Hi! Today i relased the next version of the ETQW Tweaker (2.0.2). This tweaker is a very useful utility, to tweak your video, game, audio, and network settings. I'm developing this application since the First BETA (!!!). With this tool you can create configuration files, with your specified settings! You can tune your video settings to have even more FPS, or if you have a powerful machine, you can enable even higher graphical detail than the maximum you can set in the menu! There are also five presets by default, but you can create your own presets too! ETQW Tweaker 2.0.2 is avaliable in two languages (english and hungarian), but with the included language editor you can translate the tweaker!
Now let's have a look at how it looks:
http://cleandesperado.googlepages.com/newTweaker.JPGOh i almost forgot to mention: Every setting has its own description. Most of them has also pictures for better understanding! So you'll know exactly which setting what does!
To download click on the link in my signature.
Hi! a new version, 2.0.4 is now released.
Download link in my signature.
-New settings: Enable/disable head motion; Enable/disable fast weapon switch (+picture); Enable/disable tooltips (+picture)
-Widescreen and some new 4:3 resolutions are now avaliable in the 'Screen resolution' option
-Aspect ratio will correctly apply to the selected resolution when using the 'Screen resolution' option
-Added 1280mb, 1536mb and 1792mb to the 'Video Memory amount' list.
-ETQWTweaker2 now uses an Updated version of the TweakerCreator (
-Improved the error handling of the Automatic filesaving
-Comboboxes are not fuctioning like textboxes, so you cant write invalid values (there are some settings like 'Video Ram amount', that require the old type of comboboxes, because there you can specify the amount manually.
gavavva wrote:
Lightning you say...?
will be fixed in next version.
Very nice indeed.
Many thanks for the update...

aardwolf wrote:
Why not a quake 4 tweaker?
I would imagine the same reason why Quake 4 gets left behind with everything... The Single player was SHIT, to put it blunt, and the MP while very good, is usually just "Turn it all off/down" anyway :p
gavavva wrote:
aardwolf wrote:
Why not a quake 4 tweaker?
I would imagine the same reason why Quake 4 gets left behind with everything... The Single player was SHIT, to put it blunt, and the MP while very good, is usually just "Turn it all off/down" anyway :p
I just think the contrary, Q4 SP was great, not as in D3 or ROE, but is good and way better than Prey and can be amazing after installing some good mod, like for example my Unpredictable Q4 mod or QuakeReborn by @Slayer_2, but they left the MP part not comparable to the amazing Q3 gameplay and with good bots also !
trenmost wrote:
Hi! Today i relased the next version of the ETQW Tweaker (2.0.2). This tweaker is a very useful utility, to tweak your video, game, audio, and network settings. I'm developing this application since the First BETA (!!!). With this tool you can create configuration files, with your specified settings! You can tune your video settings to have even more FPS, or if you have a powerful machine, you can enable even higher graphical detail than the maximum you can set in the menu! There are also five presets by default, but you can create your own presets too! ETQW Tweaker 2.0.2 is avaliable in two languages (english and hungarian), but with the included language editor you can translate the tweaker!
Now let's have a look at how it looks:
http://cleandesperado.googlepages.com/newTweaker.JPGOh i almost forgot to mention: Every setting has its own description. Most of them has also pictures for better understanding! So you'll know exactly which setting what does!
To download click on the link in my signature.
Please, can you do a Quake 4 Tweaker, sure many users will really like it, not me, i can do it from console or Autoexec.cfg by myself but for not technical player would come in handy and its bad to left this great game without it...
Dafama2k7 wrote:
trenmost wrote:
Hi! Today i relased the next version of the ETQW Tweaker (2.0.2). This tweaker is a very useful utility, to tweak your video, game, audio, and network settings. I'm developing this application since the First BETA (!!!). With this tool you can create configuration files, with your specified settings! You can tune your video settings to have even more FPS, or if you have a powerful machine, you can enable even higher graphical detail than the maximum you can set in the menu! There are also five presets by default, but you can create your own presets too! ETQW Tweaker 2.0.2 is avaliable in two languages (english and hungarian), but with the included language editor you can translate the tweaker!
Now let's have a look at how it looks:
http://cleandesperado.googlepages.com/newTweaker.JPGOh i almost forgot to mention: Every setting has its own description. Most of them has also pictures for better understanding! So you'll know exactly which setting what does!
To download click on the link in my signature.
Please, can you do a Quake 4 Tweaker, sure many users will really like it, not me, i can do it from console or Autoexec.cfg by myself but for not technical player would come in handy and its bad to left this great game without it...
hi! i just saw your comment!
i didnt make a quake 4 tweaker, but i made a doom 3 tweaker which works for quake 4 too. every single option which is in my D3 tweaker is present and working in Q4. of course its missing some cvars which are present in Q4 but not in D3 (like that r_forceambient etc.) so maybe i'll make a Q4 specific tweaker too!

Doom 3 tweaker dl link in my signature!

Yes, thanks @Trenmost, and i know perfect how to make the easy changes manually for make the D3 versions work on Q4 or Prey, so, no problem and is of great help this good shaders twearkers utilities !