6th Venom@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:46 pm : Tetzlaff wrote:
You can have my idea for free if I can play your mod for free

1 coin = 1 credit

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:07 am : Tetzlaff wrote:
You can have my idea for free if I can play your mod for free

What if he doesn't want your idea for free, but for a rather ludicrous price? If he pays you for your idea, you win. If he doesn't want your idea, you still win. Classic!
Kristus@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:56 pm : New MembersFirst of all, we'd like to welcome our new team members. Cameron Law is our new coder. He has taken several tasks upon himself with great speed and flexible code. We have also received two new members in the area of sound. CaptNKILL and DEA7H have started a valuable cooperation and will play a big part in the uniqueness of the audio experience. Thank you for joining Team Future. We look forward to a long and enriching collaboration.
WeaponsThe tool of the Doomguy's trade that has received the most obvious 'update' in Doom 3: Phobos is the shotgun. We came to a virtually unanimous opinion that the Doom 3 shotgun was... lacklustre, for lack of a better description. Both in regards to it's power as a virtual weapon and visually. So, we have given the cornerstone weapon of the Doom franchise both more 'oomph' and a brand new look. While it won't steal the thunder of the double-barreled shotgun that was introduced in Resurrection of Evil, players can sure enough send zombies and imps flying back into the wall with a single blast. The spread of the weapon has been reduced to something more along the lines of the original Doom shotgun.

Several other weapons of the D3/RoE arsenal have been given a small makeover, too. The pistol is held center-screen and can be fired more rapidly. It's just a lot more fun to use now. While it's not going to win you battles against multiple medium sized enemies, it will give you an edge over the lesser foes and most certainly be a worthy plan B. It's a blast to use.
We didn't feel that the plasmagun had the same awesome kick & effect of the old games. The sound was a little tame and the plasma bolt looked plain and friendly. The plasmagun being the favourite weapon of certain members of the team, we decided to bring back the look, feel and sound of the old version. Expect to see a deep blue electrical cloud along with an updated version of the characteristic Doom plasma sound.
The helmetWe felt that the outdoor environments of Doom 3 and the expansion pack weren't utilised to their full effect. But in the name of keeping a sense of realism (and maintaining consistency with D3's air cannister philosophy), we knew we couldn't just allow the player to walk around in the harsh atmosphere of Mars' surface as he pleases.

Thus, one interesting gameplay feature that we are introducing in Doom 3: Phobos is the helmet. It can be worn when outdoors and acts as a breathing apparatus. The downfall of wearing the device is that it obscures the player's vision very slightly and muffling all audio (similar to the effects seen and heard when the anti-radiation suit is worn in RoE).
But the helmet is a multi-purpose contraption. It also functions as a general anti-radiation protection device, shielding the marine's lungs from the many poisonous gases contained inside the hazardous areas of the different bases. It has nightvision capabilities. It has a built-in headlamp.
WaterWe are proud to present water in Doom 3: Phobos. And it's not just there to look pretty, it will play an integral part in our game design.
ManeuverabilityThe player can now run a little quicker. Being a game primarily driven by action rather than horror and suspense (and also to give the game a more of an old Doom 'feel'), we have increased the player's runspeed slightly.

Also, you now won't die when you fall down a three meter hole

. We felt that the player should be able to use the many vertical design philosophies of our levels to the best extent, and not be quite so concerned with killing themselves (figuratively) in the process.
You can read more about the mod at
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:17 pm : Many good news!

The only thing i can complain for is the "shotgun" part.
I really love the D3 shotgun design rather than the old Doom/Doom2 one.

Another thing would be to redo the plasmagun's side texture, it's a little "blurry".
I really like the new gun viewmodel.

BNA!@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:26 pm : Screens look good! Remind me of the first time I saw Doom3.
Kristus@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:50 pm : @6th Venom: Well, the Doom3 shotgun was rendered useless when you got the double barreled. It was effectively the same weapon, only weaker.
We've replaced it with a longer barrel shotgun that got a more controlled spread. And as such, you can take out Imps and similar w/o having to cuddle up next to them to even get a decent hit. :p Though, you have to watch your aim a lot more with it of course. So it can get pretty stressful in close combat with it.
Though I must say, I think you're the only one I've heard that actually liked the Doom 3 shotgun. :/
@BNA: Glad you like them. They're all from Episode 1 Map 2.
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:58 pm : Kristus wrote:
Though I must say, I think you're the only one I've heard that actually liked the Doom 3 shotgun. :/
I was speaking about the physical model, but... Yep, maybe i'm still the only one who liked it! ;}
Kristus@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:44 pm : Ah, well. I'm personally not that concerned with what design the shotgun I am holding on to are of. But I am a person who things design should meet the use of the weapon or whatever. Though I do prefer the long rifle design we've went with here, it's also an explanation on why the weapon is acting different with it's longer barrel, and stock. You got better precision and narrower spread.

I never had anything real against the visual design of the Doom3 shotgun. I found it incredibly unsatisfying to use it. Running up close enough so you can just as well use it as a mallet, is not a good fun shotgun to use IMO.
Speedy@Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:46 am : nice update, but I`d like bigger size pics

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:14 pm : Looks good. Reminds me of id software's Doom series

Phobos@Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:28 am :
Speedy wrote:
nice update, but I`d like bigger size pics

shaviro@Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:36 am : Thanks for the nice comments. The big pictures are coming, but we will mostly use thumbnails for the devblogsl. It's just a lot faster for us this way.
Kristus@Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:58 pm : Here's a big pic, I made a cacodemon:
http://www.doglike.org/models/mudbox-cacodemon1.jpgEDIT; No this won't be used in Phobos. Just something I made for the hell of it.

6th Venom@Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:03 pm : Kristus wrote:
Really great, i love how you respected everything about the old caco sprites.
But yeah, out of place in phobos.

Kristus@Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:21 pm : I didn't look at the sprites actually. I just worked from my memory.

Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:58 pm : Sounds great! Faster walk speed and less falling damage is something I use with my little .def script mod for quite a time now and it really improves the action (slow speed and deadly falling damage after more than 1 meter restricts the players actions merely to shooting).
I have to say I don´t like the new shotgun model too much. The barrel looks too thin/pointy. It seems a bit like the model looks just right in plain side view, but from the player´s perspective it doesn´t look as good anymore (back part of the gun looks clunky and the barrel looks thin). This is of course mainly a problem of perspective, but since you are designing futuristic weapons (which can basicly be shaped however you want it to be) you can work around it.
I actually like the sturdy look of the standard Doom3 shotgun better (just the look). But of course, my opinion now is only based off a little screenshot, maybe in-game, with all the animations and so on I will like the new model.
The idea with the helmet sounds good. Do I understand it right that with the helmet equipped, you can walk arround the Mars surface without having to pick up new air cannisters every 10 seconds?
Kristus@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:38 pm : Yeah, the helmet will help you breathe for longer periods of time, in outdoors areas and under water. It's equip able whenever you like as long as you're carrying. Though it got it's drawbacks like a bit muffled sounds, and slight visual distortion. Plus, when you run and get tired. The helmet will fog up.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:21 pm : So it will be kind of like the "rebreather" in Quake2 ? I like the sound of it all so far.
Kristus@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:25 pm : well, it's more than just a breathing device. Since it also got a flashlight mounted on it and you'll also have the option to turn on night vision while wearing it.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:00 am : Sounds really well thought out. And it´s cool that there will be water areas included, I always liked them in Quake1/2 and Halflife, and how you can use them to include hidden alternative routes and secret areas. Water is a great tool to enhance the exploration aspects of gameplay.
Are you planning to include any water specific monsters? Like a "drowned soul" or something like that?
Kristus@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:37 pm : Not a bad idea, I think we'll have to steal it. :p
No, we hadn't actually thought about hat yet.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:13 pm : You can have my idea for free if I can play your mod for free

6th Venom@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:46 pm : Tetzlaff wrote:
You can have my idea for free if I can play your mod for free

1 coin = 1 credit

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:07 am : Tetzlaff wrote:
You can have my idea for free if I can play your mod for free

What if he doesn't want your idea for free, but for a rather ludicrous price? If he pays you for your idea, you win. If he doesn't want your idea, you still win. Classic!
Gmz1013@Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:38 am : Lords no! i wants this Now! i cants wait!
Kristus@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:56 pm : New MembersFirst of all, we'd like to welcome our new team members. Cameron Law is our new coder. He has taken several tasks upon himself with great speed and flexible code. We have also received two new members in the area of sound. CaptNKILL and DEA7H have started a valuable cooperation and will play a big part in the uniqueness of the audio experience. Thank you for joining Team Future. We look forward to a long and enriching collaboration.
WeaponsThe tool of the Doomguy's trade that has received the most obvious 'update' in Doom 3: Phobos is the shotgun. We came to a virtually unanimous opinion that the Doom 3 shotgun was... lacklustre, for lack of a better description. Both in regards to it's power as a virtual weapon and visually. So, we have given the cornerstone weapon of the Doom franchise both more 'oomph' and a brand new look. While it won't steal the thunder of the double-barreled shotgun that was introduced in Resurrection of Evil, players can sure enough send zombies and imps flying back into the wall with a single blast. The spread of the weapon has been reduced to something more along the lines of the original Doom shotgun.

Several other weapons of the D3/RoE arsenal have been given a small makeover, too. The pistol is held center-screen and can be fired more rapidly. It's just a lot more fun to use now. While it's not going to win you battles against multiple medium sized enemies, it will give you an edge over the lesser foes and most certainly be a worthy plan B. It's a blast to use.
We didn't feel that the plasmagun had the same awesome kick & effect of the old games. The sound was a little tame and the plasma bolt looked plain and friendly. The plasmagun being the favourite weapon of certain members of the team, we decided to bring back the look, feel and sound of the old version. Expect to see a deep blue electrical cloud along with an updated version of the characteristic Doom plasma sound.
The helmetWe felt that the outdoor environments of Doom 3 and the expansion pack weren't utilised to their full effect. But in the name of keeping a sense of realism (and maintaining consistency with D3's air cannister philosophy), we knew we couldn't just allow the player to walk around in the harsh atmosphere of Mars' surface as he pleases.

Thus, one interesting gameplay feature that we are introducing in Doom 3: Phobos is the helmet. It can be worn when outdoors and acts as a breathing apparatus. The downfall of wearing the device is that it obscures the player's vision very slightly and muffling all audio (similar to the effects seen and heard when the anti-radiation suit is worn in RoE).
But the helmet is a multi-purpose contraption. It also functions as a general anti-radiation protection device, shielding the marine's lungs from the many poisonous gases contained inside the hazardous areas of the different bases. It has nightvision capabilities. It has a built-in headlamp.
WaterWe are proud to present water in Doom 3: Phobos. And it's not just there to look pretty, it will play an integral part in our game design.
ManeuverabilityThe player can now run a little quicker. Being a game primarily driven by action rather than horror and suspense (and also to give the game a more of an old Doom 'feel'), we have increased the player's runspeed slightly.

Also, you now won't die when you fall down a three meter hole

. We felt that the player should be able to use the many vertical design philosophies of our levels to the best extent, and not be quite so concerned with killing themselves (figuratively) in the process.
You can read more about the mod at
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:17 pm : Many good news!

The only thing i can complain for is the "shotgun" part.
I really love the D3 shotgun design rather than the old Doom/Doom2 one.

Another thing would be to redo the plasmagun's side texture, it's a little "blurry".
I really like the new gun viewmodel.

BNA!@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:26 pm : Screens look good! Remind me of the first time I saw Doom3.
Kristus@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:50 pm : @6th Venom: Well, the Doom3 shotgun was rendered useless when you got the double barreled. It was effectively the same weapon, only weaker.
We've replaced it with a longer barrel shotgun that got a more controlled spread. And as such, you can take out Imps and similar w/o having to cuddle up next to them to even get a decent hit. :p Though, you have to watch your aim a lot more with it of course. So it can get pretty stressful in close combat with it.
Though I must say, I think you're the only one I've heard that actually liked the Doom 3 shotgun. :/
@BNA: Glad you like them. They're all from Episode 1 Map 2.
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:58 pm : Kristus wrote:
Though I must say, I think you're the only one I've heard that actually liked the Doom 3 shotgun. :/
I was speaking about the physical model, but... Yep, maybe i'm still the only one who liked it! ;}
Kristus@Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:44 pm : Ah, well. I'm personally not that concerned with what design the shotgun I am holding on to are of. But I am a person who things design should meet the use of the weapon or whatever. Though I do prefer the long rifle design we've went with here, it's also an explanation on why the weapon is acting different with it's longer barrel, and stock. You got better precision and narrower spread.

I never had anything real against the visual design of the Doom3 shotgun. I found it incredibly unsatisfying to use it. Running up close enough so you can just as well use it as a mallet, is not a good fun shotgun to use IMO.
Speedy@Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:46 am : nice update, but I`d like bigger size pics

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:14 pm : Looks good. Reminds me of id software's Doom series

Phobos@Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:28 am :
Speedy wrote:
nice update, but I`d like bigger size pics

shaviro@Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:36 am : Thanks for the nice comments. The big pictures are coming, but we will mostly use thumbnails for the devblogsl. It's just a lot faster for us this way.
Kristus@Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:58 pm : Here's a big pic, I made a cacodemon:
http://www.doglike.org/models/mudbox-cacodemon1.jpgEDIT; No this won't be used in Phobos. Just something I made for the hell of it.

6th Venom@Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:03 pm : Kristus wrote:
Really great, i love how you respected everything about the old caco sprites.
But yeah, out of place in phobos.

Kristus@Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:21 pm : I didn't look at the sprites actually. I just worked from my memory.

Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:58 pm : Sounds great! Faster walk speed and less falling damage is something I use with my little .def script mod for quite a time now and it really improves the action (slow speed and deadly falling damage after more than 1 meter restricts the players actions merely to shooting).
I have to say I don´t like the new shotgun model too much. The barrel looks too thin/pointy. It seems a bit like the model looks just right in plain side view, but from the player´s perspective it doesn´t look as good anymore (back part of the gun looks clunky and the barrel looks thin). This is of course mainly a problem of perspective, but since you are designing futuristic weapons (which can basicly be shaped however you want it to be) you can work around it.
I actually like the sturdy look of the standard Doom3 shotgun better (just the look). But of course, my opinion now is only based off a little screenshot, maybe in-game, with all the animations and so on I will like the new model.
The idea with the helmet sounds good. Do I understand it right that with the helmet equipped, you can walk arround the Mars surface without having to pick up new air cannisters every 10 seconds?
Kristus@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:38 pm : Yeah, the helmet will help you breathe for longer periods of time, in outdoors areas and under water. It's equip able whenever you like as long as you're carrying. Though it got it's drawbacks like a bit muffled sounds, and slight visual distortion. Plus, when you run and get tired. The helmet will fog up.
CrimsonHead@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:21 pm : So it will be kind of like the "rebreather" in Quake2 ? I like the sound of it all so far.
Kristus@Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:25 pm : well, it's more than just a breathing device. Since it also got a flashlight mounted on it and you'll also have the option to turn on night vision while wearing it.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:00 am : Sounds really well thought out. And it´s cool that there will be water areas included, I always liked them in Quake1/2 and Halflife, and how you can use them to include hidden alternative routes and secret areas. Water is a great tool to enhance the exploration aspects of gameplay.
Are you planning to include any water specific monsters? Like a "drowned soul" or something like that?
Kristus@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:37 pm : Not a bad idea, I think we'll have to steal it. :p
No, we hadn't actually thought about hat yet.
Tetzlaff@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:13 pm : You can have my idea for free if I can play your mod for free

6th Venom@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:46 pm : Tetzlaff wrote:
You can have my idea for free if I can play your mod for free

1 coin = 1 credit

Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:07 am : Tetzlaff wrote:
You can have my idea for free if I can play your mod for free

What if he doesn't want your idea for free, but for a rather ludicrous price? If he pays you for your idea, you win. If he doesn't want your idea, you still win. Classic!
Gmz1013@Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:38 am : Lords no! i wants this Now! i cants wait!