goliathvt@Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:59 pm : FarCry 2 is coming out in the next few days and I'm curious to get people's feedback on the title. I haven't played a good FPS in a while. All of the magazine and website reviews are gushing all over the game but they did that with Crysis and COD4, both of which I didn't find terribly worthwhile or interesting.
Toss a reply here if you've seen a particularly good review and/or have your own opinions about the game whenever it hits the shelves in your neck of the woods.
rebb@Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:42 pm :
Bittoman@Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:56 am : I've heard the same about the AI. What I'm wanting to see is the wide open, non-linear levels. It's nice to be able to ambush and actually get to pick the direction/angle you'll do it from.
pbmax@Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:11 pm : http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/942192.aspgood video review:
http://media.pc.ign.com/media/951/951257/vids_1.htmlfrom what i can gather, the cons are the lengthy travel times between hot spots & some aspects of the gameplay are repetitive. but the freedom given to the player, the combat and the graphics are really good.
Phobos@Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:21 pm : rebb wrote:
Haha wow.
But yeah I've heard some rather "great" rumors about the AI as well.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:21 pm : pbmax wrote:
from what i can gather, the cons are the lengthy travel times between hot spots & some aspects of the gameplay are repetitive. but the freedom given to the player, the combat and the graphics are really good.
if that's the con's, sounds like stalker, which I'll LOVE.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:01 pm : big CON for the game: says right on the box: LIMITED INSTALLS.
So if you buy it, get the no-cd crack!
evilartist@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:18 am : So, is the game any good? I try not to limit my game-purchase decisions to what the popular review sites say (like IGN, Gametrailers, etc.), even if the scores are 8-9 out of 10. I want to hear what you guys think of it, too, before I consider buying/renting/borrowing it.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:39 pm :
goliathvt@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 1:26 pm : Okay, here's my take so far...
The game is a good, solid shooter. The visuals are gorgeous, load times few and short, and the AI is actually pretty inventive most of the time. This is Ubisoft Montreal, here... the "good" Ubi developer, and it shows. The game is very polished and I haven't had it crash or lock up yet.
The game does get repetitive, the voice acting is crap... seems rushed... for the most part, and while some vehicles are decent (the boat) but others feel rigid or arcadey (cars and jeeps).
The story and journey makes it all worth it though. The game is truly open-ended and you really can approach any mission from the angles of your choosing, pick the battles you want to fight, etc. Sometimes the AI gets sort of frozen and you can gun down a guy that refuses to run for cover after being shot in the leg 5 times. However, most of the time, the AI does a good job running for cover, flanking, staying hidden and doesn't always attack from the same place.
The weather effects are fun. The day-night cycles hold a special place in my heart, too. When I first started, I was annoyed because there are a lot of places where an objective is nestled into a canyon where you can't really attack from "all angles." And then I went hunting... if you put in the time and travel a bit, you can usually find a way to get to some obscure sniping location... it's just not always obvious or accessible from any point. I kind of like that, actually... that if you want to have a snipe-fest, you'll need to scout out the joint and put in some prep time.
I also love the "oh shit" sequences in the game... when you get shot and your health is low, you will literally pull bullets from your body with a pair of pliers and bandage yourself up. If you lose all health, a buddy will come rescue you and get you back on your feet. That's assuming they're alive... it is possible for them to die and they never come back, although I think you can help out other characters and they'll fill in that role.
I like the reputation system. Every mission you do improves your notoriety. I like being able to be balls-to-the-wall, rambo-esque with all guns blazing and firing off rockets that set everything on fire (including me if I fire from the tall dry grass lol) on one mission and then being stealthy and get in and out without ever being seen on another. Bravo to Ubi for getting that right.
If you like a no-frills FPS (no nano suit, no squad silliness, no aliens, demons or genetically mutated beasties, no inventory beyond grenades and guns), Far Cry 2 is it. The weapons are fun and all feel different. The world is very wide open and there's no such thing as "linear." There is "repetitive," though. While the mission objectives do change, you will play out the game essentially doing mission after mission and clearing road checkpoint after road checkpoint... and whatever style you choose to play and which missions you choose... that becomes the narrative of the story. There is no "on rails" storyline so to speak. Frankly, that's good enough for me since everything else about the game is solid enough.
My two cents.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:08 pm : sounds like stalker in a jungle. And less bugs. Nice! I'll see if I can scrounge up some $$ to pick that one up.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:37 pm : Thanks for the response, goliathvt.
I'm being cautious about getting this game, because Ubisoft generally doesn't seem to do a good job with the Far Cry series. They made countless crappy spin-offs (Instincts, Predator, etc.). I just want to see what happens with everyone else first.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:32 pm : It almost sounds like Grand Theift Auto, where you can do anything really.
Gregs2k2@Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:02 am : Setting entire fields ablaze with a molotov/flamethrower is a sight to behold......
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:59 pm : FarCry 2 is coming out in the next few days and I'm curious to get people's feedback on the title. I haven't played a good FPS in a while. All of the magazine and website reviews are gushing all over the game but they did that with Crysis and COD4, both of which I didn't find terribly worthwhile or interesting.
Toss a reply here if you've seen a particularly good review and/or have your own opinions about the game whenever it hits the shelves in your neck of the woods.
rebb@Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:42 pm :
Bittoman@Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:56 am : I've heard the same about the AI. What I'm wanting to see is the wide open, non-linear levels. It's nice to be able to ambush and actually get to pick the direction/angle you'll do it from.
pbmax@Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:11 pm : http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/942192.aspgood video review:
http://media.pc.ign.com/media/951/951257/vids_1.htmlfrom what i can gather, the cons are the lengthy travel times between hot spots & some aspects of the gameplay are repetitive. but the freedom given to the player, the combat and the graphics are really good.
Phobos@Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:21 pm : rebb wrote:
Haha wow.
But yeah I've heard some rather "great" rumors about the AI as well.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:21 pm : pbmax wrote:
from what i can gather, the cons are the lengthy travel times between hot spots & some aspects of the gameplay are repetitive. but the freedom given to the player, the combat and the graphics are really good.
if that's the con's, sounds like stalker, which I'll LOVE.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:01 pm : big CON for the game: says right on the box: LIMITED INSTALLS.
So if you buy it, get the no-cd crack!
evilartist@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:18 am : So, is the game any good? I try not to limit my game-purchase decisions to what the popular review sites say (like IGN, Gametrailers, etc.), even if the scores are 8-9 out of 10. I want to hear what you guys think of it, too, before I consider buying/renting/borrowing it.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:39 pm :
goliathvt@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 1:26 pm : Okay, here's my take so far...
The game is a good, solid shooter. The visuals are gorgeous, load times few and short, and the AI is actually pretty inventive most of the time. This is Ubisoft Montreal, here... the "good" Ubi developer, and it shows. The game is very polished and I haven't had it crash or lock up yet.
The game does get repetitive, the voice acting is crap... seems rushed... for the most part, and while some vehicles are decent (the boat) but others feel rigid or arcadey (cars and jeeps).
The story and journey makes it all worth it though. The game is truly open-ended and you really can approach any mission from the angles of your choosing, pick the battles you want to fight, etc. Sometimes the AI gets sort of frozen and you can gun down a guy that refuses to run for cover after being shot in the leg 5 times. However, most of the time, the AI does a good job running for cover, flanking, staying hidden and doesn't always attack from the same place.
The weather effects are fun. The day-night cycles hold a special place in my heart, too. When I first started, I was annoyed because there are a lot of places where an objective is nestled into a canyon where you can't really attack from "all angles." And then I went hunting... if you put in the time and travel a bit, you can usually find a way to get to some obscure sniping location... it's just not always obvious or accessible from any point. I kind of like that, actually... that if you want to have a snipe-fest, you'll need to scout out the joint and put in some prep time.
I also love the "oh shit" sequences in the game... when you get shot and your health is low, you will literally pull bullets from your body with a pair of pliers and bandage yourself up. If you lose all health, a buddy will come rescue you and get you back on your feet. That's assuming they're alive... it is possible for them to die and they never come back, although I think you can help out other characters and they'll fill in that role.
I like the reputation system. Every mission you do improves your notoriety. I like being able to be balls-to-the-wall, rambo-esque with all guns blazing and firing off rockets that set everything on fire (including me if I fire from the tall dry grass lol) on one mission and then being stealthy and get in and out without ever being seen on another. Bravo to Ubi for getting that right.
If you like a no-frills FPS (no nano suit, no squad silliness, no aliens, demons or genetically mutated beasties, no inventory beyond grenades and guns), Far Cry 2 is it. The weapons are fun and all feel different. The world is very wide open and there's no such thing as "linear." There is "repetitive," though. While the mission objectives do change, you will play out the game essentially doing mission after mission and clearing road checkpoint after road checkpoint... and whatever style you choose to play and which missions you choose... that becomes the narrative of the story. There is no "on rails" storyline so to speak. Frankly, that's good enough for me since everything else about the game is solid enough.
My two cents.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:08 pm : sounds like stalker in a jungle. And less bugs. Nice! I'll see if I can scrounge up some $$ to pick that one up.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:37 pm : Thanks for the response, goliathvt.
I'm being cautious about getting this game, because Ubisoft generally doesn't seem to do a good job with the Far Cry series. They made countless crappy spin-offs (Instincts, Predator, etc.). I just want to see what happens with everyone else first.
=NoMercy=@Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:32 pm : It almost sounds like Grand Theift Auto, where you can do anything really.
Gregs2k2@Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:02 am : Setting entire fields ablaze with a molotov/flamethrower is a sight to behold......