goliathvt@Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:42 pm : Lol. "Joe the Plumber" is more aptly "Joe the Plant" or "Joe the Gimmick." Really, is there anything about McCain's campaign that isn't some stunt or born of some extremely misinformed view?
...it turns out that 'Joe The Plummer' doesn't have a plumbing license, owes back taxes, makes less than $250,000 a year and is a registered Republican.
...The county Wurzelbacher and his currently employer live in, Lucas County, requires plumbers to have licenses. And neither Wurzelbacher nor his employer are licensed there.
Wurzelbacher also owes the state of Ohio $1,182.98 in personal income tax, according to Lucas County Court of Common Pleas records.
In January 2007, Ohio's Department of Taxation filed a claim on his property until he pays the debt, according to the records. The lien remains active.
Despite portraying himself in some media accounts as an independent or undecided voter, it appears that 'Joe the Plumber' is a longtime, registered Republican.
Wurzelbacher's hometown newspaper, The Toledo Blade, said that Lucas County Board of Elections records show he's been on the voter rolls since 1992 and is a registered Republican. He most recently voted in Ohio's March 2008 GOP primary.
http://cbs13.com/campaign08/plumber.tax ... 42376.htmlLOL.
Yes, ANOTHER McCain McGimmick! I love it. Let's add to the list!
Sarah Palin is woefully under-qualified. Many say she was picked b/c of her looks and charisma, not for her expertise (obviously... she can't even name a supreme court case and had never been outside the US before this year).
McCain "suspended his campaign" to rush back to Washington to assist with the economic crisis... though he stopped so many times along the way for appearances and coffee breaks and dinners that he didn't complete a short 2-state trip for 22 hours, and by that time, Congress had already drawn up and nearly come to an agreement on a response plan... the one the repubs then turned around and voted down (thankfully, as it was a terrible plan anyway).
I always found it hilarious how McCain clearly used the stunt for personal political gain, calling into question why Obama wasn't heroic enough to suspend his campaign... yet then turned around and railed against the idea of using the crisis for political gain when Obama critiqued McCain's policy proposals and why they didn't adequately address the times.
The list could go on but I'm tired and bleh.
I hope "Joe the plumber" enjoyed his 15 mins of fame and hope McCain doesn't really think the U.S. electorate is that freakin' stupid.
... Oh wait...
Kristus@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:18 am : goliathvt wrote:
she can't even name a supreme court case and had never been outside the US before this year
Never mind supreme court cases, she can't even name a newspaper she reads.
stabinbac@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:36 am : He's not a plant. He's a republican. The kind they like to hide in the media. I have friends that would probably ask similar questions of Obama if given the chance. It's Obama's fault for grabbing the wrong guy.
He works at a plumbing business. How would you describe his job? Why not just go with the easy and catchy "plumber"?
His middle name is "Joe" not his first. I've got a couple friends that do the same thing. Why is that an issue for anybody? (It is to some morons.)
He doesn't make $250k+ a year, but he would like to. So would most people. He'd love it if it was easier to do.
Big people working for Obama owe taxes just like Joe. His treasurer for example.
A man asked good questions? What do you do? He may have set them up to be theoretical situations? He's a LIAR!! He supports the other side? Hes a PLANT!!!
The trashing of anyone against the democrat party is disgusting.
You're spreading ignorant hate.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:39 am : wait.... i must of clicking the "politics4theworld.org" site recently because all I'm seeing is political messages on the forums...
pbmax@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:46 am : 1. You failed to prove that McCain planted him.
2. Joe never said he made 250,000 a year. He said he wants to buy a small business.
3. So he owes back taxes, woop-dee-doo. A lot of people do. Perhaps he has a legit claim.
4. He could be an undecided voter. Most conservative Republicans don't like McCain at all.
5. He's made countless appearances in front the media since and has been open & honest.
I love how the main stream media immediately went after this guy and tried to discredit him. Gives you an idea just how much they are in the tank for Obama.
The bottom line, goliath, is that it doesn't matter if Joe the Plumber is a child molester, an axe muderer and a Republican. Obama still said what he said, "Spread the wealth around".
Tax the rich and give to the poor. He let the cat out of bag. That's why this non-story exploded into this huge deal. A lot of Americans do not believe in socialism, they believe in capitalism. That's why everyone is talking about Joe the Plumber. I think you missed the point.
Raising taxes on small business is bad idea especially in this economy. Small businesses in America employ by far most Americans- not large corporations. Raising taxes is an additional artificial cost which will hinder how that business operates and plans to grow. If you want to grow the economy, cut taxes FOR EVERYONE and FOR EVERY BUSINESS. Economics 101.
Oh wait, I forgot that we all need to chip in to cover that $850 billion bailout.
Kristus@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:02 am : He's not raising taxes on small businesses.
Why are you acting all dignified over the bailout, your McCain supported it just as Obama did.
The current way of American politics is Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.
TelMarine@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:33 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
wait.... i must of clicking the "politics4theworld.org" site recently because all I'm seeing is political messages on the forums...
see id software, without more information, this is what happens to this forum! Ragetest.exe tomorrow plz kthx.
stabinbac@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:24 am : TelMarine wrote:
see id software, without more information, this is what happens to this forum! Ragetest.exe tomorrow plz kthx.
There's only one way to give your words enough power to make it happen!
TelMarine for president!
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:14 am : Ah, reading comprehension. I suppose I should have made it more clear from my post that I'm far more interested in this "Joe the Plumber" phenomenon because it smacks of being yet another big fat gimmick by McCain. I never belittled this Joe guy, I merely quoted a news story that uncovered details about him, yet stabinbac you seem to respond in a way that suggests I demonized the man somehow.
And yes, "Joe" asked a great question. However, if you watched any of the coverage of his interviews and front-yard coverage, he used his 15 mins of fame to sound off neo-con talking points. A bit lame if you ask me, and indicative of the only point I was making in my first post. He was a plant.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:27 am : TelMarine wrote:
The Happy Friar wrote:
wait.... i must of clicking the "politics4theworld.org" site recently because all I'm seeing is political messages on the forums...
see id software, without more information, this is what happens to this forum! Ragetest.exe tomorrow plz kthx.
The sound or reason is back - word up!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:46 am : pbmax wrote:
1. You failed to prove that McCain planted him.
Has there been any proof he got planted? I don't think so. McCain was just a bit unlucky again to pick the wrong poster boy.
pbmax wrote:
2. Joe never said he made 250,000 a year. He said he wants to buy a small business.
Joe thought he understood Obamas tax plan as if he would get taxed into debt and foreclosure, just the way the McCain campaign wants it to get perceived by the public. People who don't understand tax plans in their basics are, however, prone for insolvency when they buy a business, but for other reaons.
pbmax wrote:
3. So he owes back taxes, woop-dee-doo. A lot of people do. Perhaps he has a legit claim.
Hm, don't we all?
pbmax wrote:
5. He's made countless appearances in front the media since and has been open & honest.
I didn't get the impression he was too happy about the media attention. Especially not when he's lacking the job qualification paper (which doesn't mean he's doing bad work), a fact which could get portrayed falsely.
Joe the Plumber is the prime example how this fear and smear campaign of McCain and especially this Sarah Palin person works and in which sort of earth their seed grows best. Joe is probably the perfect back-test.
pbmax wrote:
I love how the main stream media immediately went after this guy and tried to discredit him. Gives you an idea just how much they are in the tank for Obama.
Be fair - you would be sitting in front of the PC doing one handed and short breathed web browsing, being sweaty with excitement if you would find something you could portray here in a way that serves your ideology. Like DOW intraday drops or ACRON! You're not one single piece better than anyone else in this regards.
pbmax wrote:
The bottom line, goliath, is that it doesn't matter if Joe the Plumber is a child molester, an axe muderer and a Republican. Obama still said what he said, "Spread the wealth around".
That still leaves a lot of interpretation.
pbmax wrote:
Tax the rich and give to the poor. He let the cat out of bag.
Has this ever been a secret we needed the media to discover? What he said is irrelevant, what's more important is what is rich, what's the tax and under which circumstances is he giving to the poor. You make it sound, as usual, as if he's walking around, introduces a confiscatory tax system which would put Chavez wildest dreams to shame, and then drive around in his pink caddy with tiger seats spilling money to the masses.
pbmax wrote:
If you want to grow the economy, cut taxes FOR EVERYONE and FOR EVERY BUSINESS. Economics 101.
You can never go below zero, even then it wouldn't help an economy which ran itself into the ground or got ruined by Christian fanatics spending all the hard worked for wealth of the US taxpayer on a crusade abroad.
pbmax wrote:
Oh wait, I forgot that we all need to chip in to cover that $850 billion bailout.
Don't forget to chip in your part for the holy crusade. Name me one war which was fought and financed on tax cuts? Only because the Bush Administration deferred the cost to following administrations doesn't mean the cost are gone. That's Enron style accounting - report losses as income. But you, holding an MBA like Bush, should mention that too.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:49 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
wait.... i must of clicking the "politics4theworld.org" site recently because all I'm seeing is political messages on the forums...
To be perfectly fair, the description on the "Let's talk about it" forum is:
Just a place to talk about international politics and stuff.
So it's not exactly off topic

goliathvt@Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:42 pm : Lol. "Joe the Plumber" is more aptly "Joe the Plant" or "Joe the Gimmick." Really, is there anything about McCain's campaign that isn't some stunt or born of some extremely misinformed view?
...it turns out that 'Joe The Plummer' doesn't have a plumbing license, owes back taxes, makes less than $250,000 a year and is a registered Republican.
...The county Wurzelbacher and his currently employer live in, Lucas County, requires plumbers to have licenses. And neither Wurzelbacher nor his employer are licensed there.
Wurzelbacher also owes the state of Ohio $1,182.98 in personal income tax, according to Lucas County Court of Common Pleas records.
In January 2007, Ohio's Department of Taxation filed a claim on his property until he pays the debt, according to the records. The lien remains active.
Despite portraying himself in some media accounts as an independent or undecided voter, it appears that 'Joe the Plumber' is a longtime, registered Republican.
Wurzelbacher's hometown newspaper, The Toledo Blade, said that Lucas County Board of Elections records show he's been on the voter rolls since 1992 and is a registered Republican. He most recently voted in Ohio's March 2008 GOP primary.
http://cbs13.com/campaign08/plumber.tax ... 42376.htmlLOL.
Yes, ANOTHER McCain McGimmick! I love it. Let's add to the list!
Sarah Palin is woefully under-qualified. Many say she was picked b/c of her looks and charisma, not for her expertise (obviously... she can't even name a supreme court case and had never been outside the US before this year).
McCain "suspended his campaign" to rush back to Washington to assist with the economic crisis... though he stopped so many times along the way for appearances and coffee breaks and dinners that he didn't complete a short 2-state trip for 22 hours, and by that time, Congress had already drawn up and nearly come to an agreement on a response plan... the one the repubs then turned around and voted down (thankfully, as it was a terrible plan anyway).
I always found it hilarious how McCain clearly used the stunt for personal political gain, calling into question why Obama wasn't heroic enough to suspend his campaign... yet then turned around and railed against the idea of using the crisis for political gain when Obama critiqued McCain's policy proposals and why they didn't adequately address the times.
The list could go on but I'm tired and bleh.
I hope "Joe the plumber" enjoyed his 15 mins of fame and hope McCain doesn't really think the U.S. electorate is that freakin' stupid.
... Oh wait...
Kristus@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:18 am : goliathvt wrote:
she can't even name a supreme court case and had never been outside the US before this year
Never mind supreme court cases, she can't even name a newspaper she reads.
stabinbac@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:36 am : He's not a plant. He's a republican. The kind they like to hide in the media. I have friends that would probably ask similar questions of Obama if given the chance. It's Obama's fault for grabbing the wrong guy.
He works at a plumbing business. How would you describe his job? Why not just go with the easy and catchy "plumber"?
His middle name is "Joe" not his first. I've got a couple friends that do the same thing. Why is that an issue for anybody? (It is to some morons.)
He doesn't make $250k+ a year, but he would like to. So would most people. He'd love it if it was easier to do.
Big people working for Obama owe taxes just like Joe. His treasurer for example.
A man asked good questions? What do you do? He may have set them up to be theoretical situations? He's a LIAR!! He supports the other side? Hes a PLANT!!!
The trashing of anyone against the democrat party is disgusting.
You're spreading ignorant hate.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:39 am : wait.... i must of clicking the "politics4theworld.org" site recently because all I'm seeing is political messages on the forums...
pbmax@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 1:46 am : 1. You failed to prove that McCain planted him.
2. Joe never said he made 250,000 a year. He said he wants to buy a small business.
3. So he owes back taxes, woop-dee-doo. A lot of people do. Perhaps he has a legit claim.
4. He could be an undecided voter. Most conservative Republicans don't like McCain at all.
5. He's made countless appearances in front the media since and has been open & honest.
I love how the main stream media immediately went after this guy and tried to discredit him. Gives you an idea just how much they are in the tank for Obama.
The bottom line, goliath, is that it doesn't matter if Joe the Plumber is a child molester, an axe muderer and a Republican. Obama still said what he said, "Spread the wealth around".
Tax the rich and give to the poor. He let the cat out of bag. That's why this non-story exploded into this huge deal. A lot of Americans do not believe in socialism, they believe in capitalism. That's why everyone is talking about Joe the Plumber. I think you missed the point.
Raising taxes on small business is bad idea especially in this economy. Small businesses in America employ by far most Americans- not large corporations. Raising taxes is an additional artificial cost which will hinder how that business operates and plans to grow. If you want to grow the economy, cut taxes FOR EVERYONE and FOR EVERY BUSINESS. Economics 101.
Oh wait, I forgot that we all need to chip in to cover that $850 billion bailout.
Kristus@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:02 am : He's not raising taxes on small businesses.
Why are you acting all dignified over the bailout, your McCain supported it just as Obama did.
The current way of American politics is Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.
TelMarine@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:33 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
wait.... i must of clicking the "politics4theworld.org" site recently because all I'm seeing is political messages on the forums...
see id software, without more information, this is what happens to this forum! Ragetest.exe tomorrow plz kthx.
stabinbac@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:24 am : TelMarine wrote:
see id software, without more information, this is what happens to this forum! Ragetest.exe tomorrow plz kthx.
There's only one way to give your words enough power to make it happen!
TelMarine for president!
goliathvt@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:14 am : Ah, reading comprehension. I suppose I should have made it more clear from my post that I'm far more interested in this "Joe the Plumber" phenomenon because it smacks of being yet another big fat gimmick by McCain. I never belittled this Joe guy, I merely quoted a news story that uncovered details about him, yet stabinbac you seem to respond in a way that suggests I demonized the man somehow.
And yes, "Joe" asked a great question. However, if you watched any of the coverage of his interviews and front-yard coverage, he used his 15 mins of fame to sound off neo-con talking points. A bit lame if you ask me, and indicative of the only point I was making in my first post. He was a plant.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:27 am : TelMarine wrote:
The Happy Friar wrote:
wait.... i must of clicking the "politics4theworld.org" site recently because all I'm seeing is political messages on the forums...
see id software, without more information, this is what happens to this forum! Ragetest.exe tomorrow plz kthx.
The sound or reason is back - word up!
BNA!@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:46 am : pbmax wrote:
1. You failed to prove that McCain planted him.
Has there been any proof he got planted? I don't think so. McCain was just a bit unlucky again to pick the wrong poster boy.
pbmax wrote:
2. Joe never said he made 250,000 a year. He said he wants to buy a small business.
Joe thought he understood Obamas tax plan as if he would get taxed into debt and foreclosure, just the way the McCain campaign wants it to get perceived by the public. People who don't understand tax plans in their basics are, however, prone for insolvency when they buy a business, but for other reaons.
pbmax wrote:
3. So he owes back taxes, woop-dee-doo. A lot of people do. Perhaps he has a legit claim.
Hm, don't we all?
pbmax wrote:
5. He's made countless appearances in front the media since and has been open & honest.
I didn't get the impression he was too happy about the media attention. Especially not when he's lacking the job qualification paper (which doesn't mean he's doing bad work), a fact which could get portrayed falsely.
Joe the Plumber is the prime example how this fear and smear campaign of McCain and especially this Sarah Palin person works and in which sort of earth their seed grows best. Joe is probably the perfect back-test.
pbmax wrote:
I love how the main stream media immediately went after this guy and tried to discredit him. Gives you an idea just how much they are in the tank for Obama.
Be fair - you would be sitting in front of the PC doing one handed and short breathed web browsing, being sweaty with excitement if you would find something you could portray here in a way that serves your ideology. Like DOW intraday drops or ACRON! You're not one single piece better than anyone else in this regards.
pbmax wrote:
The bottom line, goliath, is that it doesn't matter if Joe the Plumber is a child molester, an axe muderer and a Republican. Obama still said what he said, "Spread the wealth around".
That still leaves a lot of interpretation.
pbmax wrote:
Tax the rich and give to the poor. He let the cat out of bag.
Has this ever been a secret we needed the media to discover? What he said is irrelevant, what's more important is what is rich, what's the tax and under which circumstances is he giving to the poor. You make it sound, as usual, as if he's walking around, introduces a confiscatory tax system which would put Chavez wildest dreams to shame, and then drive around in his pink caddy with tiger seats spilling money to the masses.
pbmax wrote:
If you want to grow the economy, cut taxes FOR EVERYONE and FOR EVERY BUSINESS. Economics 101.
You can never go below zero, even then it wouldn't help an economy which ran itself into the ground or got ruined by Christian fanatics spending all the hard worked for wealth of the US taxpayer on a crusade abroad.
pbmax wrote:
Oh wait, I forgot that we all need to chip in to cover that $850 billion bailout.
Don't forget to chip in your part for the holy crusade. Name me one war which was fought and financed on tax cuts? Only because the Bush Administration deferred the cost to following administrations doesn't mean the cost are gone. That's Enron style accounting - report losses as income. But you, holding an MBA like Bush, should mention that too.
iceheart@Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:49 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
wait.... i must of clicking the "politics4theworld.org" site recently because all I'm seeing is political messages on the forums...
To be perfectly fair, the description on the "Let's talk about it" forum is:
Just a place to talk about international politics and stuff.
So it's not exactly off topic
