To Whomever,
I just revised Doom 3 Alphalabs 1 map. And if you want try it, then here's the link to my Filefront site -
Below is a picture of my next project - Revised Alphalabs 2.

Doesnt this... like... break some kinda rule?
i mean, wait... did you remake the level, or did you edit the actual ID version of it... or am i miss understanding things

To GMZ1013,
I just changed the monsters, not the map itself - thus the term "revised". Is that a violation? If it is then I'll pull it out from my site.
Anyways, below are screenshots:
Called this shot, "Busy household" (Cacodemon on left, z-sec pistol in middle, and fat zombie on right)

This one is called "Up, up, and away!"

Then "Call the 'Bugs Be Gone'!"

I think there is no problem. I don't know if the EULA denied it, but well in case is illegal we gotta shutdown a lot of other mods.

To Neurological,
What if I give credit to ID software? And reiterate the term "REVISED"? Will that help?
Ho my god! Where are bumpmaps?!?

You'd better turn it on for screenshots.

To 6th Venom,
Well, if this map is a violation, then just unpost this post! I only meant it as an alternative to the original...
This map is NOT a violation.
okay, my bad, i thought you ment you went through and changed stuff that ID put there... meh. I'll try it when i get home

Well, all the flashlight/duct tape modders are in federal prison right now so I'd be careful with this one...

To pbmax,
You're kidding, right!??? (I guess I'll just get used to wearing orange jumpsuits with silver ornaments!)