ajm113@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:42 am : Well, my mom gave me her old laptop and I am wanting to bring it too school to work on VS2005, I want to know these questions:
My laptop Name:
Compaq Prosignia 150
Model Number: 1456VQL1N
Windows 2000

, I know...
1. How do I know if the laptop can run Vista? (Laptops Love Vista, right...?)
2. Can my laptop run simple OpenGL applications?
3. Can my laptop maybe run something like Maya 6.5?
4. Where can I go to get a laptop battery for it? I think the battery is stable, but you never know... It could give out just at lunch time...
Final_Light@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:36 am :
ajm113@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:40 am : It can't even use Software Mode to render something simple like a cube?
Thanks for the link, have to print it out or save it.
stabinbac@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:48 am : Windows Vista minimum supported system requirements
800 MHz processor and 512 MB of system memory
20 GB hard drive with at least 15 GB of available space
Support for Super VGA graphics
CD-ROM drive
... at least it's got a CD-Rom drive.
iceheart@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:30 am : stabinbac wrote:
Windows Vista minimum supported system requirements
800 MHz processor and 512 MB of system memory
20 GB hard drive with at least 15 GB of available space
Support for Super VGA graphics
CD-ROM drive
... at least it's got a CD-Rom drive.
Every vista I've ever seen has come on a dvd, is the cd version some special order microsoft thing?
ajm113@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:42 am : arg.... Your right about that OpenGL thing, LAG city on my laptop now, since I started my game on to it, idk even if Software Rendering mode would do much...

Would updating the drives even do much???
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:19 pm : Updating the drives wouldn't do a damn thing. Get a job and a real pc if you want something to work with.
ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:04 am : Its hard to find one now a days with the U.S slowly dieing economy. But I try to find stuff to do on the net, already got a small job for a website.
stabinbac@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:16 am : ajm113 wrote:
Its hard to find one now a days with the U.S slowly dieing economy.
Yes, because a slow economy means everyone sits down and waits for it to get better. Stuff still needs to get done. You'd probably be surprised what work you can find if you really try. Even if the work you'd like to do is slow you might find something slightly different that you discover is even better.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:22 am : ajm113 wrote:
Its hard to find one now a days with the U.S slowly dieing economy. But I try to find stuff to do on the net, already got a small job for a website.
Maybe for your age, paperboy doesn't cut it I guess. You can try cutting a thousand lawns. Whatever money you have left over from buying candy might be enough.
ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:51 am : That's cute, but I believe I live where it reaches 100F and I am not allowed to be a cart retriever. I don't think I am going to have much luck with mowing.
Final_Light@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:27 am : I don't think it would be THAT hard to obtain a job. iv'e had 3 different jobs and got them first try when i went out looking. I live in Australia and im currently 17. You just need a bit of persperation, good confidence and a great resume.
Because you live in America, buying a decent laptop is pretty cheap considering company's like Newegg etc.
so ditch the 64MB - 192MB ram'ed laptop and go buy a decent one.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 834147769RGood luck.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:49 am : The cheapest place to buy a laptop new is a retail store period, You'll never find laptops or printers cheaper online due to the fact that retailers sell the units for they price THEY pay for it with NO markup, They get their money from the accessories, They markup printer ink and usb cables like crazy, for example, $26 for a 11ft usb cable. I used to work at an office supply store sadly.
ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:57 am : Just so where clear I live in a dense suburb, that has as much jobs available as a Alaska small town and has a high population of teens wanting the same goal as I do, so its really THAT difficult until I turn 18 in one more year after Nov. (Damn Insurance Companies!)

mmm, I'll look more into that 192MB laptop.
Would doing financing on a laptop work out, like a XPS for example at say Best Buy would work?
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:45 pm : sure, if you want to get into debt at an early age.
ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:05 pm : eh, that's right forgot about that. Might have to study for a food handlers card, and just keep testing my self, I guest..

rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:47 am : Don't they pay for donating blood and er... producing a sample now days? One of them does anyway.
ajm113@Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:18 am : It depends, 12 bucks I think, but you have to be 18 and, *Clearing Throught* it verys from count, Ha.
Some blood banks don't give you any money I think, cookie maybe..

DoV_Tomas@Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:39 pm : Man poor AJM, hurts like a bitch growing up in the new world. Someone ought to remind him of the trillions of debt he's on the hook for. Mind you I'm surprised you haven't got any credit cards yet in the mail. My boy a word of advise - burn them when they come.
What about a used computer? Given how fast technology is evolving, I wouldn't be surprised if "last year's used model" wouldn't suffice. Isn't there a McDonald's where you live? Yeah a hair net and stripped uniform won't get you the ladies, but it will get you a laptop if you save up. Also maybe consider building your own computer. Put in it just what you need and you should be able to get the price down where you can afford it.
Good luck kid.
ajm113@Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:45 pm : Thanks for the advice, but I already made my own PC from what was left over at my dads. Damn I tried the food handlers the second time and failed, idk what I am forgetting about it, I am studdying hard for it...
Can't miss more then 5 and last I missed 7. So hopefuly next one I can achive it, I am planning on being a bus boy for a bar/restrant around the area.
Yeah we got a small Mc Barfs, but I doubt I will work there, its pretty small and it doesn't look that they need a lot of people.
ajm113@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:42 am : Well, my mom gave me her old laptop and I am wanting to bring it too school to work on VS2005, I want to know these questions:
My laptop Name:
Compaq Prosignia 150
Model Number: 1456VQL1N
Windows 2000

, I know...
1. How do I know if the laptop can run Vista? (Laptops Love Vista, right...?)
2. Can my laptop run simple OpenGL applications?
3. Can my laptop maybe run something like Maya 6.5?
4. Where can I go to get a laptop battery for it? I think the battery is stable, but you never know... It could give out just at lunch time...
Final_Light@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:36 am :
ajm113@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:40 am : It can't even use Software Mode to render something simple like a cube?
Thanks for the link, have to print it out or save it.
stabinbac@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:48 am : Windows Vista minimum supported system requirements
800 MHz processor and 512 MB of system memory
20 GB hard drive with at least 15 GB of available space
Support for Super VGA graphics
CD-ROM drive
... at least it's got a CD-Rom drive.
iceheart@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:30 am : stabinbac wrote:
Windows Vista minimum supported system requirements
800 MHz processor and 512 MB of system memory
20 GB hard drive with at least 15 GB of available space
Support for Super VGA graphics
CD-ROM drive
... at least it's got a CD-Rom drive.
Every vista I've ever seen has come on a dvd, is the cd version some special order microsoft thing?
ajm113@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:42 am : arg.... Your right about that OpenGL thing, LAG city on my laptop now, since I started my game on to it, idk even if Software Rendering mode would do much...

Would updating the drives even do much???
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:19 pm : Updating the drives wouldn't do a damn thing. Get a job and a real pc if you want something to work with.
ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:04 am : Its hard to find one now a days with the U.S slowly dieing economy. But I try to find stuff to do on the net, already got a small job for a website.
stabinbac@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:16 am : ajm113 wrote:
Its hard to find one now a days with the U.S slowly dieing economy.
Yes, because a slow economy means everyone sits down and waits for it to get better. Stuff still needs to get done. You'd probably be surprised what work you can find if you really try. Even if the work you'd like to do is slow you might find something slightly different that you discover is even better.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:22 am : ajm113 wrote:
Its hard to find one now a days with the U.S slowly dieing economy. But I try to find stuff to do on the net, already got a small job for a website.
Maybe for your age, paperboy doesn't cut it I guess. You can try cutting a thousand lawns. Whatever money you have left over from buying candy might be enough.
ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:51 am : That's cute, but I believe I live where it reaches 100F and I am not allowed to be a cart retriever. I don't think I am going to have much luck with mowing.
Final_Light@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:27 am : I don't think it would be THAT hard to obtain a job. iv'e had 3 different jobs and got them first try when i went out looking. I live in Australia and im currently 17. You just need a bit of persperation, good confidence and a great resume.
Because you live in America, buying a decent laptop is pretty cheap considering company's like Newegg etc.
so ditch the 64MB - 192MB ram'ed laptop and go buy a decent one.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 834147769RGood luck.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:49 am : The cheapest place to buy a laptop new is a retail store period, You'll never find laptops or printers cheaper online due to the fact that retailers sell the units for they price THEY pay for it with NO markup, They get their money from the accessories, They markup printer ink and usb cables like crazy, for example, $26 for a 11ft usb cable. I used to work at an office supply store sadly.
ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:57 am : Just so where clear I live in a dense suburb, that has as much jobs available as a Alaska small town and has a high population of teens wanting the same goal as I do, so its really THAT difficult until I turn 18 in one more year after Nov. (Damn Insurance Companies!)

mmm, I'll look more into that 192MB laptop.
Would doing financing on a laptop work out, like a XPS for example at say Best Buy would work?
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:45 pm : sure, if you want to get into debt at an early age.
ajm113@Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:05 pm : eh, that's right forgot about that. Might have to study for a food handlers card, and just keep testing my self, I guest..

rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:47 am : Don't they pay for donating blood and er... producing a sample now days? One of them does anyway.
ajm113@Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:18 am : It depends, 12 bucks I think, but you have to be 18 and, *Clearing Throught* it verys from count, Ha.
Some blood banks don't give you any money I think, cookie maybe..

DoV_Tomas@Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:39 pm : Man poor AJM, hurts like a bitch growing up in the new world. Someone ought to remind him of the trillions of debt he's on the hook for. Mind you I'm surprised you haven't got any credit cards yet in the mail. My boy a word of advise - burn them when they come.
What about a used computer? Given how fast technology is evolving, I wouldn't be surprised if "last year's used model" wouldn't suffice. Isn't there a McDonald's where you live? Yeah a hair net and stripped uniform won't get you the ladies, but it will get you a laptop if you save up. Also maybe consider building your own computer. Put in it just what you need and you should be able to get the price down where you can afford it.
Good luck kid.
ajm113@Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:45 pm : Thanks for the advice, but I already made my own PC from what was left over at my dads. Damn I tried the food handlers the second time and failed, idk what I am forgetting about it, I am studdying hard for it...
Can't miss more then 5 and last I missed 7. So hopefuly next one I can achive it, I am planning on being a bus boy for a bar/restrant around the area.
Yeah we got a small Mc Barfs, but I doubt I will work there, its pretty small and it doesn't look that they need a lot of people.