lowdragon@Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:22 pm : 
Iam just up to preparing my portfolio of 2008 - pretty much "Work in progress". Human Anatomie`s next in line ->
best book ever.

link :
mavrik65@Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:28 pm : looks nice, if that 3ds max your'e using then thats a damn good moddeling program, how long have you been moddeling for?
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:02 am : Nice looking models, I like that material you are using it looks like they are made of wax. I was checking out your site that's a sweet looking flamethrower. They all look really good.
lowdragon@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:19 pm : @mavrik65 - i got zbrush2 in 2005 but building UV/texturemaps since i got silo1.4 and zbrush3.
Iam using zBrush3.1 and silo2 - i still got gmax (3d studio r4.x) installed but which i mainly use for rigging/animating on the final, lowpoly models. Thanks to some open-minded people on polycount (cranking out hints/tutorials) i can build lowpoly "cage" models which are "optimised" for animation but thats more the work for the next dude in production line these days.
@CrimsonHead - i often use perl white or skeleton materials within zbrush, for me it feels more "complete/shaded". The flamethrower was quit annoying to build and even if i dont like to build weapons i will do some more, non_organic forms.
thanks for cheering me up

lowdragon@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:30 pm : Iam currently building the lowpoly cage for my incarnation of a "spectre" monster. Using other workflows atm to figure out if/how i can build "level of detail" models - like in quake3arena. I road something about d3 "need" the localmap projected onto the lowpoly cage - in other words, the same localmap will not "work" on other lowpoly cages. Can someone please verify that - i would need to create every localmap for its own cage in that case ?!
184KB - jpeg (didnt downscaled for detail) :
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:57 pm : Right. If you change the geometry for the low poly model you'll need to bake a new normal map.
lowdragon@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:35 am : allright

- xNormal can do. It got build-in tools to convert "object-space" normalmaps to "tangent-space" using a defined lowpoly model.
Also, it can project highpoly material texture onto the lowpoly material - converting the uv coords from zBrush`s autoUv to my uv`s in the lowpolymodel (jippy:) .
lowdragon@Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:05 pm : I made a quick setup within zbrush using some highres chains on my model - if some animator can help me with suggestions, please.
I need to figure out a optimal way (including animation techniques) for lowpoly chains w/o using decals ( like the ticks legs).

tia, low
lowdragon@Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:22 pm : 
Iam just up to preparing my portfolio of 2008 - pretty much "Work in progress". Human Anatomie`s next in line ->
best book ever.

link :
mavrik65@Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:28 pm : looks nice, if that 3ds max your'e using then thats a damn good moddeling program, how long have you been moddeling for?
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:02 am : Nice looking models, I like that material you are using it looks like they are made of wax. I was checking out your site that's a sweet looking flamethrower. They all look really good.
lowdragon@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:19 pm : @mavrik65 - i got zbrush2 in 2005 but building UV/texturemaps since i got silo1.4 and zbrush3.
Iam using zBrush3.1 and silo2 - i still got gmax (3d studio r4.x) installed but which i mainly use for rigging/animating on the final, lowpoly models. Thanks to some open-minded people on polycount (cranking out hints/tutorials) i can build lowpoly "cage" models which are "optimised" for animation but thats more the work for the next dude in production line these days.
@CrimsonHead - i often use perl white or skeleton materials within zbrush, for me it feels more "complete/shaded". The flamethrower was quit annoying to build and even if i dont like to build weapons i will do some more, non_organic forms.
thanks for cheering me up

lowdragon@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:30 pm : Iam currently building the lowpoly cage for my incarnation of a "spectre" monster. Using other workflows atm to figure out if/how i can build "level of detail" models - like in quake3arena. I road something about d3 "need" the localmap projected onto the lowpoly cage - in other words, the same localmap will not "work" on other lowpoly cages. Can someone please verify that - i would need to create every localmap for its own cage in that case ?!
184KB - jpeg (didnt downscaled for detail) :
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:57 pm : Right. If you change the geometry for the low poly model you'll need to bake a new normal map.
lowdragon@Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:35 am : allright

- xNormal can do. It got build-in tools to convert "object-space" normalmaps to "tangent-space" using a defined lowpoly model.
Also, it can project highpoly material texture onto the lowpoly material - converting the uv coords from zBrush`s autoUv to my uv`s in the lowpolymodel (jippy:) .
lowdragon@Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:05 pm : I made a quick setup within zbrush using some highres chains on my model - if some animator can help me with suggestions, please.
I need to figure out a optimal way (including animation techniques) for lowpoly chains w/o using decals ( like the ticks legs).

tia, low