Kristus@Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:51 pm : Yahtzee reviewed it, and he DID mention Doom 3. :p He's a maverick. ... Dead-Space
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:30 pm : lol fucking Yahtzee is amazing!!!
DoomUK@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:22 pm : Really great game, once you get accustomed to the awkward camera angle.
I'm not really getting many Doom³ vibes, though. Other than the fact it's horror and gore in space. The game pretty much has it's own 'feel'.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:02 am : Really. It's getting silly. Dead Space looks, sounds and plays (by all accounts) like Doom3 in 3rd-person - or a very well-made homage to it, yet I'm having real trouble finding any references to id's last magnum opus in ANY review or coverage of EA's newest title.

Did EA send out a terse warning to everyone that on NO account is any journalist to mention the dreaded 'D3' words in connection with their precious new IP?
Instead we find references to RE:4, Bioshock and - well, any game except

Here's a screen from Dead Space:

Remind you of anything..? (apart from System Shock 2)

Speedy@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:24 am : here is the best review of Doom Spe.. err, I mean Dead Space ... 5&end=2226is there ANYTHING original about this game at all? plot is a mix of aliens and the thing, gameplay is a mix of doom3 and res evil (and sys shock to lesser extent)

=NoMercy=@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:54 am : I really don't see how it's a bad thing, sure no originality...but that's nearly impossible these days anyways. Doom 3, RE, and System Shock 2 are all great games.
revility@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:07 am : I've seen a few magazines on the stands this month that described it as resident evil 4 mixed in with the thing in a doom 3 settings.
From everything i kept seeing and read, its hard not to compare it to doom3. The reviews are already describing something far better though and it has something d3 didn't have, really satisifying looking combat. If we can't get cool gut wrenching deaths in this day and age, then give us dismemberment and agressive ai to use it.
Mordenkainen@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:43 am : revility wrote:
The reviews are already describing something far better though and it has something d3 didn't have, really satisifying looking combat. If we can't get cool gut wrenching deaths in this day and age, then give us dismemberment and agressive ai to use it.
Day and age? You're comparing two games that were released four years apart. Oh yeah, Far Cry sucks, why can't it have the graphics of Crysis?
revility@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:53 am : referring to rag doll deaths instead of death animations.
6th Venom@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:28 am : Lol, i was talking exactly about this (D3<>DeadSpace) yesterday with friends!
But like said above, it's not a bad thing, since we'll don't get a new Doom before 'some' years.
I have to add this: "Doom 3 can do it too"

BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:26 am : What engine is it running on?
pbmax@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:40 pm : Dogstar wrote:
Did EA send out a terse warning to everyone that on NO account is any journalist to mention the dreaded 'D3' words in connection with their precious new IP?
good post.
i was wondering the same thing. i've read a ton of previews about the game and hardly a mention of doom3. it wouldn't surprise me if reviewers were asked not to mention it.
Speedy wrote:
here is the best review of Doom Spe.. err, I mean Dead Space ... 5&end=2226 "monsters that only crawl on the ceiling in their canned intro cinematics and then never do it again"so true.
Dogstar@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:45 pm : Speedy wrote:
here is the best review of Doom Spe.. err, I mean Dead Space ... 5&end=2226is there ANYTHING original about this game at all? plot is a mix of aliens and the thing, gameplay is a mix of doom3 and res evil (and sys shock to lesser extent)

Great review - and the most honest I've yet read. Thanks for the heads-up, fella.
BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:04 pm : Just wondering. Does every new game *have* to be original?
I keep seeing that as an argument. Isn't 'being original' is one of the most flawed and subjective arguments?
6th Venom@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:19 pm : Just do it.
goliathvt@Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:31 pm : Bo knows.
revility@Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:32 am : How the hud is done in the game is pretty neat. Those blue glowing bars on his back is the health bar. ammo is a gui on all guns like... well... um... doom 3

Bittoman@Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:50 am : Maybe all of the reviewers are simply
too young to remember Doom 3

BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:29 pm : Bittoman wrote:
Maybe all of the reviewers are simply
too young to remember Doom 3

The man has a point.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:01 pm : BloodRayne wrote:
Just wondering. Does every new game *have* to be original?
I keep seeing that as an argument. Isn't 'being original' is one of the most flawed and subjective arguments?
if that wasn't used against doom 3 by "major" reviewers, then I'd agree.
revility@Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:04 pm : Played about 45 mins of the game so far for the pc version.
Pretty cool and eerie. You definally have to cut the enemies up to kill them. Always make sure you stomp the dead body too just in case

I've only encountered the basic one so far, so i don't have judgement yet on the ai.
Graphics are good, load times are fast, music & sound fx are good and performance is good. The setting is very doom3, but more atomspheric and less dark. Game plays like Resident evil 4. My only gripe so far is the camera, which is a bit awkard to control.
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:34 am : Hey Dead Space is great and found alot quite original about it, it's just the environment everyone looks at and how the character does stuff. other than that, original: plot, weapons, ways to kill, sounds, Isaac's suit

. very well made.
Xhan@Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:20 am :
stabinbac@Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:04 am : It plays like D3 did on my old PC. Decent graphics at an impressive 15 fps! That was actually tolerable in first person, but third person makes it horribly clunky.
I could crank down the graphics, but it's hard to tolerate. The shadows are actually a gameplay element. One section showed a quick shadow movement which hinted that the "dead" enemy was going to pounce. Without shadows that kind of thing is just gone. It's sad.
I need a new PC.

I was going to complain about how PCs are expensive, but then I remembered the ridiculous amount of other stuff I do that I wouldn't be able to do with a console. New PC! Woo! I'll probably up my budget on this one.
I have barely played DS, but so far it's cool. The control is clunky, and I'm enjoying using a 360 controller more than keyboard because of the 3rd person thing.
rebb@Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:14 am : Xhan wrote:
Isn't that the exact same color-theme that most Doom3 UIs also used ?

6th Venom@Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:19 am : It's the "Windows 19 - Space edition" colors theme...

efx@Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:35 pm : Played it a bit yesterday on the 360. Great looking and sounding game. There are certain doom likenesses but personally I'm more reminded of movies like Even Horizon etc.
Great game though, I love the hudless aspect, really draws you in and one thing it has in spades that doom 3 didn't have for me is satisfying combat. It's just glorious.
TRSGM@Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:48 am : Very fun game. Played through it twice in as many days. I didn't get a real Doom 3 vibe from it, though. System Shock 2 was what the feeling was.
Also, that shotgun was just so AWESOME after you decked it out fully. It's endlessly fun to just stomp through the early levels with it on repeat playthroughs. That and the fact that you can buy super-sweet MEGADETH STORMTROOPER SKULL ARMER!!!!!one and wear it WHILE kicking ass.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:34 am : My PC wont run it, but I went to my brother-in-law's yesterday and watched him play for about a half hour on his "good" PC. I was instantly reminded of both Doom3 and RE4, and that is not in any way a bad thing if you ask me, both are great games. Dead Space has it's own unique elements as well; like the hud(or lack of) interface for example, so what if it resembles some other well known titles? What is wrong with drawing inspiration from what is already known to be a winning formula? If someone compares it to Doom3 I view that as a complement, I don't see how anyone would view this games as a "clone" of something else Dead Space in my opinion seems to take some of the best elements of a few well known horror games and then some all new never tried elements and mix them together into a survival horror extravaganza. Upon watching the game being played I was thinking to myself: "Yes! This is what I've been wanting". I know I can't afford to upgrade anytime soon, but I'll be getting the children an X-box 360 this Christmas, I think I may just pick this game up for myself.
Brain Trepaning@Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:50 pm : Hey, I've got a great idea! Let's make a survival/horror video game and make sure the lead character's space suit has lights all over it so he can never effectively hide except against flawed AI! Hell, if Doom 3 had this much forethought in their planning, no one would have complained about the game being too dark because the player would have been a living flashlight!
stabinbac@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:38 am : I've found that Dead Space works far better in widescreen. With Hor+ it's like opening another eye to see around your lovely suit that takes up a chunk of your view. I'm still not a fan of replacing a first person and HUD with a character lumped in your view. It's not HUDless. It's a big clunky obstructing "creative" HUD.
Then I tried to unlock some pipes in my video card for a performance boost and bricked it. Woo! Cheapo temp card until I build my new PC and can't finish DS until then. (The card did start once and had a 12% performance gain. Then it died. Very dead.)
TinMan@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:10 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
Hey, I've got a great idea! Let's make a survival/horror video game and make sure the lead character's space suit has lights all over it so he can never effectively hide except against flawed AI! Hell, if Doom 3 had this much forethought in their planning, no one would have complained about the game being too dark because the player would have been a living flashlight!
I guess the coolness of glowing lights is supposed to trump reality.

"Tell me how you spotted me! I was double crossed wasn't I! Wasn't I!!"
Or maybe they researched the visual range of the monsters and found they can't see blue light. ... ref=slogin
Doomguy87@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:40 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
Hey, I've got a great idea! Let's make a survival/horror video game and make sure the lead character's space suit has lights all over it so he can never effectively hide except against flawed AI! Hell, if Doom 3 had this much forethought in their planning, no one would have complained about the game being too dark because the player would have been a living flashlight!
ummm.........Trepaning...hes not a soldier...hes an engineer. i dont think they would have thought of an engineer getting in a war.

Xhan@Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:21 pm : rebb wrote:
Xhan wrote:
Isn't that the exact same color-theme that most Doom3 UIs also used ?

yeah, even the font is pretty "nostalgic"

TRSGM@Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:54 am : Xhan wrote:
rebb wrote:
Xhan wrote:
Isn't that the exact same color-theme that most Doom3 UIs also used ?

yeah, even the font is pretty "nostalgic"

That's because it's the Command and Conquer 3 font. Ditch that image hosting service, too. Imageshack's a lot better.
Also: The final boss was stupidly easy. I think I reloaded ONCE, MAYBE twice. Granted, my assault rifle has max damage and a 175-round clip, but still. A joke on Medium difficulty.
Xhan@Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:24 am : Haven't played on medium, only Hard and Impossible, a couple of friends playing on easy and medium said the game took like 8 hours.... I was like, "Are we playing the same game?"
Apparently the game actually means what it says on the difficulty levels. Ammo drops on impossible are really REALLLY scarce. I ended up hoofing it with the Plasma Cutter only.
Dogstar@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:52 pm : Found a nice touch in the game last night. In a quiet moment, I was just reading through some the collected text reports and who's name should pop up as one of the scientists aboard the Ishimura?

What I particularly like about this fact is that with most 'professional' reviewers sticking to their juvenile and frankly illogical decision
not to mention Doom3 in connection with Dead Space if they can possibly help it (instead -
fer chrissakes - choosing games like Bioshock to make a comparison with), it's great to see that EA's dev team felt so strongly about the influence of D3 over their game, they made a quiet mention of the great man himself.
It's in there: look for a text log in the first half of Chapter3. He is mentioned only as 'Carmack', a scientist.

Brain Trepaning@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:12 pm : Doomguy87 wrote:
ummm.........Trepaning...hes not a soldier...hes an engineer. i dont think they would have thought of an engineer getting in a war.

Ya, because engineers are never used in a war.

revility@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:13 pm : Great game, great action. Its only weak spot are the bosses and the boss fights themselves. Their really bad compared to everything else. One of them reminded me of a giant std ridden butt shooting glowing pooh at me

Even during the later levels when I comfortable with the enemies and all its spookyness, the designers still left a few good tricks up their sleeves to get a few more jumps out of me. They also didn't abuse tossing too many enemies at you in the later levels for the sake of making things harder like D3 & RE4 did.
After finishing it, it didn't remind me of doom3 that much. I had that feeling starting it out, but the only thing in common in the end was monsters in space. The story & gameplay made me think of resident evil 4 in space much more than doom. Its plot was very close to RE4's in my opinion, but they handled it much better, had a couple of good twist and explanations in it to make it stand out further. Even though I'm really sick of the silent main characters in games, the twist surrounding his small story and why this one guy was a one man army was good.
Sikkpin@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:13 pm : For those who have played/are playing it on pc, would you mind posting your system specs and in-game settings you are playing it on. I've read the minimum specs but I'm curious whether it'll truly run on my piece of shit.
Doomguy87@Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:27 am : Brain Trepaning wrote:
Doomguy87 wrote:
ummm.........Trepaning...hes not a soldier...hes an engineer. i dont think they would have thought of an engineer getting in a war.

Ya, because engineers are never used in a war.

He's not a combat engineer Trepaining, he a typical fix-things engineer, theres a difference.

stabinbac@Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:00 am : Sikkpin wrote:
For those who have played/are playing it on pc, would you mind posting your system specs and in-game settings you are playing it on. I've read the minimum specs but I'm curious whether it'll truly run on my piece of shit.
AMD 64 3400, a GF 6800, and 2 Gigs of ram. 1024x768 or 720p with quite low graphics. It's not very pleasant and cutting graphics any farther impacts the game play. And as I said before this game is much nicer in wide screen.
Sikkpin@Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:48 pm : I was reluctant at first to go out and purchase this game based on the post above as my system is comparable and I wanted to be able to play this game the way it was meant to be with settings maxed out at a respectable res. I finally said, "fuck it", went out, bought it, and to my surprise, it runs smooth as butter. Everything maxed, res @ 1024x768 (1280x960 would be ideal but I'm not complaining), VSync & EdgeAA(full screen blur = ugly) off and I haven't noticed any framerate issues yet. I'll put my specs below for others to compare.
Now for some opinions. Like the title of this thread, I can't see how no one has not mentioned Doom 3 when making comparisons. The aesthetics and pacing is very much D3-like to me and that's not a bad thing. With the corpses lying everywhere, blood-written messages, complex guis, audio & text logs, video contact with teamates... I could go on. The only thing that makes me think of BioShock is the players suit somewhat resembles the Big Daddy's, at least in material and shading. All in all this is, so far, an incredible game with perfect atmosphere, beautiful lighting/shading, and some nice innovative features. Also it has some of the best lip syncing I've seen, not the overall facial emotions but just the movement of mouth/lips.
Now for the Cons. The fucking FOV. The controls are smooth but not very tight no matter the sensitivity (my guess is mouse smooth is hard-coded to be on), which makes aiming, especially when in tight spaces (e.g. enemies right in front of you). Low res world textures (not a big deal but it contrast with the higher res characters/monsters). And a seemingly lack of any kind of anisotropic filtering (again, not a big deal but accompanied with the low fov it makes for flat, featureless surfaces down hallways and such.
And before I go, I'll leave a tip for new players: Try to "Use" or "Stomp" anything that glows.
System Specs:
Pentium 4 3.06 w/ HT
1.5 GB DDR3 (I think)
GeForce 7600 GT AGP SuperClocked, motherfucker

(that's what it says on the box)
Windows XP Pro
Kristus@Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:51 pm : Yahtzee reviewed it, and he DID mention Doom 3. :p He's a maverick. ... Dead-Space
Doomguy87@Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:30 pm : lol fucking Yahtzee is amazing!!!
DoomUK@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:22 pm : Really great game, once you get accustomed to the awkward camera angle.
I'm not really getting many Doom³ vibes, though. Other than the fact it's horror and gore in space. The game pretty much has it's own 'feel'.