zeh@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:26 pm : stabinbac wrote:
Obama did follow restrictions on donations per person even though they didn't bother verifying where a lot of them really came from. He had plenty from false names and some lady found her stolen credit cards donated to Obama, and they kept the money.
Link to said information? My assessment of the situation is quite different - for example, as I've seen one specific person I know saying he has tried donating to the Obama campaign and had his donations returned after Obama's background found him to be listed as employees of lobbying groups - he was part of the TI of such a company (and this, with a low donation). I'd be quite surprised if they refused a refund for that kind of thing (or if the credit card company didn't do so if the credit card was listed as stolen).
evilartist@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:53 pm : I'd also like to know where you heard that, stabinbac. And, please, no links to Foxnews.
pbmax@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:23 pm : evilartist wrote:
I'd also like to know where you heard that, stabinbac. And, please, no links to Foxnews.
FYI, a lot of stuff on FoxNews.com are actually Associated Press reports...
http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll ... /810290460http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 03413.htmlhttp://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... t=1&f=1003
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:52 pm : Yup. Let us not ignore the important line in these linked articles... this quote from the NPR story:
After mentioning the McCain campaign also had problems with donations made by "fake" names, the article continues:
But truth to tell, it doesn't appear that illegal donors are running rampant through either campaign.
It's also true that in this new world of Internet fundraising, there's no standard for an acceptable problem rate. There's certainly nothing like that in the campaign finance law itself.
Ah, reading comprehension. You're so adorable yet so elusive to so many.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:36 pm : BNA! wrote:
Deadite4 wrote:
Don't forget Ford's job cut of 2600 jobs on top of their losses.
Thanks - I totally forgot that. Makes it even worse. German newspapers already write there will be no more Ford without government backup. I think the Bush administration will save the glorious three of Detroit before Obama will sell out to German and Japanese car makers and shut them down.
Glorious three??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Glorious automakers who make cars that nobody wants, that have to sell them at a loss. Mmmmmmm if you are taking a loss on every sale, then it's really not a sale as you are giving them away lol.
Every manufacturer is hurting, even toyota's sales dropped 69%, the difference; Toyota makes cars people want to buy, the big three make cars that people get because they are dirt cheap.
The people of America have been buying the cars dude not the government, the big three have seen the truck and suv crunch coming for years now, and GM talks about scrapping MORE SUV projects, they STILL had more SUV projects on the table what the fuck are their CEO's thinking?
For example when they saw this;
The Toyota Camry Hybrid was introduced in May 2006 and has estimated U.S. sales of 60,000 per year, or 15 percent of total Camry sales.
Why didn't they say: "Holy shit 60,000 a year wow, we should do something like that". Here we are in 2009 and GM was STILL thinking SUV SUV SUV. And what does the big three have to compete with the Camry hybrid or the Prius? Oh yeah GM has
According to early reports the Malibu hybrid should offer about a 2 mpg improvement in fuel economy compared to the conventional Malibu, or about 24/32 mpg city/highway.
Yay a 2 MPG increase, my Camry is averaging 6 L/100KM (39.2024327917742 MPG btw) and I have a lead foot at every stop light. I do about 3/4 Highway 1/4 City Distance wise, but spend about 1/2 Highway 1/2 City time wise, (More idling).
For example
Toyota announced today that worldwide cumulative sales of the Toyota Prius have passed the 1 million mark. While that milestone is impressive, more astounding is the fact that sales of the gasoline/electric hybrid continue to increase year-after-year -- even without a model change.
So now, almost 8 years after the Prius first went on sale (2001) GM is finally coming out with something. The Volt....About fucking time and probably too fucking late.
What does Chrysler have? A hybrid Suv - Two of them, and they get....20/20 on a good day (not bad for a big SUV) I love Chrysler BTW, I've always bought their cars, but when I was looking around for something to replace my thirsty 12-14 MPG Liberty the big three had nothing that could compete with the Camry Hybrid. They did have a diesel option in the liberty for a while, but that sold out in like the 2nd month. But of course they fucked that up too as they just detuned the engine and left the standard tranny in which are all being destroyed by the engine so that's not an option. Sure there's a diesel Cherokee, but how much is that again? Oh yeah 40K with tax, ouch.
So what does that leave me with....Ford Fusion 2010 but I needed something a year ago soooo yeah that's no good, what else....Ford has had the Hybrid Escape and I've always liked these models ever since it came out but 34k plus taxes brings it up to close to 39k ouch again.
So really, the big three have been slow (very very very slow) to the gas crunch along with blind loyalty to the previous high margin SUV/Truck market that was never sustainable. What we are seeing is a corporate loyalty to stupid ideals and an absolute blindness to the REAL WORLD!!!! Everything that has happened to the big three was caused by the big three. Competition is never to blame for a company going under, as they failed to compete in the biggest way. Instead of giving us cars that we need, they gave us shit that they wanted us to buy.
So no, I don't feel bad at all that I got a car that was built in the US, and sold in Canada. And btw, I would love to buy a Dodge Ram 3500 with a Diesel, love those things, but guess what; a big american truck is made in Mexico.
You sir are absolutely fucking insane and I am never visiting this site again.
pbmax@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:52 pm : i don't remember the exact number, but something like $2,500 on each American car sold goes towards union & retirement benefits for the auto workers.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:07 pm : AluminumHaste wrote:
You sir are absolutely fucking insane and I am never visiting this site again.
Like others you didn't get the point of this thread for a split second.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:15 pm : BNA! wrote:
AluminumHaste wrote:
You sir are absolutely fucking insane and I am never visiting this site again.
Like others you didn't get the point of this thread for a split second.
It's quite possible that this was meant to be written with absolute sarcasm in mind, but you must understand that their are a lot of people who really think this way.

BNA!@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:18 pm : AluminumHaste wrote:
BNA! wrote:
AluminumHaste wrote:
You sir are absolutely fucking insane and I am never visiting this site again.
Like others you didn't get the point of this thread for a split second.
It's quite possible that this was meant to be written with absolute sarcasm in mind, but you must understand that their are a lot of people who really think this way.

No worries - this thread was specifically set up to pool all the sarcasm into one pond.
evilartist@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:45 pm : BNA! wrote:
No worries - this thread was specifically set up to pool all the sarcasm into one pond.
Unfortunately, the risk of opening a sarcastic thread based on a serious "issue" is that it will remind people what they were bickering about to begin with, and thus another fun thread gone serious. I apologize for contributing to the destruction of this humorous thread. I really did get a good chuckle out of the first post.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:57 pm : evilartist wrote:
BNA! wrote:
No worries - this thread was specifically set up to pool all the sarcasm into one pond.
Unfortunately, the risk of opening a sarcastic thread based on a serious "issue" is that it will remind people what they were bickering about to begin with, and thus another fun thread gone serious. I apologize for contributing to the destruction of this humorous thread. I really did get a good chuckle out of the first post.
Ah, don't sweat it. Threads go their own away, always do

wal@Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:22 pm : Sorry 6thVenom. From newsbiscuit again, I'll stop after this.
Just hours after Americans elected their first ever black President, Barack Obama has dropped a political bombshell by announcing that he is in fact French. The revelation has sent shock-waves through Washington, with Republicans furious with themselves for having failed to spot the one major flaw in their opponent’s apparently impenetrable political armour.
‘I can’t believe we missed it’ wailed a distraught John McCain. ‘This would have won it for us for sure.’ Despite constant attention being focused by Republicans on his father’s allegedly Islamic roots, on the fact that his surname sounded like ‘Osama’ and his middle name was ‘Hussein’, no-one had picked up on the fact that ‘Barac’ is a popular French name, and a clue to the fact that Obama was actually born in Marseilles, and smells strongly of garlic.
‘We actually had this photo of him wearing a stripy jumper and a beret, with a string of onions around his neck,’ admitted a McCain campaigner. ‘But we put all our efforts in trying to identify the guy next to him in case he was a terrorist.’
The effects of the revelation are expected to be widespread, with the new president already announcing that cheeseburgers are only to contain high quality French cheeses such as Brie or Camembert and the Surgeon General recommending that pregnant women drink a couple of glasses of red wine every day.
The Washington monument has been replaced by a replica of the Eiffel Tower and Hollywood is to stop making action thrillers and rom-coms, switching to slower placed, more thoughtful French language films about the internal anguish of a bereaved poet with writer’s block. Baseball, NFL football and ice hockey will also make way for cycling, rugby and boules. Political reporters demanding to know when these changes might be put into effect were not able to find anyone to answer their questions, as all of Washington was closed for lunch between 12 and 2.30.
American voters have reacted badly to the news. ‘I thought a black president would be the end of the world’ said one Alabama resident, ‘but French! That’s even worse!’ ‘Eurgh – just taste this French style bacon – they have forgotten to flavour it with cinnamon and vanilla!’ Thousands of US residents have been spotted making their way towards the border, where the Mexicans have had to increase their patrols. The Republicans have already started campaigning for the 2012 election with the slogan ‘Obama – Non!’
This is really good:
http://newsbiscuit.com/article/red-squirrels-to-launch-counter-offensive-from-isle-of-wight-stronghold-138I've now got two web sites to visit.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:49 pm : For all those who still support Obama here's proof that he managed to run the country into the ground before even getting sworn in. That is the change people voted for, now they get it delivered instantly:
- Unemployment increased from 6,1 to 6,5% within only 72 HOURS OF HIS ELECTION!!!!!!!! That's 240,000 thousand of hard working Americans who are no more longer hard working Americans!!!! That's also the TENTH MONTH IN A ROW of decreasing employment numbers, which means HE ALREADY DESTROYED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF JOBS WHILE ONLY CAMPAIGNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ford burns $7.7B in CASH! Can you believe it? The radical left wing socialist Hussein Obama managed to burn 7.7B in CASH in the WEEK OF HIS ELECTION!!!!! If this is not proof of how disastrous he will be as president, WHAT IS????????????????????????
- Sarah "Drill Baby Drill" Palin single-handedly managed to push Oil prices down nearly 60 percent since peaking at $147.27 a barrel in mid-July and now they skyrocket back to under $61 after 2-day plunge!!!!! Even a blind man can see how OBAMA DRIVES OIL PRICES BACK ABOVE 61USD in his FIRST WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Here's the worst, a relentless stock market manipulation far beyond anything we've ever seen: Stocks Jump Despite Bleak Jobs Report (link:
http://us.rd.yahoo.com/finance/news/top ... treet.html) . Someone must STOP OBAMA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please add more factual reporting below to show how OBAMA has DESTROYED THE WORLD economy and everything else within his FIRST WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deadite4@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:20 pm : Don't forget Ford's job cut of 2600 jobs on top of their losses.
BNA!@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:27 pm : Deadite4 wrote:
Don't forget Ford's job cut of 2600 jobs on top of their losses.
Thanks - I totally forgot that. Makes it even worse. German newspapers already write there will be no more Ford without government backup. I think the Bush administration will save the glorious three of Detroit before Obama will sell out to German and Japanese car makers and shut them down.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:52 pm : The best way to revive the economy is to raise the capital gains tax and to raise taxes on profitable small businesses that employ most of the workers in the U.S.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:04 pm : bna, here's
GM for you!
I should also point out that since oboma got elected that announced NYS will have a ~45b budget shortfall in the next three years, NYC is stopping tax payer rebates & NYC mayor is trying to get a law passed to give him a longer term in office (max 2 terms now).

Deadite4@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:20 pm : Quote:
...NYC mayor is trying to get a law passed to give him a longer term in office (max 2 terms now)
ugh, don't remind me. I've read about that so much in the Post and Times when I get here in the morning for work. They are also eliminating a police class in January amongst other things here.
http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/20 ... _anno.html
stabinbac@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:21 pm : Deadite4 wrote:
They are also eliminating a police class in January amongst other things here.
http://www.silive.com/news/index.ssf/20 ... _anno.htmlAnd cutting services for low income families.
I thought I also heard something that the cops are getting cut, but they're going to pump out craploads more meter maids. Stop fighting crime, and start giving out parking tickets. Then you can claim you have less crimes since there's less cops to report them, and better income from all those parking tickets.
pbmax@Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:54 pm : as usual, whenever a state or city runs into budget problems the first thing they want to cut are essential services like the police and fire depts. "if we don't don't raise taxes, your house might burn down because we need to to shut down some fire stations."
new york city has over 300,000 employees all with really sweet benefits of course. maybe bloomberg should look at elimating more than just 1% of the government jobs, reducing employee benefits and cutting other non-essential services.
they never want to do with less...
Deadite4@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 3:15 am : Quote:
And cutting services for low income families.
I thought I also heard something that the cops are getting cut, but they're going to pump out craploads more meter maids. Stop fighting crime, and start giving out parking tickets. Then you can claim you have less crimes since there's less cops to report them, and better income from all those parking tickets.
Yes I've heard some of all of that over the last week or so. And this is after they just raised the cost of the subway and put a toll for people crossing into I believe Midtown(I can't remember where the line is) within the last year. If I'm not mistaken I think they also cut the starting salary for Police officers about a year ago as well. I remember the papers here stating how a starting officer makes less then an entertainer in a park. Its ridiculous.
evilartist@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:49 am : BNA! wrote:
::BNA's shocking revelation::
knew I should've voted for McCAIN!!!!!
Argoon@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:53 am : BNA! wrote:
For all those who still support Obama here's proof that he managed to run the country into the ground before even getting sworn in. That is the change people voted for, now they get it delivered instantly:
- Unemployment increased from 6,1 to 6,5% within only 72 HOURS OF HIS ELECTION!!!!!!!! That's 240,000 thousand of hard working Americans who are no more longer hard working Americans!!!! That's also the TENTH MONTH IN A ROW of decreasing employment numbers, which means HE ALREADY DESTROYED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF JOBS WHILE ONLY CAMPAIGNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ford burns $7.7B in CASH! Can you believe it? The radical left wing socialist Hussein Obama managed to burn 7.7B in CASH in the WEEK OF HIS ELECTION!!!!! If this is not proof of how disastrous he will be as president, WHAT IS????????????????????????
- Sarah "Drill Baby Drill" Palin single-handedly managed to push Oil prices down nearly 60 percent since peaking at $147.27 a barrel in mid-July and now they skyrocket back to under $61 after 2-day plunge!!!!! Even a blind man can see how OBAMA DRIVES OIL PRICES BACK ABOVE 61USD in his FIRST WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Here's the worst, a relentless stock market manipulation far beyond anything we've ever seen: Stocks Jump Despite Bleak Jobs Report (link:
http://us.rd.yahoo.com/finance/news/top ... treet.html) . Someone must STOP OBAMA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please add more factual reporting below to show how OBAMA has DESTROYED THE WORLD economy and everything else within his FIRST WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you explain to me how a guy that is not president (yes he won but bush is still running the show for some more weeks) add anything to do with the raising of the Unemployment? IMO the one that you need to accuse for that is bush not Obama.
And can you say how much money McCain used for its campaign also?
Sorry for my grammar English is not my first language.
rich_is_bored@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:02 am : Never mind it. He's being sarcastic.
parsonsbear@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:17 am : Re: nyc budget crapout
Well, on the brighter note there's been a change of guard in the state senate, so hopefully that means all of NYC's taxes stop bleeding out into the countryside. The last thing this city needs is fewer cops in an economic downturn: they stab people for fun in my neighborhood- imagine what they'd do for profit!
Kinda reminds me of all that redistribution of wealth talk- our deep in the hole neighbor New Jersey gets the least federal funding in:re its tax base, and oh hey! look who's at the other end of that list, spunky Alaska!
really though, I'm glad this election is over because the amount of 'lets talk about it' posts has overwhelmed any real modding discussion around here by a pretty healthy amount.
BNA!@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:52 am : Argoon wrote:
Can you explain to me how a guy that is not president (yes he won but bush is still running the show for some more weeks) add anything to do with the raising of the Unemployment? IMO the one that you need to accuse for that is bush not Obama.
And can you say how much money McCain used for its campaign also?
Sorry for my grammar English is not my first language.
English is not my first language too, you're excused, I hope I'm excused too.
Your reply basically is the sole point of my post. There are people running around trying to mislead everyone they can get hold of with (initial) posts like mine.
I cannot say how much money McCain used for his campaign, but less than Obama of course. If I'm not mistaken Obama had a record inflow not only form the usual big socket spenders (industry getting their interests secured) but also from "viral" donations coming in small sums from the public. I call it viral since it always reminded me of viral or guerilla marketing techniques.
zeh@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:09 pm : BNA! wrote:
I cannot say how much money McCain used for his campaign, but less than Obama of course. If I'm not mistaken Obama had a record inflow not only form the usual big socket spenders (industry getting their interests secured) but also from "viral" donations coming in small sums from the public. I call it viral since it always reminded me of viral or guerilla marketing techniques.
It was something around $600million Obama, $300million McCain. Those numbers are public, although I don't have any link available now.
evilartist@Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 8:40 pm : zeh wrote:
BNA! wrote:
I cannot say how much money McCain used for his campaign, but less than Obama of course. If I'm not mistaken Obama had a record inflow not only form the usual big socket spenders (industry getting their interests secured) but also from "viral" donations coming in small sums from the public. I call it viral since it always reminded me of viral or guerilla marketing techniques.
It was something around $600million Obama, $300million McCain. Those numbers are public, although I don't have any link available now.
Speaking of which, I read
this article recently about how
Obama declined public funding for his campaign. MIND MANIPULATION TACTICS, PERHAPS!? Surely, there's
no way he could resist
spending taxpayer dollars, since he's already doing such a great job ruining the economy!!
stabinbac@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:33 am : evilartist wrote:
The wording on that stuff is misleading. By declining limited funding from voluntarily funds set aside from taxes he completely unlocked his raising and spending cap.
said he would follow a limited funding method, but realized he could have shitloads more if he didn't. So refused the funds and raised and spent over
5 times as much!
Gotta love a man who mentions spending limits and then spends money like it's water.
McCain also withdrew from it when he realized his competitors were going to be sucking in more campaign money in two months than he would be allowed for the entire primary.
So Obama goes against his own words of limited spending, spends 2/3 of a billion dollars, n forces his competitors to waste way too much money.
The public campaign financing is out of a fund made by checking a box on your taxes. It comes out of the taxes you're already paying.
evilartist@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:43 am : stabinbac wrote:
The public campaign financing is out of a fund made by checking a box on your taxes. It comes out of the taxes you're already paying.
Yes, I'm aware of where the public funds come from.
I somewhat understand what you're saying: by refusing public funds and their spending caps, Obama is able to use more money in his campaign, wherever he gets it from, right? So, how is that a bad thing? I don't have much a clue how a candidate funds his campaign, but why should I give a shit how much he actually spends from wherever he gets his funds from as long as it doesn't come from my pockets? That's not a rhetorical question, either.
I don't see what's so contradictory about Obama's methods. If he says he wants to "limit spending", I assume he means spending less tax dollars. If that's the case (let me know if it isn't), why should we care what he does with his own fundraiser money?
stabinbac@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 7:21 am : Knowingly spending shitloads of cash is a bad thing. It doesn't matter where it came from. We're trusting him with the people's money.
The money is basically "donated" either way by US citizens. Doing it through taxes just keeps it anonymous, even, and makes sure private interests aren't buying politicians.
Obama did follow restrictions on donations per person even though they didn't bother verifying where a lot of them really came from. He had plenty from false names and some lady found her stolen credit cards donated to Obama, and they kept the money.
pbmax@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:22 pm : I'm just glad that I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car or paying my mortage anymore now that Obama is gonna be the Prez.
zeh@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:26 pm : stabinbac wrote:
Obama did follow restrictions on donations per person even though they didn't bother verifying where a lot of them really came from. He had plenty from false names and some lady found her stolen credit cards donated to Obama, and they kept the money.
Link to said information? My assessment of the situation is quite different - for example, as I've seen one specific person I know saying he has tried donating to the Obama campaign and had his donations returned after Obama's background found him to be listed as employees of lobbying groups - he was part of the TI of such a company (and this, with a low donation). I'd be quite surprised if they refused a refund for that kind of thing (or if the credit card company didn't do so if the credit card was listed as stolen).
evilartist@Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:53 pm : I'd also like to know where you heard that, stabinbac. And, please, no links to Foxnews.
pbmax@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:23 pm : evilartist wrote:
I'd also like to know where you heard that, stabinbac. And, please, no links to Foxnews.
FYI, a lot of stuff on FoxNews.com are actually Associated Press reports...
http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll ... /810290460http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 03413.htmlhttp://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... t=1&f=1003
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:52 pm : Yup. Let us not ignore the important line in these linked articles... this quote from the NPR story:
After mentioning the McCain campaign also had problems with donations made by "fake" names, the article continues:
But truth to tell, it doesn't appear that illegal donors are running rampant through either campaign.
It's also true that in this new world of Internet fundraising, there's no standard for an acceptable problem rate. There's certainly nothing like that in the campaign finance law itself.
Ah, reading comprehension. You're so adorable yet so elusive to so many.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:36 pm : BNA! wrote:
Deadite4 wrote:
Don't forget Ford's job cut of 2600 jobs on top of their losses.
Thanks - I totally forgot that. Makes it even worse. German newspapers already write there will be no more Ford without government backup. I think the Bush administration will save the glorious three of Detroit before Obama will sell out to German and Japanese car makers and shut them down.
Glorious three??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Glorious automakers who make cars that nobody wants, that have to sell them at a loss. Mmmmmmm if you are taking a loss on every sale, then it's really not a sale as you are giving them away lol.
Every manufacturer is hurting, even toyota's sales dropped 69%, the difference; Toyota makes cars people want to buy, the big three make cars that people get because they are dirt cheap.
The people of America have been buying the cars dude not the government, the big three have seen the truck and suv crunch coming for years now, and GM talks about scrapping MORE SUV projects, they STILL had more SUV projects on the table what the fuck are their CEO's thinking?
For example when they saw this;
The Toyota Camry Hybrid was introduced in May 2006 and has estimated U.S. sales of 60,000 per year, or 15 percent of total Camry sales.
Why didn't they say: "Holy shit 60,000 a year wow, we should do something like that". Here we are in 2009 and GM was STILL thinking SUV SUV SUV. And what does the big three have to compete with the Camry hybrid or the Prius? Oh yeah GM has
According to early reports the Malibu hybrid should offer about a 2 mpg improvement in fuel economy compared to the conventional Malibu, or about 24/32 mpg city/highway.
Yay a 2 MPG increase, my Camry is averaging 6 L/100KM (39.2024327917742 MPG btw) and I have a lead foot at every stop light. I do about 3/4 Highway 1/4 City Distance wise, but spend about 1/2 Highway 1/2 City time wise, (More idling).
For example
Toyota announced today that worldwide cumulative sales of the Toyota Prius have passed the 1 million mark. While that milestone is impressive, more astounding is the fact that sales of the gasoline/electric hybrid continue to increase year-after-year -- even without a model change.
So now, almost 8 years after the Prius first went on sale (2001) GM is finally coming out with something. The Volt....About fucking time and probably too fucking late.
What does Chrysler have? A hybrid Suv - Two of them, and they get....20/20 on a good day (not bad for a big SUV) I love Chrysler BTW, I've always bought their cars, but when I was looking around for something to replace my thirsty 12-14 MPG Liberty the big three had nothing that could compete with the Camry Hybrid. They did have a diesel option in the liberty for a while, but that sold out in like the 2nd month. But of course they fucked that up too as they just detuned the engine and left the standard tranny in which are all being destroyed by the engine so that's not an option. Sure there's a diesel Cherokee, but how much is that again? Oh yeah 40K with tax, ouch.
So what does that leave me with....Ford Fusion 2010 but I needed something a year ago soooo yeah that's no good, what else....Ford has had the Hybrid Escape and I've always liked these models ever since it came out but 34k plus taxes brings it up to close to 39k ouch again.
So really, the big three have been slow (very very very slow) to the gas crunch along with blind loyalty to the previous high margin SUV/Truck market that was never sustainable. What we are seeing is a corporate loyalty to stupid ideals and an absolute blindness to the REAL WORLD!!!! Everything that has happened to the big three was caused by the big three. Competition is never to blame for a company going under, as they failed to compete in the biggest way. Instead of giving us cars that we need, they gave us shit that they wanted us to buy.
So no, I don't feel bad at all that I got a car that was built in the US, and sold in Canada. And btw, I would love to buy a Dodge Ram 3500 with a Diesel, love those things, but guess what; a big american truck is made in Mexico.
You sir are absolutely fucking insane and I am never visiting this site again.
pbmax@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:52 pm : i don't remember the exact number, but something like $2,500 on each American car sold goes towards union & retirement benefits for the auto workers.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:07 pm : AluminumHaste wrote:
You sir are absolutely fucking insane and I am never visiting this site again.
Like others you didn't get the point of this thread for a split second.
AluminumHaste@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:15 pm : BNA! wrote:
AluminumHaste wrote:
You sir are absolutely fucking insane and I am never visiting this site again.
Like others you didn't get the point of this thread for a split second.
It's quite possible that this was meant to be written with absolute sarcasm in mind, but you must understand that their are a lot of people who really think this way.

BNA!@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:18 pm : AluminumHaste wrote:
BNA! wrote:
AluminumHaste wrote:
You sir are absolutely fucking insane and I am never visiting this site again.
Like others you didn't get the point of this thread for a split second.
It's quite possible that this was meant to be written with absolute sarcasm in mind, but you must understand that their are a lot of people who really think this way.

No worries - this thread was specifically set up to pool all the sarcasm into one pond.
evilartist@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:45 pm : BNA! wrote:
No worries - this thread was specifically set up to pool all the sarcasm into one pond.
Unfortunately, the risk of opening a sarcastic thread based on a serious "issue" is that it will remind people what they were bickering about to begin with, and thus another fun thread gone serious. I apologize for contributing to the destruction of this humorous thread. I really did get a good chuckle out of the first post.
BNA!@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:57 pm : evilartist wrote:
BNA! wrote:
No worries - this thread was specifically set up to pool all the sarcasm into one pond.
Unfortunately, the risk of opening a sarcastic thread based on a serious "issue" is that it will remind people what they were bickering about to begin with, and thus another fun thread gone serious. I apologize for contributing to the destruction of this humorous thread. I really did get a good chuckle out of the first post.
Ah, don't sweat it. Threads go their own away, always do

wal@Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:22 pm : Sorry 6thVenom. From newsbiscuit again, I'll stop after this.
Just hours after Americans elected their first ever black President, Barack Obama has dropped a political bombshell by announcing that he is in fact French. The revelation has sent shock-waves through Washington, with Republicans furious with themselves for having failed to spot the one major flaw in their opponent’s apparently impenetrable political armour.
‘I can’t believe we missed it’ wailed a distraught John McCain. ‘This would have won it for us for sure.’ Despite constant attention being focused by Republicans on his father’s allegedly Islamic roots, on the fact that his surname sounded like ‘Osama’ and his middle name was ‘Hussein’, no-one had picked up on the fact that ‘Barac’ is a popular French name, and a clue to the fact that Obama was actually born in Marseilles, and smells strongly of garlic.
‘We actually had this photo of him wearing a stripy jumper and a beret, with a string of onions around his neck,’ admitted a McCain campaigner. ‘But we put all our efforts in trying to identify the guy next to him in case he was a terrorist.’
The effects of the revelation are expected to be widespread, with the new president already announcing that cheeseburgers are only to contain high quality French cheeses such as Brie or Camembert and the Surgeon General recommending that pregnant women drink a couple of glasses of red wine every day.
The Washington monument has been replaced by a replica of the Eiffel Tower and Hollywood is to stop making action thrillers and rom-coms, switching to slower placed, more thoughtful French language films about the internal anguish of a bereaved poet with writer’s block. Baseball, NFL football and ice hockey will also make way for cycling, rugby and boules. Political reporters demanding to know when these changes might be put into effect were not able to find anyone to answer their questions, as all of Washington was closed for lunch between 12 and 2.30.
American voters have reacted badly to the news. ‘I thought a black president would be the end of the world’ said one Alabama resident, ‘but French! That’s even worse!’ ‘Eurgh – just taste this French style bacon – they have forgotten to flavour it with cinnamon and vanilla!’ Thousands of US residents have been spotted making their way towards the border, where the Mexicans have had to increase their patrols. The Republicans have already started campaigning for the 2012 election with the slogan ‘Obama – Non!’
This is really good:
http://newsbiscuit.com/article/red-squirrels-to-launch-counter-offensive-from-isle-of-wight-stronghold-138I've now got two web sites to visit.