path have to be "Purgatory\Purgatory\Doom\base\textures\custom\your_file.tga ?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 2:47 am :
*BITMAP "\\base\yourMaterialName"
Doomguy87@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:57 am : ok just base\mymaterialname thanks brian
Doomguy87@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:24 am : by material do u mean my texture or .mtr file and wouldnt the paths be *BITMAP "\\base\materials\mymaterialname?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:19 am : Code:
qer_editorimage textures/anyFolder/whatever_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/anyFolder/whatever_d.tga
will use
*BITMAP "\\base\yourMaterialName"
but if you NAME your material
qer_editorimage textures/anyFolder/whatever_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/anyFolder/whatever_d.tga
then the ASE Bitmap would be
*BITMAP "\\base\materials\yourMaterialName"
is the only part that is an actual PATH and
is just a NAME.
HOWEVER, by calling your material
You will find yourMaterialName in a subfolder called MATERIALS in the editor, as the folder will be automatically created IN THE EDITOR
gavavva@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:34 am : Thats not correct...?
It should point to the surface used by your model, NOT the material. The material is just a file to store all other materials in.
So, if your "material" looks like this:
qer_editorimage models/weapons/pie/pie_hat_d.tga
diffusemap models/weapons/pie/pie_hat_d.tga
Then of course your actual ".md5mesh" file should read like this:
*BITMAP "\\base\models\weapons\pie\pie_hat"
See why this is different? Its because its linking to the SURFACE, not the material file.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:23 pm : Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about, but we're talking about ASE models, not MD5MESH models, and I have over 1500 working examples within my released mods to prove my info is proper and functional.
For an MD5MESh, all that is required is
shader "yourMaterialName"
So, please don't confuse the issue unless you have something accurate to post.
Doomguy87@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:36 pm : its true, his models work but IM having an issue with textures, in any case thanks

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:06 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
I have over 1500 working examples within my released mods to prove my info is proper and functional.
Really?!? And what are those released mods?

gavavva@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:45 pm : Brain Trepaning wrote:
Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about, but we're talking about ASE models, not MD5MESH models, and I have over 1500 working examples within my released mods to prove my info is proper and functional.
For an MD5MESh, all that is required is
shader "yourMaterialName"
So, please don't confuse the issue unless you have something accurate to post.
As do I, and have been working with .ase models professionally for years now.
What you posted, is wrong. There are no two ways about it. Whatever mod you have these thousands (lol) of models for, must really hate you, because you dont know the basics. You are linking the shader in the .ase file to the MATERIAL, which is wrong. You should be point to a specific TEXTURE, which the material itself will handle.
Take another look at your post. You tell him this:
*BITMAP "\\base\materials\yourMaterialName"
Which is clearly WRONG for what should be in the .ase file. Thats telling him to point to his .mtr file and NOT to his surface.
So please, dont try and school me on the basics kid, I've been working far too long with them. Re-read our post, and see where you made the mistake.
EDIT: Remember, hes trying to get this working ingame, with no textures showing up. No textures show up because the .ase file is pointing to a material, not a surface. If we were to take this ingame, its the wrong way to go about things because it will never render correctly and will fill the console with errors.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:58 pm : Seriously, dude, show us your portfolio or shut up.
As for mine, download them from my site and tell me I am wrong and my stuff doesn't work. I never said to point to the WHATEVER.MTR, I said to point to the name of his MATERIAL. What you said was
"The material is just a file to store all other materials in."
What is that supposed to mean? Then you went on the mention MD5MESH and that had nothing to do with what was being discussed. Kid.
@ 6th Venom: By example, Bubba Lego-Tep has over 1470 ASE models, so add the contents of the other mods to it, and it's actually quite a bit more than 1500, and they all work as I described with no errors in consoles.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:59 pm : gavavva wrote:
EDIT: Remember, hes trying to get this working ingame, with no textures showing up. No textures show up because the .ase file is pointing to a material, not a surface. If we were to take this ingame, its the wrong way to go about things because it will never render correctly and will fill the console with errors.
In terms of doom3 you are totally, and absolutely, 100%
WRONG. And don't diss BrainTrepaning because he's proven himself over and over to the community, giving us countless of tutorials and mods, what he posted is correct.
There are no 'surfaces' in Doom3, only material decls, popularly named 'materials' that define which texture files to use. I suggest you head on over to and educate yourself, before shaming yourself further with your arrogant tone. I don't mind if people make mistakes, we make them to learn from them, but your arrogance is staggering considering the fact that you are plain wrong.
gavavva@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:20 pm : The point I'm trying to make is you are telling him that BITMAP in his .ase file needs to point to a .mtr file. Go back and re-read the post. That should point to an actual surface CONTAINED inside the .mtr file, otherwise it wont know what surface to look for.
I've uploaded an example model, below. Notice that it points to the surface:
*BITMAP "//base/models/proj/nail.tga"
This means that, regardless of the name of the material file (which can be called anything), it will search inside all available material .mtr files for this surface. Which would look like this:
qer_editorimage base/models/proj/nail_d.tga
bumpMap base/models/proj/nail_local.tga
diffuseMap base/models/proj/nail_d.tga
specularMap base/models/proj/nail_s.tga
Download the model, and tell me I'm wrong? Because if I am wrong, then I honestly dont see how its worked in the few retail games I've shipped.
gavavva@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:26 pm : I'm not the type of guy who cant admit when hes wrong, but to be quite honest it appears just because this guy posted a few tutorials you take his word as gods, but wont listen to the guy wit ha few posts. Fair enough. But lose the attitude gents, its not called for, not here. The end result from all of us is the same, and that is to help this chap, yeah?
So whatever way we get there, and whoever is wrong, doesnt matter. If I am wrong, then thats perfectly fine, I'm wrong. I'm not a wimp, and I can take a beating on an online forum

But come on gents, dont turn this into a slanging match just because I'm not somebody else, eh?

BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:41 pm : gavavva wrote:
The point I'm trying to make is you are telling him that BITMAP in his .ase file needs to point to a .mtr file. Go back and re-read the post. That should point to an actual surface CONTAINED inside the .mtr file, otherwise it wont know what surface to look for.
I've uploaded an example model, below. Notice that it points to the surface:
*BITMAP "//base/models/proj/nail.tga"
This works, because it's a hack that works inside doom, but it's wrong. You need to specify the material declaration, like this:
*BITMAP "//base/materials/myybox"
No additions.
This means that, regardless of the name of the material file (which can be called anything), it will search inside all available material .mtr files for this surface. Which would look like this:
qer_editorimage base/models/proj/nail_d.tga
bumpMap base/models/proj/nail_local.tga
diffuseMap base/models/proj/nail_d.tga
specularMap base/models/proj/nail_s.tga
This is also wrong. It does not search inside all available materials, in fact it ignores anything after the material decl, so you can point to mybox or mybox.tga but it still points to the mybox decl. Or in your case, if you simply point to nail it will also work.
Static Models
Getting a static model (like a trash can or a shrubery) in to the game is really easy. Doom 3 reads lwo (lightwave) and ase (3dsmax) files natively so you simply save out the model in one of those two formats and you can use it in the game.
The material that is used in game is the diffuse texture specified in the model.
The relative material name is determined by searching for "base" in the texture path. For example, if the texture specified in the .ase is "C:\Doom\base\textures\base_trim\red1.tga" Then it would use the material named "textures\base_trim\red1"
If you are running a custom mod, then it will look for the mod name if it can't find "base" so "C:\Doom\jailbreak\textures\base_trim\red1.tga" would also work in the jailbreak mod.
The path cannot have spaces in it. Doom 3 should be installed in "C:\Doom\" or some other place without spaces. If Doom 3 is in the default location of "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\" it will not work because of the space in "Program Files" and the space in "Doom 3"
Generally speaking, as long as you keep all your assets in the final directory that it will be in, then you should just be able to use it in game without having to touch anything. Problems tend to arise if you edit your assets in one directory, then move them in to the base directory or your mod directory after you export.
If you are working on a new chair, you should work on it in
rather than working on it in
C:\My Stuff\Models\Cool Models\Stuff For My Mod\Chair
then moving to the proper directory after it's been exported.
Spaces in file names are bad.
For more information on exporting from 3dstudio max, click here
gavavva wrote:
I'm not the type of guy who cant admit when hes wrong, but to be quite honest it appears just because this guy posted a few tutorials you take his word as gods, but wont listen to the guy wit ha few posts...
But come on gents, dont turn this into a slanging match just because I'm not somebody else, eh?

I'm sorry but these two statements just don't match, you just blatently dismissed my initial reply because you assume that I'm taking Brain Trepaning's word on it. I have years of experience here on this board and with my own mods and base my knowledge on my experiences alone.
I don't know if you see it or not, but the only one making this a slanging match is you, and people (including myself) get riled up because that doesn't help the TS at all; plus the fact that your wild assumptions are belittling.
For the record, BT never said anywhere in this forum to point to a material file, he's always been very specific in explaining to point towards the material decl itself. The rule of thumb is very simple: never, ever, use the 4 letter combination '.tga' in any .ase file.
6th Venom@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:18 pm : Things are simple really, don't need to flame over no more!
Bitmap's line in ASE usually reference to images, cause it's defined in a Material's definition... but, it's a 3d program's Material's definition.
Doom3's way to "read" the ASE, and its Doom3 material reference are not the same as 3d programs.
That's basicly why you can't define specular or bumpmap in an ASE for Doom3, and you got to reference to the right Doom3 material definition that define specularmap, bumpmap, etc.
So yeah, you're right too. But we're not talking about a general way to handle/read/write a common ASE, we're talking about a Doom3 ASE.

Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:08 pm : ok that is it!!!

idk wtf i did wrong but i followed brian's tut exactly so here are my file, wtf did i do wrong.
texture names: armchair_d.tga
.mtr file:
qer_editorimage textures/chair/armchair_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/chair/armchair_d.tga
and ASE BITMAP path: *BITMAP "\\Purgatory\Purgatory\Doom\base\textures\chair\armchair.tga"
plz help me

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:51 am : Code:
qer_editorimage textures/chair/armchair_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/chair/armchair_d.tga
ASE BITMAP path: *BITMAP "\\base\textures\chair\armchair"
Notice the SLASHES face different ways.
BITMAP "\\base\textures\chair\armchair
Not always a problem, but sometimes it is, like when the SLASH is actually used as a letter in a material name.
Anyway, if you're following my tutorial exactly, then name the stuff exactly as I did and it will work.
If it does not work, then you did not follow the tutorial exactly.
By the way, I do not care if I am right or wrong, I only care that my information is correct.
BloodRayne@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:56 am : Doomguy87 wrote:
ok that is it!!!

idk wtf i did wrong but i followed brian's tut exactly so here are my file, wtf did i do wrong.
texture names: armchair_d.tga
.mtr file:
qer_editorimage textures/chair/armchair_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/chair/armchair_d.tga
and ASE BITMAP path: *BITMAP "\\Purgatory\Purgatory\Doom\base\textures\chair\armchair.tga"
plz help me

Your ASE bitmap path should read:
*BITMAP "\\base\textures/chair/armchair"
*BITMAP "\\base\textures\chair\armchair"
Both will work fine.
Doomguy87@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:58 pm : also y is *BITMAP path suddenly "\\
btw nothing worked
EDIT:ok i did everything exactly with the taurus knot and everything and the fucking thing absolutley refuses to apply a texture, W T F

also i cant rename it to .pk4 with winzip becuz when i save it it shows up as pak666 and not

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:40 pm : You're way greener with computers than I originally thought.
Your computer is set to "retard-proof", or as the politically correct like to say, "French-Canadian Proof".
You have to set your computer's preferences to show file extensions.
I suggest downloading my mini-mod "Bob Sapp UFC Battle" and extracting it to its own folder and see how it's laid out. I made it specifically to be a drag-and-drop template for single-player Doom 3 mods.
Good luck and have fun. For me, getting pissed off and finally getting stuff to work was what kept me going, but I can understand how it would also drive others away.
As a second suggestion, post a link to your tutorial file ZIP that does not work so someone can download it and take a look.
Doomguy87@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:45 pm :
LDAsh@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:40 am : Maybe it's time for Doomguy87 to upload his stuff, to let people have a good hard look directly at what isn't working and why. There could be a number of issues getting in the way of the texture that aren't even related to ASE files, so make sure everything needed is uploaded.
Doomguy87@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:43 am : ya its textured but now i cant see the pattern of the texture, its just this colour (which is the colour of the texture but now theres no design)
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:08 am :
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:16 pm : 
I am French-Canadian.

Gripper666@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:22 pm : hi, ive finally worked out how to import a model into doom3 that has a single texture but my problem is how can i import a single model with multiple textures? everytime i try it only shows up with a single texture in the editor & game, is there anything special i should be doing or does it work on the same principle as the single texture method?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:53 pm : It's possible to use multiple material shaders on a single model. The models that come with the game prove as much.
However, what changes you need to make in order to be successful is dependant on your workflow. What model format are you working with, LWO, ASE, MD5? What's your toolset? What import/export utilites are you using?
Gripper666@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:12 am : well i downloaded some free models that are .3ds format from a free website & i load them into 3ds max 9 & after adding textures & adding a multires & uv map i export them to an .ase file, then i open the exported model in notepad & make afew changes to the texture paths so the doom editor can find them.
this method works fine if i use just 1 texture but if i add more they never show up, im pretty new to using 3d modelling programs so im kinda lost at the moment.
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:25 am : For ASE objects you must keep 1 texture by object (no multimaterials) BUT you can export severals objects into only one model/ASE with the "export selected' command.

gavavva@Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:46 am : Erm, no its not impossible... Its pretty damn easy?
Just set up different surfaces is your model file that point to different textures...? I've been doing it for years. I think its something like 16 max surfaces in a model file.
EDIT: Wow, bit early in the morning for me... I could of sworn everybody said it was impossible then lol.
Doomguy87@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:44 am : when u adjust the path name in ur .ASE does the bitmap path have to be "Purgatory\Purgatory\Doom\base\textures\custom\your_file.tga ?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 2:47 am :
*BITMAP "\\base\yourMaterialName"
Doomguy87@Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:57 am : ok just base\mymaterialname thanks brian
Doomguy87@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:24 am : by material do u mean my texture or .mtr file and wouldnt the paths be *BITMAP "\\base\materials\mymaterialname?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:19 am : Code:
qer_editorimage textures/anyFolder/whatever_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/anyFolder/whatever_d.tga
will use
*BITMAP "\\base\yourMaterialName"
but if you NAME your material
qer_editorimage textures/anyFolder/whatever_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/anyFolder/whatever_d.tga
then the ASE Bitmap would be
*BITMAP "\\base\materials\yourMaterialName"
is the only part that is an actual PATH and
is just a NAME.
HOWEVER, by calling your material
You will find yourMaterialName in a subfolder called MATERIALS in the editor, as the folder will be automatically created IN THE EDITOR
gavavva@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:34 am : Thats not correct...?
It should point to the surface used by your model, NOT the material. The material is just a file to store all other materials in.
So, if your "material" looks like this:
qer_editorimage models/weapons/pie/pie_hat_d.tga
diffusemap models/weapons/pie/pie_hat_d.tga
Then of course your actual ".md5mesh" file should read like this:
*BITMAP "\\base\models\weapons\pie\pie_hat"
See why this is different? Its because its linking to the SURFACE, not the material file.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:23 pm : Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about, but we're talking about ASE models, not MD5MESH models, and I have over 1500 working examples within my released mods to prove my info is proper and functional.
For an MD5MESh, all that is required is
shader "yourMaterialName"
So, please don't confuse the issue unless you have something accurate to post.
Doomguy87@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:36 pm : its true, his models work but IM having an issue with textures, in any case thanks

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:06 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
I have over 1500 working examples within my released mods to prove my info is proper and functional.
Really?!? And what are those released mods?

gavavva@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:45 pm : Brain Trepaning wrote:
Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about, but we're talking about ASE models, not MD5MESH models, and I have over 1500 working examples within my released mods to prove my info is proper and functional.
For an MD5MESh, all that is required is
shader "yourMaterialName"
So, please don't confuse the issue unless you have something accurate to post.
As do I, and have been working with .ase models professionally for years now.
What you posted, is wrong. There are no two ways about it. Whatever mod you have these thousands (lol) of models for, must really hate you, because you dont know the basics. You are linking the shader in the .ase file to the MATERIAL, which is wrong. You should be point to a specific TEXTURE, which the material itself will handle.
Take another look at your post. You tell him this:
*BITMAP "\\base\materials\yourMaterialName"
Which is clearly WRONG for what should be in the .ase file. Thats telling him to point to his .mtr file and NOT to his surface.
So please, dont try and school me on the basics kid, I've been working far too long with them. Re-read our post, and see where you made the mistake.
EDIT: Remember, hes trying to get this working ingame, with no textures showing up. No textures show up because the .ase file is pointing to a material, not a surface. If we were to take this ingame, its the wrong way to go about things because it will never render correctly and will fill the console with errors.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:58 pm : Seriously, dude, show us your portfolio or shut up.
As for mine, download them from my site and tell me I am wrong and my stuff doesn't work. I never said to point to the WHATEVER.MTR, I said to point to the name of his MATERIAL. What you said was
"The material is just a file to store all other materials in."
What is that supposed to mean? Then you went on the mention MD5MESH and that had nothing to do with what was being discussed. Kid.
@ 6th Venom: By example, Bubba Lego-Tep has over 1470 ASE models, so add the contents of the other mods to it, and it's actually quite a bit more than 1500, and they all work as I described with no errors in consoles.
BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:59 pm : gavavva wrote:
EDIT: Remember, hes trying to get this working ingame, with no textures showing up. No textures show up because the .ase file is pointing to a material, not a surface. If we were to take this ingame, its the wrong way to go about things because it will never render correctly and will fill the console with errors.
In terms of doom3 you are totally, and absolutely, 100%
WRONG. And don't diss BrainTrepaning because he's proven himself over and over to the community, giving us countless of tutorials and mods, what he posted is correct.
There are no 'surfaces' in Doom3, only material decls, popularly named 'materials' that define which texture files to use. I suggest you head on over to and educate yourself, before shaming yourself further with your arrogant tone. I don't mind if people make mistakes, we make them to learn from them, but your arrogance is staggering considering the fact that you are plain wrong.
gavavva@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:20 pm : The point I'm trying to make is you are telling him that BITMAP in his .ase file needs to point to a .mtr file. Go back and re-read the post. That should point to an actual surface CONTAINED inside the .mtr file, otherwise it wont know what surface to look for.
I've uploaded an example model, below. Notice that it points to the surface:
*BITMAP "//base/models/proj/nail.tga"
This means that, regardless of the name of the material file (which can be called anything), it will search inside all available material .mtr files for this surface. Which would look like this:
qer_editorimage base/models/proj/nail_d.tga
bumpMap base/models/proj/nail_local.tga
diffuseMap base/models/proj/nail_d.tga
specularMap base/models/proj/nail_s.tga
Download the model, and tell me I'm wrong? Because if I am wrong, then I honestly dont see how its worked in the few retail games I've shipped.
gavavva@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:26 pm : I'm not the type of guy who cant admit when hes wrong, but to be quite honest it appears just because this guy posted a few tutorials you take his word as gods, but wont listen to the guy wit ha few posts. Fair enough. But lose the attitude gents, its not called for, not here. The end result from all of us is the same, and that is to help this chap, yeah?
So whatever way we get there, and whoever is wrong, doesnt matter. If I am wrong, then thats perfectly fine, I'm wrong. I'm not a wimp, and I can take a beating on an online forum

But come on gents, dont turn this into a slanging match just because I'm not somebody else, eh?

BloodRayne@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:41 pm : gavavva wrote:
The point I'm trying to make is you are telling him that BITMAP in his .ase file needs to point to a .mtr file. Go back and re-read the post. That should point to an actual surface CONTAINED inside the .mtr file, otherwise it wont know what surface to look for.
I've uploaded an example model, below. Notice that it points to the surface:
*BITMAP "//base/models/proj/nail.tga"
This works, because it's a hack that works inside doom, but it's wrong. You need to specify the material declaration, like this:
*BITMAP "//base/materials/myybox"
No additions.
This means that, regardless of the name of the material file (which can be called anything), it will search inside all available material .mtr files for this surface. Which would look like this:
qer_editorimage base/models/proj/nail_d.tga
bumpMap base/models/proj/nail_local.tga
diffuseMap base/models/proj/nail_d.tga
specularMap base/models/proj/nail_s.tga
This is also wrong. It does not search inside all available materials, in fact it ignores anything after the material decl, so you can point to mybox or mybox.tga but it still points to the mybox decl. Or in your case, if you simply point to nail it will also work.
Static Models
Getting a static model (like a trash can or a shrubery) in to the game is really easy. Doom 3 reads lwo (lightwave) and ase (3dsmax) files natively so you simply save out the model in one of those two formats and you can use it in the game.
The material that is used in game is the diffuse texture specified in the model.
The relative material name is determined by searching for "base" in the texture path. For example, if the texture specified in the .ase is "C:\Doom\base\textures\base_trim\red1.tga" Then it would use the material named "textures\base_trim\red1"
If you are running a custom mod, then it will look for the mod name if it can't find "base" so "C:\Doom\jailbreak\textures\base_trim\red1.tga" would also work in the jailbreak mod.
The path cannot have spaces in it. Doom 3 should be installed in "C:\Doom\" or some other place without spaces. If Doom 3 is in the default location of "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\" it will not work because of the space in "Program Files" and the space in "Doom 3"
Generally speaking, as long as you keep all your assets in the final directory that it will be in, then you should just be able to use it in game without having to touch anything. Problems tend to arise if you edit your assets in one directory, then move them in to the base directory or your mod directory after you export.
If you are working on a new chair, you should work on it in
rather than working on it in
C:\My Stuff\Models\Cool Models\Stuff For My Mod\Chair
then moving to the proper directory after it's been exported.
Spaces in file names are bad.
For more information on exporting from 3dstudio max, click here
gavavva wrote:
I'm not the type of guy who cant admit when hes wrong, but to be quite honest it appears just because this guy posted a few tutorials you take his word as gods, but wont listen to the guy wit ha few posts...
But come on gents, dont turn this into a slanging match just because I'm not somebody else, eh?

I'm sorry but these two statements just don't match, you just blatently dismissed my initial reply because you assume that I'm taking Brain Trepaning's word on it. I have years of experience here on this board and with my own mods and base my knowledge on my experiences alone.
I don't know if you see it or not, but the only one making this a slanging match is you, and people (including myself) get riled up because that doesn't help the TS at all; plus the fact that your wild assumptions are belittling.
For the record, BT never said anywhere in this forum to point to a material file, he's always been very specific in explaining to point towards the material decl itself. The rule of thumb is very simple: never, ever, use the 4 letter combination '.tga' in any .ase file.
6th Venom@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:18 pm : Things are simple really, don't need to flame over no more!
Bitmap's line in ASE usually reference to images, cause it's defined in a Material's definition... but, it's a 3d program's Material's definition.
Doom3's way to "read" the ASE, and its Doom3 material reference are not the same as 3d programs.
That's basicly why you can't define specular or bumpmap in an ASE for Doom3, and you got to reference to the right Doom3 material definition that define specularmap, bumpmap, etc.
So yeah, you're right too. But we're not talking about a general way to handle/read/write a common ASE, we're talking about a Doom3 ASE.

Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:08 pm : ok that is it!!!

idk wtf i did wrong but i followed brian's tut exactly so here are my file, wtf did i do wrong.
texture names: armchair_d.tga
.mtr file:
qer_editorimage textures/chair/armchair_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/chair/armchair_d.tga
and ASE BITMAP path: *BITMAP "\\Purgatory\Purgatory\Doom\base\textures\chair\armchair.tga"
plz help me

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:51 am : Code:
qer_editorimage textures/chair/armchair_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/chair/armchair_d.tga
ASE BITMAP path: *BITMAP "\\base\textures\chair\armchair"
Notice the SLASHES face different ways.
BITMAP "\\base\textures\chair\armchair
Not always a problem, but sometimes it is, like when the SLASH is actually used as a letter in a material name.
Anyway, if you're following my tutorial exactly, then name the stuff exactly as I did and it will work.
If it does not work, then you did not follow the tutorial exactly.
By the way, I do not care if I am right or wrong, I only care that my information is correct.
BloodRayne@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:56 am : Doomguy87 wrote:
ok that is it!!!

idk wtf i did wrong but i followed brian's tut exactly so here are my file, wtf did i do wrong.
texture names: armchair_d.tga
.mtr file:
qer_editorimage textures/chair/armchair_ed.tga
diffusemap textures/chair/armchair_d.tga
and ASE BITMAP path: *BITMAP "\\Purgatory\Purgatory\Doom\base\textures\chair\armchair.tga"
plz help me

Your ASE bitmap path should read:
*BITMAP "\\base\textures/chair/armchair"
*BITMAP "\\base\textures\chair\armchair"
Both will work fine.
Doomguy87@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:58 pm : also y is *BITMAP path suddenly "\\
btw nothing worked
EDIT:ok i did everything exactly with the taurus knot and everything and the fucking thing absolutley refuses to apply a texture, W T F

also i cant rename it to .pk4 with winzip becuz when i save it it shows up as pak666 and not

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:40 pm : You're way greener with computers than I originally thought.
Your computer is set to "retard-proof", or as the politically correct like to say, "French-Canadian Proof".
You have to set your computer's preferences to show file extensions.
I suggest downloading my mini-mod "Bob Sapp UFC Battle" and extracting it to its own folder and see how it's laid out. I made it specifically to be a drag-and-drop template for single-player Doom 3 mods.
Good luck and have fun. For me, getting pissed off and finally getting stuff to work was what kept me going, but I can understand how it would also drive others away.
As a second suggestion, post a link to your tutorial file ZIP that does not work so someone can download it and take a look.
Doomguy87@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:45 pm :
LDAsh@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:40 am : Maybe it's time for Doomguy87 to upload his stuff, to let people have a good hard look directly at what isn't working and why. There could be a number of issues getting in the way of the texture that aren't even related to ASE files, so make sure everything needed is uploaded.
Doomguy87@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:43 am : ya its textured but now i cant see the pattern of the texture, its just this colour (which is the colour of the texture but now theres no design)
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:08 am :
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:16 pm : 
I am French-Canadian.