I'm trying to set my new model but I'm doing something wrong whit the editor maybe.So I'm going on the "NEW" tab, click on it and then I create new "af" file.Then I chose the md5 path from "properties", model section,then I save the file.But when i click on the "Spawn" tab I receive this error:

When I'm opening other "af" file - monsters.... zombies.... all that's are in the game.The model is loading whit no problems containing body parts,universal joints... etc.
What must I do to load my model?

I check the bones and fix some things

The main problem was that I forgot to write this in enityDef section
"articulatedFigure" "ragdoll_monster_demon_hellbaron"
Which maybe means that it use it for af_pose while editing.Something like to set a path of the af file.I'm still learning and this thinks are hard.


I'm trying to set my new model but I'm doing something wrong whit the editor maybe.So I'm going on the "NEW" tab, click on it and then I create new "af" file.Then I chose the md5 path from "properties", model section,then I save the file.But when i click on the "Spawn" tab I receive this error:

When I'm opening other "af" file - monsters.... zombies.... all that's are in the game.The model is loading whit no problems containing body parts,universal joints... etc.
What must I do to load my model?

I check the bones and fix some things

The main problem was that I forgot to write this in enityDef section
"articulatedFigure" "ragdoll_monster_demon_hellbaron"
Which maybe means that it use it for af_pose while editing.Something like to set a path of the af file.I'm still learning and this thinks are hard.
