TinMan@Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:24 am : New version a5 - Rather than just
talk about the health system, I've pushed and prodded it to see how it changes things.
= Risk - A mod for Wolfenstein (2009) Single Player =
Version: a5
Date: 2009-09-09
Author: Jarad Hansen aka TinMan aka Tex
email: tinman_squad at hotmail
NOTE: This mod is released pre-SDK using somewhat untested methods. The mod and it's methods may be invalidated by a SDK release.
Furthermore, modding you game this way would be outside the bounds of Activision Technical Support.
Basically don't request support if you are running a modded game.
= What =
The focus of the mod is to make it more challenging and fun.
It seems as if the balance of the normal game was little changed from the console versions, and with the accuracy and reaction speed a mouse provides it's possible to slaughter normal soldiers very quickly.
By improving the AI reaction times, the amount of damage they can take and their accuracy combat is a lot better (IMHO).
The weapon upgrade system is also too lax in my opinion, making the standard rifles much too accurate and powerful too quickly.
By upping the price you have to budget/choose a lot more carefully.
Health regen - while it does up the pace and help promote taking risks, it devalues the more open/multiple route design of the hub map as every encounter can be tackled equally well.
By decreasing the health regen rate, and supporting health via health packs you'll have to make more drastic choices when you're health is low rather than just resulting in attrition until your health regens.
It's likely that these changes throw the balance off in some situations, but I hope for more interesting play for those who try it.
= Change Log =
Version: a5 - 2009-09-09
Health regen rate drastically reduced and regen start time increased.
Max health increased to 160.
Flamethrower no longer limits mouse turning when firing.
Crates have chance of spawning health packs (model from MP).
Sniffer health increased and head damage decreased.
Elite guard health increased and head damage decreased.
Heavy trooper reaction time decreased.
Compass removed.
Tips removed.
Key prompts removed.
Low health text removed.
Pre a5
Increased stamina recharge and max sprint time.
Decreased sprint start delay.
FOV increased from 80 to 90.
Roll on sprint view decreased.
Max corpses increased and remove time increased.
More objects around the world are graspable, barrels, crates, chairs.
Upgrade costs for MP40,MP43,Kar increased by ~ 2000.
Kar silencer upgrade removed. It does not make for challenging gameplay.
Players Mp40 - noLongRangeHeadshots. Still could do more testing to gauge the effect of this.
Max ammo for MP40,43,Kar reduced.
Base damage for MP40 increased from 5 to 8.
Base damage for Kar increased from 20 to 30.
Weapons and ammo now have to be manually picked up instead of just walking over them.
All common soldiers health increased.
Soldiers with kar98 improved by decreasing spread adjustment max from 25! seconds to 3.
Spread adjustment time reduced for MP40,43 wielding soldiers, as well as base spread.
sightedNoAttackDuration decreased from 1.5 seconds to .5. This is the time between enemy spotting you and firing.
AI Kar damage increased from 10 to 15.
Heavy trooper particle cannon damage increased from 1 per sec to 2.
JK_DC@Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:10 am : Needs a new link. I'd like to try it.
Nevermind. I got it from Redux thread.
TinMan@Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:24 am : New version a5 - Rather than just
talk about the health system, I've pushed and prodded it to see how it changes things.
= Risk - A mod for Wolfenstein (2009) Single Player =
Version: a5
Date: 2009-09-09
Author: Jarad Hansen aka TinMan aka Tex
email: tinman_squad at hotmail
NOTE: This mod is released pre-SDK using somewhat untested methods. The mod and it's methods may be invalidated by a SDK release.
Furthermore, modding you game this way would be outside the bounds of Activision Technical Support.
Basically don't request support if you are running a modded game.
= What =
The focus of the mod is to make it more challenging and fun.
It seems as if the balance of the normal game was little changed from the console versions, and with the accuracy and reaction speed a mouse provides it's possible to slaughter normal soldiers very quickly.
By improving the AI reaction times, the amount of damage they can take and their accuracy combat is a lot better (IMHO).
The weapon upgrade system is also too lax in my opinion, making the standard rifles much too accurate and powerful too quickly.
By upping the price you have to budget/choose a lot more carefully.
Health regen - while it does up the pace and help promote taking risks, it devalues the more open/multiple route design of the hub map as every encounter can be tackled equally well.
By decreasing the health regen rate, and supporting health via health packs you'll have to make more drastic choices when you're health is low rather than just resulting in attrition until your health regens.
It's likely that these changes throw the balance off in some situations, but I hope for more interesting play for those who try it.
= Change Log =
Version: a5 - 2009-09-09
Health regen rate drastically reduced and regen start time increased.
Max health increased to 160.
Flamethrower no longer limits mouse turning when firing.
Crates have chance of spawning health packs (model from MP).
Sniffer health increased and head damage decreased.
Elite guard health increased and head damage decreased.
Heavy trooper reaction time decreased.
Compass removed.
Tips removed.
Key prompts removed.
Low health text removed.
Pre a5
Increased stamina recharge and max sprint time.
Decreased sprint start delay.
FOV increased from 80 to 90.
Roll on sprint view decreased.
Max corpses increased and remove time increased.
More objects around the world are graspable, barrels, crates, chairs.
Upgrade costs for MP40,MP43,Kar increased by ~ 2000.
Kar silencer upgrade removed. It does not make for challenging gameplay.
Players Mp40 - noLongRangeHeadshots. Still could do more testing to gauge the effect of this.
Max ammo for MP40,43,Kar reduced.
Base damage for MP40 increased from 5 to 8.
Base damage for Kar increased from 20 to 30.
Weapons and ammo now have to be manually picked up instead of just walking over them.
All common soldiers health increased.
Soldiers with kar98 improved by decreasing spread adjustment max from 25! seconds to 3.
Spread adjustment time reduced for MP40,43 wielding soldiers, as well as base spread.
sightedNoAttackDuration decreased from 1.5 seconds to .5. This is the time between enemy spotting you and firing.
AI Kar damage increased from 10 to 15.
Heavy trooper particle cannon damage increased from 1 per sec to 2.
JK_DC@Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:10 am : Needs a new link. I'd like to try it.
Nevermind. I got it from Redux thread.
TinMan@Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:24 am : New version a5 - Rather than just
talk about the health system, I've pushed and prodded it to see how it changes things.
= Risk - A mod for Wolfenstein (2009) Single Player =
Version: a5
Date: 2009-09-09
Author: Jarad Hansen aka TinMan aka Tex
email: tinman_squad at hotmail
NOTE: This mod is released pre-SDK using somewhat untested methods. The mod and it's methods may be invalidated by a SDK release.
Furthermore, modding you game this way would be outside the bounds of Activision Technical Support.
Basically don't request support if you are running a modded game.
= What =
The focus of the mod is to make it more challenging and fun.
It seems as if the balance of the normal game was little changed from the console versions, and with the accuracy and reaction speed a mouse provides it's possible to slaughter normal soldiers very quickly.
By improving the AI reaction times, the amount of damage they can take and their accuracy combat is a lot better (IMHO).
The weapon upgrade system is also too lax in my opinion, making the standard rifles much too accurate and powerful too quickly.
By upping the price you have to budget/choose a lot more carefully.
Health regen - while it does up the pace and help promote taking risks, it devalues the more open/multiple route design of the hub map as every encounter can be tackled equally well.
By decreasing the health regen rate, and supporting health via health packs you'll have to make more drastic choices when you're health is low rather than just resulting in attrition until your health regens.
It's likely that these changes throw the balance off in some situations, but I hope for more interesting play for those who try it.
= Change Log =
Version: a5 - 2009-09-09
Health regen rate drastically reduced and regen start time increased.
Max health increased to 160.
Flamethrower no longer limits mouse turning when firing.
Crates have chance of spawning health packs (model from MP).
Sniffer health increased and head damage decreased.
Elite guard health increased and head damage decreased.
Heavy trooper reaction time decreased.
Compass removed.
Tips removed.
Key prompts removed.
Low health text removed.
Pre a5
Increased stamina recharge and max sprint time.
Decreased sprint start delay.
FOV increased from 80 to 90.
Roll on sprint view decreased.
Max corpses increased and remove time increased.
More objects around the world are graspable, barrels, crates, chairs.
Upgrade costs for MP40,MP43,Kar increased by ~ 2000.
Kar silencer upgrade removed. It does not make for challenging gameplay.
Players Mp40 - noLongRangeHeadshots. Still could do more testing to gauge the effect of this.
Max ammo for MP40,43,Kar reduced.
Base damage for MP40 increased from 5 to 8.
Base damage for Kar increased from 20 to 30.
Weapons and ammo now have to be manually picked up instead of just walking over them.
All common soldiers health increased.
Soldiers with kar98 improved by decreasing spread adjustment max from 25! seconds to 3.
Spread adjustment time reduced for MP40,43 wielding soldiers, as well as base spread.
sightedNoAttackDuration decreased from 1.5 seconds to .5. This is the time between enemy spotting you and firing.
AI Kar damage increased from 10 to 15.
Heavy trooper particle cannon damage increased from 1 per sec to 2.
JK_DC@Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:10 am : Needs a new link. I'd like to try it.
Nevermind. I got it from Redux thread.
TinMan@Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:24 am : New version a5 - Rather than just
talk about the health system, I've pushed and prodded it to see how it changes things.
= Risk - A mod for Wolfenstein (2009) Single Player =
Version: a5
Date: 2009-09-09
Author: Jarad Hansen aka TinMan aka Tex
email: tinman_squad at hotmail
NOTE: This mod is released pre-SDK using somewhat untested methods. The mod and it's methods may be invalidated by a SDK release.
Furthermore, modding you game this way would be outside the bounds of Activision Technical Support.
Basically don't request support if you are running a modded game.
= What =
The focus of the mod is to make it more challenging and fun.
It seems as if the balance of the normal game was little changed from the console versions, and with the accuracy and reaction speed a mouse provides it's possible to slaughter normal soldiers very quickly.
By improving the AI reaction times, the amount of damage they can take and their accuracy combat is a lot better (IMHO).
The weapon upgrade system is also too lax in my opinion, making the standard rifles much too accurate and powerful too quickly.
By upping the price you have to budget/choose a lot more carefully.
Health regen - while it does up the pace and help promote taking risks, it devalues the more open/multiple route design of the hub map as every encounter can be tackled equally well.
By decreasing the health regen rate, and supporting health via health packs you'll have to make more drastic choices when you're health is low rather than just resulting in attrition until your health regens.
It's likely that these changes throw the balance off in some situations, but I hope for more interesting play for those who try it.
= Change Log =
Version: a5 - 2009-09-09
Health regen rate drastically reduced and regen start time increased.
Max health increased to 160.
Flamethrower no longer limits mouse turning when firing.
Crates have chance of spawning health packs (model from MP).
Sniffer health increased and head damage decreased.
Elite guard health increased and head damage decreased.
Heavy trooper reaction time decreased.
Compass removed.
Tips removed.
Key prompts removed.
Low health text removed.
Pre a5
Increased stamina recharge and max sprint time.
Decreased sprint start delay.
FOV increased from 80 to 90.
Roll on sprint view decreased.
Max corpses increased and remove time increased.
More objects around the world are graspable, barrels, crates, chairs.
Upgrade costs for MP40,MP43,Kar increased by ~ 2000.
Kar silencer upgrade removed. It does not make for challenging gameplay.
Players Mp40 - noLongRangeHeadshots. Still could do more testing to gauge the effect of this.
Max ammo for MP40,43,Kar reduced.
Base damage for MP40 increased from 5 to 8.
Base damage for Kar increased from 20 to 30.
Weapons and ammo now have to be manually picked up instead of just walking over them.
All common soldiers health increased.
Soldiers with kar98 improved by decreasing spread adjustment max from 25! seconds to 3.
Spread adjustment time reduced for MP40,43 wielding soldiers, as well as base spread.
sightedNoAttackDuration decreased from 1.5 seconds to .5. This is the time between enemy spotting you and firing.
AI Kar damage increased from 10 to 15.
Heavy trooper particle cannon damage increased from 1 per sec to 2.
JK_DC@Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:10 am : Needs a new link. I'd like to try it.
Nevermind. I got it from Redux thread.