* Wallwalks, gravity volumes, portals...
* Spectacular сutscenes.
* Hidden secrets.
* Sometimes there is more than one way to complete a certain place.
* You don't have to pick up and use Spiritwalk and Spirit Bow in
order to complete the map.
Hints, Tips:
The Deathwalk works only if you have the Spiritwalk powerup. If you decided to play without it, quicksave often.
If you think that defeating robots is too hard, find a way to evade their projectiles.
If the map looks too dark, adjust brightness and gamma in the options menu. If that didn't help, adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor and\or graphics card driver (its icon should be in the system tray).
Download links:
http://www.filefront.com/13942722/PreySp-Focused.zip/http://www.map-factory.org/prey/single-player/surprisingly-focused-1534The screenshots were posted in the
Maps WIP ThreadJust wanted to drop by and say how much I enjoyed this. Excellent work!
Thanks a lot. It's very good to know that you like it

Not much feedback here, just wanted to pop in and compliment ya.
Got me interested. I'm not a big fan of Prey, but I'll install it to check something and to try this map. The shots look amazing.
Are they speaking Japanese? Prey looks pretty good. I should have bought it on steam for $2.25 on the Christmas sale

Great stuff, will check it out... after re-installing Prey.