I figured there would be issues, and I figured they'd be solvable.
So the first issue i get is with installing. Something about vista not liking autorun. Fixed it.
Now I'm at an error window that says along the lines of "this application failed to start because DPLAY.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
Of course, re-installing does nothing. So I manually download dplay.dll and logically i drop it in windows system32 to be safe as well as the game directory folder.
Alas, it works. But now doom runs in the upper left corner of the screen in very pixelated high-contrast colors. Audio seems fine, but i can't even tell it's the game. The only way i exit is by habit of knowing esc + up arrow + enter + y, but none of that is recognizable on the screen.
Any ideas?
Is there a specific reason why you need to run Doom95? If not, I highly recommend jDOOM or some other Windows-friendly engine port.
http://www.doomsdayhq.com/You can even get high quality texture packs, full mouse support, and turn on features like full 3D monsters and dynamic lighting. Essentially all you need are the WAD files. There's nothing like playing Doom in 1680x1050 gorgeousness with a proper mouse/keyboard setup.

The Steam version has all the wad files sitting unprotected in the game's directory. You just need to place those in whatever source port you want to use. Then you can add the source ports exe to steam if you really feel the need using "add non-Steam game".
I'm not a fan of OpenGL in Doom because I think it looks like shit. (in particular with shitty hi res textures and md2 models) so I suggest my favorit Doom engines:
Chocolate Doom (an as exact a replication of the Vanilla Doom behavior as possible made to work in any number of operating systems)
Eternity Engine (Two of my oldest friends are working on this engine, also aims to keep the vanilla feel, but are also adding a lot of cool stuff like linked portals)
Zdoom (It's pretty much the big boss in Doom ports. Most people use it, and it's a very good port. Not terribly concerned with keeping the ultimate Vanilla feel though)
goliathvt wrote:
Is there a specific reason why you need to run Doom95? If not, I highly recommend jDOOM or some other Windows-friendly engine port.
http://www.doomsdayhq.com/You can even get high quality texture packs, full mouse support, and turn on features like full 3D monsters and dynamic lighting. Essentially all you need are the WAD files. There's nothing like playing Doom in 1680x1050 gorgeousness with a proper mouse/keyboard setup.

I also use jDoom. Can someone tell me why I can walk through polyobjects in jHexen? It wasn't like this in the previous version, and I haven't found any useful info on the website...just a post by a jDoom coder acknowledging the glitch's existence.