6th Venom@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:19 am :
ALPHA LAB ZERO BOSS(A Doom3World Boss Contest Participant by 6th Venom)
Ho Ho! Sorry to be a little late but i've just managed to have something playable now!

The action take place in the secret Alpha Lab Zero Complex, where the worsts experiences were supervised by Betruger.
You start in the elevator that bring you directly to the lab. you will read the rest of the story during the loading...
I tried to do something different than just a big guy running after you with a Rocket luncher... hope you'll like, even if it's not the final product i was hoping.
The script part was a world of pain for me... so if you're a coder/scripter... don't look at my scripts, you'll cry!

Give good or bad feedbacks, and try to enjoy!
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JXJ8M5NG +50mo
Author - 6th Venom
Contact- The36venom AT hotmail DOT com
Install and run:
- Unzip into your Doom 3 folder, run Doom 3 and select MODS.
- Run "Sixth_Venom_Boss_Contest" from the MODS list
- go to the console, type "map sixth_venom/boss_chamber.map", hit enter
- Doom 3 Patched to v1.3.1.
- Simply delete "Sixth_Venom_Boss_Contest" folder from your Doom 3 folder.
New Models, new Textures, new Materials, new Skins, new Sounds, new Musics, a new Map, a new Monster & a new BOSS.

-Never stop moving.
-Insects live in the cave rock, when the tentacles attack you, they break the rock and free insects that were sleeping...
-...so when the tentacles already attacked a spot, the next times there will be less insects released.
-When you see the atmosphere changing, prepare you to turn valves/wheels.
-Never ever stop moving.
-Staying in tentacles deadzones is the best way to loose time without damaging these (and experience more gaz attacks).
-Due to a last minute errors, left tentacles are weaks as babies!
-Did you noticed the healthstation in the central room?
-Did i told you to never stop moving?
-After each gaz attack, a backpack is spawned "somewhere"...
-Try to be synchro on reloads.
I tried to push the graphics part, so some will need to adjust their settings.
Thanks to everyone from Doom3World.org, especially SuperScriptMan aka Ivan_the_B. ;}
Greg, aka 6th Venom.
Kristus@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:40 am : Really cool.
very console boss IMO. (reminds me particularly of a boss in Dead space)
I've yet to beat him. Two failed tries.
Not sure if I missed something as it seems to go into a stalemate until I've exhausted my resources.
Most negative I got so far though is that the first room you get rather shitty frame rate. ANd I don't know how you managed that since there's not really anything there that should give it to you. :/ Unless you were really sloppy with the lighting.
Why won't you join Phobos?

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:30 am : Excellent! I like so much when you used the Rtcw ambient music (X_atmos) at start
0m1n0u5@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:58 pm : Sorry for the lame question, but, how do I download the file? I get lost in the page.
6th Venom@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:09 pm : Kristus wrote:
Really cool.
very console boss IMO. (reminds me particularly of a boss in Dead space)
Hey, thanks! It was supposed to be very old school boss fights style, and i never played Dead Space, except the 360 demo for 10mn.
I've yet to beat him. Two failed tries.
Not sure if I missed something as it seems to go into a stalemate until I've exhausted my resources.
To be 100% honest, i managed to change things at the very very last minutes, like health, so i hope i didn't do things wrong...

(i'll give it a shot myself to be sure...)
Most negative I got so far though is that the first room you get rather shitty frame rate. ANd I don't know how you managed that since there's not really anything there that should give it to you. :/ Unless you were really sloppy with the lighting.
Mmmmh? I make the level so i got a strong 60fps anytime in ULTRA. Used a lot of lights in the first room (for shadows effects), but that's just a room...
The hardest time for framerate is when the glass break, but that's how D3 apply physic on each part of glass...
Maybe you should try to reduce your graphics settings, cause as you surely noticed, i've used to have many 2048*2048 texture size (after the detail pass), so GC RAM can be overused on 256mo cards.
Why won't you join Phobos?

Thank you so much for the proposition, it means a lot for me! But i don't got time to engage myself in such a "big" project.
You know real life shits, just married, preparing for a child (4 months left!

), searching for a job...

=FF=Sturm wrote:
Excellent! I like so much when you used the Rtcw ambient music (X_atmos) at start
Thanks! ...you're a real rtcw fan, aren't you?

0m1n0u5 wrote:
Sorry for the lame question, but, how do I download the file? I get lost in the page.
Just type the 3 letters on top & press download, then wait the 40 seconds and press download button...
Sorry, but i just don't have a personnal site to host it myself.

0m1n0u5@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:30 pm : Nah- don't worry- I figgered it out

. Why don't you just use filefront like me? Anyway- checking the boss asap.
Neurological@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:51 pm : This is a nice piece of art, it fits perfectly into Doom 3 atmosphere. I still have to beat it, I got alwys killed by the toxic emission, so I'll add something later

=FF=Sturm@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:04 pm : The only problem I found It's that It hasn't got any dead animations

Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:32 pm : Really professional

Better than D3 bosses imho.
Only thing I didn't like were those flying bugs, because they were blocking my movements all the time... I'd had removed collisions with player1 (just set player1 as owner).
Overall, great work.

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:36 pm : I really like the console message when I die.

very nice!
0m1n0u5@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:28 pm : WOW- Is it too late to resign from the contest

? Heck that was good... And it took me more than 30 minutes to beat the guy. The only thing is- no death anim... PLS make a death anim

Tetzlaff@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:57 pm : Really cool boss, the Giger-esque design fits well into Doom!
Haven´t beaten it yet, it´s quite hard. The little bats are annoying, it´s hard enough to hit the weak spots of the boss and to run for the valves in between.
Music is great, but sound implementation could be improved. Like a screeching sound when you turn the valves wheels, and some signal sound when the valve is closed. Also the boss could need some sounds.
But overall really nice!
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:43 pm : I thought the GUI's on the clever were a clever idea.

the boss looks babyish. Sonogram images as a base?

6th Venom@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:49 pm : Thanks all.
I know about things like sounds, or lack of animations in general.
I had to concentrate on vitals points (litteraly...) to finish it as quickly as possible, and didn't had the time for many many things like boss & tentacles animations, boss & tentacles sounds, boss attack phase 3 (did you noticed red glowing stalactite over his head?), top tentacles attacking roofs in phase 1, dealing with the fact that scripted models switches don't change colision models (?!?), more models for side damaged cages, dynamicly damage white pillars, remove tentacles deadzones, better animstates calls, and so on, and so on...
I'll take a rest for the moment, and bring it back into a Ver2 in the futur maybe.
The Happy Friar wrote:
I thought the GUI's on the clever were a clever idea.

Thanks! I surprised myself to
really love the idea to activate things with semi-invisible GUIs.
the boss looks babyish. Sonogram images as a base?

Not really, i had the babyish mutant idea with AKIRA!

Edit: Edited the first post and added some "creator's tips"

The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:34 am : 6th Venom wrote:
Not really, i had the babyish mutant idea with AKIRA!

ahh! Now I see!

I've played through it a couple times (cuz I had to cheat to win!). Only negative thing I have is what Kristus said: really easy to get in to a stalemate w/o trying. The bugs aren't really annoying until I have to use my fists. Then they are annoying (fists must have a small area to hit).
Kristus said dead space, I'd say HL1, one of the resident evil games (I have Umbrella Chronicles & a giant plant is a boss), House of the dead 3.
from a tech standpoint, i don't mind the lack of death anims, you wrote a new AI for it!

From a graphical stand point it would of been nice (the solution for my rock monster: make lots of particle dust clouds to mask the death!). Perhaps even moving the monster so it looks like it sinks or something. or... flood the whole area with gas a last time.

6th Venom@Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:44 am : The Happy Friar wrote:
I've played through it a couple times (cuz I had to cheat to win!). Only negative thing I have is what Kristus said: really easy to get in to a stalemate w/o trying. The bugs aren't really annoying until I have to use my fists. Then they are annoying (fists must have a small area to hit).
Did you read the CREATOR'S TIPS?

No, seriously, you should virtually never be out of ammos.
It was planned to be really more hard to kill, its left tentacles are bugged to 1/4 of their health, and i didn't implement top tentacles!
I've re-tested it, and beat it in less than 10mn.
The thing is to concentrate on tentacles no matter the cost (except toxic gaz attack), kill bugs in between and reload before the next tentacle attack.
There are 4 tentacles that actively attack you, 1 for each part of corridors.
When the tentacle's green capsule/ball explodes, go to the next one.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:26 pm : yup, I figured that out & how to draw out the tentacles, just seems I always run out of ammo. I'm thinking I must be missing massivly as i can get 2 tentacles down easily (1 easy one, 1 hard one), but the last two I seem to be ammo less.
6th Venom@Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:59 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
yup, I figured that out & how to draw out the tentacles, just seems I always run out of ammo. I'm thinking I must be missing massivly as i can get 2 tentacles down easily (1 easy one, 1 hard one), but the last two I seem to be ammo less.
-After each gaz attack, a backpack is spawned "somewhere"...
Everytime it spawn at the same place, just found it!
Kristus@Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:59 am : 6th Venom wrote:
Mmmmh? I make the level so i got a strong 60fps anytime in ULTRA. Used a lot of lights in the first room (for shadows effects), but that's just a room...
The hardest time for framerate is when the glass break, but that's how D3 apply physic on each part of glass...
Maybe you should try to reduce your graphics settings, cause as you surely noticed, i've used to have many 2048*2048 texture size (after the detail pass), so GC RAM can be overused on 256mo cards.
Well, I wouldn't have thought twice about it if my computer had been older but I did buy it just over a year ago and it is capable to handling the Crysis demo (in XP) jacked to the max.
6th Venom@Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:39 pm : Kristus wrote:
Well, I wouldn't have thought twice about it if my computer had been older but I did buy it just over a year ago and it is capable to handling the Crysis demo (in XP) jacked to the max.
Oki, oki, i believe you!

I'm curently working on a new 1.5 version before march, or a 2.0 version with everything that was planned if i got the time.
So i'll optimize it as everything else i can, but i need more infos about what's not going well on others machines...
Could you give me more details about when it's happening, where are you looking at, is it everytime/everywhere in the 1st room?
Do other peoples/players have/had the same issues?