VGames@Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:52 am : Hello everybody.

I've been working on the newest version of the Perfected Doom 3 mod for a while now. Updating it where necessary and trying to make it perfect. Well I've been hard at work and I have to say that this next release will be a big step forward for this mod. Version 5 will have better graphics, sounds, particleFX, and will be even more balanced when it comes to difficulty.
Graphics wise version 2.5, version 3, and version 4 all used the same shaders which were created back in 2004. I felt that these needed a desperate update and so they have been updated. With help I've added in new shaders and dll's that give the game many updates to it's graphics engine. Updates like Motion Blur, Depth of Field, Brilliant Bloom, Rim Lighting, better Ambient Lighting, Relief Mapping, Chromatic Dispersion, and much more. All of that coupled with my increased bump mapping settings, which made my mod so appealing to many, creates an amazing amount of detail.
Also, I noticed that the major complaint about my last 3 versions of Perfected Doom 3 has been the difficulty factor for many players who aren't as good as the true veterans. So I've rebalanced the mod to still be difficult but merciful at the same time. Every map should be beatable by anybody that plays them, but still give a good challenge to all. Still, expect to die quickly from certain monster attacks like before. Those deadly attacks are still there and most monsters have at least one. Like I said, the mod is definitely easier then it's predecessors, but you still need to stay on your toes.
I'll post some screenshots and give more info on what I've done later.
Hostyle@Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:31 pm : Stop vasting your time on these boring graphic updates, update the AI!

simulation@Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:59 am : Hostyle wrote:
Stop vasting your time on these boring graphic updates, update the AI!

"The time of my thought is my own to spend" - Dáin II
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:01 am : Hostyle wrote:
Stop vasting your time on these boring graphic updates, update the AI!

zombies have never been noting to being smart...

VGames@Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:05 am : The AI has been updated. You didn't give me time to say that. They're more aggressive and the monsters that use guns don't constantly move in, they like to make you come out of hiding. And when any of the monsters get an opening to attack you they do, relentlessly until you die. Which won't take long because the damage scales even for you are realistic.
VGames@Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:29 am : Can somebody help me out with something?
I was wondering if anybody had the time to make me a dll that will allow different texture types to have there own decals, particle fx, and sound fx when bullets hit them. Much like the Denton Mod's setup. I tried to use that mod's dll but it has to much going on in that. It seems that it changes more then just what I need. So I was wondering if anybody could do that for me for my next release? I have a lot of sound effects and decals that I want to add in but I can't. Plus I'm going to make all of the bullet types have their own particle effects for each material type.
VGames@Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:01 am : Man haven't been here for a while.
Anyways getting ready to release version 5 of my Perfected Doom 3 mod. I've got soldiers to help you and some new monsters added to several different maps. Expect to see Barons, deadsouls, and painelementals plus a spectre or two here and there.
One thing i was wondering about was if it was possible to make the painelemetal's projectile spawn a lost soul when it hits a wall. Normally it blows up when it hits something, and that's fine when it hits the player. But when it hits a wall I want the projectile to spawn a lost soul. Any ideas on how to do this. I'm sure it's all done in the script or def files I just don't know how to go about this since I've never seen it done before.
0m1n0u5@Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:43 pm : Hi, VG.
I know how you can ask the game to spawn something. Use the following code:
"def_spawn_mzf" "monster_zombie_fat"
string spawnZomb = getKey( "def_spawn_mzf" );
entity monster = sys.spawn( spawnZomb );
vector origin = getOrigin();
origin = origin * 1.25;
monster.setOrigin( origin );
Note that the 'origin' vector is not vital, I just put it there to illustrate that 'getOrigin()' returns a vector type value.
To see how this works put the first bit anywhere in the "weapon_fists" entityDef, in "weapon_fists.def", and the second bit in "weapon_fists.script". To test this out I placed it in "void weapon_fists::Fire()" before the other code.
The second part of your question- the spawning at the point of the exploding missile I can't help you with. I think Neurological had something like that in his X-Mass mod. The grenades spawned a friendly zombie.
VGames@Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:35 pm : Thanks 0m1n0u5.

Ok, I've abandoned the idea of having the painelemental's projectile spawning a lost soul when it hits a wall. But what I've done now is made the painelemental spawn lost souls instead of shooting that projectile out of it's mouth when it does a range attack like it should. My only question now is what do I set the origin to in order to get the lost soul to spawn directly in front of the painelemental's mouth as if he was shooting it out of his mouth. At the moment I'm using the setting that you gave me.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:41 am : You should probably get the position of a joint near its mouth, spawn the lostsoul there and set a velocity so that it's thrown forward.
Something like
//get position, angles, velocity
vector pos = getJointPos(getJointHandle("joint_name"));
vector ang = getAngles();
vector vel = sys.angToForward( ang ) * 600;
entity monster = sys.spawn("monster_flying_lostsoul");
monster.setOrigin( pos );
monster.setAngles( ang );
waitFrame(); //this could be needed in order to wait for it to be spawned
monster.setLinearVelocity( vel );
VGames@Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:33 am : Ok Ivan I've done what you said and it worked but it's being spawned a little to late. Here's the code:
void monster_flying_painelemental::Torso_RangeAttack() {
playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, "range_attack" );
while( !animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, 4 ) ) {
//get position, angles, velocity
vector pos = getJointPos(getJointHandle("caco_launch"));
vector ang = getAngles();
vector vel = sys.angToForward( ang ) * 325;
entity monster = sys.spawn("monster_flying_deadsoul");
monster.setOrigin( pos );
monster.setAngles( ang );
monster.setLinearVelocity( vel );
finishAction( "range_attack" );
animState( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, "Torso_Idle", 4 );
If i put the code to spawn the deadsoul in the while loop right above where i have it spawned it spawns them continously. But i think that's where the code needs to go in order to spawn the deadsoul exactly on time. So i was wondering if there was a command that i could brace this spawn code into to make the deadsoul spawn once. I've tried putting the spawn code right above the while loop but the deadsoul spawns to early. Any ideas? If there is no way to fix it I can make it work through particle effects.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:57 pm : In the .def file there should be a line like "frame [number] launch_missile caco_launch"
replace it with "frame [number] object_call spawn_ls"
In the script, create this function
void monster_flying_painelemental::spawn_ls() {
//code I posted above goes here
Note: never "wait" inside functions called with "object_call".
VGames@Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:10 am : Perfect. It worked exactly as I wanted it to. Now I know how to make monsters spawn other monsters.
Thanks again,
VGames@Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 3:26 am : Ok I got another idea. I want the BFG to fire out 4 to 7 small projectiles along with the primary BFG projectile that will home in on surrounding monsters. But i don't want to use the SDK. Is this possible using methods similar to what I used to make the painelemental spawn a lostsoul from it's mouth as if it was firing him out like a projectile?
VGames@Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:15 am : One more thing. Can the chainsaw use nozzleFX like the plasmagun? I've tried it out but can't get it to work.
0m1n0u5@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:23 am : Q1. What do you mean... Something like a BFG shotgun? 4 to 7 projectiles are easy to make ( even a random number between 4-7 projectiles is fairly easy ). Just look at the shotgun script for more than one projectiles. Homing to monsters... No idea maybe you'll need some of Ivan's code-magic to get over that one

Q2. The Chainsaw is a melee weapon and I don't think it has a 'nossle' in the sence that proj weapons do. However, you can trick the player into thinking weapons are melee when they are essentially proj weapons where the proj has a very short fuse. Check this out:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23444I messed around with the chainsaw in that one and I can see how the result might be usefull to you. Btw the link to the finished file is dead, but it shouldn't be too much to figure it out and add the necessary stuff manually.
VGames@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:38 am : About question 1:
What I meant was I want the BFG to fire out the normal projectile that makes the big explosion, but I also want it to fire out 3 to 9 other homing projectiles that will do less damage then the primary projectile but will also do major damage to your enemies. If you just fire the BFG without charging it won't fire these extra homing projectiles, but if you charge it to level 2 it will fire out 3 of them along with the primary projectile. And if you charge it to level 3 it will fire out 6 homing projectiles and if you charge it to level 4 it will fire out 9 homing projectiles along with the primary BFG projectile. All levels will fire out the primary projectile but levels 2, 3, and 4 will also send out homing projectiles to deal out more damage. Understand?
About question 2:
I'll definitely look into that. Thanks for the help.
VGames@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 5:22 am : Ok before I made all the changes to the chainsaw to convert it from a melee weapon to a projectile weapon like you explained in that post, i tried to add the nozzlefx to the chaingun to see if it could make that effect that I wanted, since it was already a projectile weapon. Sadly it did not. So there's something else that is allowing the plasmagun to use the nozzlefx and not the other projectile based weapons.
simulation@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:56 am : VGames wrote:
Ok before I made all the changes to the chainsaw to convert it from a melee weapon to a projectile weapon like you explained in that post, i tried to add the nozzlefx to the chaingun to see if it could make that effect that I wanted, since it was already a projectile weapon. Sadly it did not. So there's something else that is allowing the plasmagun to use the nozzlefx and not the other projectile based weapons.
The plasmagun model has a joint called "ventlight" which is required for the nozzleFx to work. It may need other stuff but too but that is a place to start.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:55 am : There's a way to spawn/launch projectiles via scripting only, but it's a bit tricky and I'd rather use the SDK.
Anyway, all you need to do is to spawn a monster (as we did before), use it to launch a projectile and then remove it.
You'd better create a def for a fake monster (no model, no sounds, ...) that will be used for this purpose only.
It's really not a good thing performance-wise, but it works. I used this method in FraggingFree v1.0, then I moved to an SDK-based approach.
calansvc@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:01 am : Any updates on an update VGames?
VGames@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:38 am : Yes. I've got some fixed code from doomtrinity that will fix the bug where the game would crash when using the secondary fire mode for the shotgun. Also, when zoomed with the shotguns their spread will not reduce. doom and I both thought this was kind of dumb since they are shotguns and the spread should stay the same.
I'm looking into fixing some other map bugs that were mentioned to me before I release the patch. Other then that this will be a small patch to fix bugs. That's it. I'm busy working on a new project for Max Payne 2. So my mod for Doom 3 will have to take a back seat for a little while. But don't worry. I still have plans for it in the future.
calansvc@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:41 pm : VGames wrote:
Other then that this will be a small patch to fix bugs. That's it.
And the external g-vars for the vest light's brightness and radius...right?

VGames@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:32 pm : I'm sorry my friend. Not in this patch. I honestly don't have time to do anymore for the mod right now. But when I do release more content for the mod in a later patch those variables will be there for you.
seanstar@Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:22 pm : Hi
perfected doom3 is really excellent, ive played many mods for doom3, this is maybe the best of all.
when combining mods together, sometimes i have problems but this mod has everything already added.
here are pics of the iron sights included with the zoom key.
pistol barrel watch the level of detail setting...for me its heavy on performance.
Steve1664@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:52 pm : This is supposed to work with Resurrection of Evil, right? If so, does the directory have to be in the d3xp folder to get it to work with the game? Just loading the mod brings me back to Perfected Doom 3 proper - I'm running it through Steam by the way.
VGames@Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:52 am : Hello everybody.

I've been working on the newest version of the Perfected Doom 3 mod for a while now. Updating it where necessary and trying to make it perfect. Well I've been hard at work and I have to say that this next release will be a big step forward for this mod. Version 5 will have better graphics, sounds, particleFX, and will be even more balanced when it comes to difficulty.
Graphics wise version 2.5, version 3, and version 4 all used the same shaders which were created back in 2004. I felt that these needed a desperate update and so they have been updated. With help I've added in new shaders and dll's that give the game many updates to it's graphics engine. Updates like Motion Blur, Depth of Field, Brilliant Bloom, Rim Lighting, better Ambient Lighting, Relief Mapping, Chromatic Dispersion, and much more. All of that coupled with my increased bump mapping settings, which made my mod so appealing to many, creates an amazing amount of detail.
Also, I noticed that the major complaint about my last 3 versions of Perfected Doom 3 has been the difficulty factor for many players who aren't as good as the true veterans. So I've rebalanced the mod to still be difficult but merciful at the same time. Every map should be beatable by anybody that plays them, but still give a good challenge to all. Still, expect to die quickly from certain monster attacks like before. Those deadly attacks are still there and most monsters have at least one. Like I said, the mod is definitely easier then it's predecessors, but you still need to stay on your toes.
I'll post some screenshots and give more info on what I've done later.
Hostyle@Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:31 pm : Stop vasting your time on these boring graphic updates, update the AI!

simulation@Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:59 am : Hostyle wrote:
Stop vasting your time on these boring graphic updates, update the AI!

"The time of my thought is my own to spend" - Dáin II
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:01 am : Hostyle wrote:
Stop vasting your time on these boring graphic updates, update the AI!

zombies have never been noting to being smart...

VGames@Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:05 am : The AI has been updated. You didn't give me time to say that. They're more aggressive and the monsters that use guns don't constantly move in, they like to make you come out of hiding. And when any of the monsters get an opening to attack you they do, relentlessly until you die. Which won't take long because the damage scales even for you are realistic.
VGames@Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:29 am : Can somebody help me out with something?
I was wondering if anybody had the time to make me a dll that will allow different texture types to have there own decals, particle fx, and sound fx when bullets hit them. Much like the Denton Mod's setup. I tried to use that mod's dll but it has to much going on in that. It seems that it changes more then just what I need. So I was wondering if anybody could do that for me for my next release? I have a lot of sound effects and decals that I want to add in but I can't. Plus I'm going to make all of the bullet types have their own particle effects for each material type.
VGames@Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:01 am : Man haven't been here for a while.
Anyways getting ready to release version 5 of my Perfected Doom 3 mod. I've got soldiers to help you and some new monsters added to several different maps. Expect to see Barons, deadsouls, and painelementals plus a spectre or two here and there.
One thing i was wondering about was if it was possible to make the painelemetal's projectile spawn a lost soul when it hits a wall. Normally it blows up when it hits something, and that's fine when it hits the player. But when it hits a wall I want the projectile to spawn a lost soul. Any ideas on how to do this. I'm sure it's all done in the script or def files I just don't know how to go about this since I've never seen it done before.
0m1n0u5@Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:43 pm : Hi, VG.
I know how you can ask the game to spawn something. Use the following code:
"def_spawn_mzf" "monster_zombie_fat"
string spawnZomb = getKey( "def_spawn_mzf" );
entity monster = sys.spawn( spawnZomb );
vector origin = getOrigin();
origin = origin * 1.25;
monster.setOrigin( origin );
Note that the 'origin' vector is not vital, I just put it there to illustrate that 'getOrigin()' returns a vector type value.
To see how this works put the first bit anywhere in the "weapon_fists" entityDef, in "weapon_fists.def", and the second bit in "weapon_fists.script". To test this out I placed it in "void weapon_fists::Fire()" before the other code.
The second part of your question- the spawning at the point of the exploding missile I can't help you with. I think Neurological had something like that in his X-Mass mod. The grenades spawned a friendly zombie.
VGames@Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:35 pm : Thanks 0m1n0u5.

Ok, I've abandoned the idea of having the painelemental's projectile spawning a lost soul when it hits a wall. But what I've done now is made the painelemental spawn lost souls instead of shooting that projectile out of it's mouth when it does a range attack like it should. My only question now is what do I set the origin to in order to get the lost soul to spawn directly in front of the painelemental's mouth as if he was shooting it out of his mouth. At the moment I'm using the setting that you gave me.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:41 am : You should probably get the position of a joint near its mouth, spawn the lostsoul there and set a velocity so that it's thrown forward.
Something like
//get position, angles, velocity
vector pos = getJointPos(getJointHandle("joint_name"));
vector ang = getAngles();
vector vel = sys.angToForward( ang ) * 600;
entity monster = sys.spawn("monster_flying_lostsoul");
monster.setOrigin( pos );
monster.setAngles( ang );
waitFrame(); //this could be needed in order to wait for it to be spawned
monster.setLinearVelocity( vel );
VGames@Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:33 am : Ok Ivan I've done what you said and it worked but it's being spawned a little to late. Here's the code:
void monster_flying_painelemental::Torso_RangeAttack() {
playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, "range_attack" );
while( !animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, 4 ) ) {
//get position, angles, velocity
vector pos = getJointPos(getJointHandle("caco_launch"));
vector ang = getAngles();
vector vel = sys.angToForward( ang ) * 325;
entity monster = sys.spawn("monster_flying_deadsoul");
monster.setOrigin( pos );
monster.setAngles( ang );
monster.setLinearVelocity( vel );
finishAction( "range_attack" );
animState( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, "Torso_Idle", 4 );
If i put the code to spawn the deadsoul in the while loop right above where i have it spawned it spawns them continously. But i think that's where the code needs to go in order to spawn the deadsoul exactly on time. So i was wondering if there was a command that i could brace this spawn code into to make the deadsoul spawn once. I've tried putting the spawn code right above the while loop but the deadsoul spawns to early. Any ideas? If there is no way to fix it I can make it work through particle effects.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:57 pm : In the .def file there should be a line like "frame [number] launch_missile caco_launch"
replace it with "frame [number] object_call spawn_ls"
In the script, create this function
void monster_flying_painelemental::spawn_ls() {
//code I posted above goes here
Note: never "wait" inside functions called with "object_call".
VGames@Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:10 am : Perfect. It worked exactly as I wanted it to. Now I know how to make monsters spawn other monsters.
Thanks again,
VGames@Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 3:26 am : Ok I got another idea. I want the BFG to fire out 4 to 7 small projectiles along with the primary BFG projectile that will home in on surrounding monsters. But i don't want to use the SDK. Is this possible using methods similar to what I used to make the painelemental spawn a lostsoul from it's mouth as if it was firing him out like a projectile?
VGames@Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:15 am : One more thing. Can the chainsaw use nozzleFX like the plasmagun? I've tried it out but can't get it to work.
0m1n0u5@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:23 am : Q1. What do you mean... Something like a BFG shotgun? 4 to 7 projectiles are easy to make ( even a random number between 4-7 projectiles is fairly easy ). Just look at the shotgun script for more than one projectiles. Homing to monsters... No idea maybe you'll need some of Ivan's code-magic to get over that one

Q2. The Chainsaw is a melee weapon and I don't think it has a 'nossle' in the sence that proj weapons do. However, you can trick the player into thinking weapons are melee when they are essentially proj weapons where the proj has a very short fuse. Check this out:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23444I messed around with the chainsaw in that one and I can see how the result might be usefull to you. Btw the link to the finished file is dead, but it shouldn't be too much to figure it out and add the necessary stuff manually.
VGames@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:38 am : About question 1:
What I meant was I want the BFG to fire out the normal projectile that makes the big explosion, but I also want it to fire out 3 to 9 other homing projectiles that will do less damage then the primary projectile but will also do major damage to your enemies. If you just fire the BFG without charging it won't fire these extra homing projectiles, but if you charge it to level 2 it will fire out 3 of them along with the primary projectile. And if you charge it to level 3 it will fire out 6 homing projectiles and if you charge it to level 4 it will fire out 9 homing projectiles along with the primary BFG projectile. All levels will fire out the primary projectile but levels 2, 3, and 4 will also send out homing projectiles to deal out more damage. Understand?
About question 2:
I'll definitely look into that. Thanks for the help.
VGames@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 5:22 am : Ok before I made all the changes to the chainsaw to convert it from a melee weapon to a projectile weapon like you explained in that post, i tried to add the nozzlefx to the chaingun to see if it could make that effect that I wanted, since it was already a projectile weapon. Sadly it did not. So there's something else that is allowing the plasmagun to use the nozzlefx and not the other projectile based weapons.
simulation@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:56 am : VGames wrote:
Ok before I made all the changes to the chainsaw to convert it from a melee weapon to a projectile weapon like you explained in that post, i tried to add the nozzlefx to the chaingun to see if it could make that effect that I wanted, since it was already a projectile weapon. Sadly it did not. So there's something else that is allowing the plasmagun to use the nozzlefx and not the other projectile based weapons.
The plasmagun model has a joint called "ventlight" which is required for the nozzleFx to work. It may need other stuff but too but that is a place to start.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:55 am : There's a way to spawn/launch projectiles via scripting only, but it's a bit tricky and I'd rather use the SDK.
Anyway, all you need to do is to spawn a monster (as we did before), use it to launch a projectile and then remove it.
You'd better create a def for a fake monster (no model, no sounds, ...) that will be used for this purpose only.
It's really not a good thing performance-wise, but it works. I used this method in FraggingFree v1.0, then I moved to an SDK-based approach.
sexus@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:10 am : no problem i understand its not easy , but youll make it somehow

VGames@Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:56 am : This feature will probably be released on the first patch for version 6 of Perfected Doom 3. It won't be released with version 6.
sexus@Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:18 am : no biggy we can wait as long as its worth it bro , peace and rock on !!!
VGames@Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:24 pm : Version 6 has been uploaded at so expect it to be available for download in the next day or 2.
sexus@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:30 am : hell yeah thats what im talkin about
i asume this has all the high resolution textures and the latest sikkmod?
p.s: hows em dual pistols comin along

btw that file mirror must have deleted youre file all i get is a file not found on this server

VGames@Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:43 am : I set the chainsaw to be weapon 13. What impulse is assigned to that weapon number?
doomtrinity@Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:57 pm : You can find your question at,
Why can't I select weapon 13?
If you look in player.def, you will see that the weapons go up to 15, but weapons 13, 14, and 15 are unused. To select a weapon 3, you use _impulse3, for weapon 9 it's _impulse9, etc... So if you add a new weapon 14, you may think you can select it with _impulse14 but that's not actually the case. Impulse 13 is reload weapon, impulse 14 is prev wepon, and impulse 15 is next weapon. You can only use impulse commands to select weapons 0-12. Weapons 13, 14, and 15 cannot be selected directly (they can only be cycled to).
Why was it done this way? To be completely honest, it just kind of happened. We didn't use the last 3 weapon slots so we didn't think about not being able to select them directly. Oops.
There is some good news, though. The PDA can be opened with _impulse19 (which is showscores in multiplayer), so you can move the PDA up higher in the list, freeing a slot for a new weapon. The really good news is all this is handled in the game code, so mod developers can change it up however they want. It is not likely to ever get changed in the main game code though, because that would require moving reload, prev, and next to different impulse commands, thereby breaking everyones config files.
VGames@Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:51 pm : What's a safe setting for the number of script statements? It's of course set to 81920 by default but it really needs to be increased for my mod. Would 8192000 be too big? I have it set to that right now and I haven't had any issues with it yet. Doing this allowed me to teleport my Soulknight up to 2000 times instead of just 20 times. I myself don't need to teleport him that many times when I play a map with him at my side, but I basically wanted other players to be able to spawn him almost as many times as they wanted.
VGames@Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:10 am : Does anybody by chance know how to add secondary fire projectile code to the SDK? I wanted to stop using this method that I'm currently using through the script files where basically an invisible monster is created that spawns the secondary projectile for you. It works fine but the secondary projectile that is spawned does not really belong to you. So it doesn't exactly home in on enemies that you target and it doesn't give you Soul Cube ammo each time you kill a monster with it. In the def files for the weapons their is a variable called def_projectile which is the projectile fired by the primary fire mode of the weapon. We all know that. And of course it's spawned in the weapon's script file with this command: launchProjectiles. I want to add a def file variable called alt_projectile which would be the secondary projectile, and I wanted to create a variable that would be used in the weapon script file called launchAltProjectiles which would be used to fire the secondary projectile. That way the secondary projectile would belong to the player.
VGames@Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:56 am : I have uploaded the version 6.1 patch for my mod at ModDB. Here's the link:
doomtrinity@Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:36 am : Oh, it's good to see that the patch is done

VGames@Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:19 pm : With Sikkmod version 1.2 how do you set up the stamina to last forever? Does the stamina value in the player.def file even matter anymore? I know about the 3 different stamina variables in the Sikkmod source but how do I set them up to give the player infinite stamina?
VGames@Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:59 pm : I've got a major problem. Whenever I load up the custom map made by ZizZ called Tower a lot of my particle effects become black boxes. This only happens when I load up that map. His other map Last Hope does not do this. I had some trouble recompiling the Tower map after making some changes to it for my mod and I was never able to get it to create new AAS files. So I just used the one's that came with the map. Could this be a problem? The map plays through fine and it also starts up the next map that I set it up to. But it messes up my effects. Plus I noticed that in the Icon of Sin map that follows this Tower map the color of the lava has a green tint to it. This only happens after I load up the tower map. What is this map doing?
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:54 pm : I had this exact same problem today and I found it's a bug in the particles. I didn't find a fix, but a workaround.
In any particle that you made, change the references 'textures/sfx/vp1' to 'textures/sfx/vp1.tga' for me this fixed the bug.
VGames@Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:08 am : I did what you said and the Tower map no longer causes problems. But the Icon of Sin map from Ruiner now causes the problem. I figured it was causing problems along with the Tower map and I never noticed it before. I'm stumped. I test this out by loading up one of the custom maps and then I load up the box room test map. Every time I load up the test map after the Icon of Sin map the problem is there.
VGames@Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:29 pm :
calansvc@Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:46 pm : In Central Processing, toward the end of the map where you ride the lift from CPU Level 1 down to Main CPU and talk to Campbell...
When I select Main CPU, the lift descends as it should but then just goes back up when it hits the bottom. The doors never open or just comes straight back up to CPU Level 1. I tried restarting, etc. etc.
Any ideas?
VGames@Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:09 pm : I'll look into it and see if I get the same problem. If I do then expect it too be fixed in the next patch. Sorry for the inconvenience.
calansvc@Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:01 am : VGames wrote:
I'll look into it and see if I get the same problem. If I do then expect it too be fixed in the next patch.
What do the vars g_useDynamicHud and g_hudType do? I don't notice any difference when I try 0 or 1 for these.
Also thought of a suggestion... include a variable for a master combination for all lockers: g_lockerCode = "xxx", where "xxx" is the code you want to use. A value of "0" would make the combinations work normally. Just a thought.

VGames@Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:24 pm : Everybody needs to do this to protest the destruction of the internet as we know it:
calansvc@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:01 am : Any updates on an update VGames?
VGames@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:38 am : Yes. I've got some fixed code from doomtrinity that will fix the bug where the game would crash when using the secondary fire mode for the shotgun. Also, when zoomed with the shotguns their spread will not reduce. doom and I both thought this was kind of dumb since they are shotguns and the spread should stay the same.
I'm looking into fixing some other map bugs that were mentioned to me before I release the patch. Other then that this will be a small patch to fix bugs. That's it. I'm busy working on a new project for Max Payne 2. So my mod for Doom 3 will have to take a back seat for a little while. But don't worry. I still have plans for it in the future.
calansvc@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:41 pm : VGames wrote:
Other then that this will be a small patch to fix bugs. That's it.
And the external g-vars for the vest light's brightness and radius...right?

VGames@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:32 pm : I'm sorry my friend. Not in this patch. I honestly don't have time to do anymore for the mod right now. But when I do release more content for the mod in a later patch those variables will be there for you.
seanstar@Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:22 pm : Hi
perfected doom3 is really excellent, ive played many mods for doom3, this is maybe the best of all.
when combining mods together, sometimes i have problems but this mod has everything already added.
here are pics of the iron sights included with the zoom key.
pistol barrel watch the level of detail setting...for me its heavy on performance.
Steve1664@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:52 pm : This is supposed to work with Resurrection of Evil, right? If so, does the directory have to be in the d3xp folder to get it to work with the game? Just loading the mod brings me back to Perfected Doom 3 proper - I'm running it through Steam by the way.
VGames@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:43 am : Sikkpin your comment did the trick. Thanks to you both.
BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:55 am : Sikkpin wrote:
Either the cvar BloodRayne said or it's "r_showSurfaceInfo".
Damn yes.. I should think before I post..

VGames@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:03 pm : No No. Just getting a responce is good. That means somebody cares. Thanks again.

VGames@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:23 pm : What would be the quickest way to include a specific AAS in a map? I need to include the hellknight's AAS in a map so that the Soulknight that I added will work properly in any map. I figured I could just throw a hellknight into a map that doesn't have one and that would be enough. Maybe if I put him off somewhere out of bounds where you would never hear him or see him? I don't know if this would be the best way to do this. Is there a way to actually select the AAS files that you want to include in a map?
sexus@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:57 pm : when is version 6 coming out and do i use this or sikkpins sikkmod?
VGames@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:04 pm : What do you mean? Are you asking if you need Sikkpin's mod when running version 6 of Perfected? Because you don't. You only need to use Perfected. The Sikkmod graphics enhancements have been added to Perfected Doom 3.
sexus@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:15 pm : exactomundo thats what i wanted to know thanks, btw a little advice from a fellow member
try to incorporate wulfens newest full high rez pack too its a must have!!, rock on !!!
p.s: almost forgot could yall incorporate this too ? ... al-pistolsfor some beautiful weapon modding goodness
and dont forget venoms 6th high rez menu if it hasnt already been incorporated
VGames@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:47 pm : I've already asked Wulfen and Monoxead if I could incorporate their textures into my mod's texture pack. Neither have responded. My mod's relief mapping feature puts them to good use.
I don't know about the dual pistols. Does it still allow you to have one pistol until you pick up a second pistol? Or is it always 2 pistols?
And what do you mean by "could yall incorporate this too"? Are you talking about Sikkpin and me? We're not on a team together.
sexus@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:43 pm : well you should make a team , itd be epic all the master minds gathered would make for one killer project.

btw as far as i have seen i think it does but honestly if id have to trade id take the dual pistols over single anytime
btw you can single shoot either one or go guns blazing on youre enemies

and if wulfen and monoxead wont reply well , then i dont see any reason for you not to incorporate them since nobodys objecting

once , if they still are in the modding scene by then i think theyd appreciate theyre awesome textures being combined into something so epic
words cant describe, think about it its worth it you got my approval thats for sure

doomtrinity@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:49 am : VGames wrote:
I've already asked Wulfen and Monoxead if I could incorporate their textures into my mod's texture pack. Neither have responded. My mod's relief mapping feature puts them to good use.
I don't know about the dual pistols. Does it still allow you to have one pistol until you pick up a second pistol? Or is it always 2 pistols?
And what do you mean by "could yall incorporate this too"? Are you talking about Sikkpin and me? We're not on a team together.
My mod replace the original pistol, you cannot use only one pistol. It's intended as modder resource, I didn't create a new weapon since I just wanted to show a possible way to make dual guns.
By the way, that's my old version, it was just a test.
If you're interested, I could make it as a new weapon, and remember that I made that for the Denton's Mod. I could make it for vanilla Doom 3.
sexus@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:32 am : please do and when possible incorporate it into vgames perfect mod
if vgames is willing to integrate it , vgames im countin on ya ,

VGames@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:45 pm : @ doomtrinity
If you can figure out how to get the dual guns simply by picking up a pistol a second time after you've already picked it up once then I'll add it in myself. It wouldn't be hard to do. Do you think you can do this without the SDK?
Does anybody know how to add a specific AAS to a map without actually having to have a monster that uses that AAS in the map?
doomtrinity@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:52 pm : Yes, I think I could do that, but there is a thing to consider, probably you need new anims for the single pistol, I think you cannot use the original anims since dual guns uses a new joint hierarchy. If you want I could make that. Btw, I'm working on my mod for vanilla Doom 3, so you can use it in any version of the game.
Another thing, I think it doesn't make sense to have only dual guns after picking up the pistol a second time, since you can grab the other pistol at the start of the game, in Mars City Underground ( you can grab the pistol of the guy near the airlock ). I think it would be cool to let the player to choose the usage of these pistols. I mean, I could make a script that let you to switch between single pistol ( holded with both hands, so more accurated ) and dual wield pistols ( more damage, but higher spread ).
Let me know if you like this

VGames@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:05 pm : I like that. You would still need a new weapon slot for the dual pistols right?
doomtrinity@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:28 pm : That's the point, you don't need a new weapon slot since you choose the weapon usage in the same weapon, it requires to code that in the script and it's not the easiest way, but I think it's the coolest.
VGames@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:38 pm : Epic. Do that and let me know how it goes. I'm sure I can include my secondary fire mode with your set up too. The pistol will not be overlooked anymore.
sexus@Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:07 am : damn epic!!!
dont forget to remodel the guns to glocks or something that dont look like holding a alien turd xD doomtrinity
p.s dont forget the sikkmod and wulfens high rez textures and the rest ,vgames
as said if they dont reply then they most likely do not care trust me ive been modding lots of games and thats how it usually goes,
well for youre peace of mind you can do it like we do it over at nexus just add them in the credits,peace and we all cant wait to see this
masterpiece be created.

p.s perhaps release it for resurrection included version 6 is gona be ultimate bliss
while were at weapons has anybody considered modding all the other weapons i remember back where doom 3 was rleased some guy made a motion detector mod for the plasma gun very kickass just a suggestion btw i hope the sounds of the weapons are improved the shotgun for example sounds horrid
VGames@Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:25 pm : Sikkmod has already been added and the plasma radar has been a part of my mod for years now. I don't want to change the look of the pistol. I like them.
sexus@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:20 am : well thats ok why not add a modified guns version and one original for the guys that love grabbing an alien turd

VGames@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:10 am : You can do that on your own. I have to use my time wisely. I'm very busy these days. It's hard to find time to mod. I hope you understand.
VGames@Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:52 am : Hello everybody.

I've been working on the newest version of the Perfected Doom 3 mod for a while now. Updating it where necessary and trying to make it perfect. Well I've been hard at work and I have to say that this next release will be a big step forward for this mod. Version 5 will have better graphics, sounds, particleFX, and will be even more balanced when it comes to difficulty.
Graphics wise version 2.5, version 3, and version 4 all used the same shaders which were created back in 2004. I felt that these needed a desperate update and so they have been updated. With help I've added in new shaders and dll's that give the game many updates to it's graphics engine. Updates like Motion Blur, Depth of Field, Brilliant Bloom, Rim Lighting, better Ambient Lighting, Relief Mapping, Chromatic Dispersion, and much more. All of that coupled with my increased bump mapping settings, which made my mod so appealing to many, creates an amazing amount of detail.
Also, I noticed that the major complaint about my last 3 versions of Perfected Doom 3 has been the difficulty factor for many players who aren't as good as the true veterans. So I've rebalanced the mod to still be difficult but merciful at the same time. Every map should be beatable by anybody that plays them, but still give a good challenge to all. Still, expect to die quickly from certain monster attacks like before. Those deadly attacks are still there and most monsters have at least one. Like I said, the mod is definitely easier then it's predecessors, but you still need to stay on your toes.
I'll post some screenshots and give more info on what I've done later.
Hostyle@Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:31 pm : Stop vasting your time on these boring graphic updates, update the AI!

simulation@Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:59 am : Hostyle wrote:
Stop vasting your time on these boring graphic updates, update the AI!

"The time of my thought is my own to spend" - Dáin II
The Happy Friar@Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:01 am : Hostyle wrote:
Stop vasting your time on these boring graphic updates, update the AI!

zombies have never been noting to being smart...

VGames@Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:05 am : The AI has been updated. You didn't give me time to say that. They're more aggressive and the monsters that use guns don't constantly move in, they like to make you come out of hiding. And when any of the monsters get an opening to attack you they do, relentlessly until you die. Which won't take long because the damage scales even for you are realistic.
VGames@Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:29 am : Can somebody help me out with something?
I was wondering if anybody had the time to make me a dll that will allow different texture types to have there own decals, particle fx, and sound fx when bullets hit them. Much like the Denton Mod's setup. I tried to use that mod's dll but it has to much going on in that. It seems that it changes more then just what I need. So I was wondering if anybody could do that for me for my next release? I have a lot of sound effects and decals that I want to add in but I can't. Plus I'm going to make all of the bullet types have their own particle effects for each material type.
VGames@Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:01 am : Man haven't been here for a while.
Anyways getting ready to release version 5 of my Perfected Doom 3 mod. I've got soldiers to help you and some new monsters added to several different maps. Expect to see Barons, deadsouls, and painelementals plus a spectre or two here and there.
One thing i was wondering about was if it was possible to make the painelemetal's projectile spawn a lost soul when it hits a wall. Normally it blows up when it hits something, and that's fine when it hits the player. But when it hits a wall I want the projectile to spawn a lost soul. Any ideas on how to do this. I'm sure it's all done in the script or def files I just don't know how to go about this since I've never seen it done before.
0m1n0u5@Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:43 pm : Hi, VG.
I know how you can ask the game to spawn something. Use the following code:
"def_spawn_mzf" "monster_zombie_fat"
string spawnZomb = getKey( "def_spawn_mzf" );
entity monster = sys.spawn( spawnZomb );
vector origin = getOrigin();
origin = origin * 1.25;
monster.setOrigin( origin );
Note that the 'origin' vector is not vital, I just put it there to illustrate that 'getOrigin()' returns a vector type value.
To see how this works put the first bit anywhere in the "weapon_fists" entityDef, in "weapon_fists.def", and the second bit in "weapon_fists.script". To test this out I placed it in "void weapon_fists::Fire()" before the other code.
The second part of your question- the spawning at the point of the exploding missile I can't help you with. I think Neurological had something like that in his X-Mass mod. The grenades spawned a friendly zombie.
VGames@Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:35 pm : Thanks 0m1n0u5.

Ok, I've abandoned the idea of having the painelemental's projectile spawning a lost soul when it hits a wall. But what I've done now is made the painelemental spawn lost souls instead of shooting that projectile out of it's mouth when it does a range attack like it should. My only question now is what do I set the origin to in order to get the lost soul to spawn directly in front of the painelemental's mouth as if he was shooting it out of his mouth. At the moment I'm using the setting that you gave me.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:41 am : You should probably get the position of a joint near its mouth, spawn the lostsoul there and set a velocity so that it's thrown forward.
Something like
//get position, angles, velocity
vector pos = getJointPos(getJointHandle("joint_name"));
vector ang = getAngles();
vector vel = sys.angToForward( ang ) * 600;
entity monster = sys.spawn("monster_flying_lostsoul");
monster.setOrigin( pos );
monster.setAngles( ang );
waitFrame(); //this could be needed in order to wait for it to be spawned
monster.setLinearVelocity( vel );
VGames@Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:33 am : Ok Ivan I've done what you said and it worked but it's being spawned a little to late. Here's the code:
void monster_flying_painelemental::Torso_RangeAttack() {
playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, "range_attack" );
while( !animDone( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, 4 ) ) {
//get position, angles, velocity
vector pos = getJointPos(getJointHandle("caco_launch"));
vector ang = getAngles();
vector vel = sys.angToForward( ang ) * 325;
entity monster = sys.spawn("monster_flying_deadsoul");
monster.setOrigin( pos );
monster.setAngles( ang );
monster.setLinearVelocity( vel );
finishAction( "range_attack" );
animState( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, "Torso_Idle", 4 );
If i put the code to spawn the deadsoul in the while loop right above where i have it spawned it spawns them continously. But i think that's where the code needs to go in order to spawn the deadsoul exactly on time. So i was wondering if there was a command that i could brace this spawn code into to make the deadsoul spawn once. I've tried putting the spawn code right above the while loop but the deadsoul spawns to early. Any ideas? If there is no way to fix it I can make it work through particle effects.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:57 pm : In the .def file there should be a line like "frame [number] launch_missile caco_launch"
replace it with "frame [number] object_call spawn_ls"
In the script, create this function
void monster_flying_painelemental::spawn_ls() {
//code I posted above goes here
Note: never "wait" inside functions called with "object_call".
VGames@Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:10 am : Perfect. It worked exactly as I wanted it to. Now I know how to make monsters spawn other monsters.
Thanks again,
VGames@Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 3:26 am : Ok I got another idea. I want the BFG to fire out 4 to 7 small projectiles along with the primary BFG projectile that will home in on surrounding monsters. But i don't want to use the SDK. Is this possible using methods similar to what I used to make the painelemental spawn a lostsoul from it's mouth as if it was firing him out like a projectile?
VGames@Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:15 am : One more thing. Can the chainsaw use nozzleFX like the plasmagun? I've tried it out but can't get it to work.
0m1n0u5@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:23 am : Q1. What do you mean... Something like a BFG shotgun? 4 to 7 projectiles are easy to make ( even a random number between 4-7 projectiles is fairly easy ). Just look at the shotgun script for more than one projectiles. Homing to monsters... No idea maybe you'll need some of Ivan's code-magic to get over that one

Q2. The Chainsaw is a melee weapon and I don't think it has a 'nossle' in the sence that proj weapons do. However, you can trick the player into thinking weapons are melee when they are essentially proj weapons where the proj has a very short fuse. Check this out:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23444I messed around with the chainsaw in that one and I can see how the result might be usefull to you. Btw the link to the finished file is dead, but it shouldn't be too much to figure it out and add the necessary stuff manually.
VGames@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:38 am : About question 1:
What I meant was I want the BFG to fire out the normal projectile that makes the big explosion, but I also want it to fire out 3 to 9 other homing projectiles that will do less damage then the primary projectile but will also do major damage to your enemies. If you just fire the BFG without charging it won't fire these extra homing projectiles, but if you charge it to level 2 it will fire out 3 of them along with the primary projectile. And if you charge it to level 3 it will fire out 6 homing projectiles and if you charge it to level 4 it will fire out 9 homing projectiles along with the primary BFG projectile. All levels will fire out the primary projectile but levels 2, 3, and 4 will also send out homing projectiles to deal out more damage. Understand?
About question 2:
I'll definitely look into that. Thanks for the help.
VGames@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 5:22 am : Ok before I made all the changes to the chainsaw to convert it from a melee weapon to a projectile weapon like you explained in that post, i tried to add the nozzlefx to the chaingun to see if it could make that effect that I wanted, since it was already a projectile weapon. Sadly it did not. So there's something else that is allowing the plasmagun to use the nozzlefx and not the other projectile based weapons.
simulation@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:56 am : VGames wrote:
Ok before I made all the changes to the chainsaw to convert it from a melee weapon to a projectile weapon like you explained in that post, i tried to add the nozzlefx to the chaingun to see if it could make that effect that I wanted, since it was already a projectile weapon. Sadly it did not. So there's something else that is allowing the plasmagun to use the nozzlefx and not the other projectile based weapons.
The plasmagun model has a joint called "ventlight" which is required for the nozzleFx to work. It may need other stuff but too but that is a place to start.
Ivan_the_B@Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:55 am : There's a way to spawn/launch projectiles via scripting only, but it's a bit tricky and I'd rather use the SDK.
Anyway, all you need to do is to spawn a monster (as we did before), use it to launch a projectile and then remove it.
You'd better create a def for a fake monster (no model, no sounds, ...) that will be used for this purpose only.
It's really not a good thing performance-wise, but it works. I used this method in FraggingFree v1.0, then I moved to an SDK-based approach.
sexus@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:10 am : no problem i understand its not easy , but youll make it somehow

VGames@Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:56 am : This feature will probably be released on the first patch for version 6 of Perfected Doom 3. It won't be released with version 6.
sexus@Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:18 am : no biggy we can wait as long as its worth it bro , peace and rock on !!!
VGames@Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:24 pm : Version 6 has been uploaded at so expect it to be available for download in the next day or 2.
sexus@Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:30 am : hell yeah thats what im talkin about
i asume this has all the high resolution textures and the latest sikkmod?
p.s: hows em dual pistols comin along

btw that file mirror must have deleted youre file all i get is a file not found on this server

VGames@Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:43 am : I set the chainsaw to be weapon 13. What impulse is assigned to that weapon number?
doomtrinity@Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:57 pm : You can find your question at,
Why can't I select weapon 13?
If you look in player.def, you will see that the weapons go up to 15, but weapons 13, 14, and 15 are unused. To select a weapon 3, you use _impulse3, for weapon 9 it's _impulse9, etc... So if you add a new weapon 14, you may think you can select it with _impulse14 but that's not actually the case. Impulse 13 is reload weapon, impulse 14 is prev wepon, and impulse 15 is next weapon. You can only use impulse commands to select weapons 0-12. Weapons 13, 14, and 15 cannot be selected directly (they can only be cycled to).
Why was it done this way? To be completely honest, it just kind of happened. We didn't use the last 3 weapon slots so we didn't think about not being able to select them directly. Oops.
There is some good news, though. The PDA can be opened with _impulse19 (which is showscores in multiplayer), so you can move the PDA up higher in the list, freeing a slot for a new weapon. The really good news is all this is handled in the game code, so mod developers can change it up however they want. It is not likely to ever get changed in the main game code though, because that would require moving reload, prev, and next to different impulse commands, thereby breaking everyones config files.
VGames@Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:51 pm : What's a safe setting for the number of script statements? It's of course set to 81920 by default but it really needs to be increased for my mod. Would 8192000 be too big? I have it set to that right now and I haven't had any issues with it yet. Doing this allowed me to teleport my Soulknight up to 2000 times instead of just 20 times. I myself don't need to teleport him that many times when I play a map with him at my side, but I basically wanted other players to be able to spawn him almost as many times as they wanted.
VGames@Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:10 am : Does anybody by chance know how to add secondary fire projectile code to the SDK? I wanted to stop using this method that I'm currently using through the script files where basically an invisible monster is created that spawns the secondary projectile for you. It works fine but the secondary projectile that is spawned does not really belong to you. So it doesn't exactly home in on enemies that you target and it doesn't give you Soul Cube ammo each time you kill a monster with it. In the def files for the weapons their is a variable called def_projectile which is the projectile fired by the primary fire mode of the weapon. We all know that. And of course it's spawned in the weapon's script file with this command: launchProjectiles. I want to add a def file variable called alt_projectile which would be the secondary projectile, and I wanted to create a variable that would be used in the weapon script file called launchAltProjectiles which would be used to fire the secondary projectile. That way the secondary projectile would belong to the player.
VGames@Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:56 am : I have uploaded the version 6.1 patch for my mod at ModDB. Here's the link:
doomtrinity@Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:36 am : Oh, it's good to see that the patch is done

VGames@Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:19 pm : With Sikkmod version 1.2 how do you set up the stamina to last forever? Does the stamina value in the player.def file even matter anymore? I know about the 3 different stamina variables in the Sikkmod source but how do I set them up to give the player infinite stamina?
VGames@Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:59 pm : I've got a major problem. Whenever I load up the custom map made by ZizZ called Tower a lot of my particle effects become black boxes. This only happens when I load up that map. His other map Last Hope does not do this. I had some trouble recompiling the Tower map after making some changes to it for my mod and I was never able to get it to create new AAS files. So I just used the one's that came with the map. Could this be a problem? The map plays through fine and it also starts up the next map that I set it up to. But it messes up my effects. Plus I noticed that in the Icon of Sin map that follows this Tower map the color of the lava has a green tint to it. This only happens after I load up the tower map. What is this map doing?
BloodRayne@Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:54 pm : I had this exact same problem today and I found it's a bug in the particles. I didn't find a fix, but a workaround.
In any particle that you made, change the references 'textures/sfx/vp1' to 'textures/sfx/vp1.tga' for me this fixed the bug.
VGames@Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:08 am : I did what you said and the Tower map no longer causes problems. But the Icon of Sin map from Ruiner now causes the problem. I figured it was causing problems along with the Tower map and I never noticed it before. I'm stumped. I test this out by loading up one of the custom maps and then I load up the box room test map. Every time I load up the test map after the Icon of Sin map the problem is there.
VGames@Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:29 pm :
calansvc@Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:46 pm : In Central Processing, toward the end of the map where you ride the lift from CPU Level 1 down to Main CPU and talk to Campbell...
When I select Main CPU, the lift descends as it should but then just goes back up when it hits the bottom. The doors never open or just comes straight back up to CPU Level 1. I tried restarting, etc. etc.
Any ideas?
VGames@Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:09 pm : I'll look into it and see if I get the same problem. If I do then expect it too be fixed in the next patch. Sorry for the inconvenience.
calansvc@Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:01 am : VGames wrote:
I'll look into it and see if I get the same problem. If I do then expect it too be fixed in the next patch.
What do the vars g_useDynamicHud and g_hudType do? I don't notice any difference when I try 0 or 1 for these.
Also thought of a suggestion... include a variable for a master combination for all lockers: g_lockerCode = "xxx", where "xxx" is the code you want to use. A value of "0" would make the combinations work normally. Just a thought.

VGames@Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:24 pm : Everybody needs to do this to protest the destruction of the internet as we know it:
calansvc@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:01 am : Any updates on an update VGames?
VGames@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:38 am : Yes. I've got some fixed code from doomtrinity that will fix the bug where the game would crash when using the secondary fire mode for the shotgun. Also, when zoomed with the shotguns their spread will not reduce. doom and I both thought this was kind of dumb since they are shotguns and the spread should stay the same.
I'm looking into fixing some other map bugs that were mentioned to me before I release the patch. Other then that this will be a small patch to fix bugs. That's it. I'm busy working on a new project for Max Payne 2. So my mod for Doom 3 will have to take a back seat for a little while. But don't worry. I still have plans for it in the future.
calansvc@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:41 pm : VGames wrote:
Other then that this will be a small patch to fix bugs. That's it.
And the external g-vars for the vest light's brightness and radius...right?

VGames@Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:32 pm : I'm sorry my friend. Not in this patch. I honestly don't have time to do anymore for the mod right now. But when I do release more content for the mod in a later patch those variables will be there for you.
seanstar@Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:22 pm : Hi
perfected doom3 is really excellent, ive played many mods for doom3, this is maybe the best of all.
when combining mods together, sometimes i have problems but this mod has everything already added.
here are pics of the iron sights included with the zoom key.
pistol barrel watch the level of detail setting...for me its heavy on performance.
Steve1664@Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:52 pm : This is supposed to work with Resurrection of Evil, right? If so, does the directory have to be in the d3xp folder to get it to work with the game? Just loading the mod brings me back to Perfected Doom 3 proper - I'm running it through Steam by the way.
VGames@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:43 am : Sikkpin your comment did the trick. Thanks to you both.
BloodRayne@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:55 am : Sikkpin wrote:
Either the cvar BloodRayne said or it's "r_showSurfaceInfo".
Damn yes.. I should think before I post..

VGames@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:03 pm : No No. Just getting a responce is good. That means somebody cares. Thanks again.

VGames@Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:23 pm : What would be the quickest way to include a specific AAS in a map? I need to include the hellknight's AAS in a map so that the Soulknight that I added will work properly in any map. I figured I could just throw a hellknight into a map that doesn't have one and that would be enough. Maybe if I put him off somewhere out of bounds where you would never hear him or see him? I don't know if this would be the best way to do this. Is there a way to actually select the AAS files that you want to include in a map?
sexus@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:57 pm : when is version 6 coming out and do i use this or sikkpins sikkmod?
VGames@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:04 pm : What do you mean? Are you asking if you need Sikkpin's mod when running version 6 of Perfected? Because you don't. You only need to use Perfected. The Sikkmod graphics enhancements have been added to Perfected Doom 3.
sexus@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:15 pm : exactomundo thats what i wanted to know thanks, btw a little advice from a fellow member
try to incorporate wulfens newest full high rez pack too its a must have!!, rock on !!!
p.s: almost forgot could yall incorporate this too ? ... al-pistolsfor some beautiful weapon modding goodness
and dont forget venoms 6th high rez menu if it hasnt already been incorporated
VGames@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:47 pm : I've already asked Wulfen and Monoxead if I could incorporate their textures into my mod's texture pack. Neither have responded. My mod's relief mapping feature puts them to good use.
I don't know about the dual pistols. Does it still allow you to have one pistol until you pick up a second pistol? Or is it always 2 pistols?
And what do you mean by "could yall incorporate this too"? Are you talking about Sikkpin and me? We're not on a team together.
sexus@Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:43 pm : well you should make a team , itd be epic all the master minds gathered would make for one killer project.

btw as far as i have seen i think it does but honestly if id have to trade id take the dual pistols over single anytime
btw you can single shoot either one or go guns blazing on youre enemies

and if wulfen and monoxead wont reply well , then i dont see any reason for you not to incorporate them since nobodys objecting

once , if they still are in the modding scene by then i think theyd appreciate theyre awesome textures being combined into something so epic
words cant describe, think about it its worth it you got my approval thats for sure

doomtrinity@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:49 am : VGames wrote:
I've already asked Wulfen and Monoxead if I could incorporate their textures into my mod's texture pack. Neither have responded. My mod's relief mapping feature puts them to good use.
I don't know about the dual pistols. Does it still allow you to have one pistol until you pick up a second pistol? Or is it always 2 pistols?
And what do you mean by "could yall incorporate this too"? Are you talking about Sikkpin and me? We're not on a team together.
My mod replace the original pistol, you cannot use only one pistol. It's intended as modder resource, I didn't create a new weapon since I just wanted to show a possible way to make dual guns.
By the way, that's my old version, it was just a test.
If you're interested, I could make it as a new weapon, and remember that I made that for the Denton's Mod. I could make it for vanilla Doom 3.
sexus@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:32 am : please do and when possible incorporate it into vgames perfect mod
if vgames is willing to integrate it , vgames im countin on ya ,

VGames@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:45 pm : @ doomtrinity
If you can figure out how to get the dual guns simply by picking up a pistol a second time after you've already picked it up once then I'll add it in myself. It wouldn't be hard to do. Do you think you can do this without the SDK?
Does anybody know how to add a specific AAS to a map without actually having to have a monster that uses that AAS in the map?
doomtrinity@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:52 pm : Yes, I think I could do that, but there is a thing to consider, probably you need new anims for the single pistol, I think you cannot use the original anims since dual guns uses a new joint hierarchy. If you want I could make that. Btw, I'm working on my mod for vanilla Doom 3, so you can use it in any version of the game.
Another thing, I think it doesn't make sense to have only dual guns after picking up the pistol a second time, since you can grab the other pistol at the start of the game, in Mars City Underground ( you can grab the pistol of the guy near the airlock ). I think it would be cool to let the player to choose the usage of these pistols. I mean, I could make a script that let you to switch between single pistol ( holded with both hands, so more accurated ) and dual wield pistols ( more damage, but higher spread ).
Let me know if you like this

VGames@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:05 pm : I like that. You would still need a new weapon slot for the dual pistols right?
doomtrinity@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:28 pm : That's the point, you don't need a new weapon slot since you choose the weapon usage in the same weapon, it requires to code that in the script and it's not the easiest way, but I think it's the coolest.
VGames@Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:38 pm : Epic. Do that and let me know how it goes. I'm sure I can include my secondary fire mode with your set up too. The pistol will not be overlooked anymore.
sexus@Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:07 am : damn epic!!!
dont forget to remodel the guns to glocks or something that dont look like holding a alien turd xD doomtrinity
p.s dont forget the sikkmod and wulfens high rez textures and the rest ,vgames
as said if they dont reply then they most likely do not care trust me ive been modding lots of games and thats how it usually goes,
well for youre peace of mind you can do it like we do it over at nexus just add them in the credits,peace and we all cant wait to see this
masterpiece be created.

p.s perhaps release it for resurrection included version 6 is gona be ultimate bliss
while were at weapons has anybody considered modding all the other weapons i remember back where doom 3 was rleased some guy made a motion detector mod for the plasma gun very kickass just a suggestion btw i hope the sounds of the weapons are improved the shotgun for example sounds horrid
VGames@Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:25 pm : Sikkmod has already been added and the plasma radar has been a part of my mod for years now. I don't want to change the look of the pistol. I like them.
sexus@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:20 am : well thats ok why not add a modified guns version and one original for the guys that love grabbing an alien turd

VGames@Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:10 am : You can do that on your own. I have to use my time wisely. I'm very busy these days. It's hard to find time to mod. I hope you understand.