Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 3:28 pm : Unfortunately my motherboard is dead, fot this cause i write now.
first, important rule:
All programs or files, be they changed game files or new files, that change or edit the game or add to its functionality, or that interact with the game in any way, are strictly forbidden. The use of any forbidden program or file by any clan member during a cup match will lead to the exclusion of the clan from the cup and a ban according to the general cheating and abuse policy. The use of such program or file outside the cup may lead to the same sanction.
in the final of Nation cup (poland vs Italy : 4- 0) ,one(or more) of the team poland use sure one of these two programs.
nvidia tray tools
evenbalance wrote, all correct.
gg for the correctness clanbase admin and Poland .

i hope this shit not repeated in Wolfenstein
sorry for my bad english.
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 6:35 pm : so, what you're saying is that graphics drivers & DX cause all players to break the rules?
I can make ETQW look like that with my ATI graphics drivers, no need to use a separate program. I have one, but I find it stupid graphics tweaks cause banning. If it's that much of an issue, don't play. I don't hear people complaining that some Q2 players that other players turn up the brighness all the way.
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 12:15 pm : The Happy Friar wrote:
so, what you're saying is that graphics drivers & DX cause all players to break the rules?
I can make ETQW look like that with my ATI graphics drivers, no need to use a separate program. I have one, but I find it stupid graphics tweaks cause banning. If it's that much of an issue, don't play. I don't hear people complaining that some Q2 players that other players turn up the brighness all the way.
1) It removes foliage from trees, it removes bushes, basically it makes anything stand out from the background 10x more than usual.
2) not allowed in the rule.
is a clear advantage
more info
http://clanbase.ggl.com/forum.php?fid=5 ... d=00FFFFAC
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 1:33 pm : not saying it's not an advantage, but it's not something that couldn't be done via a regular graphics tweak. most of that could be done in-game too.
How about the fact cup's play with a mod? I consider a mod a cheat. I consider not allowing spawn killing a cheat. I consider using VOIP outside qw a cheat. I consider using a keyboard with your stats a cheat.
Those all fall under the rule you mentioned.
Phobos@Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:43 am : It's called a config. It's not cheating.
There are levels to where it's considered cheating, such as in CoD4 where a config can remove wooden fences, which you can normally shoot through but can't see behind (and you can see behind them with the config).
THAT could be considered a minor cheat. Graphical tweaks to personal taste, performance, and convenience has been going on forever, most noticeably with quake 3 I imagine.
My qlive config and etqw config for when I play league matches with my team makes the game look much like the screens you posted. It's for optimal performance (framerate/network connection) as well as there being less detail and eyecandy. Some people don't play for the graphics, but for the game.
...and some people still don't have a choice but to turn their settings this low

rich_is_bored@Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:40 am : When your customized settings produce the graphical abortions depicted above, there's no excuse. If the intent was to put leafless trees and see through walls in the game, they'd be present at the highest quality settings.
I get it. You have the liberty to change your settings to the extent that your video drivers or configuration files permit. But by setting them so unreasonably low you've set a precedent to which everyone must conform to play on even terms. The irony however is that if everyone did, there'd be no point.
I have similar feelings towards bunny hopping but at least you play an active and continuing role in it's execution. I'd have a much harsher view of it if all it took was changing the player's run speed via the console which is much more in line with what we're talking about here.
But whatever. It is what it is. If you can win games without it all the better. Making a big stink over it is pointless.
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:40 am : Phobos wrote:
It's called a config. It's not cheating.
For example, in the past for using RivaTuner in ET a player called raz was ban, just a screenshot, same question, no foliage ecc.ecc. Same "cheat" in ETQW allowed? why omg.........
where team italy see the foliage of a tree , team poland see the void, see the opposition. This not are cheating? o_O
also written in the rules
2. All programs or files, be they changed game files or new files, that change or edit the game or add to its functionality, or that interact with the game in any way, are strictly forbidden. The use of any forbidden program or file by any clan member during a cup match will lead to the exclusion of the clan from the cup and a ban according to the general cheating and abuse policy. The use of such program or file outside the cup may lead to the same sanction.
Phobos@Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:03 pm : Take picmip and skipstuff for example.
If it was a considered a cheat, it wouldn't be a possible command clientside via console. Foliage is a personal preference, not a graphical competitive requirement. Nearly everyone that plays on a semi-professional or professional level has a config which does the like, including mine. It's to get rid of that stuff on purpose, so we can see the enemy, etc. We don't get rid of trees, and walls, or anything like that, only what the game lets us. It's not a "hack" or "cheat."
Hexen Terzo@Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:06 am : if in the rules this setting is allowed, sure team italy use this setting.....
but in the rules is forbidden, this is the point

when a team sign up in one competition, first reads the rules, and respects these. if not, is cheat, no way.
Team italy not use these program why in the rules is forbidden but we see foliage, they not

if there is written in the rules(forbidden) how do you say that is regular.....
at least take away the rule , so we use all these programs, at least we see them and they see us.