wal@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:58 am : 6th Venom wrote:
Am i still the only one who think that Wii is only funny at friend's home for a night or two... by year?
No you're not. I think the wii is great for kids and great when you and your mates are drunk. Other than that, not impressed. Although I haven't tried most of the games to be fair.
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:12 pm : I'm not sure about the greatness of a mouse+keyboard in the living room, especially when it comes to multi-players.
Plus can you compare driving or fighting at keyboard versus at controller?
GOW for example, is a 'totally thinked for controllers gameplay' game, the way you perform actions like roll, run, stand against wall, jump over blocks, change weapon, reload and shoot, is really so much better at controllers, even on PC.
In platforms games, you can't move the cam the way you did on controller with a keyboard, just because you haven't 2 mouses!
But yeah, aiming at stick, when you do not have the practice, sucks like telling our mothers to shoot at an imp moving the mouse... funny.

BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:32 pm : So, as a total console newb, is it possible to e.g. buy an Xbox, hook it up to my external TFT panel, hook up a keyboard and mouse and play my games that way?
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:59 pm : no, xbox has no keyboard or mouse support where as the ps3 has some support on some games.
pbmax@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:21 pm : stabinbac wrote:
Why not have a net browser on the 360? Because you have a computer. Browsing the internet on a console sucks. It's a gimmick that's "cool", but mostly a waste of time.
it would be nice to do basic stuff like check weather and news. for example, in order to stream Netflix movies on the xbox, you first need to set up a queue on the Netfix website on your PC. then that list will appear on your xbox. that's stupid. you should be able to browse the movie data base right from your xbox.
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
no, xbox has no keyboard or mouse support where as the ps3 has some support on some games.
i wonder why MS doesn't make a small "wasd" key pad and some sort of small mouse devise specifically designed for consoles.
iceheart@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:03 pm : I believe you can set the 360 up as a media center extender and browse the internet via that if you're really desperate (most vista editions have media center in them).
pbmax@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:12 pm :
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:46 pm : I have an XBox360, a Wii and, of course, a PC.
I play FPS's on my PC whenever possible (FarCry 2, Bioshock, etc. are all PC titles for me).
I play games like Gears, Guitar Hero and Assassin's Creed on my XBox.
I play games like Quake 1, Zelda TLP, Mario Galaxy and Mario Cart, etc. on the Wii.
In my mind, each is a piece of tech that has various strengths and drawbacks. I can't do much with a friend while playing a game on my PC unless they've got their own rig and their own copy of the game. I don't know most of my online friends that play ETQW or whatever in real life.
However, I have an absolute blast playing Mario Cart and Guitar Hero with friends that come over on a Friday night or something. Party games are TONS of fun because you can have people who aren't into gaming pick them up without any trouble and just have fun.
My girlfriend loves the Link Target Practice sort of demo game that came with the Wii Blaster... basically sets up your Wii to act like a rifle so you can aim and pull a trigger to fire, etc. I use it primarily for the Homebrew'd Quake 1, though.
And that's another reason to love the Wii... if you're a fan of older Nintendo, Super Nintendo, N64, original Sega and Gamecube games, then the Wii's Homebrew will let you play pretty much anything you can find. Always a nice to have a blast from the past night... esp. when your friends may not know or care about the Gears 2 story, but they'd love to pick up a controller and play through Contra or the original Super Mario Bros.
My two cents.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:13 pm : Only game console I've ever considered was the Wii. Any game that they don't bring to PC as well as Xbox/PS3 I can live without (that includes GoW2)
evilartist@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:22 pm : leifhv wrote:
evilartist wrote:
It will take some practice getting used to aiming with the right analog stick, but it's definitely worth the effort. I remember when Halo 2 was my first shooter on a controller; I couldn't aim for shit. Now, I'm pulling off consecutive headshots in Gears 2 (an awesome game, btw

Most (or all) shooter games on the consoles have auto-aim/aim-assist (including the GoW games) which in my eyes takes away some of the fun. If they have to include functionality like that it's a clear indication that there is something wrong with current console controller tech.
Glad to see keyboard+mouse support is possible on the PS3 at least; if only more games would support it.
That doesn't at all mean there's something
wrong with the technology. It generally is harder to aim with a controller, so it's just common sense to at least include that feature. I have auto-aim turned off when I play, since it likes to aim at different body parts when I just want to do a headshot. It's perfect for console newbs, but unnecessary (and easy to disable) once you get the hang of the right-analog.
BloodRayne wrote:
So, as a total console newb, is it possible to e.g. buy an Xbox, hook it up to my external TFT panel, hook up a keyboard and mouse and play my games that way?
I implore you, do not go that route. Keyboard+mouse adapters on consoles (esp. xbox) are known for not working properly. Besides, 6th Venom is right. Most of these games like Gears and Halo were designed to use the controller comfortably, and does that quite well. It just takes practice aiming, that's all.
I don't blame anyone for preferring a keyboard+mouse over a controller. I imagine the vast majority of D3W users are PC gamers. As a PC gamer since 1993 (yes, when Doom came out), it was an awkward and frustrating transition when I got an xbox in 2005 (the original xbox). I can assure you, it pays off to get good with the controller, because the games are awesome, and are not hindered by DRM. Besides, why is browsing the internet on a console such a big deal? If you don't have at least an old (10-year-old?) pc with internet access, you're in the stone age.
goliathvt wrote:
I play games like Quake 1 ... on the Wii.
Quake 1 is on the Wii??
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:27 pm : Homebrew'd to perfection and all the loveliness that the Wiimote and aiming can provide! rich_is_bored brought this to my attention on this very forum, actually.

(Thanks rich!)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:44 am : There's also a port of the original Doom that I worked on. Nothing serious. I fixed a few bugs and added IR controls (point and shoot).
Burrito@Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:48 am : 6th Venom wrote:
Even PC games are not so "plug & play" about net gaming.
Things have changed, MS suddely takes the PC serious:
6th Venom@Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:51 am : Great news for me, cause i already own a Xbox Live account to play on 360, but for "PC only" players, this come to 'force' them to pay to play online on PC.
pbmax@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:13 pm : I'm sooooooo close to getting an Xbox 360, and I'd never thought I'd say that being a PC kind of guy. But playing games with my kids on the couch does have a certain appeal to it (plus Netflix movie streaming soon!).
Right now my kids are really into the Lego games (Star Wars, Indiana Jones & Batman). I'm amazed at how well my 3 year old can play them.
Any console players here? The other day I tried Gears of War at a friends house and I couldn't opperate the stinkin' controller! That's the only thing I'm worried about, but I know I'll get used to it. The mouse and keyboard will be missed...
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:20 pm : I'm a happy Xbox360 owner and have no complaints with the controls (applies to all consoles). My Xbox likes to blow a little loud when compared to the PS3. I'm not sure about the latest model revisions, but the PS3 also comes as a Blu Ray player too while the Xbox360 still has no HD drive (not totally sure about that).
I guess between those two it's the decision of exclusive games and the price tag respectively how much a Blu Ray is worth to you.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:33 pm : wii. wii wii WII.

me & the kids love(d) it! Every "cool" game on 360/PS3 I can get on my PC, which is my system. Kids only use it with permission. But the wii is something everybody enjoys: me, my 8 year old, 4 year old & wife.
(d) at the end because when the kids broke the HDTV they lost their Wii privileges until they live out side of my house. Serious, the Wii is hooked up in the basement where the kids aren't allowed.
EDIT: don't forget World of Goo for Wii (or pc/mac, whichever).
BNA!@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:32 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
Serious, the Wii is hooked up in the basement where the kids aren't allowed.
Agreed, Wii is awsome.
By the way - why aren't your kids allowed to the basement? Black leather wall covering and rubber toys?
(sorry, just too tempting)
Pat AfterMoon@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:44 pm : pbmax wrote:
The other day I tried Gears of War at a friends house and I couldn't opperate the stinkin' controller!
Sure, it was very frustrating at start if you come from the PC. but it's worth it to persevere.
pbmax wrote:
I'm amazed at how well my 3 year old can play them.
Marble Blast is a must have for children on Xbox360 (available on Live Market for less than 10 USD).
I'm currently playing Gears of war 2, the full campaign co-op with a friend, it's 100% fun

The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:58 pm : BNA! wrote:
Agreed, Wii is awsome.
Did you try World of Goo yet? I've got a few people at school hooked on that. Teachers & the like! Many of the teachers are getting the Wii too & the Wii fit thing.
By the way - why aren't your kids allowed to the basement? Black leather wall covering and rubber toys?
(sorry, just too tempting)
if only the wife would approve.

I'd prefer the red leather though.
Stipulation by wife on new house: no wood heat (because previous place burned down, related to wood stove).
Stipulation by me on new house: wood heat (because wood costs ~$300 a YEAR for up to heat with vs the $500 a month in propain for 4 months).
Compromise: Wood furnace in basement where kids can't get it. Ends up i get the whole basement too. 1400 square feet ALL MINE!!!!! Already have a Wii+DVD hooked up to a 29" NEC 1970's color monitor. Color looks as good as any modern HDTV, just less resolution.
pbmax@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:33 pm : I didn't like WII much. The response time seemed really laggy. Plus xbox is basically as cheap now...
6th Venom@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:45 pm : Xbox live is must have, if you have friends!

Even PC games are not so "plug & play" about net gaming.
Am i still the only one who think that Wii is only funny at friend's home for a night or two... by year?

simulation@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:26 pm : xbox comes at various prices, with and without hdd.
xbox live is great. autodownload of patches, etc is painless.
xbox hardware is, in our experice, not great quality - dvd-rom drives failing, motherboard failures - and it is VERY LOUD!
my (older, male) kids love xbox
my (younger, female) kids love Wii
my (20s - 30s, male) workmates love PS3 (two switched from xbox for reliablity / BluRay)
evilartist@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:39 pm : pbmax wrote:
I didn't like WII much. The response time seemed really laggy. Plus xbox is basically as cheap now...
You should get the Xbox 360. It's a great investment, the game selection is awesome, and it's cheaper than upgrading your pc just for multi-platform games (which
most of them are nowadays). It will take some practice getting used to aiming with the right analog stick, but it's definitely worth the effort. I remember when Halo 2 was my first shooter on a controller; I couldn't aim for shit. Now, I'm pulling off consecutive headshots in Gears 2 (an awesome game, btw

Just be sure you get at least the premium package (HD, wireless controller, ethernet cable included). The "core" deal isn't worth it.
stabinbac@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:43 pm : I think it all depends on how you want to use it.
You have people to play with
You want insert and play ability
Not having to worry about the condition of an OS
Sounds like with having kids it would be a great option for you. It's nice to start them out with consoles until they can grasp the beauty of the little extras a PC gives you. (And it keeps them away from the internet! The internet is freaking evil for kids!

I've decided not to since
- I've got no one to play with
- I dislike online games (I tire of people easily)
- I love being able to access the internals of my games
- I just wouldn't use it very often
- The extra cash ($10 per game!!) and the fact that the games go down in price slower
- No Steam, and no Steam weekend deals. I'm addicted to the weekend deals.
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:53 pm : I'm a proud xbox360/ps3 owner, but when it comes down to it, the only reason I own a 360 is because of xbox exclusive titles. The ps3 does everything the 360 does with the addition to internet browsing, free online play, and blueray 2.0 player. The ps3 also uses usb mice/keyboard to play a few fps games, Unreal Tournament 3 being a notable one. When I dont use it, it sits in the living room on the big screen as a media center. I slapped a spare 250gb sata notebook drive in it and ubuntu on a partition of it. I just find way more advantages to having the ps3 over the 360. In hope to not starting a ps3 vs. 360 flame thread, I'd like to point out I play gears of war 2 on the 360 everyday, I've been addicted to the horde online game mode

Gmz1013@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:57 am : XB360 all the way! mostly because with the updating (next week, Nov. 19th) you will get free Netflix with an XBL gold subscription.
Also, i have never had a problem with my XBL; mine is at least 3 years old (almost four now) and still working fine.
pbmax@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:05 am : why doesn't xbox let you browse the net?
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:15 am : Apparently it's impossible for a company who makes their own web browser to put one on their own console, where as sony was the other way around.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:30 am : pbmax wrote:
I didn't like WII much. The response time seemed really laggy. Plus xbox is basically as cheap now...
shouldn't be laggy, odds are that's the point of the game you're trying.
360 cheapest = $200. Wii = $250. Games for 360 = $60, Wii = $50. 5 games & you've spent more.
i'll say it again, anything "cool" on 360 or PS3 is watered down from what you'll get on PC. It's only cool because it IS on a console. IE Halo: average (but fun) PC shooter, great XBox game. You'll find that's pretty much how they go if they're cross platform unless it's designed to be crappy on a PC.
Anything on a Wii you can't get for a PC (except for a few 3rd party titles like Resident Evil 4)
EDIT: Wii lets you browse the new, check the weather & read the news.

CrimsonHead@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:58 am : I have a Wii and a DS and I play them both frequently, I still play a lot of old Gamecube titles on the Wii. Resident Evil 5 is a big reason to get a 360, it's the reason why I'm getting one soon. There are some great games out there that are'nt available for PC, and some PC games just are'nt worth getting on PC anymore due to overbearing, annoying, and intrusive DRM measures that they employ. I'm not saying I've turned to the dark side or anything, but consoles do have their own unique pro's. I usually prefer to play all of my FPS games on PC because of the keyboard & mouse and modability, but for third person survival horror type games I'd rather play them on a console, I'm a big Zelda and Mario nut but I don't think I'd enjoy them on a PC, I don't even own a PC gamepad. It is also nice that with consoles it's possible to lay back relaxed in bed at night and play a video game, although you probably could do the same with a wireless keyboard/mouse and a large screen monitor for your PC if you had the dough-cash for it.
stabinbac@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:30 am : CrimsonHead wrote:
although you probably could do the same with a wireless keyboard/mouse and a large screen monitor for your PC if you had the dough-cash for it.
Using a keyboard on anything other than a desk is a pain, and you'd need to find a solid surface for the mouse. It makes sitting on a couch or laying in a bed a pain.
A 360 controller with Xpadder makes an amazing wireless mouse. I've got it set up with handy functions like increasing text size. I'd actually recommend every PC gamer get a wireless 360 controller if it had "normal" drivers. Microsoft's driver are "advanced" which means they're completely borked in some old games. There are great alternate drivers for the wired version, but the wireless you're stuck. The controller still works beautifully in most situations if you can tolerate the couple hoops you need to jump through.
If something works with a 360 controller, then I load it up in HD resolutions, tip back in bed, and load it up on my 42" tv. I absolutely love it, and can't wait till I upgrade my setup to play games like Dead Space.
Why not have a net browser on the 360? Because you have a computer. Browsing the internet on a console sucks. It's a gimmick that's "cool", but mostly a waste of time.
Games with multiple players you have to go with a console. Unless you want to buy some cheap PCs and set up a LAN and watch your little kids own you in some Doom 2 deathmatch! Good fun for 3 year olds right?
leifhv@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:38 am : stabinbac wrote:
Why not have a net browser on the 360? Because you have a computer. Browsing the internet on a console sucks. It's a gimmick that's "cool", but mostly a waste of time.
I don't have a computer in my living room so it would certainly be useful to me.
leifhv@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:44 am : evilartist wrote:
It will take some practice getting used to aiming with the right analog stick, but it's definitely worth the effort. I remember when Halo 2 was my first shooter on a controller; I couldn't aim for shit. Now, I'm pulling off consecutive headshots in Gears 2 (an awesome game, btw

Most (or all) shooter games on the consoles have auto-aim/aim-assist (including the GoW games) which in my eyes takes away some of the fun. If they have to include functionality like that it's a clear indication that there is something wrong with current console controller tech.
Glad to see keyboard+mouse support is possible on the PS3 at least; if only more games would support it.
wal@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:58 am : 6th Venom wrote:
Am i still the only one who think that Wii is only funny at friend's home for a night or two... by year?
No you're not. I think the wii is great for kids and great when you and your mates are drunk. Other than that, not impressed. Although I haven't tried most of the games to be fair.
6th Venom@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:12 pm : I'm not sure about the greatness of a mouse+keyboard in the living room, especially when it comes to multi-players.
Plus can you compare driving or fighting at keyboard versus at controller?
GOW for example, is a 'totally thinked for controllers gameplay' game, the way you perform actions like roll, run, stand against wall, jump over blocks, change weapon, reload and shoot, is really so much better at controllers, even on PC.
In platforms games, you can't move the cam the way you did on controller with a keyboard, just because you haven't 2 mouses!
But yeah, aiming at stick, when you do not have the practice, sucks like telling our mothers to shoot at an imp moving the mouse... funny.

BloodRayne@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:32 pm : So, as a total console newb, is it possible to e.g. buy an Xbox, hook it up to my external TFT panel, hook up a keyboard and mouse and play my games that way?
Jack Rammsdell@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:59 pm : no, xbox has no keyboard or mouse support where as the ps3 has some support on some games.
pbmax@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:21 pm : stabinbac wrote:
Why not have a net browser on the 360? Because you have a computer. Browsing the internet on a console sucks. It's a gimmick that's "cool", but mostly a waste of time.
it would be nice to do basic stuff like check weather and news. for example, in order to stream Netflix movies on the xbox, you first need to set up a queue on the Netfix website on your PC. then that list will appear on your xbox. that's stupid. you should be able to browse the movie data base right from your xbox.
Jack Rammsdell wrote:
no, xbox has no keyboard or mouse support where as the ps3 has some support on some games.
i wonder why MS doesn't make a small "wasd" key pad and some sort of small mouse devise specifically designed for consoles.
iceheart@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:03 pm : I believe you can set the 360 up as a media center extender and browse the internet via that if you're really desperate (most vista editions have media center in them).
pbmax@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:12 pm :
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:46 pm : I have an XBox360, a Wii and, of course, a PC.
I play FPS's on my PC whenever possible (FarCry 2, Bioshock, etc. are all PC titles for me).
I play games like Gears, Guitar Hero and Assassin's Creed on my XBox.
I play games like Quake 1, Zelda TLP, Mario Galaxy and Mario Cart, etc. on the Wii.
In my mind, each is a piece of tech that has various strengths and drawbacks. I can't do much with a friend while playing a game on my PC unless they've got their own rig and their own copy of the game. I don't know most of my online friends that play ETQW or whatever in real life.
However, I have an absolute blast playing Mario Cart and Guitar Hero with friends that come over on a Friday night or something. Party games are TONS of fun because you can have people who aren't into gaming pick them up without any trouble and just have fun.
My girlfriend loves the Link Target Practice sort of demo game that came with the Wii Blaster... basically sets up your Wii to act like a rifle so you can aim and pull a trigger to fire, etc. I use it primarily for the Homebrew'd Quake 1, though.
And that's another reason to love the Wii... if you're a fan of older Nintendo, Super Nintendo, N64, original Sega and Gamecube games, then the Wii's Homebrew will let you play pretty much anything you can find. Always a nice to have a blast from the past night... esp. when your friends may not know or care about the Gears 2 story, but they'd love to pick up a controller and play through Contra or the original Super Mario Bros.
My two cents.

Kristus@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:13 pm : Only game console I've ever considered was the Wii. Any game that they don't bring to PC as well as Xbox/PS3 I can live without (that includes GoW2)
evilartist@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:22 pm : leifhv wrote:
evilartist wrote:
It will take some practice getting used to aiming with the right analog stick, but it's definitely worth the effort. I remember when Halo 2 was my first shooter on a controller; I couldn't aim for shit. Now, I'm pulling off consecutive headshots in Gears 2 (an awesome game, btw

Most (or all) shooter games on the consoles have auto-aim/aim-assist (including the GoW games) which in my eyes takes away some of the fun. If they have to include functionality like that it's a clear indication that there is something wrong with current console controller tech.
Glad to see keyboard+mouse support is possible on the PS3 at least; if only more games would support it.
That doesn't at all mean there's something
wrong with the technology. It generally is harder to aim with a controller, so it's just common sense to at least include that feature. I have auto-aim turned off when I play, since it likes to aim at different body parts when I just want to do a headshot. It's perfect for console newbs, but unnecessary (and easy to disable) once you get the hang of the right-analog.
BloodRayne wrote:
So, as a total console newb, is it possible to e.g. buy an Xbox, hook it up to my external TFT panel, hook up a keyboard and mouse and play my games that way?
I implore you, do not go that route. Keyboard+mouse adapters on consoles (esp. xbox) are known for not working properly. Besides, 6th Venom is right. Most of these games like Gears and Halo were designed to use the controller comfortably, and does that quite well. It just takes practice aiming, that's all.
I don't blame anyone for preferring a keyboard+mouse over a controller. I imagine the vast majority of D3W users are PC gamers. As a PC gamer since 1993 (yes, when Doom came out), it was an awkward and frustrating transition when I got an xbox in 2005 (the original xbox). I can assure you, it pays off to get good with the controller, because the games are awesome, and are not hindered by DRM. Besides, why is browsing the internet on a console such a big deal? If you don't have at least an old (10-year-old?) pc with internet access, you're in the stone age.
goliathvt wrote:
I play games like Quake 1 ... on the Wii.
Quake 1 is on the Wii??
goliathvt@Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:27 pm : Homebrew'd to perfection and all the loveliness that the Wiimote and aiming can provide! rich_is_bored brought this to my attention on this very forum, actually.

(Thanks rich!)
rich_is_bored@Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:44 am : There's also a port of the original Doom that I worked on. Nothing serious. I fixed a few bugs and added IR controls (point and shoot).
Burrito@Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:48 am : 6th Venom wrote:
Even PC games are not so "plug & play" about net gaming.
Things have changed, MS suddely takes the PC serious:
6th Venom@Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:51 am : Great news for me, cause i already own a Xbox Live account to play on 360, but for "PC only" players, this come to 'force' them to pay to play online on PC.