bhenderson@Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:23 am : The mod is to the point of completion after over two years of work. Through this time, the mod has been through many changes. Many of the better changes have been done from people who have helped out with the mod. I would like to thank the following people:
6th Venom for helping with the button interface at the last second and Neurological for helping convince me that the interface was seriously hosed
Mystic Realmz for creating the soundtrack
Gazz (former lead designer of Classic Doom for Doom 3) for doing level design work in his spare time
David Kosta for creating the excellent 2D art work you see in the loading screens
deadite4 for supporting the mod with miscellaneous tasks
all the voice actors for understanding the script and getting a feel for the characters by themselves instead of taking the script literally
the mod/gaming community for their valuable input on the demo
You can download the mod here: (mirror)
To install, extract the zip to your Doom 3 directory. Go into the slayer directory (it should be under Doom3\slayer\), and run slayer.bat if you have a standard 4:3 screen or run one of the widescreen .bat files if you have a widescreen display.
Thank you for playing Zombie Slayer, and I look forward to reading your comments.
Oneofthe8devilz@Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:05 am : wow... awesome job guys

6th Venom@Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:47 am : Finally! This is cool, you made a great mod bhenderson, from start to finish, congratulations.
Neurological@Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:36 am : Downloading right now. Btw if you need more mirrors I can put the file on with a dedicated page to the mod, and forum thread for the italian community.
bhenderson@Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:39 pm : Neurological wrote:
Downloading right now. Btw if you need more mirrors I can put the file on with a dedicated page to the mod, and forum thread for the italian community.
That would be awesome! Thanks for checking out the mod.
Neurological@Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:57 am : Done: now the page is a little empty, soon e will update it with some pics and links to the videos. If you plan to release a patch or anything else related to ZS we can upload more stuff.
As for the mod, I've just finished it. Overall is pretty fun to play and watch, great animations and soundtrack (you should release the mp3s with a printable cover, I would burn immediatly a cd).
I've found just a pair of minor bugs. The first is when the tram start moving the first time, before loading the next map is possible to see the hud and crosshair for a second. You may resolve it changing the code of the hud and cursor to have nothin on them.
The second is when you exit the tram before switching the lever, the footstep sounds are missing, and you can hear the bleep sound. Other than that is perfectly executed. Congratulations on this release.
bhenderson@Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:30 pm : Neurological wrote:
I've found just a pair of minor bugs. The first is when the tram start moving the first time, before loading the next map is possible to see the hud and crosshair for a second. You may resolve it changing the code of the hud and cursor to have nothin on them.
The second is when you exit the tram before switching the lever, the footstep sounds are missing, and you can hear the bleep sound. Other than that is perfectly executed. Congratulations on this release.
I'm glad you enjoyed the mod.

I couldn't figure out the hud/crosshair problem and figured no one would wrong I was! As far as the tram exiting sequence goes, I wanted to keep a silent atmosphere right before the music began. I guess maybe it was too silent, heh.
Phobos@Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:36 pm : It's very frustrating trying to hit the buttons in the window/time frame. They go away so quick!
It's lame cuz the mod is so great, and I want to go on, but it takes so long to hit the buttons right.
bhenderson@Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:49 pm : Phobos wrote:
It's very frustrating trying to hit the buttons in the window/time frame. They go away so quick!
It's lame cuz the mod is so great, and I want to go on, but it takes so long to hit the buttons right.
How far along are you? After ch1a, the mod gets a lot easier. Feel free to skip to the next chapter if you get too frustrated. You can skip to the next chapter through the load option in the main menu. If you want to find out what happens, I have a full playthrough of the mod up on youtube:'s also okay to keep tapping the button prior to when it pops up if you know what the button is. Don't mash random buttons, though.
Dingus_Borgir@Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:34 pm : I downloaded it, and I had too much fun! I was a little disappointed when it was over.....
it really reminded me of the button sequences in RE4! and i really like the music.
TelMarine@Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 11:36 pm : Dingus_Borgir wrote:
I downloaded it, and I had too much fun! I was a little disappointed when it was over.....
haha, same here. Well done, I thought the difficulty was spot on, I only died once in the beginning. Great stuff.
bhenderson@Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:36 pm : It's good to see that some think the difficulty is spot on. I worked very hard to correct the problems that normal QT sequences have. Namely, I put in a health system and didn't randomize the buttons. I also personally watched a few testers and listened to their feedback, which is why it boggles my mind when I see that a few people have had so much trouble with the gameplay.
The mod was incredibly time consuming to create yet only takes ~30 minutes to complete, but I figured that with a mod, quality should be looked upon more than quantity. I even cut out around 2 minutes of footage. If you guys finished the mod, then I have succeeded with my goal of making a mod.
I believe I am now done with the mod community -- I have learned all I can -- but I hope to have an iPhone app out someday. Thanks again for playing.