ajm113@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:36 pm : I made a new (girl-friend) since the 7th and we have always been in contact with each other for hours and finally I want to play Quake 2 with her from her Laptop to my PC. She thought it would be kewl, so I spent a while how to start your own Quake 2 Server.
0. I seen tons of servers on Quake server lists websites, but they don't list! What gives?
1. Whats the port for Quake 2? Is it the same as the original Quake?
2. When I start the server it shows it executed the log file, but that is it! Doesn't it show more? Like what level it loaded and what not?
3. I can't see my server listed or even my friend couldn't when the Quake 2 Winsock Server was going...
Server Shortcut
+set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg. +set public 1
set dmflags 803348
set hostname "Andrew McRobb Server"
//(sets the name of the server)
set _admin "Andrew McRobb" s
//(misc. but interesting details)
set _email "********" s
set _system "PIII 500" s
set _inet "Cable Modem @ Home" s
set _os "WindowsVista" s
set deathmatch 1
//(can you hurt each other?)
set maxclients 2
//(the maximum amount of people allowed on your server)
set fraglimit 150
//(the maximum amount of points or frags a player can get before a level changes)
set timelimit 60
//(the amount of time before the level changes) set capturelimit 12
//(the maximum amount of times you can capture on a level of CtF or Capture the Flag)
Can anyone help me? I would really appreciate it! I would research more, but I am not even supposed to be on the computer right now.

TinMan@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:16 pm : 0. What? Don't list where?
1. Port: 27910
2/3. You need to add :
map q2dm1
or whatever to server.cfg
ajm113@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:19 pm : The servers don't list in the join multilayer in Quake2.
The router already is set up for that port I believe.
K added that command.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:32 pm : the join only shows for LAN servers. It's easier to just ype "connect ip_address".
here's my Q2 DM server config:
set deathmatch 1
set dmflags 17172
set public 1
set fraglimit 30
set timelimit 20
set maxclients 32
set sv_anticheat_required 1
set sv_anticheat_nag_time 3
set sv_anticheat_nag_message "!!! ====> PLEASE UPGRADE TO AN ANTICHEAT CLIENT! http://antiche.at <==== !!!"
set hostname "The Happy Friar Q2 DM Server"
set sv_maplist "dsctf q2dm1 4corners q2dm5 4corners3 q2dm6 airport q2dm8 backwoods bio1 bio2 blood_dm blood_dm2 blood_dm3 corp islands islands2 judge_peewee junkhouse3 marshlands peewee'splayhouse peewee'splayhouse2 peewee'splayhouse3 peewee'splayhouse4 peewee'splayhouse5 pw'sag pw'scorp2 pw'sspamnation pwcaves pwph6 PWSD quake-mas quakemas2 river1 river2 rotachapel tanks temple tterror1_1 WAR waterworld"
set setmaster master.q2servers.com satan.idsoftware.com q2master.planetquake.com master.quake.inet.fi masterserver.exhale.de netdome.biz master0.gamespy.com:28900
set sv_gravity 800
set rcon_password HEHEHEHE
set allow_download 1
set allow_download_maps 1
set allow_download_models 1
set allow_download_players 1
set allow_download_sounds 1
set WebSite "www.fuzzylogicinc.com" s
set Admin "The Happy Friar" s
set e-mail "the_happy_friar@planetquake.com" s
set location "US of A" s
set INFO1 "Everybody Welcome" s
map dsctf
I use r1q2 as my server exec. I'd recommend you use that one. If you want a listen server the client of R1Q2 can do listen too.
ajm113@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:47 pm : can you see if you can connect please real fast?
It seems to show on my server list and I do know that's lan, but I made a game server before and know how it works.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:31 pm : I can connect. But why not use my Leper server? It's much more fun then normal DM.

ajm113@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:43 pm : mmm ok, since my connection would suck a lot using a top wireless router! lol My friend thats new to Quake2 and I will join later tonight can you give me the IP?
Keep that server up!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:29 am : ip is in my sig: q2server.fuzzylogicinc.com
http://q2servers.com/ for a listing
Your router wouldn't cause the lag, it's the net connection. Escaped Turkey is offering
$5 a month Washington DC servers &
$10 a month Dallas, TX servers. 32-player max, Quake 2, 3 & 4, Doom 3, RoE & others.
$5 a month is a great deal, you'd both get great ping (I'm in NY & get under 50 to DC, but my net connection is pretty bad, most get ~30). Very good customer service. Can change to any mod (needs linux support) & can switch to any supported game at any time (well, you need to config it).
Sorry to pimp them but I love them. They're awesome^10.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:46 am : Hey thanks!

I am out of town right now so my dad is using much bandwidth so thats a another reason why.
5 bucks a month?? Hey that isn't bad!

Thought I don't know why I want to start my own anymore and not have a lot of people join it. Yeah its good for party's, but I with a clan or anything like that yet.
ajm113@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:36 pm : I made a new (girl-friend) since the 7th and we have always been in contact with each other for hours and finally I want to play Quake 2 with her from her Laptop to my PC. She thought it would be kewl, so I spent a while how to start your own Quake 2 Server.
0. I seen tons of servers on Quake server lists websites, but they don't list! What gives?
1. Whats the port for Quake 2? Is it the same as the original Quake?
2. When I start the server it shows it executed the log file, but that is it! Doesn't it show more? Like what level it loaded and what not?
3. I can't see my server listed or even my friend couldn't when the Quake 2 Winsock Server was going...
Server Shortcut
+set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg. +set public 1
set dmflags 803348
set hostname "Andrew McRobb Server"
//(sets the name of the server)
set _admin "Andrew McRobb" s
//(misc. but interesting details)
set _email "********" s
set _system "PIII 500" s
set _inet "Cable Modem @ Home" s
set _os "WindowsVista" s
set deathmatch 1
//(can you hurt each other?)
set maxclients 2
//(the maximum amount of people allowed on your server)
set fraglimit 150
//(the maximum amount of points or frags a player can get before a level changes)
set timelimit 60
//(the amount of time before the level changes) set capturelimit 12
//(the maximum amount of times you can capture on a level of CtF or Capture the Flag)
Can anyone help me? I would really appreciate it! I would research more, but I am not even supposed to be on the computer right now.

TinMan@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:16 pm : 0. What? Don't list where?
1. Port: 27910
2/3. You need to add :
map q2dm1
or whatever to server.cfg
ajm113@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:19 pm : The servers don't list in the join multilayer in Quake2.
The router already is set up for that port I believe.
K added that command.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:32 pm : the join only shows for LAN servers. It's easier to just ype "connect ip_address".
here's my Q2 DM server config:
set deathmatch 1
set dmflags 17172
set public 1
set fraglimit 30
set timelimit 20
set maxclients 32
set sv_anticheat_required 1
set sv_anticheat_nag_time 3
set sv_anticheat_nag_message "!!! ====> PLEASE UPGRADE TO AN ANTICHEAT CLIENT! http://antiche.at <==== !!!"
set hostname "The Happy Friar Q2 DM Server"
set sv_maplist "dsctf q2dm1 4corners q2dm5 4corners3 q2dm6 airport q2dm8 backwoods bio1 bio2 blood_dm blood_dm2 blood_dm3 corp islands islands2 judge_peewee junkhouse3 marshlands peewee'splayhouse peewee'splayhouse2 peewee'splayhouse3 peewee'splayhouse4 peewee'splayhouse5 pw'sag pw'scorp2 pw'sspamnation pwcaves pwph6 PWSD quake-mas quakemas2 river1 river2 rotachapel tanks temple tterror1_1 WAR waterworld"
set setmaster master.q2servers.com satan.idsoftware.com q2master.planetquake.com master.quake.inet.fi masterserver.exhale.de netdome.biz master0.gamespy.com:28900
set sv_gravity 800
set rcon_password HEHEHEHE
set allow_download 1
set allow_download_maps 1
set allow_download_models 1
set allow_download_players 1
set allow_download_sounds 1
set WebSite "www.fuzzylogicinc.com" s
set Admin "The Happy Friar" s
set e-mail "the_happy_friar@planetquake.com" s
set location "US of A" s
set INFO1 "Everybody Welcome" s
map dsctf
I use r1q2 as my server exec. I'd recommend you use that one. If you want a listen server the client of R1Q2 can do listen too.
ajm113@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:47 pm : can you see if you can connect please real fast?
It seems to show on my server list and I do know that's lan, but I made a game server before and know how it works.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:31 pm : I can connect. But why not use my Leper server? It's much more fun then normal DM.

ajm113@Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:43 pm : mmm ok, since my connection would suck a lot using a top wireless router! lol My friend thats new to Quake2 and I will join later tonight can you give me the IP?
Keep that server up!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:29 am : ip is in my sig: q2server.fuzzylogicinc.com
http://q2servers.com/ for a listing
Your router wouldn't cause the lag, it's the net connection. Escaped Turkey is offering
$5 a month Washington DC servers &
$10 a month Dallas, TX servers. 32-player max, Quake 2, 3 & 4, Doom 3, RoE & others.
$5 a month is a great deal, you'd both get great ping (I'm in NY & get under 50 to DC, but my net connection is pretty bad, most get ~30). Very good customer service. Can change to any mod (needs linux support) & can switch to any supported game at any time (well, you need to config it).
Sorry to pimp them but I love them. They're awesome^10.

ajm113@Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:46 am : Hey thanks!

I am out of town right now so my dad is using much bandwidth so thats a another reason why.
5 bucks a month?? Hey that isn't bad!

Thought I don't know why I want to start my own anymore and not have a lot of people join it. Yeah its good for party's, but I with a clan or anything like that yet.