MBolus@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:27 pm : It seems a lot of methods applicable to mod work could be useful for music projects as well.
In the past I've used overnight shipping of CDs to share tracks as more remote band members add their parts, but it would seem that wav files of about 30 or 45 MB could easily be uploaded temporarily to some of the big filesharing sites with cryptic names and copyright disclaimers built in, to expedite some of the production. I'd prefer sites that don't require registration if possible, as some of the guys would rather not mess with too much of the nonmusical stuff. Just simple logging on, uploading, and then searching and downloading, followed shortly thereafter by deletion.
I'm working on a few nice collaborations with a few far-flung musicians for possible 2009 release, so figure some of you would have suggestions on a few of the better easy ways to move the tracks between us. We don't have a website or anything like that to handle such file sizes.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:44 pm : I'm far from being a file sharing expert, but can't programs like eDonkey or bittorrent get used to share your files? If you give your tracks cryptic names no one will accidentally download them, even better - send them as password secured files.
Deadite4@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:07 pm : Bittorrent is pretty easy to use. You can just create the torrent file and email it to whomever you want to download. The only drawback is the seeder needs to leave their computer on with bittorrent running so the others can get the files. You won't have to worry about the files being left around on some server afterwards though.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:24 pm : These look like great options so far. Also, in case the recipients feel they would get confused by bittorrent, does anybody have experience with pros and cons of sites like
sendspace ? I'm open to considering various methods so I can accommodate the other guys.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:02 pm : make a ftp server on your computer, or a spare you have lying around.
Problem solved!

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:36 pm : I don't have anything meaningful to add, I just wanted to say thank you for raising the question. It's something I've been wondering about, I never put any of my music or artwork online because I'm scared of getting my ideas stolen, but then I suffer because no one hears or sees anything I make.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:15 am : This is helpful if you are working with a mod team...
http://upload.worldofplayers.de/upload.cgiIt gives people a clearer picture of where you are coming from while you chat live about your WIP
Yes, it is in German but it's extremely easy to use and you can upload many file types including mp3, ogg, jpg and rar.
Here's a little pic of Bennett from Commando that i uploaded...
http://upload.worldofplayers.de/files/gimpqj9.jpgand a tune I made for the Total Recall mod...
http://upload.worldofplayers.de/files/powerup_running_man.mp3Hope this helps

Gunman@Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:25 am : Douglas Quaid wrote:
lol ^^
MBolus@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:27 pm : It seems a lot of methods applicable to mod work could be useful for music projects as well.
In the past I've used overnight shipping of CDs to share tracks as more remote band members add their parts, but it would seem that wav files of about 30 or 45 MB could easily be uploaded temporarily to some of the big filesharing sites with cryptic names and copyright disclaimers built in, to expedite some of the production. I'd prefer sites that don't require registration if possible, as some of the guys would rather not mess with too much of the nonmusical stuff. Just simple logging on, uploading, and then searching and downloading, followed shortly thereafter by deletion.
I'm working on a few nice collaborations with a few far-flung musicians for possible 2009 release, so figure some of you would have suggestions on a few of the better easy ways to move the tracks between us. We don't have a website or anything like that to handle such file sizes.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:44 pm : I'm far from being a file sharing expert, but can't programs like eDonkey or bittorrent get used to share your files? If you give your tracks cryptic names no one will accidentally download them, even better - send them as password secured files.
Deadite4@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:07 pm : Bittorrent is pretty easy to use. You can just create the torrent file and email it to whomever you want to download. The only drawback is the seeder needs to leave their computer on with bittorrent running so the others can get the files. You won't have to worry about the files being left around on some server afterwards though.
MBolus@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:24 pm : These look like great options so far. Also, in case the recipients feel they would get confused by bittorrent, does anybody have experience with pros and cons of sites like
sendspace ? I'm open to considering various methods so I can accommodate the other guys.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:02 pm : make a ftp server on your computer, or a spare you have lying around.
Problem solved!

CrimsonHead@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:36 pm : I don't have anything meaningful to add, I just wanted to say thank you for raising the question. It's something I've been wondering about, I never put any of my music or artwork online because I'm scared of getting my ideas stolen, but then I suffer because no one hears or sees anything I make.
Douglas Quaid@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:15 am : This is helpful if you are working with a mod team...
http://upload.worldofplayers.de/upload.cgiIt gives people a clearer picture of where you are coming from while you chat live about your WIP
Yes, it is in German but it's extremely easy to use and you can upload many file types including mp3, ogg, jpg and rar.
Here's a little pic of Bennett from Commando that i uploaded...
http://upload.worldofplayers.de/files/gimpqj9.jpgand a tune I made for the Total Recall mod...
http://upload.worldofplayers.de/files/powerup_running_man.mp3Hope this helps

Gunman@Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:25 am : Douglas Quaid wrote:
lol ^^