6th Venom@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:06 pm : Hi,
I just tried to import, and then export the IMP in max using the Der_ton 0.94 & 0.95 tools (plus the berserker tools too), and it look like everything is allright except that my IMP do the moonwalk on place...
(he's not moving at all from his spawn place, but still play walk anim)
It's like for some reasons the origin point is not updated in space as the animation does in max when he walk.
I remember then that the origin point for custom walk animations must stay at (0, 0, 0) and the body bone have to move forward... am i right?
If so, how can i create a new model and skin it with the IMP bones if the anims MUST be redone for the origin animation problem?!?
Do any1 succeded to skin a totally custom monster/chara on a vanilla skeleton/bones without any walk/run problems?
6th Venom@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:14 pm : Quote:
Do any1 succeded to skin a totally custom monster/chara on a vanilla skeleton/bones without any walk/run problems?
Seriously, nobody?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:59 am : The Origin bone must START at 0,0,0 but does move ahead for the walk cycle in 3ds Max.
This tutorial MAY help
http://trepaning.com/d3Vids/tutorials/d ... meshes.zip 21 megs
It is changing the Cacodemon mesh but using the original D3 rig.
Kristus@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:09 am : 6th Venom wrote:
Do any1 succeded to skin a totally custom monster/chara on a vanilla skeleton/bones without any walk/run problems?
Yeah, I did that with the FCE soldiers in Phobos.
Actually, I've done it on several other models as well, for different reasons.
One time I took the hell-time hellhunter model and slapped on a pair of Hell Knight legs on it and rigged it to the HK bones. It worked surprisingly well, considering how different their arms are.
When I do something like that though. I superimpose the new model on top of the old as close as I can get it (size wise, moving arms to fit better and shit) then I go into modifying the md5 model, and choose "attach", and I attach the new model to the old. Then I delete the old, and clean up any and all verticies that don't behave like they should.
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:54 am : Thanks for replies.
In fact, i already did this sort of work by past, using the same process as you Kristus, or using "Skin Wrap", and i also looked at all your cool video tutorials too long time ago Brian, but here is a new problem since i reinstall everything, windows XP included.
In fact, if i import any vanilla MD5mesh and then Re-export it without any modifications, it will be unable to move in the game (and do the moonwalk).
But if i import this "new" MD5mesh in Max, and load its walk anim, everything looks good, and the origin is moving like it should.
I don't understand why...

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:02 pm : Are you Exporting the T-Pose, or the Walk Anim?
Perhaps the Walk Anim itself needs to be Exported again?
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:21 pm : i tried the two... but still have this same result...
Re-install Max (9) don't seams to works, too.
Could someone import, and then re-export, the vanilla imp.md5mesh, and post the result file here, so i could compare your and mine...
even if i don't know what i could do with.

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:39 pm : It might be better if you posted your rigged Max file and someone exports it and sees if it works.
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:12 pm : 

i'm a dumb...
The problem don't happen if i use my new IMP.md5mesh in the original imp's def.
So, it look like it is something with the fact that i inherit like this:
model monster_demon_6th_imp {
inherit "monster_demon_imp"
mesh models/md5/venom/monsters/new_imp/new_imp.md5mesh
entityDef monster_6th_imp {
"inherit" "monster_demon_imp"
"model" "monster_demon_6th_imp"
"skin" "skins/monster_demon_new_imp"
But it should be the exact same result, no?
Or maybe there is something to change because of the new path and name of the file?
I miss something...
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:18 pm : you do not inherit in the MODEL section, just the entityDef section
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:30 pm : Ok, i'll try with a complete model def.
But i'm surprised, cause i've found...
model monster_demon_pinky_pipes {
inherit monster_demon_pinky
anim pipes_idle models/md5/monsters/pinky/pipepinkidle.md5anim
anim pipes_bust models/md5/monsters/pinky/pipepinkanim.md5anim
...in the pinky.def
It's ok now, as you said the model's inherit was the problem... really strange...
Thanks you very much, as always!
In fact, redefining channels is enough to make it work like a charm:
channel torso ( *chest )
channel legs ( waist *Hips Body origin )
6th Venom@Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:06 pm : Hi,
I just tried to import, and then export the IMP in max using the Der_ton 0.94 & 0.95 tools (plus the berserker tools too), and it look like everything is allright except that my IMP do the moonwalk on place...
(he's not moving at all from his spawn place, but still play walk anim)
It's like for some reasons the origin point is not updated in space as the animation does in max when he walk.
I remember then that the origin point for custom walk animations must stay at (0, 0, 0) and the body bone have to move forward... am i right?
If so, how can i create a new model and skin it with the IMP bones if the anims MUST be redone for the origin animation problem?!?
Do any1 succeded to skin a totally custom monster/chara on a vanilla skeleton/bones without any walk/run problems?
6th Venom@Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:14 pm : Quote:
Do any1 succeded to skin a totally custom monster/chara on a vanilla skeleton/bones without any walk/run problems?
Seriously, nobody?
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:59 am : The Origin bone must START at 0,0,0 but does move ahead for the walk cycle in 3ds Max.
This tutorial MAY help
http://trepaning.com/d3Vids/tutorials/d ... meshes.zip 21 megs
It is changing the Cacodemon mesh but using the original D3 rig.
Kristus@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:09 am : 6th Venom wrote:
Do any1 succeded to skin a totally custom monster/chara on a vanilla skeleton/bones without any walk/run problems?
Yeah, I did that with the FCE soldiers in Phobos.
Actually, I've done it on several other models as well, for different reasons.
One time I took the hell-time hellhunter model and slapped on a pair of Hell Knight legs on it and rigged it to the HK bones. It worked surprisingly well, considering how different their arms are.
When I do something like that though. I superimpose the new model on top of the old as close as I can get it (size wise, moving arms to fit better and shit) then I go into modifying the md5 model, and choose "attach", and I attach the new model to the old. Then I delete the old, and clean up any and all verticies that don't behave like they should.
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:54 am : Thanks for replies.
In fact, i already did this sort of work by past, using the same process as you Kristus, or using "Skin Wrap", and i also looked at all your cool video tutorials too long time ago Brian, but here is a new problem since i reinstall everything, windows XP included.
In fact, if i import any vanilla MD5mesh and then Re-export it without any modifications, it will be unable to move in the game (and do the moonwalk).
But if i import this "new" MD5mesh in Max, and load its walk anim, everything looks good, and the origin is moving like it should.
I don't understand why...

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:02 pm : Are you Exporting the T-Pose, or the Walk Anim?
Perhaps the Walk Anim itself needs to be Exported again?
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:21 pm : i tried the two... but still have this same result...
Re-install Max (9) don't seams to works, too.
Could someone import, and then re-export, the vanilla imp.md5mesh, and post the result file here, so i could compare your and mine...
even if i don't know what i could do with.

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:39 pm : It might be better if you posted your rigged Max file and someone exports it and sees if it works.
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:12 pm : 

i'm a dumb...
The problem don't happen if i use my new IMP.md5mesh in the original imp's def.
So, it look like it is something with the fact that i inherit like this:
model monster_demon_6th_imp {
inherit "monster_demon_imp"
mesh models/md5/venom/monsters/new_imp/new_imp.md5mesh
entityDef monster_6th_imp {
"inherit" "monster_demon_imp"
"model" "monster_demon_6th_imp"
"skin" "skins/monster_demon_new_imp"
But it should be the exact same result, no?
Or maybe there is something to change because of the new path and name of the file?
I miss something...
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:18 pm : you do not inherit in the MODEL section, just the entityDef section
6th Venom@Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:30 pm : Ok, i'll try with a complete model def.
But i'm surprised, cause i've found...
model monster_demon_pinky_pipes {
inherit monster_demon_pinky
anim pipes_idle models/md5/monsters/pinky/pipepinkidle.md5anim
anim pipes_bust models/md5/monsters/pinky/pipepinkanim.md5anim
...in the pinky.def
It's ok now, as you said the model's inherit was the problem... really strange...
Thanks you very much, as always!
In fact, redefining channels is enough to make it work like a charm:
channel torso ( *chest )
channel legs ( waist *Hips Body origin )