Hey guys

Hope everyone is ok. I'm trying to find out about editing monster skins these days but I need somebody to point me in the right direction because I'm new to texturing. Could someone give me a hint as to where to go for this specific type of tutorial as I don't know the definite texture thread for monster skinning. Thanks
P.S My apologies if this is in the wrong area but the search is acting up for some reason...
I came in here hoping I could see an imp wearing a hawaiian shirt and jeans. :[
"SKin" refers to changing the material via a bit of code, swapping one material Def for another. You have to create the texture, create the MTR for the texture, and create a .SKIN file for the swap to take place. I have a SKIN tutorial on my website, if you want to do the download and watch it. All in all, there is no reason an Imp cannot be wearing a Hawaiian shirt within 10 minutes.
There are tons of reasons an IMP should not...

ok thanks brian, I'll give it a try. Hawaiian Imp 50 must be done!
Anyway, it would be interesting to see an Imp in the Hawaiian shirt and jeans.

There is already one, i think i have a link somewhere here....
oh yea, here it is:

I think it was used in a game a few years back.
aardwolf wrote:
There is already one, i think i have a link somewhere here....
oh yea, here it is:

I think it was used in a game a few years back.
Far Cry...
haha that does look alot like the imp leap animation

I edited your thread title since I keep clicking this topic and I keep getting disappointed

As soon as I get this bloody website up and running I'll be able to do more work on my Hawaii 50 Imp!

It probably wouldn't look real nice as part of the textures themselves, it would look too tight maybe. The best way to do it would be to grab a "shirt-form" of triangles from the Imp and duplicate them, then scale them out to rest on top of the low-poly mesh, so they can share the same rigging and animations, and look more convincing as sitting on top of the Imp's body, with lower parts of the shirt being able to hang and dangle. All those guys have worked very hard, they deserve a tropical holiday. Maybe this could be turned into a bit of a contest? Best Hawaiian shirt on a Doom3 monster competition!
This whole thing sounds very Trepaning to me