Over at
EnemyTerritory.tv, I do a weekly shoutcast of the Enemy Territory Quake Wars North American competitive scene. A few weeks ago, we did some additional coverage of a 12v12 campaign-mode tournament. In between campaigns during some down-time, we started talking about the strengths of teams that were sporting female gamers, which then led me to go off on a rant about how "The Cooch is Mightier Than the Schlong."
Thought you guys might get a kick out of it, so voila!

(NSFW and hide the kids!)
http://enemyterritory.tv/audio/data/gs_ ... _et.tv.mp3*shameless plug* Check my signature for links to high quality videos of full ETQW matches and shoutcasts *shameless plug*
Over at
EnemyTerritory.tv, I do a weekly shoutcast of the Enemy Territory Quake Wars North American competitive scene. A few weeks ago, we did some additional coverage of a 12v12 campaign-mode tournament. In between campaigns during some down-time, we started talking about the strengths of teams that were sporting female gamers, which then led me to go off on a rant about how "The Cooch is Mightier Than the Schlong."
Thought you guys might get a kick out of it, so voila!

(NSFW and hide the kids!)
http://enemyterritory.tv/audio/data/gs_ ... _et.tv.mp3*shameless plug* Check my signature for links to high quality videos of full ETQW matches and shoutcasts *shameless plug*