GTR modification for Quake 4 searching for programming help:The GameType Revolution Development team is a small development team consisting of 2 developers.
We where at the peak point 2-5 developers, a couple of mappers and some beta testers. Atm the number is quite low on the developer front, so we are looking everywhere we can for free help that can contribute to our project for Quake 4.
Since the mod is a free, download community mod, players with programming experience is our optimal goal.
The qualifications aren't huge, just that you enjoy the game itself but want to enchant it in different ways, have unique ideas and can program in the C++ language (.cpp and .h).
You should have touch a idtech4 game before (Doom3, Prey etc..) and know it's basics.
If you haven't played much but have the game, got ideas, experience and still want to contribute we have our arms open

If you think you can help us out, feel free to join #GT-Revolution on quakenet (IRC), send an email to or write a a comment here leaving contact info or stating that you are interested.
For those who don't know what GameType-Revolution is, I'm first going to do a quick introduction of the mod itself and then some info about our setup:GTR is a versatile Quake 4 modification that aims to make the game more enjoyable and it's development will never be limited with a strict rule-set such as "VQ4" (Basic Quake 4).
At the beginning the base was built around the X-Battle 0.20 source, but it's not comparable anymore.
GTR uses resources of the Creative Common Q4 project, such as Brightskins and Weaponskins but have later made their own skins (3 separate colors changable independantly) instead of the old version Brightskins.
Some of the things already implemented into the modification is: New Gametypes (OneFlag, Midair, Freeztag ...)
Different Gamemodes (Q4, GTR, QW, GPM, RFM, XSV)
Optimized game for better performance
New graphic shaders (enchanting, optimized ..)
New Physics (Linked with teh different gamemodes)
Tweaks and Options to make Q4 look better
A altered version of unlagged to make prediction and communication better
Lots of HUD features.
Full changelogPictures, detailed info, tutorials etc of the modificationShort info about our setup and some of the work methods:We currently use a
Mantis for reporting issues, desires and other game related bugs. This tool is also used for assigning tasks, following up threads and making a dynamic roadmap.
This is used both for the mod itself and the maps that are made and new map desires.
SVN is set up for sharing code and rescources (everything except models and textures) are located here. This makes it possible to share, merge and patch codes between developers.
FTP hosts test builds, newest versions of media files, changelog on media files for devs and private beta releases.
Separate host is used for the
GTR homepage (, mantis, forum, wiki etc.
3 different
gameservers for beta testing located in: Germany, France and Netherlands
Thank you for reading and please follow the description over if you are interested.- Zhakal -
Always loved your mod, good to know you guys are still at it.
Yes we are still working on it. It's a bit hard since the team is still very small. But that's why we need all the help we can get in any area =)
Atm we need a developer the most, but also mappers, sound makers, modelers etc... If anyone has something they want to contribute with we're here.
Yeah, I might be interested. Just email me. justinvh at gmail.
just1n wrote:
Yeah, I might be interested. Just email me. justinvh at gmail.
Thank you, have sent you an email some time back. Hope to hear from you.
Earlier today one of our main programmers left the team because he hasn't been able to put as much time into GTR as he wanted. We are proud to say sk4ut has been part of our team and his outstanding experience and skills will be missed. Therefore we wish him all the best and hope that he'll still drop by now and then

But as you can think this is for us a setback but not a killer, however there is a chance that we might pick up the same speed again once we've got another programmer aboard again.
So, if you are a Programmer and are interested in contributing or becoming a part of the Team, don't hesitate to leave us a msg either here, or via IRC #GT-Revolution @ Quakenet.
Till then the mod will be put on melting ice ^^, but I would like to take the chance to thank everybody who has helped out and hope that we can get through this period without much hassle.
- zhakal -
I'd love to help! I sent you an email earlier. Let me know, thanks.
He is on vacation till tuesday... think you have to wait until then...
no worries, thanks for the info.