=NoMercy=@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:19 pm : Alright, so as most of you should know, there is a war/conflict going on between Russia and Georgia. At first things were heating up really quick, but haven't escalated as much in the past few days. Now the US and Poland signed an agreement to have a missile defense system in Poland... Russia says Poland is at major risk of an attack.
Mind you, I get all my info by these very bias North American news channels...but it almost seems like both sides are only giving half the info.
What do you think the outcome of all this will be in the near future? From what I know, an attack on Poland would result NATO getting involved, possibly turning into a major war.
aardwolf@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:53 pm : Well, basically since the cold war ended, the usa being left as the only world superpower, they want to keep it that way, and keep former rivals in check, and thus they want to put their missile defence system, which should be called missile big-muscle-dont-try-to-rival-us-or-we'll-nuke-you-we're-the-owners-of-the-world system. Hopefully russia wont budge and give the us the finger. The us basically wants to put missiles and bases all over the world, just as a friendly reminder of who's in charge.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:47 pm : worth noting that Russia said they would NUKE Poland, not just attack.
Sounds more like Russia is trying to act tough. They KNOW the US won't go in to another war right now. They also know if they start using nukes EVERYONE will be against them. So either a) they have an ace up their sleeve or b) hoping a bluff works.
aardwolf@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:50 pm : also worth noting that bush has said they plan to attack iran as well. Maybe another war is needed to jumpstart the sagging us economy.

Russias not the only one bluffing then.
zeh@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:26 pm : Hopefully all sides will STFU, sit down, start behaving like adults and decide this generation-old mess with some talk.
Yeah I know. Hey, I can dream...
aardwolf@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:11 pm : zeh wrote:
Hopefully all sides will STFU, sit down, start behaving like adults and decide this generation-old mess with some talk.
Yeah I know. Hey, I can dream...
Nah, im not counting on that. Too much strategic interests in all sides.

=NoMercy=@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:25 pm : I did not hear about the nuke thing, from what I understand they would aim their nukes...more like a muscle flex. With Russia's 1 million man army, they don't really need to use nukes against Poland right off the bat.
And is iraq REALLY a threat to the US? The US can pull their troops out of there to fight somewhere else if they needed, and not have to worry much.
Lets just hope if a world war of some sort happens, they don't start conscripting people.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:05 am : Anyone who thinks the US will go to full scale war to Iran is ill advised. Also the US cannot isolate Russia as they sit on plenty of resources much needed in Europe (read NATO). Also despite sharing borders with Poland we haven't heard about Russia feeling the urge to "nuke" Poland. The discussion about the "anti Iran nuclear missile shield" in countries such as Poland goes on for how long now, 2 years?
Before the US ramps up on another disastrous war they may need to deleverage Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac first. There wont be any single bullet fired without direct billing to the US tax payer this time around. This will add some sanity to any arm chair rambo tax paying US citizens.
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:29 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
worth noting that Russia said they would NUKE Poland, not just attack.
Sounds more like Russia is trying to act tough. They KNOW the US won't go in to another war right now. They also know if they start using nukes EVERYONE will be against them. So either a) they have an ace up their sleeve or b) hoping a bluff works.
It's the other way around. Russia was provoked into the this because of the US and Isreali back Georgian government acting like a bully when there was
actually a cease fire in place. Russia is actually reasonably justified to be taking the actions they are when the US, UN and NATO have been moving in military hardware to bullwark and blockade the Russians;, that is threatening behaviour no matter how you lok at it.
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:32 am : BNA! wrote:
Anyone who thinks the US will go to full scale war to Iran is ill advised. Also the US cannot isolate Russia as they sit on plenty of resources much needed in Europe (read NATO). Also despite sharing borders with Poland we haven't heard about Russia feeling the urge to "nuke" Poland. The discussion about the "anti Iran nuclear missile shield" in countries such as Poland goes on for how long now, 2 years?
Russia isn't going to Nuke Poland unless the US military does something first. They have however
made it very clear that they may make first strike if sufficently threatened.
Before the US ramps up on another disastrous war they may need to deleverage Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac first. There wont be any single bullet fired without direct billing to the US tax payer this time around. This will add some sanity to any arm chair rambo tax paying US citizens.
Given that a good percentage of the US thought the Russians were attacking Georgia, USA, that might be wishful thinking.
lowdragon@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:16 am : Hä - i dont get it, there was a WAR or something - who has won ?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:10 am : lowdragon wrote:
Hä - i dont get it, there was a WAR or something - who has won ?
Don't know, watch for George Bush to appear on an aircraft carrier to declare the mission as accomplished.
Actually no one has won. Russia pushed Georgia back from South Ossetia, now they "intersect and overlap" along the border. The omnipresent Sarkozy involved himself into negotiating a cease fire, Merkel is at home with Medwedew bumping her head against the russian wall of self confidence.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:14 am : kat wrote:
Russia isn't going to Nuke Poland unless the US military does something first. They have however made it very clear that they may make first strike if sufficently threatened.
"Sufficiently threatened" is not exactly a precise measurement to see on which turn of the escalation spiral you are. Russia may point their nuclear arsenal on Poland, but you don't will feel any difference. Do you know at which countries they're currently aimed at? It is understandable that Russia feels increasingly uncomfortable facing aggressive expansion politics along their borders under the umbrella of "anti Iran missile shields". The US could also hand out anti elephant spray to Poland, less threatening and equally effective in fighting invisible enemies.
kat wrote:
Given that a good percentage of the US thought the Russians were attacking Georgia, USA, that might be wishful thinking.
They all spot a hand in their wallet and will keep it zipped. There is no more unlimited war funding on the bond market for the US. The world slips into a crisis (well, it's halfway there already) nations will mind their home stuff a little more the next years.
I think every journalist who follows the school of alarmism should get stripped off his ranks in the public and chased out of town naked, disgraced and with an warning sign tattoo on his forehead. If this leads to more reason politicians may watch not to get targeted the same way.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:38 am :
BNA! wrote:
The US could also hand out anti elephant spray to Poland, less threatening and equally effective in fighting invisible enemies.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:28 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
worth noting that Russia said they would NUKE Poland.
I don't know where this information comes from, but that's complete and utter nonsense. I'm starting to notice that the european and American press realities are getting further and further apart. As in: US press is lying more and more and spouting more and more propaganda and EU press is starting to tell the truth and show both sides more and more.
E.g. it's common knowledge here that Russia invaded Ossetia because the Georgian's were at the brink of acting our their genocide on the Ossetians,
and acted according to the plea of help from the non-recognised (ELECTED) government of Ossetia. In fact, if it hadn't been for Russia then many, many Ossetians would have been killed. 99% of the Americans don't even know what Ossetians are, and what the true reasons behind Russia's attack were. 99% of the Americans don't even know that Ossetia held a referendum 3 years ago in which 99% of the Ossetians voted for seperation from Georgia. It saddens me greatly to see the Bush administration take this opportunity to attack Russia and enhance the political conflict only for their own agenda's.

Please, learn to stop believing the press people, especially in the case of American press which is starting to look more and more like a Christian --fundamentalist-- warmongering propaganda machine to me every day.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:56 pm : Of course the news press will lie. But how can you possibly say that the European's are telling the truth? I was looking at some english-russian news channel and they blame Georgia completely (although, it was a good argument, I think it's clear that Georgia committed genocide). But then you read Georgian press and it's the complete opposite, they blame Russia on everything. In reality, no one wants to be blamed...you can't trust any press in situations like this.
One thing the Russian military did say is there is a very high chance that they will "strike" Poland if they feel threatened. I didn't hear anything about nukes.
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:11 pm : =NoMercy= wrote:
Of course the news press will lie. But how can you possibly say that the European's are telling the truth? I was looking at some english-russian news channel and they blame Georgia completely (although, it was a good argument, I think it's clear that Georgia committed genocide). But then you read Georgian press and it's the complete opposite, they blame Russia on everything. In reality, no one wants to be blamed...you can't trust any press in situations like this.
One thing the Russian military did say is there is a very high chance that they will "strike" Poland if they feel threatened. I didn't hear anything about nukes.
In this instance the Russian news happens to be right. As I said above, there *was* an effective and agreed cease fire in place which the Georgian broke, literally in the dead of night. There have even been reports that the Georgian forces that were in the peace keeping troops in Ossetia turned on their 'comrades' and killed a number of them - I've not been able to check this out yet, but suffice to say Georgia is to blame on this one.
@ BNA: I've been reading that Russia is pretty much pointing nukes at any country that has had heavy US/NATO backup, Poland, Georgia, and a couple of other satellite nations around the borders of Russia, the difference this time round is that US/NATO forces don't seen to care and haven't backed off as of yet.. in fact they're using this incident as an excuse to further bulwark with forces in the area.
The US are the ones that have 'nukes' (read that as 'missiles' as I've not explicitly read they were 'nuke' missiles) pointed at Iran as well as Russia. Iran may be worried as this *is* pretty much right in their back yard.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:37 pm : =NoMercy= wrote:
Of course the news press will lie. But how can you possibly say that the European's are telling the truth? I was looking at some english-russian news channel and they blame Georgia completely (although, it was a good argument, I think it's clear that Georgia committed genocide). But then you read Georgian press and it's the complete opposite, they blame Russia on everything. In reality, no one wants to be blamed...you can't trust any press in situations like this.
One thing the Russian military did say is there is a very high chance that they will "strike" Poland if they feel threatened. I didn't hear anything about nukes.
You're right. It was a gross generalisation on my part. I should have put a bit more nuance in my post heh.

Many european channels are just as bad in terms of propaganda. It's such a widespread political tool that most people have become blind to it. To me, watching news on tv, or reading news websites is like walking through a big political commercial. Most news on almost any channel is tainted with political messages and twisted and set up in such a way to make one particular side look better than the other; afterwards being backed by strong political words.
Enough babble from me though.

BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:07 pm : Just to line up the happenings:
1.) Georgia marches into South Ossetia
2.) Russia pushes Gorgia troups back
3.) Russia deploys troops to Abchasia opening a 2nd front
4.) Russia marches into Georgia
5.) Everyone complains and blames everyone, world politicians glow the wire red hot and fuel their jets to travel to see the respective leaders
6.) Ceasefire treaty signed
7.) Russian troops do not pull back, merely wave back and forth
8.) Georgia blames Russian troops for not pulling back
9.) US backs Georgia (for no other apparent reason than Georgia <> Russia)
10.) EU backs no one, but thinks the Russian response was inappropriate (not as easy to back a party when you share NATO borders directly rather from a television far away)
11.) D3W cannot come to a conclusion on who to blame, at which countries nukes are pointed at and NoMercy acknowledges Russia speaks of a strike against Poland rather than "nuking" Poland
12.) The founder of D3W tries to represent the community members with a timeline, but get's lost with details
13.) Russia invades D3W on behalf of the US with Abchasian and South Ossetian soldiers
14.) In order to do so Georgia grants free passage way for the attack
15.) Poland points their conventional weaponry arsenal on the D3W server room
16.) The Polish maid of the D3W mansion gets send to Poland to negotiate
17.) The German tax department takes notice of a Polish maid in the D3W mansion and sends the tax investigators to research illegal employment activities
18.) D3W founder escapes with a suitcase of Euros
19.) D3W founder spotted in Omaha to seek counsel with Warren Buffett how to laundry the pocketful of money
20.) Mysterious billionaire acquires a St. Tropez beachfront mansion for a quarter billion and starts up a Doom3 website
21.) Meanwhile troops of many nations clash in the abandoned D3W mansion with insurgent tax investigation forces, claiming to have found spreadsheets proving their case
22.) Increased frustration leads one of troop members to call an airstrike on his position
23.) D3W server reports outage
24.) D3W is getting redirected to a French "under construction" 404
25.) D3W is back online, having dropped only the 7 last posts
26.) User George W. posts "mission accomplished"
27.) User McCain distances himself from this post
28.) User BarrackO tries to reply with a large image of him as a signature
29.) User OsamaBL pops in with a manifest
30.) The well trained and skilled ninja forces of the D3W admins ban the 4 last registered users without retaining their posts
Bittoman@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:50 pm : Quote:
Given that a good percentage of the US thought the Russians were attacking Georgia, USA, that might be wishful thinking.
Although admittedly many here in US are ignorant to the fact that there was a country named Georgia you have to blame a large part of this mistake on Google who was pointing the map to Savannah, GA when the issue first escalated. Funny part is I live about an hour south of it and everyone here thought that was just the funniest thing (they knew better.)
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:25 pm : hes got a point

hotwheeler@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:24 pm :
check out endgame blueprint for global enslavement
quite accurate, and disturbing.
asmodeus@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:40 pm : 31.) The Chinese lose their Gold Medals in women's gymnastics due to age falsification
32.) The world breathes a sigh of relief that 14 year old kids aren't allowed to outperform people 2 years older than they are on the Olympic stage.
Doomguy87@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:13 am : thank god for that
=NoMercy=@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:19 pm : Alright, so as most of you should know, there is a war/conflict going on between Russia and Georgia. At first things were heating up really quick, but haven't escalated as much in the past few days. Now the US and Poland signed an agreement to have a missile defense system in Poland... Russia says Poland is at major risk of an attack.
Mind you, I get all my info by these very bias North American news channels...but it almost seems like both sides are only giving half the info.
What do you think the outcome of all this will be in the near future? From what I know, an attack on Poland would result NATO getting involved, possibly turning into a major war.
aardwolf@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:53 pm : Well, basically since the cold war ended, the usa being left as the only world superpower, they want to keep it that way, and keep former rivals in check, and thus they want to put their missile defence system, which should be called missile big-muscle-dont-try-to-rival-us-or-we'll-nuke-you-we're-the-owners-of-the-world system. Hopefully russia wont budge and give the us the finger. The us basically wants to put missiles and bases all over the world, just as a friendly reminder of who's in charge.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:47 pm : worth noting that Russia said they would NUKE Poland, not just attack.
Sounds more like Russia is trying to act tough. They KNOW the US won't go in to another war right now. They also know if they start using nukes EVERYONE will be against them. So either a) they have an ace up their sleeve or b) hoping a bluff works.
aardwolf@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:50 pm : also worth noting that bush has said they plan to attack iran as well. Maybe another war is needed to jumpstart the sagging us economy.

Russias not the only one bluffing then.
zeh@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:26 pm : Hopefully all sides will STFU, sit down, start behaving like adults and decide this generation-old mess with some talk.
Yeah I know. Hey, I can dream...
aardwolf@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:11 pm : zeh wrote:
Hopefully all sides will STFU, sit down, start behaving like adults and decide this generation-old mess with some talk.
Yeah I know. Hey, I can dream...
Nah, im not counting on that. Too much strategic interests in all sides.

=NoMercy=@Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:25 pm : I did not hear about the nuke thing, from what I understand they would aim their nukes...more like a muscle flex. With Russia's 1 million man army, they don't really need to use nukes against Poland right off the bat.
And is iraq REALLY a threat to the US? The US can pull their troops out of there to fight somewhere else if they needed, and not have to worry much.
Lets just hope if a world war of some sort happens, they don't start conscripting people.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:05 am : Anyone who thinks the US will go to full scale war to Iran is ill advised. Also the US cannot isolate Russia as they sit on plenty of resources much needed in Europe (read NATO). Also despite sharing borders with Poland we haven't heard about Russia feeling the urge to "nuke" Poland. The discussion about the "anti Iran nuclear missile shield" in countries such as Poland goes on for how long now, 2 years?
Before the US ramps up on another disastrous war they may need to deleverage Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac first. There wont be any single bullet fired without direct billing to the US tax payer this time around. This will add some sanity to any arm chair rambo tax paying US citizens.
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:29 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
worth noting that Russia said they would NUKE Poland, not just attack.
Sounds more like Russia is trying to act tough. They KNOW the US won't go in to another war right now. They also know if they start using nukes EVERYONE will be against them. So either a) they have an ace up their sleeve or b) hoping a bluff works.
It's the other way around. Russia was provoked into the this because of the US and Isreali back Georgian government acting like a bully when there was
actually a cease fire in place. Russia is actually reasonably justified to be taking the actions they are when the US, UN and NATO have been moving in military hardware to bullwark and blockade the Russians;, that is threatening behaviour no matter how you lok at it.
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:32 am : BNA! wrote:
Anyone who thinks the US will go to full scale war to Iran is ill advised. Also the US cannot isolate Russia as they sit on plenty of resources much needed in Europe (read NATO). Also despite sharing borders with Poland we haven't heard about Russia feeling the urge to "nuke" Poland. The discussion about the "anti Iran nuclear missile shield" in countries such as Poland goes on for how long now, 2 years?
Russia isn't going to Nuke Poland unless the US military does something first. They have however
made it very clear that they may make first strike if sufficently threatened.
Before the US ramps up on another disastrous war they may need to deleverage Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac first. There wont be any single bullet fired without direct billing to the US tax payer this time around. This will add some sanity to any arm chair rambo tax paying US citizens.
Given that a good percentage of the US thought the Russians were attacking Georgia, USA, that might be wishful thinking.
lowdragon@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:16 am : Hä - i dont get it, there was a WAR or something - who has won ?
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:10 am : lowdragon wrote:
Hä - i dont get it, there was a WAR or something - who has won ?
Don't know, watch for George Bush to appear on an aircraft carrier to declare the mission as accomplished.
Actually no one has won. Russia pushed Georgia back from South Ossetia, now they "intersect and overlap" along the border. The omnipresent Sarkozy involved himself into negotiating a cease fire, Merkel is at home with Medwedew bumping her head against the russian wall of self confidence.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:14 am : kat wrote:
Russia isn't going to Nuke Poland unless the US military does something first. They have however made it very clear that they may make first strike if sufficently threatened.
"Sufficiently threatened" is not exactly a precise measurement to see on which turn of the escalation spiral you are. Russia may point their nuclear arsenal on Poland, but you don't will feel any difference. Do you know at which countries they're currently aimed at? It is understandable that Russia feels increasingly uncomfortable facing aggressive expansion politics along their borders under the umbrella of "anti Iran missile shields". The US could also hand out anti elephant spray to Poland, less threatening and equally effective in fighting invisible enemies.
kat wrote:
Given that a good percentage of the US thought the Russians were attacking Georgia, USA, that might be wishful thinking.
They all spot a hand in their wallet and will keep it zipped. There is no more unlimited war funding on the bond market for the US. The world slips into a crisis (well, it's halfway there already) nations will mind their home stuff a little more the next years.
I think every journalist who follows the school of alarmism should get stripped off his ranks in the public and chased out of town naked, disgraced and with an warning sign tattoo on his forehead. If this leads to more reason politicians may watch not to get targeted the same way.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:38 am :
BNA! wrote:
The US could also hand out anti elephant spray to Poland, less threatening and equally effective in fighting invisible enemies.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:28 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
worth noting that Russia said they would NUKE Poland.
I don't know where this information comes from, but that's complete and utter nonsense. I'm starting to notice that the european and American press realities are getting further and further apart. As in: US press is lying more and more and spouting more and more propaganda and EU press is starting to tell the truth and show both sides more and more.
E.g. it's common knowledge here that Russia invaded Ossetia because the Georgian's were at the brink of acting our their genocide on the Ossetians,
and acted according to the plea of help from the non-recognised (ELECTED) government of Ossetia. In fact, if it hadn't been for Russia then many, many Ossetians would have been killed. 99% of the Americans don't even know what Ossetians are, and what the true reasons behind Russia's attack were. 99% of the Americans don't even know that Ossetia held a referendum 3 years ago in which 99% of the Ossetians voted for seperation from Georgia. It saddens me greatly to see the Bush administration take this opportunity to attack Russia and enhance the political conflict only for their own agenda's.

Please, learn to stop believing the press people, especially in the case of American press which is starting to look more and more like a Christian --fundamentalist-- warmongering propaganda machine to me every day.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:56 pm : Of course the news press will lie. But how can you possibly say that the European's are telling the truth? I was looking at some english-russian news channel and they blame Georgia completely (although, it was a good argument, I think it's clear that Georgia committed genocide). But then you read Georgian press and it's the complete opposite, they blame Russia on everything. In reality, no one wants to be blamed...you can't trust any press in situations like this.
One thing the Russian military did say is there is a very high chance that they will "strike" Poland if they feel threatened. I didn't hear anything about nukes.
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:11 pm : =NoMercy= wrote:
Of course the news press will lie. But how can you possibly say that the European's are telling the truth? I was looking at some english-russian news channel and they blame Georgia completely (although, it was a good argument, I think it's clear that Georgia committed genocide). But then you read Georgian press and it's the complete opposite, they blame Russia on everything. In reality, no one wants to be blamed...you can't trust any press in situations like this.
One thing the Russian military did say is there is a very high chance that they will "strike" Poland if they feel threatened. I didn't hear anything about nukes.
In this instance the Russian news happens to be right. As I said above, there *was* an effective and agreed cease fire in place which the Georgian broke, literally in the dead of night. There have even been reports that the Georgian forces that were in the peace keeping troops in Ossetia turned on their 'comrades' and killed a number of them - I've not been able to check this out yet, but suffice to say Georgia is to blame on this one.
@ BNA: I've been reading that Russia is pretty much pointing nukes at any country that has had heavy US/NATO backup, Poland, Georgia, and a couple of other satellite nations around the borders of Russia, the difference this time round is that US/NATO forces don't seen to care and haven't backed off as of yet.. in fact they're using this incident as an excuse to further bulwark with forces in the area.
The US are the ones that have 'nukes' (read that as 'missiles' as I've not explicitly read they were 'nuke' missiles) pointed at Iran as well as Russia. Iran may be worried as this *is* pretty much right in their back yard.
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:37 pm : =NoMercy= wrote:
Of course the news press will lie. But how can you possibly say that the European's are telling the truth? I was looking at some english-russian news channel and they blame Georgia completely (although, it was a good argument, I think it's clear that Georgia committed genocide). But then you read Georgian press and it's the complete opposite, they blame Russia on everything. In reality, no one wants to be blamed...you can't trust any press in situations like this.
One thing the Russian military did say is there is a very high chance that they will "strike" Poland if they feel threatened. I didn't hear anything about nukes.
You're right. It was a gross generalisation on my part. I should have put a bit more nuance in my post heh.

Many european channels are just as bad in terms of propaganda. It's such a widespread political tool that most people have become blind to it. To me, watching news on tv, or reading news websites is like walking through a big political commercial. Most news on almost any channel is tainted with political messages and twisted and set up in such a way to make one particular side look better than the other; afterwards being backed by strong political words.
Enough babble from me though.

BNA!@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:07 pm : Just to line up the happenings:
1.) Georgia marches into South Ossetia
2.) Russia pushes Gorgia troups back
3.) Russia deploys troops to Abchasia opening a 2nd front
4.) Russia marches into Georgia
5.) Everyone complains and blames everyone, world politicians glow the wire red hot and fuel their jets to travel to see the respective leaders
6.) Ceasefire treaty signed
7.) Russian troops do not pull back, merely wave back and forth
8.) Georgia blames Russian troops for not pulling back
9.) US backs Georgia (for no other apparent reason than Georgia <> Russia)
10.) EU backs no one, but thinks the Russian response was inappropriate (not as easy to back a party when you share NATO borders directly rather from a television far away)
11.) D3W cannot come to a conclusion on who to blame, at which countries nukes are pointed at and NoMercy acknowledges Russia speaks of a strike against Poland rather than "nuking" Poland
12.) The founder of D3W tries to represent the community members with a timeline, but get's lost with details
13.) Russia invades D3W on behalf of the US with Abchasian and South Ossetian soldiers
14.) In order to do so Georgia grants free passage way for the attack
15.) Poland points their conventional weaponry arsenal on the D3W server room
16.) The Polish maid of the D3W mansion gets send to Poland to negotiate
17.) The German tax department takes notice of a Polish maid in the D3W mansion and sends the tax investigators to research illegal employment activities
18.) D3W founder escapes with a suitcase of Euros
19.) D3W founder spotted in Omaha to seek counsel with Warren Buffett how to laundry the pocketful of money
20.) Mysterious billionaire acquires a St. Tropez beachfront mansion for a quarter billion and starts up a Doom3 website
21.) Meanwhile troops of many nations clash in the abandoned D3W mansion with insurgent tax investigation forces, claiming to have found spreadsheets proving their case
22.) Increased frustration leads one of troop members to call an airstrike on his position
23.) D3W server reports outage
24.) D3W is getting redirected to a French "under construction" 404
25.) D3W is back online, having dropped only the 7 last posts
26.) User George W. posts "mission accomplished"
27.) User McCain distances himself from this post
28.) User BarrackO tries to reply with a large image of him as a signature
29.) User OsamaBL pops in with a manifest
30.) The well trained and skilled ninja forces of the D3W admins ban the 4 last registered users without retaining their posts
Bittoman@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:50 pm : Quote:
Given that a good percentage of the US thought the Russians were attacking Georgia, USA, that might be wishful thinking.
Although admittedly many here in US are ignorant to the fact that there was a country named Georgia you have to blame a large part of this mistake on Google who was pointing the map to Savannah, GA when the issue first escalated. Funny part is I live about an hour south of it and everyone here thought that was just the funniest thing (they knew better.)
kat@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:53 pm : 18)/19)... to be converted into Gold/Silver so it holds better value despite weighing a whole lot more and breaking the suitcase.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:11 pm : Bittoman wrote:
Although admittedly many here in US are ignorant to the fact that there was a country named Georgia you have to blame a large part of this mistake on Google who was pointing the map to Savannah, GA when the issue first escalated.
I'm sorry, but blaming any part of American ignorance on Google is like blaming Canada. (Google is not the end all/ be all for information, intellect or nudie pics, but it sure has a cute catchy name, so it will stick around for awhile yet.) The only reason so many Americans (if this is an actuality) would have thought the state of Georgia was being attacked was because of an ongoing political agenda to keep the American population ignorant, particularly of anything outside of its own borders, as this allows the US flag to continue to be waved high and proud. I can imagine this is difficult to understand while within those borders (Hey, how's that
US/Mexican fence coming along?) but outside the bright lights and star spangled banners, it is really obvious how the US operates.
Just to clarify, I am not dissing the US with this post, as I find their tried-and-trued population control techniques both sociologically and psychologically awesome.
Bittoman@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:52 pm : Brain Trepaning wrote:
Bittoman wrote:
Although admittedly many here in US are ignorant to the fact that there was a country named Georgia you have to blame a large part of this mistake on Google who was pointing the map to Savannah, GA when the issue first escalated.
I'm sorry, but blaming any part of American ignorance on Google is like blaming Canada. (Google is not the end all/ be all for information, intellect or nudie pics, but it sure has a cute catchy name, so it will stick around for awhile yet.) The only reason so many Americans (if this is an actuality) would have thought the state of Georgia was being attacked was because of an ongoing political agenda to keep the American population ignorant, particularly of anything outside of its own borders, as this allows the US flag to continue to be waved high and proud. I can imagine this is difficult to understand while within those borders (Hey, how's that
US/Mexican fence coming along?) but outside the bright lights and star spangled banners, it is really obvious how the US operates.
Just to clarify, I am not dissing the US with this post, as I find their tried-and-trued population control techniques both sociologically and psychologically awesome.
Let's not get into bashing one country over another, that's not the point of this conversation.
There is no campaign to prevent the US citizens from knowing the truths. Let's not say "everyone in the US is ignorant because of propaganda" when you and I both have the same available resources. If one person chooses to believe one piece of media over another despite "facts", don't stereotype because of a prejudice.
And as for the wall...it's stupid but I can promise you that if you lived near the border and saw what I saw (I lived in Houston, TX for four years) at the very least you would understand the knee jerk reaction.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:12 pm : Bittoman wrote:
There is no campaign to prevent the US citizens from knowing the truths. Let's not say "everyone in the US is ignorant because of propaganda" when you and I both have the same available resources. If one person chooses to believe one piece of media over another despite "facts", don't stereotype because of a prejudice.
I'm truly sorry for jumping in to help further through this topic out of orbit, but I could'nt help but chime in my two cents for what you said. You're right it's not propaganda, propaganda is'nt that hard to see through if at anytime in your life you find the willpower to look for more substantial entertainment beside the television. It is'nt propaganda, it's something much stronger, America is the "land of the free" the same way the sound of Greenland is much more attractive than Iceland. I do believe most American leaders do not want Americans to compare their quality of life with those of other countries, remember how hard they worked during the cold war to demonize communism and all other times to demonize any other form of government or culture besides our own? They are afraid if people were allowed to objectively compare they might discover that people in most other countries with comparable economies live relatively the same and some may even live better despite what from of government they possess, and that our own seemingly infallible and annointed government is basically the same as any other except in name, and that in fact aristocracy, plutocracy, and ogilarchy never went anywhere all along, except that they went incognito in America.
All I can say about the topic is that I find it very disturbing that people are even considering Nukes as a viable option still as if this were some kind of schoolyard brawl where the only consequence may be a bloody nose. What's even more disturbing is that in the past leaders who commanded armies in war have always been safely insulated from all the carnage they cause, they never had to share the same consequences of war that their subjects had to endure, but in nuclear war no one is really safe there is a real possibility that they and their families could become casualties yet they persist in flirting with the idea. I cannot fathom any political cause or idea worth possibly destroying mankind over. The mentality of the priviledged upper crust never fails to amaze me, they might as well be a different species or living on a different planet than me, that's how they behave. Then again they never have the same consequences for their decisions that their subjects do, for example: right now I heard in my state they are trying to pass legislation that will require children to get mandatory eye exams for preschool. That's fine and dandy and might even be a good idea, the problem is that optometrists are expensive, probably not for the politicians making the law though, they are most likely very well-to-do. That is the problem, that they operate totally ignorant of the fact that 90% of people don't live as well as they do, that an extra $100 might be "the straw that broke the camels back" for some people especially in these hard times. They never understand the real consequences of their action because they live in a totally separate reality than the people their laws are aimed at, it get's costlier and costlier to be a law abiding citizen especially when it starts to boil down to the choice between feeding your children or obeying a law whose function is to make or save money for some section of the population who spend 3x most people's weekly salary on their lunch or shoes. My point is the human cost of their decisions is secondary to the financial cost because the financial cost is what affects their world. I don't even know the point of all this rambling because there is'nt much anyone can do about it anyhow, but it still stinks.
Do'h!hmm...@Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:37 am : If the russian are really attacking georgia, not Glugeeah, then were all in deep sh*t.
Doomguy87@Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:43 am : its gonna be Splinter Cell all over again
BNA!@Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:43 am : kat wrote:
18)/19)... to be converted into Gold/Silver so it holds better value despite weighing a whole lot more and breaking the suitcase.
Gold / Silver are coming down at the moment.
On such a mission I'd simply take a European central bank check, fold it nicely, stick it into a tiny surgical ceramics box and get it implanted. No airport screen would catch me. As long as I don't have to carry it with me for decades inflation wont make a huge dent into my Euros.
Do'h!hmm...@Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:26 pm : For those who Jabbering about american's a democracy or not, here's some clue:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Social_Contract hope it can automatically be wrapped.
It's just an cursory introduction. If you have already read
Du Contrat Social, then... well, you should have seen how meaningless to call america a polyarchy, elite controled or anything like that.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:16 pm : You know, just because America gets mentioned in one or two posts in a thread does not mean it has to become a thread about America.
@ BNA!: #28

Bittoman@Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:17 pm : Becareful of that glass house you are throwing stones in. You were the one that turned it away from the conflict to being about the ignorance and gullibility of US citizens.
And don't forget, you live on the North American continent yourself which makes you as American as everyone else here so you may want to choose your words more carefully when describing a single culture.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:23 pm : 
you guys are awesome!
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:48 pm : Do'h!hmm... wrote:
For those who Jabbering about american's a democracy or not, here's some clue:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Social_Contract hope it can automatically be wrapped.
It's just an cursory introduction. If you have already read
Du Contrat Social, then... well, you should have seen how meaningless to call america a polyarchy, elite controled or anything like that.
Darn it, I promised myself lastnight I would'nt respond to your posts anymore, but I here I am "hooked" again.

No, I have never read that particular work, actually I think I will now when I get the time, you have my curiosity piqued. What you said sort of reminds me of something I read in
Democracy in America by the same author in which he stated that a true aristocracy can and will never exist in America because a true aristocracy is land based...etc. That is true, but that does'nt mean there is'nt a small section of the population who don't behave as if they were a true aristocracy or plutocracy even though they may not meet ALL of the criteria. When I lable things like that I do not always mean in the literal sense,what I mean is: "they are like unto a aristocracy, polyarchy, etc."
and before we start digging out our literary repertoires I feel I need to remind you of the futility of doing such as for even "the devil can cite scripture for his purpose". I just call out what I see, whether it's wrong or right that is how I perceive it.
If you want to debate this further we should probably start PM'ing eachother, I don't really want to derail someone else's topic worse than I already have.
hotwheeler@Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:36 pm :
It will all piece together to lead to a serious war, polarizing the globe into 2 opposing views with Isreal being the center of attention.
Protecting Isreal, and destroying Isreal.
Doomguy87@Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:43 pm : did u guys hear that russia has begun a troop withdrawl from georgia

BNA!@Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:45 pm : hotwheeler wrote:
It will all piece together to lead to a serious war, polarizing the globe into 2 opposing views with Isreal being the center of attention.
Protecting Isreal, and destroying Isreal.
You mean, "In your opion", don't you?
And if there will be a serious war with 2 opposing views, then Israel, in my opinion, wont be neither the reason nor the centre of such a war.
hotwheeler@Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:10 pm :
BNA!@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:01 am : hotwheeler wrote:
I see, you're a prophet then - I wont question your word again.
hotwheeler@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:25 pm : LOL 
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:29 pm : yay no nuclear wars with world super powers
voldemort@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:22 pm : Lets be clear on 1 thing just like russia was never trully communist america is not truly democratic
We are a republic
If we where a true democracy EVERY morning you would have to crawl out of bed and vote on all the days aggenda
Instead you elect representatives to relieve you of that burden ---effectivly makeing this a republic
THats okay Im fine with that if we where left to have to micro manage everything --things would quickly degrade
I find it interesting though that we have an electoral college but when russia implimented a similar methodology we felt it was ""undemocratic""
basically both systems preach equallity between the masses yet support a class system deeply
If this was a true democracy there would be ZERO market interference and 100% laze-fair ""thats probably spelled wrong I dont know french""
The primary difference between the 2 systems is this
one denies the existence of greed amongst men ""by principle""
the other worships at the alter of it
both take the example to far
by not takeing into account human nature communism is bound to fail because it only takes a few individuals not playing along to break the system
capatilis goes to far by not limitting human excess--again not properly takeing into account mans self-destructive conduct ""this is not to say all our actions are self destructive only that many have such a tendency""
man has a tendency to gravitate towards extremes when the entire univers is based upon balance and equilibrium
the most basic formation ""not shape "" is a spiral - vortex because nature is trying to obtain equilibrium
neither system is perfect and both are flawed yet so many cling almost religiously to their methods and beiefs
Have we all forgotten one of the most well known scientific formulas
that includes daily life ---EVERYTHING
yesterday the world was flat
today its round
tommorow we might find it is actually multidimensional in a manner currently beyond our perceptions
No system is flawless or perfect and no nation is truly evil --all are a blend of both good and evil
Neither side acted in a proper manner in this conflict both behaved poorly
yet to make matters worse not only are poland and the US accelerating the missle system --we had to stick our thumb in the russians eye by adding the addition of
patriot missles... Just brilliant on our part
If anyting America is about the last nation that should be passing judgement right now --our war on terrorism has created a vast sea of hypocracy
How many of you realize that at 6 american major airports Any and All americans are being digitally strip searched
using special digital cammeras that see through cloth and fabric --all passenger pass through this screening method with only a tiny placard designating its purpose
In the land of innocent before guilty isnt that hypocritical to be strip searching every ammerican?
in the land of the free isnt it hypocritical to be doing warrentless wire taps?
in the land of fair representation isnt it hypocritical to detain individuals without due process
in the land that protects the weak and innocent isnt it hypocritical to be using methods deamed as torture?
and on and on ........................
We are a vast sea of hypocracy and so really have no place to be judging the acts of others at this time
we sit upon the mount of our percieved moral justice and rightiousness and refuse to see the filth and fould excrement of our hypocracy that surrounds us
I found it very striking a few months ago at wallmart when a man in his 30's and dressed as though he was somewhat well off --well he spoke to his neighbor in line about the extremme sacrifices we all have to make for this ware --AS HE BOUGHT A BRAND NEW XBOX 360 --boy buddy you really are sacrificing ---why not speak to the survivors of WW2 about the sacrifices they made to support our nation and troops
our perceptions are highly skewed any more so content that we are the greatest nation in all regards ---as slowly our domminence is being erroded on all fronts mainly because our own sloth
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:25 pm : hes got a point

hotwheeler@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:24 pm :
check out endgame blueprint for global enslavement
quite accurate, and disturbing.
asmodeus@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:40 pm : 31.) The Chinese lose their Gold Medals in women's gymnastics due to age falsification
32.) The world breathes a sigh of relief that 14 year old kids aren't allowed to outperform people 2 years older than they are on the Olympic stage.
Doomguy87@Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:13 am : thank god for that