Pat AfterMoon@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:35 am :
Doom 3 Boss Contest Participant: "The Imp Boss" By Pat AfterMoon


download: (2009 January version - 1.9 Mo)

from readme:
The Imp Boss (A Doom3World Boss Contest Participant) -

Author - Pat AfterMoon

Install and run:

- Unzip into your Doom 3 folder, run Doom 3 and select MODS.
- Run "Pat AfterMoon - The Imp Boss" from the MODS list
- go to the console, type "map game/hell1", hit enter
- Or run BossImp.bat which you can find into the mod folder


- Doom 3 Patched to v1.3.1.


- Simply delete BossImp folder from your Doom 3 folder.

You vs The Imp Boss and his minions.

The Boss summon his minions and he can only be damaged by SoulCube. Each time he
is hit by the cube, he start a new wave with different minions. There are actually
4 waves, but it can be changed from map editor.

Based on an existing monster rescaled with md5scale + AI script modification.
In fact the Imp Boss is a super Archvile with differents waves of minions.

You can use any of the mod assets, that I created, as you see fit, but don't
forget to credit,and preferably contact, me.

I used Happy Friar's readme (who used nerological's readme) from the contest for this. ;D

Thanks to every people from this forum and modwiki, it helped me a lot.

This boss need to be improved, I should release enhanced version during the next months.

Kristus@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:46 am :
This one got pretty hectic at times since there's a lot of monsters spawning in. But I was a bit miffed that your big imp boss doesn't actually do anything.

BTW. Is there any reason why there's a tiny soul cube in the middle of the arena?
and is it supposed to happen anything after you killed the big Imp?

Pat AfterMoon@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:01 am :
I've learned a lot of things with this contest, but the current result is pretty disappointing (in addition to Doom 3 modding, I've learned the english word "hectic" ;)).

Kristus wrote:
Is there any reason why there's a tiny soul cube in the middle of the arena?
I've missed this one. I've tweaked the stock Guardian boss map 3 hours before the dead-line, and got a lot of trouble with leaks, guardian cinematic entities and lights.
The right soulcude that is placed before the teleporter is also bugged, it appear with a wrong model. I've just placed it from the map editor, there is maybe something else to do...

Kristus wrote:
I was a bit miffed that your big imp boss doesn't actually do anything.
Me too, and in addition there is a bug about the pain animation.

Kristus wrote:
is it supposed to happen anything after you killed the big Imp?
Currently no, I will need to learn the basic of cinematics ;)

The waves are currently very confusing, I think I should kill all alive minions (fire explosion ?) before spawning the next wave. The current waves are too similar, during beta test I've used waves of similar minions (melee waves, ranged waves ...) and it's probably more fun.

Kristus@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:09 am :
I liked that the waves were crazy like that. Made the fight interesting. Don't change that.

Anyway, for cinematics:

0m1n0u5@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:25 pm :
Liked it, although I couldn't shake the deja vu feeling :D . Overall- a good entry.

Neurological@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:44 pm :
Actually this boss is my favourite, it is balanced and fun to fight. A nice mix of Archvile and Cyberdemon.

Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:34 pm :
The fight itself is fun :) , but the boss does nothing at all :(
I enjoyed it anyway :mrgreen:

6th Venom@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:58 pm :
Hey! Just tested your boss right now, and i liked the ride!

Only thing that disturb me is the lack of endlevel! ...and maybe too easy, 1st try 1st win. :twisted:

The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:48 pm :
Something I noticed about the imp boss & my boss: large ones don't seem to be so large unless there's another monster in the area to use for scale.

This was pretty cool though. What were those fast-crawly-jumpy imp like things? They were HARD to deal with!