KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle).
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 4:33 pm : try draggin a .md5mesh file onto the XKViewer.exe
Worked for me, maybe it'll work for you
der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 4:37 pm : bullet wrote:
try draggin a .md5mesh file onto the XKViewer.exe
Worked for me, maybe it'll work for you
Yep that works just fine. But it´s not what I meant. I was talking about .def files.
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 6:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 3:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 4:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:35 am : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 2:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 4:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 7:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 11:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 1:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 3:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 12:03 pm : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 12:17 pm : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 2:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 4:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 7:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 3:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 3:14 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle).
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:33 pm : try draggin a .md5mesh file onto the XKViewer.exe
Worked for me, maybe it'll work for you
der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:37 pm : bullet wrote:
try draggin a .md5mesh file onto the XKViewer.exe
Worked for me, maybe it'll work for you
Yep that works just fine. But it´s not what I meant. I was talking about .def files.
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 6:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 3:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 4:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:35 am : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 6:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 3:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 4:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:35 am : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 2:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 4:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 7:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 11:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 1:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 3:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 12:03 pm : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 12:17 pm : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 2:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 4:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 7:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 3:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 3:14 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle).
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:33 pm : try draggin a .md5mesh file onto the XKViewer.exe
Worked for me, maybe it'll work for you
der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:37 pm : bullet wrote:
try draggin a .md5mesh file onto the XKViewer.exe
Worked for me, maybe it'll work for you
Yep that works just fine. But it´s not what I meant. I was talking about .def files.
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 6:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 3:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 4:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:35 am : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle).
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 4:33 pm : try draggin a .md5mesh file onto the XKViewer.exe
Worked for me, maybe it'll work for you
der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 4:37 pm : bullet wrote:
try draggin a .md5mesh file onto the XKViewer.exe
Worked for me, maybe it'll work for you
Yep that works just fine. But it´s not what I meant. I was talking about .def files.
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle).
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:15 pm : Here it is !!!
My baby : (11 months of "hard" work, don't count the time it takes me to know what are "vertex", "texture", "shader", ...

readme.txt wrote:
"XKViewer" is a program you can use to see some 3D Models (MD5, 3DS and Cal3D).
NOTE : This release is a "beta-test" (v0.29), it should be quickly followed by the v0.30 that will include another program ("XKDeathMatch") and the full source code in GPL

Wait for your feedbacks
Update :
The new version (for Doom3 beta) :
ExKalibur v0.30 (beta)
The last version (for the final Doom 3 game) :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final
bullet@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:42 pm : it looks pretty nice. Good job!
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
KPixel@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:04 pm : bullet wrote:
Do you think you could add an option to loop animations and a mode that allows you to see bones?
Hum, In which case do you think that looping animations is usefull (in a "Viewer")

Well, but it is feasable...
For bones, it is a little more complicated, but also feasable.
I haven't done that because I don't need it; but if you want, I can; just let me know (They will be in my "wish list" and I will do them progressivly).

Another think : To see ".def" MD5 models, you should add the base paths in the file "xkscene.txt" (you can add many) :
Path = "D:\Games\D3\base" // don't forget quotes
The .def models of Doom3 are in the sub-dir "base\def\"; the most interesting is "monsters.def".
der_ton@Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:23 pm : Nice job!
It´s really cool that your viewer parses the .def files, and also the scene setup text format is better organized than in my viewer...

Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working.
For the readme, you should credit the people who made the included models.
Full source for the next release, yaay! I might finally pick up some Direct3D knowledge then.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 10:06 am : der_ton wrote:
Rendering-wise there is some stuff left to do but I´m sure you´ll get that working
With your help

KPixel@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:39 pm : If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:11 pm : KPixel wrote:
If you don't post any comment, I will think I've created the 9th wonder

(the 8th is someone

You want it you get it:
A nice GUI please

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:58 pm : Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"
KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:03 am : Sorry for the delay; have some problem with my connexion

BNA! wrote:
A nice GUI please

To do what sort of work ?
der_ton wrote:
Uncommenting the fatty entry in the xkscene.txt makes it crash during startup:
Model = "def/monsters.def?monster_zombie_fat"

Very curious !!!
Is there somebody else that have this problem ?
Hum der_ton, can you PM me the "xklog.txt" file after the "crash" (and what do you mean by crash ? Access Violation-like or simple close ?!?)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am : It´s an access violation, and the xklog.txt doesn´t say anything about the loading of the fat zombie, the last lines are:
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 30 materials for 30 meshes with 1715 tris & 1050 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-43.80, -0.01, -3.88} - vMax = {10.48, 68.10, 8.56}
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics::Destructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput::Destructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics::Destructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore::Destructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
The anita.3ds is the model in the xkscene.txt that precedes the monster_zombie_fat.
Another little thing, I would like the fov angle in your viewer to be higher. I feel claustrophobic...

KPixel@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:11 pm : Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
der_ton@Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:33 pm : KPixel wrote:
Are others MD5 models correctly loaded ?
Try opening the "monsters.def" file and select zombie_fat in the list

We will probably have to wait that I release the code so that you can run it in debug mode to know where is the problem...
I will change the FOV (actually, it is PI/4...)
Yep, fatty from the def is the only one that crashes.
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
A "usual" FOV is PI/2 (90 degrees).
KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 1:52 pm : der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

KPixel@Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 3:25 pm : I have a class "Parser" that convert a text file to a bunch of lines made of tokens :
// A parser that can convert a "C-Like" file to an structured list of Lines and Tokens
// Cf. "Parser::SetSeparators()" : Default Line Separators = { '\n', '\r' }
// and Default Token Separators = { ' ', '\t', '(', ')', '=', ':', ';', ',' }
class Parser
struct Line // A "line" made of tokens and inner lines (both are optionnal)
vector<ParserString> Token; // Line's Elements
vector<Line> Inner; // Inner Block's Lines (delimited by '{' and '}')
// Parse the Stream and put its lines and tokens in the Line list (can also put separators)
virtual int LoadBlock(ParserStream& S, vector<Line>& L, const bool KeepSeparators);
virtual bool IsLineSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Line Separator
virtual bool IsTokenSep(char c); // Tells if 'c' is a Token Separator
virtual bool IsEmpty(Line& L); // Tells if this Line is Empty
// NOTE : Send 'NULL' and '0' to default them.
virtual void SetSeparators( const char* Separators_Line, const char NumSepLine,
const char* Separators_Token, const char NumSepToken );
// For DEBUG : Recursively print blocks (lines and tokens)
virtual void PrintBlock(vector<Line>& B, ParserString strIndent);
Parser() // Default Ctor
SetSeparators(NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
char m_Separators_Line[256]; // Line Separators
char m_Separators_Token[256]; // Token Separators
unsigned char m_NumSepLine, m_NumSepToken; // Numbers of Separators
With this class, I can easily parse any text file (eg : ".def", "xkScene.txt")
I will release the source code in one week so, you can wait it

der_ton@Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 6:52 pm : KPixel wrote:
der_ton wrote:
How do I open the .def file with your viewer?
I've write two classes for that...
I'll send you the code (it is simpler than english

Well I meant it more like "How do I open the .def file, what key do I have to press so that your viewer gives me a file-open dialog where I can select the .def file and get to see the list of entities it contains?"
KPixel@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:25 pm : I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you can add Animations to a Model by pressing the key "F5"...
(OT : Try adding an animation from a monster like Pinky to a model like the player or a Zombie; the result is very funny

BNA!@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:02 pm : KPixel wrote:
I have not add a way to open .def files from the Viewer.
But you can open it in a new Viewer instance by "double-clicking" on the file and selecting XKViewer.exe

And you ask me whatfor I need a gui...

der_ton@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:14 pm :
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm Post subject: : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm Post subject: : der_ton wrote: |
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewerôs window stays black, and cpu is idle) |
It looks like you have all problems of the world 
Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95 

"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm Post subject: : Nope, I have Win2k 
Modelviewer | 3DSMax<->MD5 | Blender<->MD5
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm Post subject: : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm Post subject: : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code 
I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine 
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
Last edited by KPixel on Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm Post subject: : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation! 
Modelviewer | 3DSMax<->MD5 | Blender<->MD5
Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm Post subject: : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card Nð0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.5
, Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=
, MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm Post subject: : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm Post subject: : rich_is_bored wrote: |
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program. |
The update will be available soon, hopefully 
(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm Post subject: : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the v0.30)
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm Post subject: : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am Post subject: : ql 
may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,
, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm : der_ton wrote:
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewer´s window stays black, and cpu is idle)
It looks like you have all problems of the world

Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95

der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm : Nope, I have Win2k

KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code

I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine

der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation!

Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card N°0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.58) , Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=8), MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?

rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm : rich_is_bored wrote:
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
The update will be available soon, hopefully

(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy

KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the
xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am : ql

may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,

, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help
KPixel@Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:01 pm : Wow, it's been a while

Sorry dirk, but I'm no longer working on this project; I hope you found your answer somewhere else

bullet@Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:19 pm Post subject: : ahh, woops. Sorry about that. I haven't slept in a it mixed up.
When Waking A Tiger Use A Long Stick.
KPixel@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:35 pm Post subject: : der_ton wrote: |
I did that but it either crashes or nothing happens... (the viewerôs window stays black, and cpu is idle) |
It looks like you have all problems of the world 
Are you sure that you are not running on Windows 95 

"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
der_ton@Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 4:02 pm Post subject: : Nope, I have Win2k 
Modelviewer | 3DSMax<->MD5 | Blender<->MD5
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:05 pm Post subject: : I will release the v0.30 in few days so if you have some last comments to do...
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
KPixel@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:17 pm Post subject: : ExKalibur Engine v0.30
This is the first release of the ExKalibur engine with its full source code 
I hope you will like its design.
This archive contains :
- Two programs ("XKViewer" and "XKDeathMatch")
- The full source code (in C++)
- A documentation for the source code
- Some models and data related to the source code
The main feats of the Engine are :
- Support for 3DS, MD5 and Cal3D models
- Rendering with Stencil Shadow
- A very nice Engine 
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
Last edited by KPixel on Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
der_ton@Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 11:35 pm Post subject: : Wow, thanks!
From the brief look I just took, this sure looks like a nice piece of software engineering! Structure and documentation! 
Modelviewer | 3DSMax<->MD5 | Blender<->MD5
Ultima2@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:42 pm Post subject: : When trying to start up the program with a file, it crashes.. here is the log
[Viewer::Init()] XKViewer v0.30
[Viewer::Init()] Create Core Engine...
[XKCore::Init()] ExKalibur Engine v0.30
[XKCore::Init()] File : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xKViewer.exe
[XKCore::Init()] Date : Sun Aug 10 06:49:45 2003
[Viewer::Init()] Create Graphics Engine...
[XKGraphics::SetScreenMode()] Device infos :
Graphic card Nð0 : RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.5.5
, Driver : ati2dvag.dll v6.14.10.6458 NoWHQL
Device created : HAL (pure hw vp), 800x610 (Windowed)); Buffers : adapt X8R8G8B8 backBuf A8R8G8B8 depth/sten D24S8
Caps : VS_2_0 and PS_2_0, MaxSimultTextures=8 (BlendStages=
, MaxStreams=16, MaxPrimitiveCount=1048575
[Viewer::Init()] Create Physics Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Input Engine...
[Viewer::Init()] Create Geometries...
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] Infos of the 3DS model : C:\Program Files\ExKalibur\ExKalibur\bin\xkdata/scene.3ds
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] 1 materials for 1 meshes with 1280 tris & 642 verts
[Model3DSMeta::Load3DS()] vMin = {-750.456604, -42.874401, -750.481934} - vMax = {749.543396, -2.874402, 749.518066}
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh : Header='MD5Version 1' != "MD5Version 6"); try to load"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5meta.cpp", line 517
[ModelMD5Meta::LoadMesh()] Warning : "strBuffer=numJoints 128
); Error : No bone in the skeleton"
At 06:49:47, See : "C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh", line 4
[ModelMD5Meta::Load()] 0 animation(s); Using the file : C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh
[ModelMD5::Init()] Error : "Called function return E_FAIL (0x80004005), Msg : '-'"
At 06:49:47, See : "modelmd5.cpp", line 82
[XKGraphics::CreateGeometry()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Error while creating : <md5> Command = <C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\models\md5\monsters\maledict\maledict.md5mesh>'"
At 06:49:47, See : "xkgraphress.cpp", line 48
[Viewer::Init()] Error : "Called function return XKE_SUBFUNCTION (0x87654321), Msg : 'Initialisation of ExKalibur failed'"
At 06:49:47, See : "viewer.cpp", line 348
[Viewer::Close()] Average FPS == -1.#INF00
[Viewer::Close()] End Of the App; Release...
[XKGraphics:estructor()] Graphics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKInput:estructor()] Input Engine correctly shutdown
[XKPhysics:estructor()] Physics Engine correctly shutdown
[XKCore:estructor()] ExKalibur Engine correctly shutdown
[Viewer::Close()] EOF
Solutions and or problem?
rich_is_bored@Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:10 pm Post subject: : Problem: The program is outdated. It worked with MD5s from the alpha. It has not been tested with the retail game.
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program.
Learn something today? Why not write an article about it on
KPixel@Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm Post subject: : rich_is_bored wrote: |
Solution: Wait for KPixel to update his program. |
The update will be available soon, hopefully 
(I haven't receive my Doom3 copy
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
KPixel@Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:05 pm Post subject: : I have almost finished the update...
I need some beta-testers; so, those who have Doom 3 can download the xKViewer and test it with as many files as possible.
(Use the files of the v0.30)
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
KPixel@Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:08 pm Post subject: : Here is the update :
ExKalibur v0.30 Final 
It can open md5mesh + md5anim of the Doom 3 game.
"Haa, the good old time" - KPixel.
dirk@Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am Post subject: : ql 
may you can help me, im sure you know everything about md5, and i have a basic problem,
, i wanna export from ma to md5, i have dev a def file, but everytime i get only the joint orient vector in my md5 file, but without any info from the mesh.
thanx for all help